Isekai Rohan

467 さくら の パルタルッカ

Flanked by two white-haired beauties, albeit one had golden eyes whilst the other had black. Asai stood before a large portrait, staring at it in disbelief, before he forcefully ripped his gaze away and upon Sora's grin.

Evidently, the king demanded answers, as such, the loyal vassal delivered.

"Your Majesty, this portrait is one of the ancient relics passed down via the royal family. Although its value is unmeasurable in terms of silver, no one would ever bother stealing it as it is protected by the heavens; whilst also, only the wearer of the [Par'Talucca] ring can activate it. As such, the masterpiece has never left this wall.

Asai doubted the information his ears delivered unto his brain. He glanced around, observing his current surroundings. This wasn't no underground bunker, secret vault, or even within the king's private bedroom upon the top floor. This was the very ground floor, and upon entering through the main doors of the palace itself, the large painting was eye-catchingly thrusted upon all visitors to see, as all it took were but a few stairs to reach.

Upon the sides of the large hall, were dhans dressed in samurai attire, performing their usual security duties although it wasn't required. As Asai and Robin were simply the strongest security possible. In fact, they were more likely to be used as hostages and therefore becoming a liability rather than helping their monarch.

As for Mel, Bethel and Olivia, the three ladies were touring the city, picking presents and gifts whilst also performing their own forms of charities. Bethel, with her superhuman strength assisted the men. Mel, with her kind heart tended to the young and told her life-experiences and stories. Olivia was tending to all ages of people, tending to any ill-inflictions or wounds with [Heal]

Guided and protected by Ken and Mary Kuro, who were diligently performing their new orders, albeit a tad too much flirting here and there.

Imbuing his eyes with mana, just like their recent dungeon visit, all forms of astral objects were revealed to him as a portal appeared directly upon the painting's surface. However, unlike the usual circles and spheres, this black portal appeared in the shape of a door, and upon its hand-knob a gentle flickering of remnant mana lingered.

Seeing the gentle radiance swirl with Robin's eyes, and her line of sight. Asai decided to run a random test for the sake of it.

"Sora, so, only the king may enter? And only one person at a time at that?"

"Correct, my king." Sora curtsied although not having to, deliberately revealing her cleavage as her yukata slipped.

"Got it. Robin, try open it." Asai placed a single hand around Robin's delicate waist, whilst he held her left hand, allowing her right to attempt in twisting the knob.

"I can't..." Try as she might, Robin couldn't even touch it. Phasing through it as if it were a gas.

"Good to know." "Sora, anything I should know before entering?"

Tapping upon her cherry-pink lips, Sora quickly scanned through the reports of old, ensuring her memory served her correctly as it was her father, Akira, who had served the previous Uda Par'Talucca.

"There's rumours of a guardian-being within, but as long as you're respectful to her, then there will be no problems."

A deep breath inhaled, before a long slow exhale. "Blood-hell... For some reason, I'm already feeling a head ache coming..."

Feeling a slight tug upon his sleeve, Asai turned to find worry, lingering within her golden diamonds. A kiss upon her forehead, before a kiss upon her small nose and soft-lips. Asai assured her, and apologised for not being able to take her with him before turning and swiftly sending mana through his ring and into the door.


Within a dream-like world, where one stood and walked upon the clouds, whilst planets gently continued to orbit their respective stars within their own systems. Seated upon a tatami mat upon her knees whilst entertaining her guest over a cup of hot green-tea of heavenly quality. 

A goddess who had long cherry-blossom pink hair that sprawled all across the clean mat, and long delicate eyelashes that hovered over her gentle features. Incredibly happy and energetically listening to the old-man who was seated upon the other side of their low wooden table, over his repeated woes and regrets during life.

"I'm telling you my goddess, if only I was a better father to my children, there fate wouldn't have been so bad! Ugh..." 

Asai, who just emerged into their divine-realm was witness to an elderly man who sported a long grey beard as well as eyebrows that flicked upwards upon the sides, cry tears of regret whilst drowning himself in herbal green tea. Evident, from the lingering aroma that filled the air, gently mixing along with the dozens of sakura trees that infinitely blossomed and fell.

Seeing the new guest, the goddess patted the old man upon the shoulder before gesturing over towards Asai to sit. Having no reason to refuse, the man did as instructed.

[さくら の パルタルッカ: Lvl: 九十九]

"I- Huh?"

"Oh, you're unable to read my name? Here, I'll fix that for you."

[Sakura No Par'Talucca: Lvl 99]

"You're welcome, and I know, my hair smells amazing, just like the sakura blossoms~ And before you tell me what you came here for, let me ask you a question first. Why? Why should I allow you to take from my family vault?"

Although her tone was strong and demanding, she still poured a cup of green-tea for her second guest to enjoy. Glancing towards the side, taking a closer look at the older-gentleman, Asai quickly found out the identity of the man filled with regret.

[Uda Par'Talucca: Lvl 99]

Reading his memories, and finding him to be a man of action. One of commitment and resolve, a human who was entirely aware of his responsibility over a large group of multiple peoples. Sakura felt somewhat satisfied, that at the very least, her descendants would continue surviving through the efforts and actions of someone who carried a strong will. One strong enough to put his desires and principles into action, even at the cost of the interests of overs. 

Something Uda Par'Talucca had failed to do, as the war against the dekans had stagnated so greatly, turning into guerrilla tactics that only sought to lengthen and delay the inevitable.

"I see, although you believe yourself to be acting only on the behalf and interests of your own, out of selfishness and desire for your won view on justice and morality. At the end of the day, my people and children still regard you highly as a hero...

Hmm~ Okay Asai de Trichia. I have conditions for you if you wish to partake of my belongings. One, you must marry either of my surviving descendants, be it Kozumi or Mizumi. And for each healthy off-spring you give my lineage, I will allow you to take an equal amount from my vault.

Of course, you must treat my great grand-daughters with kindness, or who knows? I might just visit you within your dreams. Nothing new for you I guess, as I can clearly see-" Squinting her cherry-blossom eyes closely, she zoned in on the demon that was trying to escape her perception. "-Lemon~"

The goddess grinned, before deciding to give out a freebie.

"A word of advice human. Having a demon live within the corner of your mindscape comes with a cost, although I'm assuming you already have a contract in place, and therefore have forfeited yourself to such conditions."

Deliberately delaying the later path of her advice, she sipped upon her tea to wet her tongue. Her eyes smiling as she watched Asai equally partake of the herbal tea.

"You have around 5-10% chance of producing a half-human half-demon offspring. However, regarding people with blessed bloodlines, they'll be fine~ But, the common people? The weaker their blood, the higher the chances. So, have fun producing more children~"

Immediately landing upon a decision that would effect the rest of his long life, Asai decided to continue living as if nothing had changed. However, with his long-life, he will ensure his children would be educated morally correct, and thus bring no harm upon the world. Demon blood or not, they were still his sons and daughters. And thus, were afforded a chance.

And although he felt greatly unnerved that he had entered into a soul-contract with Lemon, without knowing the full scope. He would man up, and shoulder on the consequences himself. Thankfully, the herbal green-tea was of sublime quality, and greatly soothed his mind, body and soul.


Sakura smiled in delight, as she wondered whether or not to enter in the game of gods. A chess-piece as strong-willed as the human before her was indeed a valuable piece after all. And without bothering to tell the man, the celestial-being casually erased multiple negative points within the contract between demon and man. 

After all, the man was going to father many children with her descendants. Ensuring her bloodline continued to rule Par'Talucca, even after her long passed ascension.


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