Isekai Rohan

389 Room 10

[Asai de Trichia: Lvl 95]

[Robin Sol: Lvl 90] [Rosemi de Lumix: Lvl 83] [Miku: Lvl 85] [Mizumi: Lvl 84]

"No one levelled up. I guess either the fish were too weak or too little in quantity..."

Whilst no one levelled up within his party, at the very least. The group now had a fat stockpile of the supposed delicious delicacy within their storage rings.

Liego and his men, currently were all shrivelled up like shrimps. Down bad, filled with self-pity as they had spent their entire lives training and battling to grow stronger. Only to be entirely useless whilst a petite looking half-elf easily blitzed through everything. "Goddess! It's unfair I'm telling you!" Biting into the sweet, delicate flesh of the Moon Fish, the men's tears marinated it, adding a little salt.

"Yeah, I know how you guys feel. I also want better ranged skills. [Knife Throw] is so damn bad..."


Having passed the previous room, the group was currently taking a break by literally remaining within the corridor. Hoping, in doing so wouldn't trigger or activate the next room's puzzle. Robin, who was huddled up with the others, was currently petting Cotton. Stroking its unbelievably soft feathers, head patting the thing, and also giving it belly rubs. All that it evidently enjoyed, as it was now blissfully asleep within the warmth of her cleavage.

Rosemi de Lumix, being trained as a soldier, had swiftly fallen asleep. Leaning herself upon Robin's shoulder as she gently slumbered away. Seeing her soft blonde hair cover her face, Asai knelt down to brush the strands of hair behind her hair. Placing a gentle kiss upon her forehead before doing the same for Robin. And whilst Asai decided to take a nap, with Mizumi and Miku on both shoulders. Leaving only Mimi to guard them, as they rested.

The dark-elves were equally fast asleep. Having been through so much stress, pressure, self-pity and having tasted the sweetest fish known to them. They slept deeply.


Within the realm of their dreams. Asai de Trichia found himself upon a mighty arena. The stadium benches and stands were filled to the brim with humans who were evidently roaring, cheering and shouting. And yet, Asai could hear no sound, apart from his own breathing. That, and also Robin Sol's, who was the only other person with him upon the arena.

Robin, instantly positioned herself behind the man, placing their back to back, ensuring they maintained visuals upon all four corners of the arena. Asai, equally prepared himself, as mana coursed through his body in anticipation.

"Bloody scorpion, Godfrey, Arthur and that Dekan. Who's next!? Xian Par'Talucca!?"

Although the two remained waiting with bated breath, no hostiles entered the arena. Instead, within the sky above them. A message appeared from the dungeon master.

"To love, is to kill. To kill, is to love.

There is no sweeter love, than to be killed by that in which you love.


Objective: Kill your target, to save your target.

The first to perish here, will get to live on, outside.

The one to remain behind, shan't see the light outside, no more.

[Asai de Trichia: Lvl 95]


[Robin Sol: Lvl 90]


Time limit: 600s"

"Robin Wait-" Before Asai could even fully turn towards the girl, Robin had performed a flip of his back, funnelling great amounts of kinetic energy and divinity into the mass that slammed into his back, sending him rolling away.

Standing, pulling [Ruin] out to defend himself, Asai gazed forwards to see Robin's eyes blazing in bright gold. Realizing that she had already casted [Detect] he didn't bother entering stealth, and as Robin was equally aware of [Par'Talucca] that granted the man immunity to stealth, the half-elf didn't bother casting [Disappear] either.

"Wait Robin! Lets talk!-"

"What's there to talk about!? If that clock runs out, we'll both be considered as remaining behind. Don't you have people you have to protect outside!?"

10 deadly swords materialized above her, all pointing their sharpened edge towards him. Their usual soul-connection seemingly severed as their buffs no longer amplified one and another, which included [Robin's Desire]

[Summon Skeleton] !

"Get her! Hold her down from attacking!"

[Phantom Menace] !

"Stop her from this madness! GO!"

His summons instantly advanced the moment their legs materialized, running towards the dozens of [All in One]s that Robin had fired one after the after.

The 50 summoned skeletons quickly turned into 20 as Robin's [Holy Testimony] decimated them with ease. Culling them as if they were level 10s. The four phantom clones not faring any better as their numbers instantly halved upon clashing blades against her holy blades. 


[Holy Testimony]

Manifests 10 astral swords at target. Each sword deals 35% of normal attack. Swords nullify foreign mana.


The clones themselves being existences born from Asai's mana, found themselves cancelled out and returned to the void.

Robin Sol, now breathing heavily after landing from her flips. Pulled out an accessory she had purchased back in Vena, during her shopping spree. The white tiger mask, strapped around her head to hide her expression. Exposing only the raging and spurring golden divinity from her eyes. The girl had purchased it, upon a whim, upon a desire to imitate Asai and his own mask.

Her four wings glistened in radiance as divinity surged and flickered off her daggers. The very ground around her rumbled as her emotions went haywire, infecting and affecting the properties of her usually calm mana. Causing the magical elements around her into going berserk.

"I-I'm doing this for your sake Mr... Just- just don't forget me." She whispered to herself.

Robin Sol's feet left the ground, as her entire body began to float higher with every flap of her wings.


"Holy crap, is this what I get for cheating the dungeon too hard!?"

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