Isekai Rohan

379 Aevraury

Duke Jeffrey de Lumix,

who had remained behind in Aevraury to oversee the ongoing investment and building of the lands greeted the duke of war.

"Good afternoon Duke Trichia, a pleasure to see you, along with my beautiful Rose as well." Shifted his gaze over, he politely greeted the new baroness. "A pleasure to see you, Trichia's Saintes, Baroness Robin Sol." Who returned his greeting with a military salute. Emphasizing the fact that she was here on military orders and not that of social affairs.

"Good afternoon Duke Lumix, the pleasure is mine, as well as your daughter's hand. Please, update me." Whilst Asai decided to tease Rosemi in return for her prior subtle hints and prods, with one of his own. Jeffrey decided not to waste time, and simply update the man who was in search of his next battlefield.

"As you can see, the kingdom of Ignis has finished building their- if I'm being honest here, their beautiful bridge. However, there has been no signs of hostilities, as their engineers simply retreated once their work was completed. Working and building even when we primed our bows and arrows at them.

As I received news of your approach, I decided you'd have an idea or two on how best we approach this hostile kingdom."

Asai glanced down from the wooden defensives structures the humans had built surrounding the vicinity of the bridge. And indeed, the long and mighty bridge was built. However, unlike before, there were no gargoyles or anyone guarding it for that matter.

Duke Jeffrey took a couple steps closer to his daughter. Someone he had dearly missed, as he had been surrounded by sweaty men and dark-elves for months.

"My sweet little Rose. Something has been troubling your father for months now. May I tell it to you, in hopes that it would alleviate my heavy-mind?"

Seeing as Asai was still inspecting the newly built bridge, and the magical energy that spurred within his eyes as he searched for hostiles. Rosemi believed she had the time to help her father out. As such, he held Jeffrey's hands in a tender and caring manner.

"What is it daddy? What's been troubling you? I'm here."

"Y-you see... My horse, it's capable of jumping higher than a house..."

Moments passed as Rosemi waited for more information. It was only when her eyebrows nocked up in confusion did he deliver the punchline.

"My dear, houses can't jump."

as Rosemi's eyes widen in realization, Jeffrey couldn't help but dry-wheeze and heavily breathe. 

Miku, who was behind them and heard the exchange, couldn't help but laugh as she clutched her own stomach the more she thought about it. "It's true! Houses can't jump! Therefore, his horse can indeed jump higher than a house! I get it! HAAAAAAAAA!"



The duke of war returned from the ledge, ignoring the blue headed girl who was wheezing and huffing, and the little cotton ball of fluff that had equally fallen off Robin's head and was rolling around upon the stone.

"This, might sound a tad bit crazy, even coming from me. But- I'm going to try enter Ignis and see if they're interested in talking. And no, I won't be taking an army with me."

Glancing around, he was basically taking only women with him. Something he had hoped the kingdom of Ignis would see as goodwill or a show of peace.

As if nothing had transpired in his short absence, Jeffrey performed a salute in respect and admiration to the man's bravery and willingness to throw himself into fire, for the sake of the kingdom.

"Good, we're leaving now, whilst it's still daytime."

[Asai de Trichia: Lvl 95]

[HP: 165 MP:155]

[Title: Monster]

[Robin Sol: Lvl 90]

[HP: 100 MP:200]

[Rosemi de Lumix: Lvl 83]

[HP: 110 MP: 100]

[Miku: Lvl 85]

[HP: 100 MP:100]

[Mizumi: Lvl 84]

[HP: 100 MP:120]

"With a party filled with high level members, what could possibly go wrong? And besides, I have Robin Sol with me. She's literally holy water itself, whatever undead they throw at us. I have no doubts she could literally turn undead their asses."

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