Isekai Rohan

360 Via Marea

Months have passed since the battle in Aevraury.

Whilst Duke Jeffrey remained behind with his vassals and soldiers, to build upon and colonize the many villages. Even hiring adventurers to scout the lands for possible mineral deposits, resources and mountain paths. Relatively close to Nightmare Castle's massive bridge, the humans now began in a passive-aggressive construction war against Ignis.

Whilst Ignis deigned to build their bridge quicker, to allow their armies entry into the land. Del Lagos now raced to build new fortifications and defences. Hoping to essentially turn their bridge into a literal bridge-to-death. As the focus-fire possibilities were simply immense. 

As for Rima Regenon, the elven queen wanted a piece of the pie, but was unable to send any of her forces let alone engineers through the poisonous black mist that continued to flood the mountain pass. As such, humanity raced to colonize as much as they could, before their allies and rivals entered the scene.

Duchess Alyssa de Lumix had forced her daughter to return back to their own duchy. With count Jenson's death, and his heir rising to the position of power. The duchess and lady had obligations to attend the new count's celebrations to solidify his position, to officially recognise it within society.

Whilst the Alyssa could attend alone, as a woman who spent more time with the sword rather than paper. She decided to drag Rosemi into the spotlight instead, fully knowing that her daughter would be swamped with questions interviews, regarding her personal experience fighting and beating the army of undead and dhans.

As for Clam, Gary, Violet and Chloe. The four had returned entirely to Trichia. Deliberately marching through the territory, showing their proud and energetic faces. All to curb the rumours of Asai's possible death, as conspiracy-theorists and schemes picked up on the scent, loosening their lips within the many taverns upon a mug too many.

The official story now being propagated, was that the duke himself was very much alive and healthy. The sword of humanity, who was seen as humanity's hope had supposedly remained behind to assist the poor villagers who were attacked by Xian Par'Talucca and his barbarian army that pillaged and raped as they marched.

The people, already being aware of their liege and lord's tendency to stick around, to invest and help the poor immediately believed in the white-lie. Thinking back, to how the duke was originally an orphan, growing from nothing.

Other would be rumour-spreaders, had theorized that the duke was currently heartbroken. Self ridden with guilt, at the loss of his 1,000 elite knights who engaged in battle upon his orders. Unable to face the families of the men, the duke now sought to seek self forgiveness by performing charitable work, in Aevraury.

Whatever story it was, Mary ensured that the people remained hopeful, lest she allowed widespread fear and panic to spread. Especially when the 1st prince, had already marched out into the deadlands.

Asai de Trichia's body now lay in a coma, comfortably within one of Rima's personal villas. His body itself had entirely healed, leaving only his mind and soul to return. Spending each and everyday by his side, was Robin Sol. Who, was now dressed in a beautiful white tunic that went down to her knees. A large leather belt kept her mid-section tight, as she walked around with grace.

Miku and Mimi, had returned to their prior outfit choice. Back to cosplaying as a maid, as her uniform was a shorter and cuter variant of the actual attire. The scar upon her face had faded a little, due to restoratives. But, the girl was actually fine with keeping it. A personal and permanent reminder to her carelessness in battle. As she had spent more time watching the duke's duel rather than her own surroundings.

Mizumi's left eye was healed, and appeared as if nothing was wrong. But, the eyeball's ability to see and send information to her brain, that function was permanently lost to her. Her two eyes now appearing heterochrome as her right remained a beautiful crimson red, whilst her left was now slightly faded, turning into a dull pink. Unlike Miku, who utilized the scar as a reminder, Mizumi hid her carelessness and inadequacy in combat with a plain-black eye-patch. Even going as far as allowing her bangs to somewhat hide the piece.

Whilst Rima Regenon won't be rewarding the humans for successfully defeating the necromancers and dhans who kept harassing their lands. As such assistance was all written within the conditions of their military alliance to begin with. The elven queen did at the very least offer him great hospitality, during the duration of his recovery and stay. In addition to her sending and increasing her kingdom's millitary involvement up north, in the deadlands. 

However, even that was actually a two-sided blade. Whilst Rima did in fact send over 20,000 elven knights to reinforce Prince Victor. The kingdom of humanity had to shoulder the burden of upkeep. Thus, reducing the amount of grain Via Marea required itself, albeit barely.



Taking damage, cuts, impalement, loss of a finger etc.

Whilst potions/restoratives are still effective, they can heal your limbs back on (Magically)

Another factor is how long a person waits, after receiving an injury before consuming a HP potion. Think of a person's HP pool, as a mirror image of their soul. Wait too long, and allow your soul to assimilate your physical wounds upon your spiritual body, and it becomes permanent.

But the moment you've consumed so many potions consecutively in a short period of time, where drinking more will no longer benefit you, due to diminishing returns. Whatever wounds you receive after that point, good luck.

Hence why Mizumi's eyeball was healed enough to somewhat appear fine, but not its function/visuals.

Oliver losing his hand, and recovering it is different. Dude lost his limb not in the real physical world. But within a goddess' private realm that utilizes its own set of governing laws and rules of interaction. (Remember when Chloe, Robin, Clam and Gary all died to scorpion dude.)

Mizumi, somewhat like this:

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