The stench of death, blood and decay. 

The ground crunched and cracked, as the three nervously advanced deeper into the deep dark unknown. Brittle bones, insect carcasses and egg shells broke under the weight of their feet. Horror filled their imagination, running rampant without moderation as they were left to their devices. Wandering through the abyss blindly, only being able to follow one and another by the sound of their breathing. Whatever it was that they were forcing their feet through, they were thankful for their knee-high boots, as they imagined themselves simply shifting through dead-leaves that piled high enough to cover their feet.

Miku couldn't help but whimper and wince, as little droplets of cold unknown sticky liquids fell upon her neck.

"S-should we just use our mana? So we can at least, see each other?" The purple haired girl suggested, hating every moment and second of being clouded in darkness. Mizumi also desired visuals, even if it was pointless.

"No. Conserve your mana. We don't know what sort of trouble Asai has gotten him into this time. And I'll be damned if we reach him with no energy left..." Rosemi bravely continued onwards. "If it bleeds, it dies. If it bleeds, it dies..."

The blonde-knight refused to succumb to her fear, and although she was wracked with goose-bumps all over her skin, and her heart was pounding in fright at every sudden and sharp noise that echoed throughout the tunnels. She marched on through with sheer will, relying upon her years of military training and drills. "Asai, I'm coming..." With her heightened instincts from experiencing multiple battles, and catching glimpses of uncle Godfrey. The had intuitively felt the rock wurm's risk levels, estimating it to be unbeatable by human-hands.

However, knowing Asai and his tendency and great fortune to survive such trials, always hovering upon the thin-line of life or death. She whole-heartedly believed the two were still alive and breathing. 


Another dozen minutes of being absolutely lost in the darkness. A ray of hope finally showed itself, the tunnel seemingly split, giving the small party a choice. One, they easily made as the new pathway that appeared upon the side had sources of minerals that dimly illuminated the path.

Finally having their sight returned, albeit somewhat. Their eyes quickly adjusted to the light, revealing to them the hundreds of thousands of bones, skulls, fingers, broken-eggshells and what appeared to be empty exoskeletons that belonged to what the children would call: daddy long legs, their long legs appeared to be what they had been breaking and crushing along the way.

Miku winced, as she realized their current predicament. "T-this tunnel belongs to s-spiders!?"

Rosemi who was deliberately breaking a few more legs, and even the round empty torsos.

"Well, at least these spiders aren't poisonous enough to hurt us." She wondered as to why they were empty. As she wasn't sure if all variants of spiders would shed their exoskeleton like the ones she knew.

"It's not their poison we're worried about... It's more or less, their web and being captured as food." Mizumi, greatly relieved to having her ability to see again, yet greatly unnerved as her imagination continued to spur off. Thinking up horrible scenarios and the implications of their surroundings. "What if we're walking into an entire nest?"

Rosemi flicked her blade as she entered the new tunnel system. At the very least, they could now defend themselves. And also, ensure they didn't simply walk into spider-web all willy-nilly.

"I-I hope we don't bump into any... They're probably all dead right?"

After saying her piece, Miku yelped as she instantly regretted jinxing herself. 8 large eyes or varying sizes lightened up across their path. Ridiculously long legs dragged its body through the tunnel that was too small for it to efficiently run through.

"Fight! It can bleed, therefore it can die!"

Rosemi sprinted into the vanguard where she instantly cast [Rush] stunning the creature that was as large as a horse. Miku froze, as she staggered backwards, tripping over the bones and falling.

Mizumi sprinted in to assist the human. Vaulting, throwing consecutive [Psychic Phantom] whilst dodging its frontal limbs that shot and pounced, in attempts to pierce her.

The two warriors sliced and diced up the creature's long legs, removing its mobility and also its ability to pierce. Leaving it crippled as it now laid upon its belly helplessly.

"Well... That wasn't so bad right?" Mizumi maintained her distance from both its ass and its mouth. Wondering, as to how she could finish it off.

Mimi plucked her twin up, and dragged her over to the others before silently-verbally mouthing words out to her, disciplining her host for her cowardice.

All of a sudden, a great deal of webbing spurted out of its ass like piss. Missing the women, but greatly alarming Rosemi.

"I don't know what's going on, but I say we better fucking run!" Rosemi, sprinted. Leaving the two shocked before they started running after her.

Miku, who was dead last, took one last glance behind her to see hundreds upon hundreds of baby critters burst out of the dead-spider's belly. All starving, hungry and relentless for nutrition. The sustenance and feed that was currently running away upon two legs.




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