Isekai Rohan

332 Asai –

Robin, Chloe, Violet and Mimi had been dragged away by Rosemi to celebrate their promotions.

Fully aware of their connection and loyalty to Duke De Trichia, any noble titles they managed to earn were basically going to Asai's future offspring, and thus a positive point in regards to the house's lineage and honour.

Seated within a luxurious VIP booth, within one of the top establishments within Einhoren. The ladies enjoyed their afternoon tea. Violet especially dined upon the little puff pastries and fairy fingers without reservation. Uncaring of the consequences of doing so. 

Within the dark-elves mind, she believed it was best to fully enjoy herself now. Especially after receiving their mobilization orders to head south. 

"Baroness Robin Sol, Baroness Chloe Bedevere, Lady Violet and Lady Mimi. I estimate that we should have around two to three weeks to enjoy ourselves before Trichia's advance force arrives. Asai had already informed me earlier, so let me ensure that you're all up to speed too.

A thousand of Trichia's elite knights will begin their march south to meet us the moment they receive their orders from their lord and duke. Once they rendezvous with us just south of Einhoren, then we'll make our way south. Into elven territory, where we'll either join forces with Jenson De Lion's unit, or if Asai decides, we will act autonomously and defend the mountainous pass until the other 3000 knights from Trichia joins us. The 4000 knight trainees will reinforce and maintain our supply lines as we enter enemy territory.

To reinforce our numbers, Sonnoth has already mobilized an additional 2000 soldiers to join Count Jenson, who's currently defending a keep in Via Marea.

My father, Duke Jeffrey De Lumix. Will also be sending 1000 soldiers to be under my command. He would send more, but he needs his men to defend Del Lagos itself. Whilst His Highness, Prince Victor marches his own army north."

Whilst 11,000 men would cost a fortune to feed, Queen Victoria would shoulder as many segments as she could with her own personal funds. Thankfully, for humanity, Goddess Loha would rather her children fight and die in glorious combat, rather than starving to their deaths pointlessly. Thus, during the entire preparation period, Del Lagos' harvests and yield came in a great abundance.

Robin, mostly keeping to herself, preparing her mental for battle. Her mind fluttered and wandered back to her first campaign. As much as the girl wanted to be filled with confidence, as she had proven her ability in battle time after time. She still couldn't help but worry about the fates of her friends.

Chloe, on the flipside. never having experienced war herself. Felt somewhat nervous yet excited at the chance to prove herself. To ensure her position within Asai's harem was tightly secured. Being someone who grew up listening to stories and tales of honour and skill. War, to her mind had been greatly glorified. As such, she couldn't understand why the already usually quiet Robin, was now even more silent.

Violet, being a necromancer, and being taught that death was simply an unavoidable element that should be accepted as Goddess' will. Particularly didn't care, nor did she even bother to spend any brain-cells on the topic. Not with platters or little cakes, cream-puffs and chocolate-bites before her.

Mimi, being unable to talk, simply remained quiet. However, within her jacket pockets were three cards. One that write "Yes" another that wrote "No" and a third that simply said "Duke Trichia."

The third being a card in which she should show only when Miku desired their return, upon Asai's orders.

Although Asai had come up with the idea of having her carry around a note pad, to convey her intentions and thoughts. It seemed the girl was illiterate, or perhaps the governing laws of this world simply prevented her from comprehending words and letters, in addition to her vocal cords.

Thus, she could only remember which squiggly looking line was which.

"Lady Rosemi, why are we really here?" Robin, believing her time better spent either: training, training Chloe, or with Asai. Was the first to voice her concerns.

"Robin, we're here because you're too much of a soldier. There's more to life than endless training, and enjoying your lover's embrace. You should try to accrue some adventures and memories for yourself. Live a little more."

"I've been on adventures. I've seen the fields and castles of Via Marea, I've seen the wretched deadlands up north. And now I'll be travelling to Ignis, in which I hope their volcanoes are as beautiful as Violet has made them out to be. 

Is that not enough?"

Rosemi graciously sipped from her cup of tea.

"Yes, you've been traveling around Del Lagos, but those were upon orders to clear out monster infestations and dungeons no? Yes, you've been to the lands of the elves, but not as a tourist, but as an invader clad in armour and sword. Even the deadlands wasn't exactly your own choice.

Robin Sol, you're no longer a simple commoner. Make your own decisions and choices, live your life. Don't live Asai's."

Although Robin didn't really understand what she meant. She still tried to keep a mental note on her advice. Seeing the white haired beauty become silent once more, Rosemi added.

"Robin, have you ever cooked a meal for Asai?"

Robin couldn't answer. Not once had she ever thought about cooking or learning how to. Asai was literally a walking restaurant. The man had so many cuisines, dishes and ingredients within his [Inventory] that it was simply inconvenient to try take on the responsibility.

Rosemi, as if reading the girl's mind.

"I know what you're thinking. He has so many cooks, servants and maids that can cook for him. So why bother? Why waste time, when you could be training right?

Well, think about it. A cold morning, a gentle breeze that fills your lungs with fresh air. You cook up, lets say something simple such as pancakes and warm coffee. Now imagine his expression as his body fills itself with warmth from both your cooking and the meal."

Robin tried, she really tried. Imagining it play out within her mind, but it was hard. For the girl didn't even understand the joy of eating herself. Food was simply sustenance no? 

Perhaps, the only time she truly felt happy about eating was when Asai had given her an apple. Back in the alleyways.

"Sorry to cut in your conversation, but I have a question... What is Asai doing right now anyways?" Chloe, catching the gap within the conversation entered.

Rosemi grinned. She knew where their man was going this evening, yet decided to keep the information to herself.

"To finish unfinished business."

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