Isekai Rohan

346 Undead

For the past three nights, undead numbering in the dozens kept performing night-raids upon their camp.

Asai, completely aware of their intentions. Either being simple delay tactics, or to out right weaken their morale from the lack of rest. Took the brunt of the attack upon himself. Order his men to loyally believe in him and his prowess.

With only his own skeleton summons and Robin. The 100 human knights forcefully slept, ignoring the ongoing battle outside of their very tents. As steel clashed upon bone, and bone rattled against bone.

Although it couldn't be considered beauty sleep, they at least slept more than enough to maintain their focus and sanity.

Whilst Miku, Mimi and Mizumi would scout out their vicinity ahead of the men. Ensuring both flanks and midpoints were clear of hostiles. Robin had been riding upon the same horse as Asai, riding within his embrace as she barely maintained focus.

As they were now in enemy territory, dozens of dhans had constantly entered and immediately left upon being noticed by Robin's [Detect]

The human radar, now being the only one capable of noticing the dhans in their stealth, could barely sleep as she forced herself to recast the skill sporadically. Leaving her body, her balance to Asai. She focused on her task.

"Robin, that's enough. Please sleep, we'll be fine." Asai tried, but she remained adamant.

Mizumi returned from scouting the mid point.

"Your Grace, enemy occupied village ahead. I took a closer look, and the dhans and dark-elves appear to be torturing the local men, whilst raping the local women. Their numbers match ours, but as they're probably necromancers. Expect their numbers to increase.

What are your orders?"

Hearing the latest report, the men nervously held their breath. If a single necromancer could summon over a hundred undead to lay a trap for them, back at the mountain pass.

What could a hundred enemy hostiles do?

"Call Miku and Mimi back. Lets set up camp here, we'll launch a night raid with only the people who can utilize stealth. Ideally, I would like to charge in this instant and save them. But, if they took the locals as hostage, utilizing them as human shields. I don't think the men will be able to stomach their lunches for a while."

To confirm his thoughts, the duke glanced back to see dozens of knights with pale faces, at the thought of slaughtering innocents. There simply was no glory within such a manner of bloodshed.

Thus, Asai De Trichia, Robin Sol, Mizumi, Miku and Mimi were the only ones to sneak past the village defences at night. Whilst the men hid themselves upon the horizon, awaiting the predetermined signal.


Sneaking past one of many wooden homes, Asai peeked inside to see a dozen dark-elves stripped completely naked. Their arms chained to the walls, as dhans took turns having their way with them. Groping, biting and tugging at their breasts, whilst forcefully penetrating their privates as their eyes lifelessly gazed into nothing.

Moving on from such a scene, that filled most of the homes. The group had determined the general location of all hostiles. A dozen necromancers, and a hundred dhans currently occupied the place.

"Alright, lets fucking do it!"

[Summon Skeleton] 

One hundred skeletons emerged out of the shadows, scattered through out the village and simply remained unmoving.

"Hey! Which retard is wasting their energy performing necromancy here? Stop it, send them back!"

A scuffle between the dhans on guard, and the necromancers began. 

A few of the necromancers ignored the complaints and shouts coming from the guards, and became increasingly interested in examining the skeletons. 

"Beautiful, what a clean summon. There are no cracks or impurities within these bones. Which brother summoned these?"

Asai and Mizumi slipped into one den, immediately slicing the necks of the naked hostiles within. Mimi and Miku were also cleaning house elsewhere. Whilst Robin, was perched up upon a rooftop, gazing into the vicinity with [Detect] Any would be fleers would be sniped by her hands. However, for now the girl had been ordered to preserve her energy.

Whilst the ongoing arguments began to escalate, as they were unable to locate the summoner. Believing the dark-elves to be playing a prank, as some of the skeletons wore summoned right upon toilet doors, houses and were simply in the way. The rapists all quietly entered the darkest night.

When one particular dhan who had keener senses than others noticed the intruders. Specifically, catching Asai in the act, as another dhan slumped down upon his feet. The 100 undead skeletons spurred into action. Suddenly screeching, clawing and biting their targets. 

The sounds of battle immediately flooding the village throughout, as the dhans believed the dark-elves had betrayed them. And whilst the dhans attacked the necromancers, the necromancers fought back in self-defence. Which only furthered their aggression.

Blind by rage, as their fellow brothers were swarmed by undead, the chaotic melee filled the village with blood.

[??: Lvl 75]

Caught with his hand within the cookie jar, Asai switched [Yomi & Yami] out for [Ruin] His gaze never leaving his opponents katars that were bigger than his head.

"I'm telling you this now, you're way out of your league. Lay down your arms and die a painless death-"

The dhan launched himself into a vault in response.

[Death Call] !

The sudden telekinesis pull yanked him out of mid air, his face met with Asai's fist as he slammed into the ground still paralyzed.

"Mizumi, finish him." "Didn't even need to use my sword after all..."

The girl appeared out of stealth, towering over the man who was filled with shock. Their very own princess had chosen to join their enemies. And although the man recognised her, Mizumi couldn't care less about him. Thrusting one katar through the man's throat, she instantly reaped his life.

[Mizumi: Lvl 70->71]

The two dipped into [Hide] as they began their next hunt. 


Just 20 minutes in and the village was cleared of hostiles.

Robin, finally caving in, slept within Asai's arms. His cloak, big enough to cover the both of them, kept her warm.

[Mizumi: Lvl 71->72]  [Miku: Lvl 76]  [Robin Sol: Lvl 84]  [Asai De Trichia: Lvl 89]

Asai's 100 elites, were currently helping the villagers. Clearing the corpses out, rebuilding their defences, as well as sharing their rations.

Dozens of the local dark-elves had even kneeled before the human duke. Thanking him, whilst also requesting that he allowed them to join his service as levies. Anything to avenge their decimated families and homes.

The duke accepted their request to serve. But he didn't make them levies, he gave them the role of would be guards. For one his reinforcements arrived. Rather than sending them into battle untrained, sending them back with the carriages to train under Clam and Gary would benefit the kingdom better. And perhaps when he finally made his way north to conquer Par'Talucca, these very same men would follow him through the deadlands.

Victoria's advice, replaying with his mind. Reminding him that without people, a kingdom is but a piece of empty land.

Glancing forward, towards the locals. He noticed that he had become their candle within the night, their future, their hope, their lord.

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