Asai's fierce gaze scrutinized Azul, who deliberately paused, allowing his statement to sink in. However, even after a dozen seconds passed, the dekan was quite honestly disappointed as he was unable to siphon out any clues from the man's posture and emotions.

"You, you are also capable of stealing abilities from outside bloodlines no?"

Seeing the human refuse to portray any emotion upon his face, as well as the zero-response and unfaltering party-members who continued to stand behind him like statues, Azul gave up trying to dig for any information for now.

"I don't know whether or not you've seen it in person or not, but my race has an innate ability to consume the hearts and flesh of other living-beings, to absorb a fraction of their prowess to further our own. Whilst that is a skill that all dekans innately carry within their bloodlines, mine is a tad bit special. I am also capable of consuming corpses that had long-since died out, and absorbing not just their bloodline-abilities, but also their racial-traits.

The best example I can give, is that my dragon manifestation is a size much larger than others-" Azul's nose rose higher as he was finally able to brag about the size of his dragonic-dick-size in comparison to his brethren.

"-By consuming giants, their racial traits of gigantification was bestowed upon me. Perhaps, if luck were to permit it, by eating a dhan I would obtain their ability to lurk within the shadows."

"You, you've eaten an elf before haven't you?" Asai threw quite the random question out, something that was tickling his mind for a while.

Azul, finding the question to be a hit, grinned as his fangs spread and revealed themselves to be sharp like a sharks. "How did you know? Ah! Wait, don't tell me..." Scrunching his brows together, and filtering through the multiple lines-of-thoughts his brain was juggling, he quickly caught on to the biggest clue he had given out. "-Ah, my story... Human, I'll enlighten you as a reward for catching that little fish. We dekans, usually live up to 100, but the warriors who actively and continuously consume others, will get to live for so much more. The last king I was aware of, lived up to 500, whilst as for my self... 

I stopped counting after reaching the 2000 mark. Which therefore, marks me as the oldest-elder within dekan-history. I am legendary, I am history, past, present and future in the flesh." Azul smiled, as he bragged of achievements that would supposedly make him famous throughout time. And yet, until this day, Asai hadn't a clue of this dekan. Thus, he didn't share Azul's enthusiasm.

Somewhat lost in thought, Asai poured himself a cup of whiskey before equally offering one to Azul, who swiftly accepted, downing the drink and ignoring the sharp-katanas surrounding him.

"Oh, I hope you don't mind me delaying your departure, you can't blame me can you? After all, you're trying to gather up multiple kingdoms to bully my ancestral home, and whilst I may have been exiled from the land, my cousins, nieces and nephews are probably still living somewhere there with their offspring..."

"Understandable, we're enemies after all. Which means, you also won't mind me taking your life correct?" Shoving his words right back at him, Asai switched his karambit out for [Ruin] as he slowly-deliberately pulled the blade out, dragging it against its cover as the screech rang out. "You can't blame me can you? After all, I'm just defeating dekans, the race who seeks to turn my home into a wasteland."

Azul's blue eyes widen in shock as the human raised the blade above head, his two hands funnelled mana into the evil sword as the air around it began to rumble in a violent and excited manner.

"W-WAIT! We're friends right? We spoke, chatted for a while, spoke about our lives, and even shared a drink together. That makes us friends no!?"

Fight or flight instincts clashed within the dekan's mind, as his body urged itself into transformation. And whilst escape was highly possible, he didn't feel that confident in duking it out against four hostiles who were all relatively close in combat-ability. "I CALL UPON THE FAVOUR IN WHICH THAT IS OWED TO ME! THE PAR'TALUCCA BLOODLINE OWES ME A FAVOUR!"

Hearing the desperate plea, Asai halted the convergence of his mana, as he felt obligated in asking further questions. Catching onto the desperate gaze of the dekan, which lead to the ring upon his finger, Asai realized that Azul had recognised the ring of [Par'Talucca]

"Explain." Asai seated himself atop the desk once more, as he impatiently sighed. A short memory resurfaced within his mind, the deal he had made with Sakura no Par'Talucca, which prevented him from spilling giant blood. "Wait, he said he obtained the giant's trait, their bloodline-ability? Does that make him half-giant half-dekan or something?"

Seeing the annoyed expression upon his interrogator, he quickly caved in and delivered his story.

"I- Before the battle for the throne occurred, I served as the king's adviser. Whilst trying to understand the beings that occupied the other half of Bahran Island, I met and spoke with the monarch at that time. Your great great great great... great grandfather came to me with a deal of sorts, that if I were able to convince my king against total-war against the dhans, then a favour would be owed.

What matters is that I predicted the two prince's battle, and desired refuge elsewhere if I failed. With a risky future before me, I accepted and successfully advised the king of Armenes into viewing the dhans as a live-stock, a farm that required no manpower to run as they would naturally breed and multiply by themselves. 

And to consider the occasional feeding, hunting, to be training for our young. With the nature of our religion revolving around war and battle, naturally the king accepted. And when shove came to push, and the prince I favoured was devoured, I fled to Par'Talucca and received their assistance. Thankfully, the notions I had left imbedded within the people of Armenes were kept, as they never engaged in all-out-war against Par'Talucca.


Your great great grandfather at that time received guests from Draftt. The giants had crafted their own boat and sailed on over, but theirs was a scouting party of warriors, seeking battle not friendship.

Promising to resolve the problem at that time, the giants took a liking to me as they considered me to be a baby-wyvern in my dragon form... Thus, I returned with them to Etton and shared our cultural differences and information.

Years later, as I've already told you, they had entirely forgotten about me. But rumours kept going around that the royal family of giants had a hidden weapon, a secret pact with a dragon, a messenger from the heavens. Naturally, I accepted the role and image they deployed upon me. I mean, who wouldn't right?

And- And I'm not making this up, I swear to the celestial-dragons that I'm not lying, but some pink haired dhan named Sakura spoke to me. Ordered me to sway the minds of the giants away from invading her kingdom and children. From what I remember, I was scared, I was frightened rightfully so.

She invaded my mind, and I was unable to move a single limb, thus I accepted her deal. And well... I've been controlling the giants since then.

So, your kingdom owes me one. You can't kill me."


"Screw me backwards, his story checks out..."

Asai ignored the dekan as he walked into his storage-room and armoury, dashing all of his weapons and armours, even if ceremonial in nature into his [Inventory] before leaving Azul dazed and relieved. Cotton, who was riding within Asai's hood gave the blue humanoid the middle-feather as his master continued to stroll away.

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