Isekai Rohan

536 [Hero] vs [Prince]

"Look at the bright side, if I win, there's a chance I'll be increasing our numbers before we hammer the dekans into the anvil. The dark side? I don't really trust these lunatics. Let's just hope that their constant boasting of honour, glory and acting in god's eyes is true, if this shit-bag loses and goes back on his word... I swear, I'm going to beg the duke into letting me march an army into their shitty ice kingdom."

[Blazing] surged forth as it coated [Mirror Blade] and a [Rooting Axe] appeared within her off-hand. Whilst the duel was a one versus one on paper, in reality, Violet was secretly controlling her skeletal horse summon, thus relinquishing the [Hero] from having to control and steer the steed. However, it also meant that their thought-process and desires may clash or prove detrimental instead.

Having received 


All [Crowd Control] effect duration reduced by 85%

From the giants, specifically from the queen, Bethel had to make a mental reminder that CC such as stuns, root and paralyze status ailments wouldn't be the key to victory. Perhaps it would bouts of sheer strength, a duel between who has the stronger fire-power.

Her eyes calmly observed him, as he was finally satisfied with his theatrics, with receiving cheers and praise and was finally meeting her gaze.

"Holy crap, I've faced legendary dragons, an army of samurais, monsters and dekans. And yet, I still find myself nervous..." 

Even with [Heroic Heart] assisting her with controlling her nerves and emotions, the human still felt the horrible cold sweat slowly slide down her back.

"ENGAGE!" Logan self announced the start, as he ushered his mighty steed into a fast gallop.

The skeleton horse ramped up speed itself, respectively so as it suffered from no muscles that required warming up, thus allowing it to reach its maximum speed even faster than a normal horse could.

[Blazing] now surged and coated her entire body, empowering and almost tripling the highly-optimized uniform's defensive stats. 

[Blazing] also coated the glaive as it was funnelled and condensed solely around the blade.

Before a dozen seconds passed, the two riders clashed as flames sparked and cindered fur and leather, steel crashed into steel as neither weapon managed to out-perform the other. Whilst the riders appeared to be equals, the same couldn't be said for their mounts as the sabre-toothed tiger managed to take a bite out of the skeleton horse's ribcage, akin to a dog snatching a bone.

As such, seconds after both riders passed one and another, Bethel's mount broke and crashed into the ground whilst the prince was quick to turn and charge once more.

Within the short seconds of panicking and nerves acting up, as Bethel honestly didn't expect their exchange to turn out so poorly for her, she launched the axe towards the prince and struck his mount. As if it had rammed into a fence made of heavy iron, the sabre-tooth instantly found its mobility entirely gone as its rider who was near-immune to CC effects found himself thrown from his seat, as if he had just crashed his car, the prince found flew onwards in great shock.

However, even being caught in such a surprise, his lifelong training and muscle-memory came in clutch as his glaive clashed against the human's sword once more, which sought to sever him in two. After crashing and rolling across the dead fields, he rose with both excitement and fear, in respect and in desire of the human who was continuously proving herself more than worthy of receiving his offspring. With such rising fervour towards conquering and dominating the human, his cock rose as it perched up the fur that covered it. Uncaring of his lust, Logan advanced from his position as the two began to exchange a flurry of strikes.

Flames danced, crashed, sparked and flew like fireworks, causing both battler's eyes to turn red in hue as they struggled to keep them open.

Logan's heart raged in desire, even when his punches, kicks and headbutts landed on the human much smaller than him, she appeared unfazed. Wondering whether it was due to her ability to amplify her own body, or whether it was due to the uniform she wore that was constantly ringing warning-bells within his mind, he failed to realize that Clam was shouldering every wound and blow by [Defending Nature]

Naturally, the man who had spent years deliberately destroying his muscles with dumbbells, barbells and plates, was no stranger to pain, soreness and discipline. With his own beating heart, he gritted his teeth as his cloak hid the wounds that were appearing all across his body. Refusing to show any emotion, fear, pain or struggle. For within his mind, he knew that the pain he was experience was nothing compared to the injuries he would one day have to shoulder for someone like Asai de Trichia. Thus, he merely considered his current suffering to be training, a prelude of sorts.


A dozen minutes into their exchanges of strikes and blows, with adrenaline that surged them onwards uncaring of the wounds upon their bodies, Logan became filled with confidence as he had been deliberately taking non-lethal attacks. With the lowering of his HP, his attack power naturally rose in correspondence, a true barbarian in prowess as even his speed rose.

Filled with overwhelming confidence that he had seen all that Bethel had to offer, he spontaneously leapt back which surprised the girl as his entire body flexed and called forth every inch of muscle he had available to him. Transferring both kinetic energy and mana from his limbs and up to his arm that launched his glaive as if it were a javelin.

Every single strike, cut, blow, exchange he had received thus for was in preparation for this sure-kill moment. This was his biggest hardest hitting attack, a formula that has proven itself powerful as it was even strong enough to slaughter the titanic boa monsters that dwelled within his homeland.


Logan rose both hands in theatrics, as the victor of such a mighty fight was entitled to, he grinned from ear to ear as roars, cheering, shouts and screams filled his ears... The prince of giants choked on blood, as his body fell upon its knees. Shock, confusion and denial filled him as his eyes fell towards his stomach. 


A large gaping hole left his stomach empty as his life started to fade, as his muscles no longer answered his mind, as the flames simmered and died.

With the last of his energy, he barely managed to turn, catching sight of his own glaive in which he had launched with his utmost stuck inches deep into the ground behind him. Realizing and finally accepting his loss, he tried to gaze once more at the human who had bested him, but the flame within his heart perished, denying his last desire.


Clam's skeletal was quick to spur forwards, allowing the human to pluck the girl who was half-dead off the dirt as the two rode back to their own army.

The 1,000 strong army failed to even try any form of rational thought, as their desire to kill overwhelmed them, turning them into a military force that fought not for honour but for sheer destruction and ruination.

"Tch, giants can't be trusted after all." Chloe grimaced as she provided covering fire, that barely slowed the tigers. [Apollo's Bow] multiplied every single arrow by 5, and with [Siege Shot] and [Tempest Stance] further empowering her attacks, even if their vanguard refused to slow down, they soon found their numbers falling and dying.

"Less talking more shooting!" Before the giants could catch Clam and Bethel, her 200 strong undead skeletons shot out from the ground and fought uncaring of life or death.

Even amidst the rapid advancing of giants riding beasts, the 4,000 strong dhans cheered as their morale rose. Greatly inspired by the sluggish duel the human had fought on their behalf, and the clear precise victor that belonged to their faction. Even with thousands of them entering [Hide] and surging [Invenom] throughout their weapons, they continued to hold the line as they awaited their orders. Watching as a small army of undead courageously threw themselves into the path of teeth and steel.

[Bethel: Lvl 81->82]

[HP: 160 MP:130]

[Title: Hero]

[Clam: Lvl 75->76]

[HP:125 MP:100]

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