Isekai Rohan

528 Armenes

Having continued their march through the border and into the kingdom of Armenes, bulldozing through every single scout squad they came across, as the elites of Trichia were simply beings who stood upon a higher level when pit against such light-infantry. Asai de Trichia felt his nerves relax and lighten, as the fruits of his hard labour were coming through, leading him to believe his initial decision to invest so much time and energy into others to be correct.

Holding his position alongside the beloved Robin Sol, who continued to scrutinize the vicinity from the sky above, his army led by Bethel and Clam who were now marching south and over the bridge that connected Bahran Island to the rest of the continent, were shortly followed by Chloe Bedevere and Violet.

With his reasoning being to maintain the front facing the dekan kingdom, the two pointy-eared woman looked on over in confusion as their lord and best knight remained in position, even after the army had safely crossed over, leaving the two behind. However, they had their orders and they kept to them, as they continued to guard the rear.


When his friends, companions and warriors were so far south, that he was unable to see them even with amplified eyesight, Robin dipped on down and plucked him off his feet. Both, simultaneously entering their individual stealth.

Whilst he no longer felt worried about the army that was left in capable hands, his heart did increase in BPM due to the awareness of their current flight-direction.

And even without words, Robin Sol was equally feeling quite nervous, as her arms wrapped under and around his torso rather tightly, more so than usual.


After a few hours of rapid-flight, bypassing many defensive positions, squads, platoons, scouts, guards and even villages. All that remained entirely unaware of their position as no people or civilization had yet to conquer the skies within this world. Especially when the two were shrouded in [Hide] and [Disappear]

Asai couldn't help but believe himself to have been overthinking things, particularly the moment after reading the secret-mission decreed to him from Victoria Del Lagos.

With their rapid speed, form of travel and stealth, they were honestly the best scouts humanity could utilize. Perhaps the only hurdle to the two was the lack of information, which left them blindsided as they were forced to scour an entire foreign kingdom with no map, no knowledge of the lands, and no hints to the prince's whereabouts.

With only logic and rationality available to them, they merely spent a minute here and there lingering around structures that were more highly guarded than others. Something that was befitting of a royal prisoner. Unfortunately, they only appeared to be buildings that belonged to the upper-class of their society.


Night time come.

Just as the two did within the old days, back when they were adventuring, travelling upon foot from the capital city Einhoren to Trichia village. The two snuggled closely under covers made from soft-fur. With their superhuman bodies that barely felt the tingling of the night-breeze, Asai and Robin spent the night star-gazing as the human failed to recognise any of the star-signs.

"Say, Robin. What do you think those stars up there are?"

The half-elf's golden eyes flickered as [Divinity] flourished within them, expanding her eyesight and range to its maximum potential, which also quickly forced them shut as they burnt in exertion.

"They're too far for me to see what's on them... Or, I get the feeling that something stopped me from seeing."

"So it's like Earth's atmosphere? That naturally protects the globe from the sun's radiation? But more in the lines of divine-intervention?"

"Say, Robin. Do you believe in gods and goddesses?"

The half eye peeked open a single eye, looking at him as if he had asked the most idiotic question ever. But regardless, she nodded and allowed the man to continue with his line of thought, or question.

Although having met, seen and spoken to, whilst also receiving divine-intervention that helped him on numerous occasions. Asai honestly still didn't feel like a religious-person, one who would classify themselves as a believer. Which, when he thought about it, made him laugh as he was perhaps the one human within this world who had received the most boons and attention from them.

Perhaps it was due to their very actions, the way they interacted with him, it was all very human-like. Just as humanity did, and every other intelligent-being did, the gods and goddesses also held values, notions, principles and desires.

"If a member of the church heard my thoughts, would they condemn me as a blasphemer?" He wondered.

"Robin, after this war is over, and the dekans are no more. What aspirations will you pursue?"


"Yeah, like... Becoming the best cook, strongest magician, becoming queen or even an empress and so on."

Seeing her eyes focus solely upon his face, he felt inclined to place certain restrictions upon her.

"If I wasn't in this world. If you never met me, and managed to get to where you are today by yourself. What would you do thereafter?"

Imagining a world without Asai, Robin's golden diamonds began to tear up as two tears managed to escape the sleeves, sliding down her soft-snow like cheeks.

"R-Robin!? It's just imaginary, a what-if." Holding her hand tightly, he reassured her with kisses all across her forehead, cheeks and nose. "It's just a what if."

As his heart ached in pain, from seeing her cry, in addition to knowing that he was the cause, through [Robin's Desire] the half-elf also felt his suffering. Sad to know that he was hurting, but happy to remember their soul-like connection, she kissed him back upon the lips before trying to dive into her imagination once more.

It was only 5 whole minutes of complete silence did she give her answer.

"I think, I would create a world of my own, a place where no one would go hungry. Where no one would suffer like I did, before you found me... I'm sorry it's not so grand and amazing as your dream, but that's all I would need to be happy honestly. Of course, life would be much more perfect if you were to be there besides me! ♡"

"I see..."

Whilst Robin Sol, would decide to live her life for others, Asai compared her wants to his own, realizing just how selfish he was as a man who had so much authority, power and control within the kingdom.

Making a mental note to himself, upon returning to Par'Talucca and thereafter Del Lagos, he would endeavour to donate more silver into their respective fountains. A greater blessing, a greater abundance of food for all. Which would only cost him a drop, as his personal coffers held more than he could bother to count.

"I guess, it's time to shift my mindset away from gaining power to deter enemies away from me, and to how exactly can I help better and change the world for good?"


"Robin? You do realize we're in the middle of enemy territory right?"

Robin Sol popped her head out from under the covers, his dick covered in her saliva as she grinned, stuck her tongue out, and dipped back under.


Give it a try? ♡

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