Isekai Rohan

402 Ignis: Village

The party:

Asai de Trichia, Robin Sol, Rosemi de Lumix, Mizumi, Miku and Mimi. Were casually marching west from the capital city of Ignis, which was located in the far east of their lands. Having no horses available to them, as they were majorly used for farming and the transportation of goods. Ignis had no spare horses in which they could give to them.

As such, they know casually strolled through their volcanic lands, passing the people and settlements. And now crashing at a village in which they stumbled upon.

As a gentle fire flickered away, slowly cooking their evening stew. Rosemi decided to dig a little, as Victoria was expecting a report from her upon her return.

"Asai, so, you spent time talking to Queen Emilita Regenon. Did she ever tell you her side of the story? Why did they attack Via Marea?"

Asai nodded in confirmation. Robin, also quiet curious. As she wanted know what exactly would spur two kingdoms, who were basically cousins to attack one and another, took a seat besides Rosemi who hugged her as if she was a body pillow.

"Ah, also. Their food situation looked so bad, so why didn't they just colonize Aevraury like we had done? The fields and lands there looked much more fertile than their volcanic and grey looking fields..."

Rosemi added.


Why didn't Ignis colonize Aevraury?

Because Rima Regenon, didn't allow it. If they tried to position their military in Aevraury, Via Marea would instantly attack.

If they tried to build any military garrisons or defences, Via Marea would instantly attack, calling it a threat to their border as it was too close. And without any semblance of a military force in play, there would be no security. And without a security force in place, only within an idealistic world would everyone truly behave properly, for there to be zero crime.

And considering how they were exiles to begin with, I can already imagine how bad it would've become if Emilita decided to waste her time building a kingdom in Aevraury without any security and military presence.

However, over the mighty volcanoes, Ignis that was only accessible via the old teleportation circles of old. Out of sight from Rima Regenon, and far enough for them not to care as much. Ignis could survive, albeit on infertile fields.

The villagers who decided to live in Aevraury, as ordinary farmers. Was basically left to their own devices without a ruling family to govern them as they split out into dozens of tribes/little villages. Since they were originally exiled from Via Marea to begin with, they can't leave. And refusing to acknowledge the young Emilita as their queen, they were refused assistance from Ignis. And as such, filled with monsters, brigands and thieves. The villagers all suffered as they attacked each other for food. Thus, never managing to achieve any semblance of a kingdom.

It was only due to our military presence that they started to resemble civilized people. Regardless, I doubt Del Lagos actually cares about their previous sins and criminal acts. Since what we desire is manpower, resources and more farms, that will be tilled by the locals. A worthy investment, many say.

Violet had it extremely lucky. From what I heard, because she was rumoured to be a necromancer. Her chosen village of stay was mostly left alone whilst the others fought and stole from each other for survival.

And then, that leads us closer to where we are now, and how we got here.

It was only after the border dragon's disappearance, did Ignis have enough military power to send her necromancers in advance. Catching Rima's remaining soldiers at Gray Dawn Tower, which is the closest castle to their border. Also being the castle I personally attacked and conquered, off-guard as Queen Rima's focus was still upon the human kingdom who had recently attacked her elven kingdom. 

A chance upon a chance. As the necromancers finally had the window of opportunity to flood the mountain pass with poisonous mist, and securing Aevraury, away from Rima's influence.

I'm not sure about the timing, but perhaps it was due to Ignis baring its fangs at Via Marea, did Rima Regenon suddenly retreat from the fields of battle that day. Allowing His Highness, Prince Victor to live. In addition to king Godfrey's sacrifice, which appeased Rima's anger and bloodlust.

Something I'm convinced is true, as fighting two kingdoms at the same time upon two different fronts would be risky after all.

All in all, it was all a blessing in disguise, considering how Rima sent me to investigate their military. And with great fortune and timing, I destroyed their bridge, delayed their invasion. And now that we have an alliance between our two kingdoms. Ignis' fresh and ready army that was built and trained to attack Via Marea, can now march up north with us, and attack Armenes instead.

Truly, a chance upon chances.

However, keep in mind, all of this is my conjecture, from patching together the information I received from so many sources."

After a long quiet moment to digest the information, Robin was the first to clarify.

"So, you're saying because humanity attacked Via Marea. We weakened their defences around the border near Gray Dawn Castle. And after we marched to Vena their capital, Ignis noticed their lack of military presence and sent their necromancers to poison the area. Then started to prepare their army to invade.

Rima destroyed our western flank, then our middle. And whilst we marched to help Victor. Humanity lost as Godfrey jumped in and killed himself. Rima, finding out that her old time enemy Ignis was attacking, and was hiding her potential army behind a veil of poison, decided to spare us, allowed us to march home and instantly forced the military alliance upon our kingdom.

Disguising it as if she was being benevolent to us humans, and forgiving. But, in truth, she needed us, especially you, to attack Ignis for her. To gauge their strength.

To summarize: Humanity gave Ignis a chance to attack by attacking Via Marea, Ignis took their chance and attacked, and in doing so, they saved humanity from extinction, by also attacking Via Marea.

Going full circle, Rima sent us to attack Ignis, we did- you did. You destroyed her bridge, and now you went up to her palace, flirted with their monarch and put a baby in her belly. And now we have an alliance?"

"Yep. Exactly.

Anyways, I plan on asking my father-in-law Jeffrey to handle the matters of the treaty, since he's already nearby. I'm sure he will enjoy the lovely weather and climate here..."

Mizumi, Miku, Mimi and also Rosemi were now desperately in need of coffee, or whiskey, or both.

Their heads pounding as the sudden information dump was quite much.

"H-how? Where do I start with my report? Victoriaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"


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