Isekai Rohan

460 Ahkma Barony

Over a relatively small barony, one filled with mostly adventurers who cleared out the common rabble of local beasts and monsters that never seemed to end. A nobleman who went by the name of Sam Graham, had just finished meeting an acquaintance and was making his journey back to his manor in secrecy. A gentle rain was falling from the heavens, not enough to send everyone home and out of the taverns, but just enough to force everyone into adorning their hoods.

Dressed like an adventurer himself, he adorned a cloak that covered him from head to toe, a large hood that veiled his face in darkness. Passing by soldiers and militiamen, who didn't even bat an eye towards the everyday encounter. Sam dipped in and out of alleyways as he slipped back into his home.

Being the master of the manor, naturally it was easy for him to manipulate the security schedules to his liking.

Entering the master bedroom, he quickly checked his pocket watch, ensuring that everything was perfectly on time. 

The gentle pitter patter of rain continued to tickle the windows, as well as the wind that eerily whispered amongst itself. Lighting up the candles around the room, Sam finally threw his damp cloak into the usual trunk. With his current achievements, he believed his next promotion to viscount was only a matter of time.


Sam froze in his tracks, seated at his desk was a gentleman who was helping himself to one of his cigars. A small flame emerged out of his fingertips as he set the thing alight.

Sam quickly inspected his attire, ensuring his tunic was smooth and uncrooked, before addressing the night-visitor.

"Second draw down on the left. Your payment."

Fiddling around, deliberately opening the wrong compartments, the man was crimson red eyes casually went through his belongings. Pocketing little gems, rubies and masterfully-crafted pens before pocketing the heavy bag of silver into his [Storage Ring]

"Please doing business with you as always, I'll see you the same time next month."

As the man rose, Sam couldn't help but crook his neck backwards to look up at the tall towering figure, who went over and opened up the window. Allowing the strong breeze to blow back his hood to reveal jet black hair with tints of red. The man simply stared at the moon for a few seconds before breaking in particles that quickly transformed into a swarm of small bats, that flew out and faded into the darkness of the barony.

Seeing as his friend had left, the baron quickly swooped up the documents that had been freshly delivered upon his desk.

However, just as the gentleman was about to break open its seal and sate his curiosity, loud bells began to ring whilst the yard was filled with sudden shouting and roaring. Quick to approach the window, he quickly found his estate to be under attack.

Looking closely, around 50 men dressed as adventurers were attacking and swiftly disarming his own knights and guards. Two in particular stood out the most as they brazenly barged through the shield wall with their own tower-shields. Scrutinizing the weapons closer, he recognised them to be elven in design. 

"Stevenson! Bring my sword!"

Sam shouted loud and clear, ensuring his best butler who was even given the adjacent room could hear him. However, as he watched his soldiers down below be mowed down, he felt greatly impatient. Rather than his usual sword, beautifully tailor made for his measurements exactly, Sam plucked off one of the decorative swords above his fireplace before storming out of the door and preparing his mind to engage in battle.

As a man who had earned his position by fighting monsters, and miraculously surviving the horribly-failed invasion of Via Marea, Sam wasn't afraid of conflict.

In fact, if he proved successful in defending against both monsters and men alike, perhaps this night would only be another badge, another item upon his list of achievements.

With such optimistic thoughts, he charged out of his door and immediately turned left. Only to find a petite looking person standing within the middle of the hallway, illuminated by only the light seeping through the windows, the intruder was dressed in full black, typical of assassins.

"Who hired you?"

Sam rose his sword in preparing for a quick forward thrust, whilst the intruder revealed two steel-daggers that appeared to be emitting an aura of green, evidently they were laced with poison.

"A rising dragon, that's who."

To the man's surprise, the answer came from behind him. Another intruder, in equal stature was blocking the other path. Finding himself to be in a disadvantageous position, he traced his steps back into his room to force the fight back into a single front. Booting aside the coffee-table, he quickly made more space for himself to manoeuvre whilst also blocking off the path around the sofas.

"Come! Enter if you wish to die! I'll have you know, you aren't the first to try take my life! And you won't be the last either!"

A weak radiance of gold glimmered upon his sword, filling the blunt edge with sharpness, granting it the ability to sever even the thickest of armour plates.

Entering through the room, one of the intruders stood just at the entrance, peeking into the large room and checking the shadows for any extra variables to take into consideration. Before the person removed the hood atop their head and revealed themselves somewhat.

"Blue hair, two buns, sharp purple eyes?" "Miku of Trichia!?"

The dhan smiled as she performed a little curtsy, still maintaining eye-contact in case the man decided to throw any desperate pre-emptive strikes.

"A pleasure to personally meet you Baron Graham. I've read quite a lot about you."

Before the man could connect the dots and strike, or to even attempt to escape, he felt the cold sting of steel placed upon his neck.

"Move and you die, it's as simple as that."

Mimi, Miku's doppelganger had easily infiltrated with [Hide] whilst he was distracted by Miku's deliberate reveal. Quick to kicking him behind the knees, the man was sent down upon his knees.

"In accordance to the laws of humanity, you Baron Sam Graham are hereby under-arrest, and accused of both treason and blasphemy. From hereby, you shall be given to the church for interrogation and prosecution. Any last words?"

"Y-Yes! I have hostages! A hundred of them! Children! If you take me away, they will all die and their deaths will be on your hands!"

Sam kept glancing over towards the window, hoping his acquaintance would return and somehow save him. Miku, however, simply ignored his threat and had Mimi continue to wrap the man up in chains, before booting him down upon the ground and glaring at the sword that was now once again blunt.

"What a waste, you have the potential to grow and empower your swordsmanship, but you chose to betray humanity? Was it worth it?" Seeing as the baron was gagged, Miku wasn't exactly expecting an answer, as she simply strolled over and helped herself to the man's latest report.

"Mary is going to love this..."

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