A few months have passed since I was attacked in the night. Although I tried, I simply couldn't find any leads or clues...

My 16th birthday rapidly approaches. According to the nuns here, once I hit 16 I'll be expected to leave and survive on my own. Usually for the females they would be scouted for employment, to become maids and serve nobility or continue supporting the orphanage. Which is what Mary has chosen, although she was beautiful enough that she wouldn't struggle to find employment. For reasons unknown to me, whenever a noble visits, Mary is simply no where to be seen. A past trauma perhaps? who knows. I for one won't delve into her. She's been nothing but kind to me and I refuse to infringe upon her. Besides, once I'm 16, I'll be leaving whilst she'll be staying. 

I will have to find employment somewhere. Perhaps  as an apprentice in Einhoren? I definitely need to find more information and knowledge about this world. Heck, I've scoured the Orphanage and there isn't a single book. I once asked Mary out of curiosity and it seems only nobles and merchants could afford paper. Information for the lower class, the peasants and the farmers are strictly controlled it seems.

It seems I'll be playing this life on hard mode huh. Upon opening my eyes, I see Mary's adorable face. It seems she's dozed off. Can't blame her, the weather is perfect, the gentle breeze is perfect. 

[Mary: Lvl 1]

Strange, I don't understand. How can she be Level 1 whilst I'm already level 9. And God knows the only quests I get are low tier ones. Most of the time I even force the nuns around me to give me quests. Whenever they order me around I'd ask.

"Is that a quest?" The nuns already used to my weird obsession with imaginary quests simply shrug and nod. Unbeknownst to them, they've been helping me level up. Although lately, it does seem like I require a greater multitude of quests before another level up is granted. Heck, I've been stuck on level 9 for months. Perhaps I've reached a plateau. 

Ah, Mary is drooling. I should wipe that for her, better than-

Suddenly a few nuns run past us without batting an eye. Visitors I assumed.

Upon reaching the front gates, albeit I'm still somewhat concealed behind some thick bushes. I peaked through the gaps in between the leaves.

"Ladies, we are the Crimson Graves guild." He paused for a second to emphasize their guild name like it was something to be proud of. Although it's the first time for me, hearing that name... "We're here to scout! Any adventurous young men braver than a goblin here at this orphanage should join us!" roared the muscly man. Upon further inspection, I notice the group to be mostly swordsman. No shields in sight at all. I focused on their faces. Desiring more information.

[Alex: lvl 20]  [Emmanuel: Lvl 19]  [Mel: lvl 18]  [Colem: lvl 15] 

This information surprises me actually. To know that our never-sober drunken guard is actually strong is wild. All the nuns I've checked were level 1, heck even the nobles that visit are level 1s. I'll just assume that nobles never really have to personally kill anything.

But this is strange. Why is my level higher than even most of the local nobility that I've seen? I can only assume that this world truly is a dog eats dog world. Although personally, I've yet to kill a thing. I've sneaked out of the orphanage multiple times, but never once have I encountered any monsters to battle.

I watched as Clam and his goons rush out of the orphanage, eager to join the ranks of men it seems.

Although a tad early. I shouldn't let this opportunity to learn more about the world go to waste.

I too shall join them, onwards to glorious battle and a world where I'm the protagonist!

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