Isekai Rohan

350 March –

With 60 cavalry knights, 450 knights on foot. A squadron of scouts on light horses. Alongside Rosemi De Lumix who rode upon her own majestic steed. Asai De Trichia led the left flank at the vanguard. Miku slightly ahead as she scouted the fore.

With 40 cavalry knights, reinforced by Violet's 

[Summon Cavalry]

Skill costs only MP - summons [Armoured Skeleton Horse] [40]

increasing the amount of mounted knights to 80. With their own 400 knights on foot. Led by Robin Sol at the vanguard, who sporadically casted 


Detect any players or monsters in Vanish mode within a 40 meter radius for 60 seconds.

Marched in unison with the left.

A small segment of knights had been placed behind at the village to maintain the logistic path. Whilst others had already began taking the local dark-elves back to friendly territory along with their empty crates and food containers.


Having marched for an hour and experiencing no hostiles. Asai was beginning to question his current choice of path, and whether or not he should order the march into heading east instead. After all, checking on Ignis' bridge completion rate would still yield information at the very least.

However, before such thoughts could be decided upon. Miku was quickly galloping back to his side, in which she informed the duke.

"Robin's flank, enemy forces encountered. What are your orders?" Although Miku and Mimi were unable to telepathically communicate like the twins could. At the very least, they could tug upon each other's consciousness, acting like Morse-code as the mana connection flickered in pulses.

"Cavalry, on me! Knights, heightened march. Engage when you can, but don't get there breathless! Maintain your stamina!"

The mounted knights who were naturally at the vanguard were quick to reform the line alongside their duke, as the man charged towards Robin's direction. The knights on foot would march fast enough to join the battle, but not so fast that they would exhaust their legs. As their footsteps pounded the ground in unison, creating a miniature marching beat. Their adrenaline and excitement began to course, as they prayed to their goddess not for a safe victory. But for the battle to last long enough for them to join.


Crossing over the horizon, the battlefield now came into view. Robin's 500 plus 200 undead had positioned themselves entirely defensively. Forming a shield wall that circled around their supply wagons. At a quick estimate on the enemy forces that consisted of undead, ghouls, skeletons and orcs that were all averaging around level 50-75. The humans appeared to be slightly outclassed when looking upon combat level, but when considering their numbers.

The hostile mass appeared to be in the 2,000 range or more. Whilst for normal military armies this would be a cause for great concern. Robin's position was easily identifiable as her brilliant wings radiated within the centre of their ranks. Her blessing, empowering all her knights with bonus holy element that countered the necromantic energies.

"Mizumi, Miku. Go find the necromancers. Go!"

Two rider-less horses appeared to stray off from the group. Almost appearing as if they were wild and untamed. When the hidden spectators of the battle below saw this, they simply ignored the sight as it wasn't unusual for amateur riders to lose control over their horses before a battle. Just as men feared death, so did the mighty beasts.

Duke De Trichia continued to urge his horses downhill, as his front line continued to gain speed and velocity from the slope. Slamming the 400KG+ wall of lean muscle mass into the undead. Smashing them into pieces, as well as knocking the orcs into concussions before the knights swiftly plunged their blades into their vitals.

Truly, the cavalry charge was the most fearsome attack force within feudal warfare. 

"Fucking, this isn't good. They keep delaying us with undead summons. This is never going to end unless we find their main camp."

Asai having successfully broken through their encirclement, joined Robin's inner circle as the three were slaughtering the masses from range. A sigh of relief from both parties as they realised the other was safe and unharmed. Although, the same couldn't be said for the knights who were taking the brunt of the undead attack. 

At the very least, they seemed greatly spirited and excited to be battling. Especially so, when their enemies were undead creatures and monsters. Upon the scale of morality, killing such vile creatures felt good.

Some of the men had heard stories of nobles, ordering their knights into raping and slaughtering women and children. As such, finding their enemies to be easily identifiable vile and evil things. They more than gladly worked their muscles, bashing, slashing and killing the creatures.

In addition, they had the backing and presence of Saintes Robin Sol. Her skill

[Saintess' Faith]

Increase Holy elemental damage by 25% for you and 15% for your allies.

Almost made them believe themselves to be invincible. That was, until some of the more eager men received wounds of their owns.

10 beautiful holy blades continuously hovered around the inner circle, gently spinning in circles as if patrolling the skies for any magical attacks.

[Holy Testimony]

Manifests 10 astral swords at target. Each sword deals 35% of normal attack. Swords nullify foreign mana.

Reserving the skill to only utilizing its nullifying ability. Robin only sent her [All in One]s into enemy ranks.

"You, Knight Leon. Lead the cavalry charge around, keep an eye on the horse's energy and return before they tire!"

"Yes my lord!"

The knight, Leon. Reformed the lines before charging through the gap the knights-on-foot opened up for them. Thankful for the opportunity to prove himself, and having personally received an order from his liege. 

Whilst the men were happy to fight undead and monsters. Only the duke and Rosemi who could see-through the intentions of their enemies with their ongoing delay and distract tactics were agitated.

"Well. At the very least, the enemies are supplying my men with thousands of free experience I guess."

Although the battle lasted over an hour, due to the sheer numbers of enemies that swarmed them. Due to their previous position, and the 450 knights who attacked from their flanks. The enemies were overwhelmed faster than without. To explain his reasoning to Violet who was pretty dense about military stratagem.

He told her that, if an army of two thousand were to attack a square, and only by attacking one face. No matter the numbers, the battle would last much longer than needed, than if the two thousand split up, to attack from multiple angles and faces. Which exposes a greater number of enemies and space to battle.

The necromancer nodded her head in understand. The next time a battle started, she would try to summon her undead not within her own sphere of circle, but amidst enemy lines. Thus, hopefully creating a chaotic melee within enemy ranks, whilst her allies could maintain their ranks and formations.

At the end of the battle. Whilst hundreds were covered with wounds and were burnt out from the adrenaline rush. The duke opened up his stockpile of potions to heal his men. Along with the potion, he also firmly advised them against being so reckless.

Seeing as Robin played a more defensive role, while searching the perimeters for dhans. Chloe the half-elf had a field-day. Safely protected within the midst of the army, she relentlessly sent barrage after barrage into the mass of targets that cluttered around for her. Easily obtaining greater EXP.

[Robin Sol: Lvl 84->86]  [Chloe Bedevere: Lvl 84->87]

[Rosemi De lumix: Lvl 70->73]  [Violet: Lvl 70->74]  [Mizumi: Lvl 72->74] [Miku: Lvl 76->77]

Mizumi and Miku also successfully hunted down the summoners in hiding. Although coming back greatly tired, and with their gears battered and ripped. They were mostly fine.

As for Asai's own status.

[Asai De Trichia: Lvl 89]

[HP: 135 MP:125]

[Title: Monster]

He was once again stuck upon a plateau.

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