Asai de Trichia, whilst the man was cleaning his designated steed's coat. 

Two familiar faces appeared, quickly saluting as the man continued on tending to his horse.

"Your Majesty, we have news to deliver to you." Hajin Kaka and his sister Sora Kaka gazed upon their monarch. And although it hadn't been long since they were sent off, being utilized as messengers in accordance with Mary's agents that were spread across both Del Lagos and Via Mare. The two could intuitively feel that the man had once again acquired strength and power that further placed his legitimacy above the deceased-Xian Par'Talucca.

"Mary sends her regards: Mel has returned. Currently, she is travelling with vassals Bethel, Olivia, Oliver and 60 knights from Trichia. Their current goal; the removal of a underground-organisation called Orca, their leader, Jasmin the banshee. The same woman who had reported to you Your Majesty, of Mel's apparent death.

Also, intelligence acquired from Bethel's travels up north-east of Del Lagos. The kingdom of giants, named Draftt. We now have their approximate location on our maps." Hajin stepped forward. Presenting a roughly sketched map of the continent. Which appeared really messy, as it was all based on estimations and information gathered from multiple kingdoms.

"Regarding the ongoing war against Armenes, Prince Victor Del Lagos has currently lost multiple battles, ceding land and castles back towards Thrud Castle. Currently, with greater assistance and involvement from the vassals and knights of Trichia. The war is now locked in stale-mate. Intelligence believes this isn't due to the power of humanity, but rather the dekans being lacking in their logistics and supply lines with the further increasing distance from their own kingdom."

Asai stored the brush away into [Inventory] before gazing over to his two subjects.

"The kingdom of giants, why didn't you or anyone from Par'Talucca tell me about them until now?"

A slight annoyance, as such intelligence was vital to his decision making.

"Your Majesty, the common people, even most of the nobility from Bahran Island. We weren't aware of their kingdom, we believe this only occurred due to their isolation, and the rarity of them ever travelling out of their kingdom. We were honestly surprised ourselves to hear that a human was the first to meet and find them. And even if someone had the knowledge of their existence, we believe it must've been either the old patriarch Uda, or his impatient son, Xian the usurper."

"So, either I go help Bethel and Mel with fighting some criminal organisation named after a whale. Or, I make my way to Draftt, and hope they're sociable enough to entertain a military-alliance with us?"

"Actually, Your Majesty. Our father, your loyal vassal. Akira Kaka, has already begun building a boat to cross the large body of water. Whilst we weren't aware of it before, if one stood upon the far east of Barhran Island, we could actually faintly make out their frozen kingdom within the far horizon. 

The boat was something we all agreed upon, to sneak you and your forces out of Par'Talucca without the dekans knowledge, as our two races share the same island. And the crossing into the deadlands is located upon their half."

"So, you're saying I should do whatever I want, because your boat isn't finished yet?"

"Y-yes, Your Majesty."

"Alright, that makes things easier for me then. Thank you Hajin, Sora. So, where exactly is Bethel going to? Where is this Orca located?"

"My King, they're heading into the great forest."

Hearing this, Asai became increasingly interested. "The great forest? Morrisen? A land filled with nothing but overgrown trees, infested with beasts and monsters alike? What the fuck? Either this Orca gang is suicidal, or big-brained as fuck."

"Alright, thanks for the reports. Head back to Mizumi, she will give you your next orders."

The two saluted before leaving. Sora's black eyes, lingering upon the king's back just a little too long.

"Well, isn't this awkward? I want to immediately head up to this kingdom of giants and invite them into our war against the dragonkin, but the sheer distance of travel is so great that it's quicker if I hang around down south, fiddle my thumbs around before utilizing the ancient portal in Aevraury to port up to Par'Talucca, and ride their boat across the sea to enter Draftt... 

And I haven't even taken into calculation the amount of monster nests and swarms that roam the deadlands.

Screw it, looks like I'll be hunting a whale."


Seated upon his mount, Asai positioned him by the fore. Robin, Rosemi, Mizumi and Miku were also ready, riding upon their own.

Duke Jeffrey de Lumix had already entered Ignis, to finalize the fine-prints of their treaty and alliance. With what he had heard from Ruby, Ignis would be sending around 15-20,000 dark-elves to assist their new allies. How many of them were necromancers, mages or simple footmen. Goddess knows.

As for Aevraury, even they managed to rally up 2,000 to march up to attack their supposed enemies, the dekans. Humanity, having convinced them that the previous assault by Xian and his army was apparently orchestrated by the dragonkin, allowed the locals to finally vent out their anger and spite upon a target, whilst justified.

Glad to having completed his objectives, Asai gave himself a pat on the back. 


Rosemi trotted her horse relatively close to the duke.

"Asai~ I caught a glimpse towards the reports and documents on father's desk. It seems, the men sent to mine the mountains up north have found pre-existing tunnels. And there's a chance of there being monsters or dungeons.

He didn't tell you this, because he thinks you're already overworked and over swamped with pressure. And that, your focus on the war efforts takes priority over some possible monsters. So, before we head back to Del Lagos, can we make a little detour?"

"To ensure the safety of the soldiers and miners?"

Rosemi pleaded with her beautiful blue eyes. Against such an attack, Asai could only accept. Changing their course of action away from heading west, towards Via Marea. And instead, heading north, towards the rocky mountains where the humans had already begun digging sporadically, in search of possible mineral veins or even gold.


Asai unfolded the little map the dhans had drew for him. By their estimates, apparently, Aevraury was situated directly south of Morrison: the great forest. If the tunnels really existed, and allowed him to bypass the mountains. Then once more, he would be able to save time by travelling directly north and not through Via Marea, then Del Lagos, and then Morrisen.

"Goddess of luck~ Don't fail me now."


To those wondering about Leviathan. The sea-dragon/serpent only attacks and destroys boats that try to leave the continent. Travelling across a little body of water, similar to the strait between UK and France on Earth's map, is fine.

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