Prior to leaving Einhoren, and heading further north towards Trichia orphanage. The two were performing last minute shopping. Purchasing gifts to bribe hopefully foster better relations between the staff and Robin. Just little hand made hairclips and accessories here and there. Concerning foodstuff, Asai had already stocked up enough to feed himself for a month.

When it came to practical armour, he could only afford the new black leather set. Weapons, he had personally checked and anything decent was incredibly expensive. Perhaps, this is this kingdoms version of gun control? He wondered. If the poor were unable to obtain weapons, then chances of revolt or crime would lessen. In this regard, as any responsible adult would do. Asai gifted Robin a small copper dagger. Similar to the one he had also started with.

"Mr, I don't think I can kill anything with this..."

"Well, I'm not really expecting you to kill with it. You're to practice handling the blade. Practice attacking trees for now to get used to the feel. When you're ready, I'll buy you a better one." Robin, always the obedient one nodded. 

Since the weather was beginning to get colder, Asai had purchased the both of them capes that could cover their entirety for warmth. With this acquisition, he could use [Inventory] and no one would be any wiser. Mana usage was still a rare and restricted to only nobility. These nobles would then chalk it up to being more faithful, more devout to Loha than thou to explain it. As he still considered himself weak, he decided to lay low, less he were to be targeted by a noble house.


It would take a couple weeks, perhaps more at their marching speed to reach the orphanage. Not that Asai minded, he took the liberty to mentor Robin. Even practicing in duels. After experimenting on himself, he found that if he were to cover let his mana run loose throughout his body, similar to what the templar Istvan had done. He could little ignore weak attacks from 

[Robin: Lvl 1] 

If Robin didn't manage to land any lucky hits, not even a paper cut would be left behind. If ever the opportunity presented itself, he would test it in real battle. However, he wouldn't recklessly attempt it. He imagined it within his head. If he were to miscalculate and fail. Losing an arm would literally ruin his future potential.

"OOOOOOhoy there friend!" A rusky and deep voice called out. Asai turned around to find an older person with a beard so unkempt, one side was longer than the other. His eyebrows were longer than his eyelashes. His dark brown hair darker than the cape he wore. On his back was a rucksack bigger than Robin himself. Robin hid behind me.

"Hi there friend, need something?" Asai wore his friendliest smile. Within his cloak, his palm opened, ready to summon his weapon if needed.

"The names Gordon, I'm a Souvenir Collector. I'm selling some rings I brought over from Via Marea. Interested?" Peering into his eyes.

[Gordon Gray: Lvl 44] 

"He's a noble? And that level, well that explains why a merchant as old as he is could travel around alone." Asai thought. Seeing Asai apparently hesitating, Gordon immediately pulled out a small rectangular box, its content was 4 metallic looking rings. It was clear to Asai that this was most likely his left over stock. Items he failed to sell at the capital.

"Created in Crea's workshop in Via Marea, blessed at the Goddess's fountain by Marea herself. These rings of beauty will only cost you 10 coins for two."

"10 coins for two!? I could feed myself for weeks on that money. This mothe-" Before Asai finished his thought, his eyes automatically used status.

[Cursed Copper ring]  [Cursed Copper ring]  [Copper ring of strength]  [Ring of prodigious power]

To his surprise, the old coot was selling named rings. Named rings being blessed were rare. He had spent hours rummaging through the marketplace and couldn't find any.

[Ring of Prodigious Power]

Level Requirement: 15

Requirements: None


+15 All stats

+10 Melee Attack

EXP Gain +100%

[Copper Ring of strength]

Level Requirement: 5

Requirements: None


+3 Strength

+3 Vitality

Without showing any emotion. With his best poker face equipped, he decisively purchased both.

Out of curiosity he did a quick check on the other two.

[Cursed Copper ring] 

Level Requirement: 5

Requirements: None


-5 Vitality

EXP gain - 50%

Well, what the fuck. Glancing towards the side, he saw Robin with star filled eyes. 

"Aren't you a bit young to be caring about your appearance already? With his looks, he's probably going to grow up into a flower boy type, and pick up girls everywhere he goes huh?" He thought to himself. Asai defeated by the puppy eyes, gave Robin the [Copper ring of strength] Keeping for himself [Ring of Prodigious Power].

The two thanked the old merchant before parting ways. 

"Looks like I should visit Vena one day. Especially if they sell items like these."


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