Isekai Rohan

427 Morrisen

"Hey Mel~"

Whilst advancing deeper into the woodlands, the group of humans soon found themselves surrounded by nothing but wildlife. Having gone past the safety-line which were a series of signposts, placed to ensure woodcutters didn't wander astray and get lost. Only trees, birds and bugs kept them company.

"Yeah?" Mel, having recovered her memories, now dressed herself like the veteran adventurer she used to be. And although she appreciated Bethel's training and guidance, she preferred lighter weapons over two-handed blades.

"So, when will we have our rematch? My knights have been bugging me for weeks now."

"Just ask Bethel, if she approves it, then I'm all game~" Olivia glanced over to Bethel, who was happily balancing a throwing axe upon her fingertip. Before the knight could ask, she shot her down. 

"Beat me in a 1v1 and I'll grant it."

Honestly, Mel only managed to sneak the win out of Olivia's feet because of her sudden shift in mentality, tactics and approach to duels. As Olivia was very traditional in both training and combat, she excelled in official matches that had set rules and forms.

Mel's flips and vaults, something only rogues and assassins would utilize in bouts of swordsmanship, caught the knight off-guard as she wasn't used to fighting such an agile opponent. Even during the gruelling 40 day long nightmare-training she had endured with the duke, no monsters there had utilized such agile and slipper movements. 

However, since time had passed, Olivia had already concocted up multiple ideas within her mind to deal with such an agile opponent. And as eager as she was to put them to the test, Bethel kept turning her down. As the pink-haired berserker decided to keep Mel's momentum running, rather than knocking her down a peg. Especially when they were inching ever closer towards the estimated hideout of Orca.


Another dozen minutes of marching through, and enjoying the scenery. Both Bethel and Mel paused to a halt. Bethel quickly gestured to the others, forcing them to keep their questions to themselves, and remaining silent.

Another dozen seconds passed and there was nothing to be heard. With no chirping birds, no insects and no game in sight. Surrounded by only the massive trees and tall green grass. All that could be heard were the sounds of the men shifting their weight upon their feet, crunching the grass and twigs below.


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"We're surrounded! Form ranks!"

Although her eyes couldn't see her enemies, multiple status boxes appeared surrounding their position, all hidden within the grass. 

Seeing the humans suddenly rush into a two-layered circle-formation, a hundred green-goblins immediately pounced out of their hiding spot and assaulted their position. As the men positioned at the front held their shields sturdy, and pointed their swords out. The secondary layer angled their swords overhead, primed and ready to pierce down upon enemies too busy dealing with the swords at the front.

The twins positioned themselves within the inner-circle, granting them better real-time observation, ensuring they could adapt and move as the battle ensued. Mel and Bethel were positioned directly in the middle, watching both front and back in case of additional hostile-factors entering.

Since this wasn't their first rodeo against goblins, in fact, perhaps this would be their 69th battle against them. As they were a common menace across the duchy due to their high breeding rate. Which was simply monstrous in all of its sense, as goblins could literally breed with anything that was female; be it lycans, kobolds, bears, dogs, horses, cows, sheep and their own women. As long as the seed-receiver was large enough to house and provide nutrients to their babies, they could impregnate it.

Thankfully, the genetics they received weren't that great when it came to mating with wild-animals. And only in cases of humans or elves being kidnapped and utilized as breeding grounds were they able to give birth to the more intelligent hob-goblins. As such, as expected, the goblins all threw themselves and their crude clubs and rocks against the human shields. Not having enough body mass to even force the shield wall into budging, they soon found themselves punctured and bleeding.


Bethel roared, before tripping Mel, forcing her down onto her ass as her eyes went up towards the skies. In which she saw dozens of arrows fly in on their position sporadically. The inner-circle, having received their orders blindly followed them as trained. Their shields covered both the front-lines and their heads as both arrows and rocks fell upon them. However, as they weren't equipped with their usual full plate and chainmail set, a few of the knights incurred injuries into their limbs, causing them to wince.

Olivia and Oliver, on the other hand, appeared unfazed as the projectiles bounced off their bodies. Courtesy of [Silva's Protection] Without even inspecting her men, Olivia played it safe by casting [Heal] in conjunction with [Battle Maiden EX] the knights who received wounds saw the arrows push out of their bodies before their wounds stitched themselves back up. Thankful to Loha, and grateful to Olivia that they were graced with luck and fortune, to be placed under their command.

As for the two girls situated at the very centre of the formation. Bethel had tripped Mel down, making her a smaller target whilst she swiped the airspace above her clean with [Blazing] and [Cleave]


Summoning a [Rooting Axe] she cocked her arm back like a major league baseball pitcher and slung it through the skies and into the treelines. Towards one of the many [??] marks that had appeared. Completely cheating as her eyes weren't good enough to see through camouflage.

Turning to Mel, she smiled.

"Mel, do whatever you want!" The pink haired berserker then threw herself over her knights and charged on over towards the falling Orca member. Who was inflicted with [Root] and falling to her death. 

Olivia, greatly annoyed that their commander had just ditched them. Reminding her somewhat of a certain someone who also had the tendency to run off alone. Continued to issue orders to her knights, finishing off the goblins that had been skewered by friendly fire. As the arrows didn't discriminate against races.


Just a minute later and the battle ended. Whilst Olivia tended to the wounded, Mel watched as Bethel reappeared out of the tall grass. Dragging a women who was dressed like an adventurer by the ankle, upon her face were hand-prints, evidence of having received a beating.

"Look guys, I found a nice lady who says she's willing to give us a tour guide into Orca~"

Oliver and the knights jogged over to their commander, inspecting the woman who was out-cold.


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