Isekai Rohan

382 Dungeon

After entering the dungeon, finding themselves to be in a large room that was simply built by stone for both the floor and walls. Asai quickly ensured his party members were with him.

Rosemi de Lumix entered, followed by: Robin Sol, Miku, Mizumi and Mimi. Who had all switched over to Trichia's high-quality leather attires, the skirt variants.

Relieved to see everyone safely arrive, he quickly inspected the room once more. Behind them, was the dungeon portal which didn't allow anyone to exit, evident from Rosemi who was currently poking and prodding it.

In front of the party, the large room had stains of battle as dried blood stones covered certain areas. And from what he could see, the natural inhabitants of this dungeon are monstrous looking mice. However menacing they looked, being as large as a human. Asai could only find them to be endearingly adorable, as they wore little helmets atop their heads. Something that reminded him of marching bands.

Seeing as the first room was already cleared, the quickly traversed through multiple rooms that were connected by strangely long corridors that served no purpose other than to separate the rooms. Upon entering the 6th room. They finally found the survivors, and also the corpses of those who didn't make it.

Whilst initially surprised, and quick to draw their weapons. Once Asai tapped upon the little plaque upon his chest, they eased up instantly.

[??: Lvl 65]

A dark elf with white slicked back hair, and dark red eyes greeted the new arrivals. With two short swords attached to his hip. His eyes instantly flickered between Robin's blatantly mithril daggers and [Ruin]

"Thank you for coming, we've been stuck in here for weeks and our food supplies are running low even though we're rationing to the best of our abilities-"

"-What are humans doing here!? They must be spies! We should kill them."

[??: Lvl 50]

Glancing back, the dark elf shot a murderous glare towards the man who quickly shrieked backwards into the small crowd of 10.

"I apologise for his behaviour. Last we heard, humans attacked our castles unprovoked."

"Not unprovoked. I was personally attacked by dark elves and skeletons. Unprovoked. And in retaliation I destroyed your bridge. Now, however I decided to mend the friendship between our two people and Your Majesty, Queen Emilita has personally sent me here to rescue you lot. So, lets cut the crap, tell me why you've been stuck here for months."

Another elf struggled to stand, bandages wrapped around his face, covering one of his eyes as evidently, it was greatly wounded.

[??: Lvl 70]

"My name is Liego, I am the leader of this group. We were hired by the crown to clear out dungeons as per usual. And after entering this one, we found nothing but large rats and mice. After killing dozens of them and breezing through the rooms. We found ourselves trapped here."

Upon receiving his name, the system updated itself.

[Liego: Lvl 70]

Pointing towards the next door, his clan members shuffled out of the way to reveal a wooden training dummy. Propped up just before it.

"The door won't open, no matter what we do. And that thing, hit it and you will see."


Asai performed a quick draw, slashing his blade through the training tool. Only to find his blade phasing through it, as if it wasn't there at all. And yet, he felt the sensations of cutting through wood.

"Look up."

Above the door, in red light, the number [95] appeared. Asai's eyebrows knocked up as he shifted his gaze back to Liego, hoping he had more information from his greater length of time spent here.

"I know... I know. If only we could read it right? But we didn't bring any archaeologists with us. I mean, who would?"

Robin, curious to test her blade also struck the wooden tool.


Seemingly enjoying herself, she took a few steps back before vaulting. 

[All in One]

The 13 divinity filled arrows blasted the proximity around the target, causing dust and smoke to rise. And only after moments had passed did it fade, revealing the number above the door.



At first, Asai figured it was one of those punching machines, one would find at the arcade. Those that tested a person's strength rating, going up to 999 points. However, it seems he was wrong this time around.

"What have you tried so far? So I don't waste my time."

"Ah, yes. So, we tried:

"-Enough. I've heard enough." "Fucking, these dark-elves are useless!"

Glancing around, he only just noticed that Liego's clan was formed of only men. Hence why they could be so open about anything. However, they honestly should take into consideration the female members of Asai's party.

However, looking back. Miku and Mizumi were currently in stealth. Waiting within [Hide] only to utilize themselves as a hidden trump card. Which Asai honestly approved. 

Robin and Rosemi were both geared up for war. So they had their curves hidden under their cloaks that went down just enough to hide their weapons without getting in the way of their weapon-draws.

"Alright, so don't tell me what you've done. But tell me the little details, what did you see upon entering the room? Or how many monsters were there in total, in each room you passed through?"

As Liego began to scratch his chin, hoping it would help recover his memory and wit. The stomachs of many started to rumble. As such, Asai supplied them with military rations and cold cups of coffee. Hoping the caffeine would help, lest he be stuck in here with them for goddess knows how long.

Looking back towards the unyielding door. Robin and Rosemi were taking turns hitting and attacking it. Yet, not a single scratch appeared.


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