Isekai Rohan

499 Winter Wonderland

Asai de Trichia alongside Robin Sol, for the past week had been travelling outside Etton's stonewalls and traversing the vast snow-lands. With Cotton snuggly keeping himself warm by utilizing the slender-beauty's soft-cleavage, and Tanuki riding atop Asai's head. Dream, the baby-pegasus was playfully running and rolling throughout the snow. Whilst Asai was trudging through the snow like grass, literally melting the white-substance with every step filled with [Chaos] Robin casually strode above with [Winged Foot] With such a vantage point, naturally, Cotton was peering down and pass his own nose towards its master. Seeing such disrespect go unnoticed by the humans, Tanuki the trash-panda simply gave the bird the middle-finger.

Having camped out within the trees that appeared like white-cotton candy on sticks, as well as slaughtering the more abundant monsters of the realm that were far too weak in levels to benefit them, critters that had bodies made of just ice, beasts that looked almost like the imaginary yeti would, and also the frozen-element variant of the armadillos. All in which was swiftly stuffed into Asai's [Inventory] further filling his stock of foodstuff and materials for clothing.


Entering into a large cavern, Asai was extremely delighted to find the floor consist entirely of ice, as a thick layer of the hard-shiny surface divided the world above from the fish and maritime life below. Seeing as none of the colourful fish depicted any threat as the system simply ignored them, the man quickly plucked the racoon of his head, as well out Cotton out of his heavenly-pillows and left them atop Dream's head.

Whilst the three summons watched in confusion as their summoner yanked the half-elf onto the slippery-surface, entirely expecting to see the man fall alone as Robin had [Winged Foot] They were soon quickly surprised to find the man sliding with great speed as his feet repeated its shifting pattern.

"Robin! This is called ice-skating, try it!"

Steadily holding her two petite-hands as he pulled her along, Robin took a mere 20 seconds to adapt her centre of gravity and balance to the icy-surface. As she was highly proficient with her winged feet that relied upon zero surface area for positioning and speed anyway, adapting to the slightly less-efficient form of movement as kinetic energy would naturally disperse through the ice rather than be fully retained within her legs, she quickly managed to join in on the fun as she chased after her man who had abandoned her. Skating circles around the girl before balancing upon a single-leg and spinning.

Within Robin's mind, she began to wonder as to how the man was capable of such higher tiers of speed, as she was still somewhat just travelling smoothly, feeling and enjoying the little cold-breeze that tickled her cheeks. As for Asai, it wasn't that he was an expert or trained ice-skater, in fact back on Earth, he had once dabbled in rollerblading and skateboarding in his youth. Thus, the slipper-surface and dexterity required to maneuverer on such a surface came near second nature to him. Especially when his level 98 stats that granted him agility, dexterity and overall greater control over the motions of his body that came in the form of injected muscle-memory. 

The man easily teased Robin by skidding closely by her, splashing the little bits of shaved ice at her before dipping. 

With great curiosity, the half-elf imbued her eyes to find two thin blades of mana lingering within the middle of the man's feet. Immediately copying him in the endeavour, she quickly found herself laying upon the ice and staring dumbfoundedly at the equally icy-cavern top that reflected the sea-life and herself like a mirror.

Having been successful in many of her endeavours, failing at such a random and simple task filled the girl with laughter as she whole heartfully let herself loose. Asai, quick to notice her little downfall immediately made his way over, albeit failing to notice the less-than-perfect surface area, as the frozen-rink was naturally formed and not a perfectly smoothed and shaved one. Thus, he also slipped and skidding across towards the girl upon his ass.

Robin, even if she didn't want to, easily noticed her man rapidly approaching as the top of his head bumped into her belly as she caught him. Like a contagious poison, Robin's laughter along with her tears that had zero-reason to come out, swiftly infected the man as he equally found their situation to be comically-hilarious.

Who would've ever imagined the king of Par'Talucca, alongside his strongest and most versatile knight, who was renowned for being stoic and serious to be slipping and sliding on ice.

Looking over towards the side, Dream the horse was failing to enter the ice-rink as its four legs simply failed to garner any grip and balance. Whilst Tanuki was laying upon its furry belly and slowly crawling across the ice like it was swimming. Cotton, being Cotton was hitching a free-ride upon the trash-panda's back.

A quick idea popped into Asai's mid as he stored a small block of the ice below into his [Inventory] before pulling it back out again. Shaving the block into little particles of flakes, he filled a bowl up as a mountain of the cold-essence formed before he pulled out multiple bottles that contained flavoured sauces and syrups.

"Robin? Vanilla? Chocolate? Or strawberry? This is a dessert called shaved-ice, try it."

Easily choosing her favourite flavour, Vanilla, the beauty poured and covered the shaved-ice in sauce as she watched Asai pull a few strawberries and blueberries out and further decorated the dish.

With a spoon in hand, the two slowly enjoyed the icy-treat that melted within their mouths as flavour tickled their tongues delightfully. Seeing the trash-panda and marshmallow looking bird arrive. 

"Want some? Here~" Robin slowly fed them a spoonful each, before plucking them off the cold-surface and placing them within her lap.


"Say, Robin. Want to build a snowman?"

"What's that?"


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