Isekai Rohan

358 Etton –

Within the capital of Draftt, Etton. Which almost reminded the girl of roman architecture, being designed and built more for aesthetics rather than resource optimization and functionality. The capital had statues upon statues built and sculpted at every major corner and plaza. Both from stone and ice, masonries and sculptors had their way with their designs. Mostly depicting how they believed the perfect warrior to be. Which ended up becoming a contest of who had the biggest bulging muscles that still looked humanly possible.

Bethel, having spent her hard earned silver at the town marketplace, along with Mel. Who had now been assigned to her for the duration of her stay. Perhaps as a reminder and motivation for her to challenge the great trial, to purchase her freedom. Something that was working, as Bethel found herself warming up to the NPC Mel greatly. 

Taking the slave around, feeding her all the food and delicacies she was denied as a slave. Even going as far as dressing her up like an adventurer, Bethel enjoyed spoiling the older girl, like a sister would. Such a bond was inevitable, as all the other women of Etton were simply obsessed with training, muscles and strong-men.

Her previous great sword now stored within her [Storage]. Bethel now carried a spear with an abnormally large blade. Whilst a Warhammer also neatly sat besides her great sword. To finish off her little collection of two-handed weapons, the girl was now keeping an eye out for a two-handed axe-great sword.

Imagining, the duke's surprise when he blocked such a ferocious weapon. Only to find himself impaled regardless by the axe-point.

[Bethel: Lvl 54]

[HP: 160 MP:130]

[Title: Hero]

[Skills unlocked:]


Stores maximum [Level] items in [System]


Increase Fire Elemental damage by 20% and Elemental defense by 10%.

[Crash Above]

150% additional Attack Damage.


900% of your Dexterity is dealt to all targets within AOE


100% of damage ignores targets defence


+10 boost to all stats. 10% critical rate boost. Critical attacks recover 10% missing HP/MP/SP

Inspecting her own system once more, she began to truly believe her questline to saving the world lay in Etton. Her element being [Blazing] was a hard counter towards all the beasts and monsters who found such an opposing element to be their demise. Even the more sturdier foes couldn't stand up to her utilization of such heavy weaponry and [Crash Above]

Perhaps the only negative point of being so far from Del Lagos and Via Marea, was the fact that there were no longer any handsome looking men to ogle upon. As, the powerlifters and Mr Olympians who were walking around with leg muscles bigger than her torso weren't exactly that attractive to her modern day standards.

Seeing the girl spend so much sight-seeing both on architecture and the men of Etton. Naturally Mel couldn't help but tease the girl.

"As someone who had to help them bathe, I can tell you this for a fact. Their man hoods are as large as they are. So, if you're really curious, and you find them to be sexy. Why not give it a try Bethel?"

"No way, noway. I prefer something- something like the duke of Trichia. A man like him would be better. Sharp yet gentle eyes, no piercings, no facial scars. Clean and smooth skin, and with a face that never lecherously looks upon women.

Also, rich to boot and willing to spurge on me." "Not to forget, he's someone who didn't lust over my aesthetics and visuals. But, someone who recognised me for my swordsmanship and potential. It's almost as if he knew I was special... That I am the [Hero]"

"The duke? Didn't you say you wanted a man who had eyes only for you? Not someone already surrounded by women. Which, as a duke. I can easily imagine him to be. 

With so many maids and servants he could employ, I'm sure many of them would catch his eyes, taking the chance to throw their bodies at him!"

Hearing such a remark, Bethel couldn't help but pout a little.

"Geez, can you not pop my bubble for once. Let me dream and fantasize a little!"

Mel pointed to a couple of giants who had just returned from hunting. Their clothing had claws and bite marks throughout, parts were even shredded enough to reveal their junk swinging and hanging around as they walked.

"Fantasize about that!"

Bethel shot her hands up to cover her eyes. "BLEACH, BLEACH I NEED IT TO WASH MY EYES AHHHHHH!"

"What has been seen, cannot be unseen!" 

Mel, although still being a slave. Finally managed to smile and laugh once more. Although at the costs of the [Hero] 

someone she believed was simply a happy-go-lucky girl. Someone just like her, who had a heart that was too adventurous and free for their own good.

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