Asai De Trichia just as Xian Par'Talucca did, dropped to his knees before thumping his body into the ground. Slowly passing out of conscious, as he continued to bleed out from both external and internal wounds.

Craut's arena remained, keeping both allies and foes away from the king and duke who now laid upon the dirt, unmoving.

Finding himself unable to move a single limb or finger. Asai did what any other person would. He spoke to his [System]

[Asai De Trichia: Lvl 89->95]

[HP: 140 MP:130]

[Title: Monster]

[Skills unlocked:]

[Active Skills:]


Able to Vanish from players or monsters that are up to 15 levels higher.

[Death Call]

Brings an opponent within a 10 meter distance to your feet and paralyze it for 2->4 seconds.

[Double Psychic Phantom/Annihilate]

Additional 200%->300% Damage added to a regular attack.

[Sealing Square]

Seals opponents that are within a 15 meter range

[Phantom Menace]

Summon two phantoms 50%->90% of caster level

[Lingering Shadow]

Leaves a phantom after image after skill usage

[Summon Skeleton]

Skill costs both HP & MP. Maximum [25]

[Weighted Slash]

Overhead sword strike that increases caster's total [Mass] x [Velocity] by 15%

[Knife Throw]

Additional 40% damage added to your Dart Attacks.



80% of caster's normal attack to AOE zone : Full Moon / Half Moon

[Call to Battle][Caronia's Spirit]

Summon dwarven king Caronia's 1000 elites to battle.

[Bloodlust Amplification][Yokai Mask]

Wearer's bloodlust & killing intent is amplified during times of bloodshed.

[Overhaul][The Queen's Gift]

Appearance change to elven


[Passive Skills:]

[Royal Soul]

+20 HP/MP [Asai] Level +5

[King Slayer]

+10% bonus damage dealt as true damage when fighting royalty


Increase Chaos Elemental damage by 20% and Elemental defence by 10%.

Before his consciousness left him entirely, he had a single line of thought.


Robin Sol was missing from the fields of battle. Violet had already passed out unconscious, luckily falling and rolling under a carriage just enough to provide cover. Camouflaging her within the rest of the corpses that piled up everywhere.

Chloe Bedevere was standing atop a mountain of corpses, a mixture of both human and dhans. The half-elf was lucky enough to reach level 90 herself, instantly unlocking her peak passive ability. 

[Chloe Bedevere: Lvl 88->90]

[HP: 100 MP:125]

[Skills unlocked:]

[Apollo's Bow]

Every [Kael's Arrow] fired multiplies into [5] +20% maximum range

Her already machine-gun like fire rate now amplified by 500% slaughtered her northern enemies before they could even approach the corpse mountain. A secondary wall of corpses had formed circling the half-elf, creating a natural defence that protected her and the carriages Violet slept under.

Rosemi De Lumix herself remained steadfast, deigning herself to defending the Ranger from any hostiles that managed to make it through the barrage of arrows. Culling even the ones who had slithers of health left in them, even after taking an arrow to the kneecap.

[Rosemi De lumix: Lvl 75->83]

[HP: 110 MP: 100]

[Skills unlocked:]


+30% damage against [Living] targets. Kills regain 10% of missing stamina and health.

From the 1,000 knights and 1,000 dwarves. All that remained were barely a hundred of humans and a handful of dwarves that included the dwarven king himself.

The humans that were still able to move were perhaps within the dozens, as the others laid limply, just barely breathing no better than their liege and duke. Whom, they hadn't seen since the start of the battle.

With the weight of the world upon her shoulders, being the only one still capable of holding the suicidal dhans back. Chloe felt her limbs tiring, as the pressure and stress didn't seem to be ending any time soon.


Thousands of dhans continued to chant, as the warriors who entered late were still fresh with energy and strength, Seeing their fervour and will to prolong the fight onwards. Chloe started to hallucinate about simply falling down, slumping and passing out. Entering into a peaceful eternal slumber. Desperately glancing around, her heart broke as she couldn't find her senior anywhere.

"Robin! Where are you!? I need you! We need you!"

Rosemi chugged her last stamina potion, barely feeling the restorative effects as she swiped the blood away from her eyes. As a knight who had trained her entire life for combat, her will was tempered and beaten with a hammer so much, that she would rather die before surrendering. 

Hoping that her ranger friend also had the same level of conviction of her, she asked a question in which she desperately didn't want the true answer to.

"How many more of them are there!?" As Chloe had the higher vantage point, she left it to her concerning eyes.

"Too fucking many! That's how many!"

Hearing such an answer, even the dwarves became dispirited as the result of this battle was becoming increasingly clear.



"Can't they shut the fuck up already!"

A dozen war horns began to bellow across the battle field, carried across upon the winds. Whilst Rosemi and the human's couldn't see due to the wall of corpses and the dhans that were still recklessly charging into their faces, without a single trace of fear for death.

Chloe's expression finally lit up, after goddess knows how long.

[Christine Doltz: Lvl 57] [Jeffrey De Lumix: Lvl 50] [Alyssa De Lumix: Lvl 64]

[Clam: Lvl 75] [Gary: Lvl 75] [Oliver: Lvl 74] [Olivia: Lvl 74]

[Mimi: Lvl 35] [Lucas: Lvl 39] [Lucy: Lvl 33] [Marvin: Lvl 37]

[Ash: Lvl 51] [Karen: Lvl 54] [Leslie: Lvl 59]

Leading the promised 3,000 knights, 4,000 knight-trainees, 3,000 soldiers at the forefront was Duke Jeffrey De Lumix himself. His wife rode alongside him equally geared in full plated armour that protected every inch of their bodies.

Clam, Gary and the twins, Oliver and Olivia were equally upon the vanguard. Having been ordered to assist their duke, Victoria Del Lagos who couldn't leave her kingdom, at the very least could look after Trichia's affairs. Whilst Sonnoth, son of Count Jenson had been temporarily placed upon the seat of power at Duchy De Lumix.

Lucas and his party were honestly a part of the logistics group of mercenaries. Somehow being swept up on emotions and honour, they now found themselves riding with knights of the kingdom.


The sudden large force eclipsed the number of enemies as the two waves of enemies met. With the pressure upon her shoulders lessened, Chloe continued to wreak havoc within their backlines whilst they messily reformed their lines to meet the new human force.

[Astral Concussion] flew across the fields of honour, slamming into the masses, paralyzing them. Rendering them immobile as the cavalry charge rode upon them, smashing and culling their numbers like wheat.

[Courageous Aura] filled the entire 10,000 strong human army with courage and conviction. All hesitation upon meeting a near equal numbered hostile force was instantly gone. 

Soon, the chants the dhans were roaring were flooded, drowned out by the human's.


Finally having a semblance of hope and chance at victory. Rosemi De Lumix couldn't help but tear up as she saw both her parents fight for her sake. From memory, her father was actually a coward. Afraid of bloodshed, hence why he became the shield of humanity. To forever remain behind whilst all others ventured forth for glory and kingdom.

Her mother on the other hand, was one of her many mentors who was now fighting as if she was still within her prime. Precisive strikes that was optimized to the utmost efficiency from horseback greatly reduced the number of hostiles upon the field. As if taking a stroll through her garden, plucking and cutting her flowers. The duchess dominated the field.

Rosemi, along with the surviving humans took their chance to thank their maker.

""Goddess of wisdom, Loha. I thank you for your infinite kindness and magnanimity.""

""Thank you oh great Goddess.""

""Glory to Loha""


[Royal Soul]  in game is actually [Royal Mask] but I don't want any confusion between it and [Yokai Mask] so I changed its name.

In game, it gives +5 level and 20% bonus all stats.

level cap is 99. So Asai can actually reach 99 and have [Royal Soul] boost it to 104

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