Isekai Rohan

404 Village: Night

Village: Night time.

Within the room, dimly illuminated by the small fire that slowly consumed its fuel. Apart from the crackling and flickering, the only other noise was the gentle breathing that came from the girls who slept.

Asai, perhaps having consumed too much liqueur before sleeping, now awoke to find dawn still hours away. Glancing over his trusty companions. Miku and Mizumi were cuddling together, sharing the same oversized cloak, to sleep. And whilst Robin was leaning against Rosemi who was equally leaning against the wall, Rosemi was hugging an item in which Asai could only identify as an old relic of time's past. The sword, although evidently being beautifully crafted during its inception, was now showing signs of wear and tear. 

"That sword... perhaps it used to belong to her grandma or someone important?"

Although the party could've simply set up camp and tents, having received the village elder's hospitality, they ended up sleeping within the cramp enclosure of this spare house.

Pushing himself off the ground, Asai made his way outside. Where he found Mimi, standing guard just besides the door in [Hide]

Since the village had no specialized plumbing, and instead utilized holes within the ground, to pee directly into the lava which was hot enough to instantly evaporate the urine. 

"When in Rome, do as the Romans do." As such, he wondered off to find the most secluded looking hole to pee into. "I think, they called these lava-pot? Pot for pottie?"

Peering down through the hole in the ground. A hundred metres below was the flowing lava. His face, feeling the heat, decided it was best to finish his business swiftly. However, before he pulled his little brother out, he turned to question his stalker.

"Mimi... You should know why I sneaked off alone."

She continued edging closer, before helping him whip his cock out and aiming it towards the hole. Her innocent purple eyes gazed up into Asai's like a puppy's.

"Fuck me, this is awkward..." "I'm sorry Mimi, I know you mean me good, but you're making it harder for me to go." The doppelganger looking greatly dejected, backed off back towards their party members.

Having ensured there were no peeping toms. Asai finished his business, before cleansing his hands with [Chaos] and water.

"Isn't that girl a tad bit too obsessed over me? And if she's Miku's doppelganger, but less reserved and more willing to act upon her desires, doesn't that mean Miku is secretly just as obsessed?"

As he was about to return, within the corners of his perception. He noticed the rocks move.

"Moving rocks? The hell?"

Imbuing mana into his eyes, his vision increased, focusing upon the rock he noticed little claws and feet scamper out and slowly inch towards the village.

[Lavadillo: Lvl 45]

"Lavadillo? Looks like an armadillo but disguised as a rock. Kind of cute, but, sorry pal. You have to die."

Making his way over with [Solace] in hand, he was planning on poking it to death. Finding the chance to test out the spear's penetration efficiency, he may as well use it, he figured.

However, as he inched closer. 

[Lavadillo: Lvl 45][Lavadillo: Lvl 40][Lavadillo: Lvl 45][Lavadillo: Lvl 45][Lavadillo: Lvl 44]

[Lavadillo: Lvl 45][Lavadillo: Lvl 40][Lavadillo: Lvl 45][Lavadillo: Lvl 45][Lavadillo: Lvl 42]

[Lavadillo: Lvl 42][Lavadillo: Lvl 45][Lavadillo: Lvl 45][Lavadillo: Lvl 43][Lavadillo: Lvl 45]

[Lavadillo: Lvl 45][Lavadillo: Lvl 41][Lavadillo: Lvl 43][Lavadillo: Lvl 45][Lavadillo: Lvl 43]

[Lavadillo: Lvl 41][Lavadillo: Lvl 45][Lavadillo: Lvl 45][Lavadillo: Lvl 45][Lavadillo: Lvl 43]

[Lavadillo: Lvl 45][Lavadillo: Lvl 41][Lavadillo: Lvl 43][Lavadillo: Lvl 45][Lavadillo: Lvl 43]

Asai paused in his tracks, as he realised that an entire swarm of the fuckers were encroaching upon the village that was still sound asleep.

Pulling the beautiful jet black spear back, and pointing his left hand forwards.


The spear flew true, as it soared over the rocky terrain and the lava pits. Glimmering for a second as it split into 10, before straying off-path from one and another. Landing, and exploding out great torrents of [Chaos] energy. 

The sudden earthquake, as the skill was relatively close to the village. The loud explosion and rumbling as rocks and monster limbs flew and scattered instantly awoke the villagers.

Turning around, Robin was already surging out of the cabin, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes before charging onwards to Asai. Rosemi came out second, greatly annoyed that her beauty sleep was interrupted.

For some reason, Mizumi and Miku both jumped out of the window, breaking the thin, weak wooden panel that acted as the window.

It was only after a few dozen seconds, did the first villager manage to ring the village bell. Signifying the emergency.

Glancing back towards the lavadillos, the ones surging in from the horizon were greatly shocked to see so many of their kind instantly dead. However, rather than flee, they curled up into balls and started rolling, bouncing and propelling off one and another towards the village.

Having no need for orders, the party instantly engaged. Something Asai gladly appreciated, since he always advocated for autonomous combat decision. Because of how prone he was to leaving everyone alone, to try snipe the head of the snake.

[All in One] & [Holy Testimony] : Slaughtered many of the faster lavadillos.

Rosemi positioned herself before the villagers who had all ran out of their homes, carrying pots and pans as weapons. Protecting them as they gazed in shock, seeing the hundreds of monsters that were trying to swarm their homes. Dozens of them were tempted to just turn and flee, abandoning their home and neighbours, but something about Robin, and her aura filled them with hope, as they began to pray.

Mizumi, Miku and Mimi all situated themselves atop the homes. Observing and keeping an eye out for any other directions of attack. Guarding their rear from any possible late-comers.

[Summon Skeleton] : The wall of undead acted as the village's temporary fence, as they took the brunt of the attack.

The villagers exclaimed in surprise, as necromancy indicated the necromancer was a nobleman.

[Phantom Menace] : Spread four clones out at intervals, readying their own spears. And although Asai could now order his clones to also summon their own undead, the HP/MP cost would be absurdly high, a risk he wasn't willing to test yet.

[Massacre] : Five spears flew true, tearing through the night sky before multiplying into 50 which truly decimated the hostiles in sight, like a carpet bombing, when they landed.

Holding back, as the field was now covered with dustclouds and particles that lingered. Even with imbued eyes, he couldn't make out anything. "Ah, so this is the cons of my AOE. Good to know."

To Asai's surprise, a dozen managed to dodge and evade the saturated bombing, shooting out of the dust clouds and jumping over the skeleton wall, heading straight for the top of the local dark-elves who failed to react entirely.

Rosemi, Mizumi, Miku and Mimi immediately leapt, striking and severing through their stone-exoskeleton defences like grass. Although the girls had made it in time, saving the dark-elves. The blood that spurted and erupted from the lavadillos splashed across their exposed skin and faces. It wasn't long before the village was filled with screams of pain and agony.

"Their blood is poisonous!?"

Asai exclaimed aloud for all to hear.


I can't wait for the next new character to join Asai, Robin, Miku and Mizumi into a nightmare dungeon.

And is about to die, only to look at Miku and Mizumi:

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