Isekai Rohan

348 Undead –

In the morning, Asai asked one of his many captains for a situation report.

The man-at-arms saluted before doing so.

"Your Grace, the village has been fortified, the men you have accepted in joining us, has been given our daggers for now. Our food situation is enough to last the week, which by then, the others will have caught up to us already.

Milord, I and the other captains have come to the consensus that we should maintain and hold this position until reinforcements arrive. We are but a hundred men, we do not have the manpower to conquer and hold another settlement."

Taking the man's advice into consideration. Asai actually agreed with their sentiments.

"Alright, thank you for your input. Inform the others we shall fortify this village until the others arrive. For now, have a platoon of the most agile men ask the locals for a general map of the lands before sending them out to scout out the surrounding settlements. We still need to find clues as for Count Jenson's whereabouts. Tell them to prioritize their safe return over the information.

There's no point risking their lives in return for nothing. So play it safe."

The knight saluted, before leaving to act upon his new orders.

As for Asai, he did feel somewhat tempted to leave this village. Leaving it to fend for itself, to prioritize another more useful settlement. However, what he wanted and what he should do where different things in this regards. He was simply unlucky, that this village was too close to the border pass. Which meant that Count Jenson's forces were unable to rally the people here towards their location.

With so many villages scattered sporadically across Aevraury, the duke was beginning to get a headache just thinking about having to conquer so many, and at a snail's-pace.

Robin popped through the wooden door. A little steamy mug within her hands.

"Fancy a cup of coffee?" The sudden offer caught the man off-guard. As he basically had barrels of the liquid within his [Inventory] although cold.

Accepting the mug, and taking a sip. He found the flavour to be refreshing, as the warmth and heat lingered within his system.

"I brewed it myself, how is it?" Seeing the smile and excitement upon her face. Asai couldn't help but place a kiss upon her little nose.

"Thank you Robin, it's deliciously sweet, just like you."

Mimi and Miku who were bodyguarding the duke were filled with confusion. 

"Didn't he only drink his coffee black? No sugar, no milk, just the grinded down coffee beans and water? Huh?"

"Asai, the men's morale is high. They're all filled with joy and excitement, being able to ride into battle alongside you. So... Please don't do anything rash like charging into the enemy alone okay?

You have knights that want to fight for you, with you, they train day-in and day-out to do so. So, let them."

"Wha-" Before he could finish his response. Asai had flashbacks to all the times he enjoyed throwing himself into enemy lines solo. The lycan army, where he literally swam in the mass of enemies. The elven night attack, when he left everyone to hunt their captains and commanders. The siege on Gray Dawn Tower, when he left the men behind and got caught up fighting the archer.


"Alright. I won't."

"Yesterday was fine, since there were hardly any of them. However, when they come in the thousands. Please follow your own advice, play it safe, prioritize being able to return home in one piece. We both owe it to Mary and Annie to doing just that."

"You heard?"

"Yup." The girl took her spot, as if it was reserved for her. Snuggling into his embrace as she whipped his cloak around to cover her like a blanket.

Robin by chance had caught sight of the guard leaving. Quick to ask for an update herself. The knight easily took the chance to inform her, as Robin was still a highly-regarded figure within Trichia. Someone the men looked up to, for being so young, yet so capable.

Robin, now warm and comfortable. Snuggled her nose into his chest, as if she could dig deeper into his embrace. Being highly comfortable, and somewhat safe as the village was considered to be well-guarded. the girl decided to take another nap, preparing her energy and mental energy for possible night-attacks.

As for Asai, he quickly downed the contents within the mug with his eyes closed. The sweet, sugary, syrupy coffee that almost gave him diabetes went down his throat. His eyes looking over to Miku's direction, the dhan quietly appeared to give him a cup of water, before he choked upon the thick syrup that stuck around his throat.

"Brain, make a mental note. 

Note to self: Order Miku, Mimi, Rosemi, anyone! To teach Robin how to make a cup of coffee."


As the two continued to cuddle, enjoying the little peace in between battles and marches.

Mizumi, alongside the hundred summoned skeletons and four phantom clones closely guarded the village. As it was now during the day, the long unkempt grass would easily indicate hidden hostiles. As the lands of Aevraury were hardly civilized, hardly any dirt pavements existed as the lands were basically left to rot.


Was just reading some comments and reviews from another accomplished webnovel.

The reader was complaining that a 5 year old who could kill boars, build a tree house, kill other full grown humans with a single attack. Didn't make sense, because all the adults in the story looked at that 5 year old and thought themselves. "Yep, this is normal."

The guy then gave the story 4/5 stars.


Then I have readers complaining about my 15 year old teenage MC not instantly killing other little boys for being childish and bullying him.

What do I have to do to get readers like the prior.

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