Isekai Rohan

352 Village –

The village of undeath

True to its name filled itself with mountains of fractured bones, blood, corpses and orcs.

Asai's 1000 alongside the King Caronia's 1000 were now imbedded deeply within the village ruins. Slowly, but surely clearing out the remaining summons. And although they were mostly unharmed due to the summons being weaker, they were tiring out, as their adrenaline bottomed out.

Seeing their initial goal completed, the dhans who remained in hiding signalled to their brothers.

10,000 warrior dhans clad in what appeared to be samurai armour plates that covered only their heads, chests and forearms, which gave them greater mobility, reduced weight to carry and better access to air as human bodies would naturally become greatly heated within battle. And, upon their hips were long single-edged katanas.

At the very rear was Xian Par'Talucca. Flanked by a thousand bodyguards, dhans who wore demonic masks and carried katars that were larger than their own torsos.

At the emergence of such a force. The blue skies above was suddenly filled with dark grey clouds that were willed into existence by Craut. Above the human's, were a gentle breeze that tried its utmost to keep the darkening sky at bay. However, it failed greatly as Loha's influence was too far to help.

Seeing the sudden emergence of an enemy army, lining across the horizon. The duke of war quickly issued his commands.

"Consume your stamina potions now! Form ranks! Form ranks!"

Dwarven King Caronia, realizing the predicament of his host, ordered his own army to position themselves at the front. Creating a wall of deadly dwarven steel. Acting as the meat-shield to absorb the initial shock and charge.

Whilst the human knights were now filled with horror and fear, as their nerves buckled their knees. The dwarves were more than happy to engage in such a large battlefield.

""Fight! and then fight some more!!""

""Fight! and then even in death, lets fight some more!!""

""Fight! and then fight some more!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!""

King Caronia glanced over to his living-human counterpart. Grinning as he spoke.

"Looks like my one thousand are mighty warriors lad. Whilst yours are scared shitless. What will you do now? I'll be honest, I'll be a tad bit sad if our contract were to end on this day."

[Asai De Trichia: Lvl 89]

[HP: 120 MP:110]

Chugging down potions himself. He glanced towards Robin who was besides him.

"Robin, wear this. Do what you must."

[Ring of Prodigious Power]

Level Requirement: 15

Requirements: None


+15 All stats

+10 Melee Attack

EXP Gain +100%

[Robin Sol: Lvl 87]

[HP: 115 MP:215]

Eyeing up the little ring, she quickly understood his intentions. Upon wearing it, a prickling sensation immediately assaulted her skin as Craut now gazed upon her soul. And although she couldn't see the divine-being, she could feel its excitement and curiosity.

Her previous body was young, and not yet fully developed, as such was unable to withstand such large volumes of magical energy. However, time has passed, with both consistent training, eating well and growth. Robin Sol's physical body was now somewhat capable enough to hold and contain 215 points of mana.

"Asai, your men need you. Please don't go-"

"No. The knights need you. I'm sorry, but please hold the line."

Shifting his gaze over to his knights.

"Men, follow Robin's orders! I'll be paying their commander a little visit!"

Asai dipped into [Hide]

Along with Miku and Mizumi, he took the long path around, in an attempt to find the snake's head.

The 10,000 dhans began their descent down towards the ruined village. Roaring their battle-cries that echoed across the plains as they did so. 

""Fight! and then fight some more!!"" The dwarves chanted in fervour. Which somewhat alleviated the nerves of the human knights.

Robin and Chloe quickly began their assault, pommelling the mass of enemies that were swarming towards them.

Whilst Chloe fought utilizing her bread and butter combo, Robin Sol was now brimming with so much mana, that her heart was thumping from adrenaline, excitement and magical energy. Dopamine flooded her brain as she felt as high as the clouds.

Beginning her vaults like an acrobat, she spun, flipped and kicked.

[All in One] went into overdrive mode. With every arrow, rather than penetrating power, they now found themselves flooded with mana, so much so that they exploded upon impact. The 13 magical projectiles pelted the dhans with explosions and eruptions that sent them flying back into one and another. Blood, screams and death filled the plains as Craut enjoyed the performance.

With a grand display of AOE prowess, even the dhans who remained in [Hide] found themselves dropping to their knees as [Holt Testimony] just having the holy sword brush pass them, was enough to deactivate their skills.

Whilst the humans looked on in horror as more enemies popped out of stealth, inflating enemy numbers. The dwarves began their own charge forth. Fearlessly gazing death in the mouth as they met katana steel against dwarven metal.


Rosemi De Lumix was holding the lines, maintaining formation and ranks. Although the knights were placed under Robin's command by urgency. Robin was far too busy vaulting to give out orders. As such, Rosemi took it upon herself to repeatedly order the men to hold the line. Hoping their dwarven allies, as well as Violet's 200+ undead skeletons could thin out and tire out their enemies prior to their own engagement

"Hold the lines!"

As for the dark-elf herself, she was hugging herself within her cloak as she repeated the cycles of pain and healing. Thank goddess for her [Masochist] passive, for it not, she would've already fell unconscious.

Her summons being slightly weaker than the dhans fell too quickly for her liking. However, her [Skeleton Knights] mounted upon her [Skeleton Cavalry] were ferocious enough to constantly trigger [Soul Eater] thus, healing and repeating her cycles.

Looking back, the massive melee that was happening was making Asai greatly worried. The humans now had to fan out, to ensure their flanks were somewhat covered. Looking further towards the left flank, Knight Leon had already engaged their enemy flank with their cavalry. And whilst they appeared to be holding out for now, thanks to Caronia and the large bombardments from Robin.

Asai wasn't sure how long they could last, pushing their bodies to such extremes. Thus, the man with his two pocket-dhans sprinted pass the army in search of their commander.

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