Isekai Rohan

476 [Varvylon]

Within the deadlands known as Varvylon, Victor Del Lagos, Istvan and the thousand strong templars had just returned from another skirmish against the dekans who had completely solidified their defences in Liom. Blocking and defending the bridge that connected the two realms, as they patiently followed their orders to steadfastly hold until their offspring hatched.

Glancing back and upon his loyal knights who had spent months living in dirt and steel, Victor promised within his heart to handsomely reward them upon returning victorious to Del Lagos. However, such thoughts were quickly shoved aside as he kept his priorities on the war-effort.

By now, even the prince himself who was blessed and strengthened by his hundreds of abilities, was tiring and desired rest and respite. His bones ached as well as his soul. Seeing their lord and prince down in spirits, a single knight began to sing the templar order's marching song. One that depicted strength, courage and unyielding willpower against the darkness of the night. From a single man, soon became a dozen, and from there a hundred. Before relatively soon, even the prince himself was singing along as their spirits lit alight once more.


Upon returning to an advance fort, located before Thrud castle. The templars quickly made themselves comfortable as they restocked their provisions, performed maintenance and rested their sore-muscles. Truly, it was a miracle that they had held on for so long, and without Victor's [Group Euphoria] constantly bestowing them with heal and regeneration, perhaps the templar order would've already been no more.

Whilst Istvan went on to look for the two exceptional-women of Thrud castle to flirt with, Victor solemnly leaned upon the edges of the stone walls. Observing the bustling life of humans, elves, dark-elves and even a few dhans who were only identifiable via their clothing and weapons. These were people who were sent ahead of Thrud castle, in hopes of gaining valuable battle-experience to temper their convictions prior to the impending invasion of Armenes.

And whilst many of them were still at ends with one and another, they all respected the laws and regulation with the kingdom of humanity that their individual kingdoms maintained via their alliances. Even Victor himself was quite surprised at how easily he had let go of his prior convictions to kill the elves.

Perhaps the only grievances he had now, was the fact that the men who volunteered from Aevraury, Del Lagos' colony that was located between Via Marea and Ignis, was entirely inadequate when it came to combat. With barely any meat on their bones, they struggled to swing the double-weighted wooden swords for training. And when it came to training with the bow instead, their back muscles struggled to continue pulling the powerful bow-strings that the various races utilized. 

"Duke of war, I appreciate you sending us more soldiers to fight the war... But, couldn't you have sent me warriors and not twigs?"

Having survived and lived through so much struggle and strife, the prince took a moment to reflect upon his past-decisions. Incredibly glad that he had failed to kill-off Asai back when he was known to be aligned within the faction that opposed his. Perhaps, after having some common-sense smacked into him via his younger-sister's spanking. Victor no longer held any desire to prove himself against the man, not any inclination that would and could be misinterpreted as an attempt to place a leash upon the duke.

With his desires clear, even Istvan now held back from his lust and urges. Albeit, still trying to flirt with the ladies from Trichia, who were all known to be extremely capable, strong and beautiful in their own right. The prince and templar, both had to give it to the duke, as the man simply had an extremely keen eye towards potential and talent. 


Istvan appearing greatly depressed, returned to his lord's side, who was quick to question the man.

"Rejected again?"

Istvan quickly shuffled his hands around, dismissing the idea that he had once again tried to court the two elves of Trichia.

"My prince, I was simply unable to find them. And upon asking the staff of their location or current mission, it appears that they had been recalled by their duchy and has thus left us. With such information, this fort has suddenly lowered in temperature, as my beloved flowers are no longer blooming here..."

Victor tried to sympathize with the man. However, he simply wasn't able to. For the flowers he was trying to pick already belonged to another man's garden. 

"Wasn't there that baron's daughter who was following you all around during the celebrations? What part of her do you not like?"

"All of it my lord. She is simply boring and unworthy of such muscle and skill..." Istvan flicked his short blonde hair backwards as he dynamically posed. Feigning sorrow, as it wasn't by choice but by destiny that he was far too great for such a lowly noblewoman.

Before the prince could counter the man's joke, the bells around the fort were rapidly rung, echoing their warning throughout as the men were quick to surge up and upon the defences.

Beyond the stone walls. Imps, goblins, kobolds, Lycans and ogres that had giant stones for fists were rapidly marching upon their position from all around. Forcing them into a defensive-siege without a choice, as a dark, murky mist fell and covered the landscape entirely, further throwing the soldiers into despair.

"Istvan, remind me how many knights and men we have here at this castle?"

"Two thousand my prince, including our one-thousand lads." Readjusting his sword, and helping the prince with his gauntlets. Istvan sighed, as the templars short rest and respite was already cut and interrupted.

"And approximately how many surround us, do you think?"

A quick glance around from their vantage point, with eyes imbued with mana and Istvan roughly calculated the masses hidden with the fog.

"Five-thousand, probably more."

Victor Del Lagos sighed, as he realised that there would be no sleep for neither him or his men this night.


Hidden deep within the veil of the fog, at the very far back of the army of monsters was a group of 50 dekans orientated not towards spears and swords, but towards sorcery and weather manipulation.

With their abilities, they easily saw through the fog that they had summoned, inspecting and observing the royal prince's strait as they started another one of their hunts.

"There's our prey."

"Do you think royal-meat tastes better than normal cattle?"

"Lets find out!"

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