Isekai Rohan

502 Experiments

[Robin Sol: Lvl 95]

[HP: 100 MP:200]

[Title: Saintess]

[Skills unlocked:]

[Winged Foot]

Increases movement speed by 40%


100% chance of Vanishing


Increase Divine Elemental damage by 20% and Elemental defence by 10%.

[All in One]

Shoots 13 arrows at once. Each arrow deals 100% of normal attack.


Detect any players or monsters in Vanish mode within a 40 meter radius for 60 minutes.

[Holy Testimony]

Manifests 10 astral swords at target. Each sword deals 45% of normal attack. Swords nullify foreign mana.

[Saintess' Faith]

Increase Holy elemental damage by 25% for you and 15% for your allies.


Enables flight for [Robin Sol] Sustained Mana: [20] +20% Damage Drop 

[Heavenly Relic]

Summon a 15m tall ancient relic, deals 250% magical attack +100% of [Faith]


Increase Ice Elemental damage by 20% and Elemental defence by 10%.

In consideration towards the dekans being their biggest current threat, and their supposed grievances towards low-temperatures, Asai was quick to divulge his new dealing with the demon and gifted the half-elf with the element best utilized against them.

Interestingly enough, the interaction with the element and her skills updated their visuals as no longer were her arrows simply glimmering with golden light, but were now entirely transformed into arrows that consisted of ice in its entirety.

As for skills such as [Holy Testimony] that inherently came with a core element of their own, the [Frozen] element imbuement came as a secondary miniature-effect that only revealed itself as an after-effect when the swords faded, leaving behind a small patch of icy-surface.

When concerning [Heavenly Relic] which summoned a giant marble-like holy-cross in physical form, a blue aura of frost coated its surface as temperatures would sharply decline upon its impact.

Seeing the results from their little tests, Asai was quite excited towards gifting the half-elf with the other elements, as soon as he satisfied Lemon some more that is.


Whilst imbuing weapons, arrows and armours with mana on its own was worthy enough, as it would strengthen the materials regardless, the efficiency of its magical effects sharply improved when a designated element was also applied. Almost as if it were a guiding factor that reduced the amount of inefficient mana that would simply leak from the designated practical containers.

Within Asai's imagination, he saw it best as a shower-head. With a basic default setting, the water would stream out of its many pores and splash upon a large area surface. However, the weapon or armour should be viewed as a small container, as such, most of the liquid would be wasted and miss entering the vessel. Applying a setting, an elemental in this case, would funnel the water into a stronger and faster jet of water that would accurately enter into the designated container.

Reaching such a conclusion, as he answered one of many questions that kept tickling his brain throughout his long journey, he nodded in satisfaction as he practised dual-wielding swordsmanship.

Whilst utilizing two karambits in each hand felt naturally smooth to the man, dual-wielding two long katanas that both sported a single-edge was honestly quite awkward for the man. As more often than not, he would find himself striking with the flat-end of the weapons, rather than slicing. As of currently, he was practicing a few strict combinations like a 1-2-3 jab-straight-hook, trying to cement the movement into muscle-memory before relinquishing the secondary weapon, and simply allowing it to return to his [Inventory] to switch back into normal swordsmanship.

All to swiftly summon the blade once more to repeat. 

As Robin had finished acquainting herself with her new element, she casually stroked Tanuki's furry tail whilst Cotton slept within her cleavage. As for the baby-horse, Dream was simply laying besides the half-elf as he continued to enjoy the gentle scent of vanilla that lingered upon the girl's soft-white hair.


"Mmm?" Pausing in his tracks, he glanced towards the two ends of the ice-cavern, satisfied to find no visitors intruding into their little winter-wonderland, he casually skated towards her. "Notice something?"

"Yes." Her golden eyes shimmered as her eyes scrutinized the man from head to toe. "Your skill, the eclipse one. Have you tried casting it half and half?"

Asai pondered for a second, before asking for more. "What do you mean? It's already a half and half skill. I'm literally using two swords and consuming my mana 50:50."

"No no. Not like that, I mean... Face towards your target, instead of hosting both swords on your left hip, place one on each side, and perform a quick-draw that attacks only what's in front. Either you strike in an X or a evenly-spaced = have you tried it?"

Trying to imagine it play out within his mind, he pictured himself performing the double quick-draw from both hips. The swords pulled from both directions, travelling slightly horizontally, they performed a forward X cut, with such a strike the mana projection would be highly concentrated directly within the centre where the blades would cross-paths. "Inefficient... That's no good."

Imagining the clean horizontal passing of blades, like a road of cars that simply had cars drive on by in opposing directions. Whilst the blade-path would meet in any circumstance, at the very least the projection was cleanly divided and even. "I see. A 180 arc that strikes only what's in front of me. Which will concentrate [Solar Eclipse] from its 360 arc, into half of its designated area of influence, which would save mana, reduce activating time and also lead to possibly better damage output..."

Asai opened his eyes, dusting away the skill-animation out of mind before meeting Robin's golden crystals and the little smile she had.

"Robin, have I ever told you how much I freaking love you? Because, holy-moly, I love you!"

Plucking her off the fur-rug she was seated upon, the man bear-hugged her as he spun upon his toes, swirling in circles as he ice-skated around. Robin chuckled as she squirmed and pushed the man away, seeing him pout from the rejection she quickly explained herself.

"Cotton can't breathe if you hug me so tightly!"

"Screw Cotton!" Asai plucked the little white fur ball out of her cleavage and yeeted him across the ice, before landing kisses all across Robin's soft cheeks.

Bonking the man on the head lightly, she escaped his tight-hug and flew on over to retrieve the poor bird. "Asai, try it. Tell- No, show me how it goes~"

Asai nodded, before summoning [Ruin] upon his left hip and [Decay] upon his right, crossing his arms over to tightly-grip upon their handles, imbuing and feeding them with mana. Asai ignored the system and strayed from the path of officialised skills and abilities, ignoring the muscle-memory that felt entirely wrong, as if he was punching in an awkward angle. 

His mana travelled in a path different from the usual [Solar Eclipse] as both katanas rumbled in excitement towards the impending destruction, Asai forcefully tore his beloved swords out. Triggering the creation and optimization of magical-energy into a new skill.

[Lunar Eclipse] !

A half and half jet of light that consisted of black and gold sliced through the cavern's icy-walls, the clean cut went perhaps metres in before fading, as its lingering remnant energies scattered like doves to the skies. Feeling the large chunk of mana-deplete from his heart, Asai felt somewhat light-headed as he weighed the pros and cons.

[Asai de Trichia: Lvl 98]

[HP: 180 MP:161]

[Title: Monster]

[Skills unlocked:]

[Lunar Eclipse]

375% of caster's normal attack +20% of [STR] to 180 degree frontal arc AOE

[Solar Eclipse]

200% of caster's normal attack +10% of [STR] to 360 degree AOE zone

When in comparison to its 360 full circle version, the stats definitely were more concentrated and optimized for damage, so much so, that this new skill even outclassed his bread-and-butter skill 

[Double Psychic Phantom/Annihilate]

Additional 300% Damage added to a regular attack.

However, when prioritizing mana-cost, activation-time and also spam-ability, [Psychic Phantom] would emerge victorious hands-down. As the Dhan:Avenger's ability was also a highly mobile skill that didn't require him to plant both feet into the ground for the duration. 

On the other hand, due to [Lunar Eclipse]'s stability, and grounding of both feet rather than vaulting, or spinning like its 360 counterpart, greater force, exertion and transfer of kinetic energy undoubtedly boosted the skill's DPS.

A slow and gentle applause rose, as Robin continued to clap whilst approaching her man.

"Thank you, thank you. I always knew I had it in me to invent new skills like it's nothing~" Asai pretended to pull off his imaginary hat and bowed, accepting the applause as Robin bonked him on the head whilst pouting. "Ack! I'm kidding- I'm kidding!"

Seeing Asai pretend to cry, as he over-dramatically stroked his head as if it were wounded beyond hope. Robin tip-toed to plant a kiss upon the wound, instantly and miraculously healing it as Asai rose empowered.



"Your [All in One] I've been meaning to ask, do you cast it with only a single mithril dagger, or with both in conjunction?"

Robin accidently dropped the little white bird onto the hard-ice, as her golden eyes widened in realization that she had been entirely occupied with thoughts of her man, to realize she had been single-casting for as long as she could remember. Something that just seemed to natural to do, just like breathing. Something she never questioned.

Summoning her two beautifully crafted mithril daggers, and feeding them with [Divinity] and [Frozen] each, or even [Holy] her golden eyes went back towards her man, who was now sporting the smuggest-grin she had ever seen stretch upon his face.

[Robin Sol: Lvl 95]

[HP: 100 MP:200]

[Title: Saintess]

[Skills unlocked:]

[All in One]

Shoots 13 arrows at once. Each arrow deals 100% of normal attack.

[Divine Flow]

Shoots 26 arrows. Each arrow deals 100% of normal attack. Ignores 30% [Target] Damage drop


Having spent hours more experimenting with their skills, and fighting, ignoring the guidance of the system and skills. The two quickly acknowledged that not all skills were capable of becoming dual-casted. Such as [Winged Foot] and [Detect], skills that were truly designed to be casted singularly, delivered zero effects upon being casted as a twin, whilst still consuming the heightened mana-cost.

As the mana-heart had to endure the pressure and strain of feeding two skills over one, whilst pumping blood at speeds still acceptable enough for said skills to be even remotely useful.

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