Clam's left shoulder had begun to go numb. After bracing against so many volleys. He wasn't sure if he could continue for much longer. The monster horde didn't seem to be ending any time soon. It wasn't even possible to see the end of the mass of green. Surrounded by the screeches and shrills of the monsters. Goosebumps shot up his spine.

As Clam braced upon another volley, he noticed his off-position. Whilst defending against a hit from the front, from the side was another plant that was evidently preparing itself to fire upon him. The monster digging its claws into the ground to prepare for the backlash.

"Oh shit!" As he tried to turn his body around, to block the second shot. His body refused to move, still numb from the previous hit. A cold sweat mixed with dirt dripped down and into his eye. Burning one of his eyes shut. In his moment of need, he began to pray.

"Oh, that's interesting. I knew it prevented shit from leaving, but entering too?"

After a moment that seemed to last longer than it should. Wondering why the pain wasn't delivered upon him. He opened his eyes to find himself within a red circle. The edges hummed quietly. Clam watched as the plants collectively took aim and fired upon him. Only for the green plant like spears to smash into splinters against an invisible wall.

"Pretty cool right? It'll only last a few minutes by the way. So take this time to catch your breath. You did well Clam." Behind him, he saw Asai standing casually. Smirking and grinning whilst he seemingly enjoyed the scenic view of a monster horde. Clam was quick to accept two potions from him. Downing them without hesitation. 

A burning sensation attacked his throat, but moments later he felt his heart fill with warmth. His energy and stamina returning. The numbing pain within his shoulder subsiding. 

"Thank you, Milord."

"Man, I've already told you. Just call me Asai. Milord sounds weird, besides I'm a commoner just like you." 

"Understood." … "Asai."



[Asai: Lvl 39]  [Clam: Lvl 22] 

Impressive. Whilst I was dipping in and out of [Hide] assassinating the [Toxic Plant] mobs, Clam actually did alright. Although there were multiple times I had to save his ass by assassinating the ones targeting him. He did good. Now I wonder, is he levelling up because of his individual kills or because the system considers him to be in my party? And the experience share from my kills is power levelling/boosting him.

[Toxic Plant: Lvl 31]  [Toxic Plant: Lvl 33]  [Toxic Plant: Lvl 33]  [Toxic Plant: Lvl 31]  [Toxic Plant: Lvl 29]

These mobs seem to be of the glass cannon type. High damage, that's also ranged but low defence stat. Honestly, I was surprised to see Clam kill them. This monster attack is pretty much a blessing in disguise.

Turning around and seeing the state of the village, I can't say they'll be as happy as I am about this though.

[Wings of Solemn Death - Crest] (Inactive)

Level Requirement: 50

Requirements: Kill score [332/1000]


+35 Strength

+35 Dexterity

+25 Agility

+50 Melee Attack

Sneak attack +200% DMG

From 276 to 332 huh, not bad.

The red ring is beginning to fade, time's up I guess.

I turned to check the state of the militia.  [Mel: Lvl 23] [Benny: Lvl 15] [Gary: Lvl 15] 

Oh? They must've killed a few themselves. 


"Yes boss?" I raise an eyebrow. This guy has some sort of complex huh.

"Go join Mel and the others. I'm going to look for something."

"Look, for something?"

"Yeah, there's way too many of these sunflowers. They must have a spawn point or something. I'm going to find that and remove it."

Just seconds before the [Sealing Square] expires, I down another stamina potion. The tightness around my heart lightens. My mana refilling. I dash out towards the horde to divert their attention away from Clam. Presenting him the time to regroup with the others.

A grin encroaches upon my face. Adrenaline spurring me onward. 

"This is it! My EXP!" Fuck yes! Kill the big boss, the mother plant and undoubtedly surpass my plateau, and then cash in as much as I can on the little guys. This plan is perfect!

[Asai: Lvl 39]

[Toxic Plant: Lvl 31]  [Toxic Plant: Lvl 30]  [Toxic Plant: Lvl 33]  [Toxic Plant: Lvl 31] 

[Toxic Plant: Lvl 31]  [Toxic Plant: Lvl 27] [Toxic Plant: Lvl 28]  [Toxic Plant: Lvl 29] ...


[Psychic Phantom]!

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