Isekai Rohan

547 Virtue

"Robin?"    "Baroness Robin."   "Lady Robin?"    "Saintess!"

"Lady Sol?"   "Sister Robin!"   "Robin Sol."

Surrounded by a group of voices that claimed to be Asai de Trichia, Mary, Annie, the knights from her platoons, the people of Trichia, the children of the orphanage turned boarding school, and even the children from Par'Talucca, who had gifted her with flowers and sweets.

Robin fought against the conflicting desires and emotions within. Rationalism versus emotional impulses clashed as her mind turned ablur, unable to reach a satisfactory decision, she chose to merely continue recalling her lover's face. His black hair, that was occasionally short, long, tidy and greasy, his eyes that gazed at her as if she were an equal, and not of a saintess, to be worshipped and revered.

Nor as a human of extremely high-ranking, which resulted in the knights, soldiers, citizens and children of Trichia to either pray to her, or evade her eyes in fear of disrespecting her authority, something the lower levelled humans naturally felt obligated to do, upon coming close to her level 95 naturally domineering aura. Which literally separated her from the majority of the world, as they were practically leagues apart.




Tears fell from Istvan's tightly closed eyes, falling and breaking upon impact as a small puddle began to form upon cold stone. His heart shook and tore as both old and new scars reopened and bled once more.

Goddess knows how long such mental torture continued, but the three pillars of hope remained steadfast regardless of the entities piling up upon each other like a mountain of corpses, all desperate to break through and to partake of the buffet of emotions and desperation before them.

The cathedral's bell rung three exact times, the brilliance of such slammed through the great hall, reverbing, bouncing and echoing throughout as the entities were deleted from existence. Returning the great hall back to its pristine state, as all benches, pillows, banners and candles returned to their prior positions. 

Feeling the temperature rise, warming their chilled-bones and soothing their minds and hearts, Istvan was the first to open his eyes and find the place filled with tender sun light seeping through the cracks and corners of the stonewalls.

A gentle rumbling snapped his attention away from the walls and ceiling, pulling his focus towards the podium, a thin corridor opened up just under the statues as candles lit up upon the walls one after the other.

"Istvan! Sir!"

Seeing as the saintess was already rising, and making her way towards the podium, he afforded himself a quick moment to check on his two men. Only to find one missing, and in place of his seat remained only Robin's dagger drenched in blood.

"H-he's gone sir..."

Istvan performed a quick prayer for his companion, a templar who's faith seemingly failed him, before marching off and following the saintess through the tight pathway, having no desire or appetite to speak as he tunnel-visioned entirely upon his mission to rescue the prince. The remaining templar could only bite his bottom lip in frustration, as he lost yet another one of this brothers. If it wasn't for the sudden bells ringing once more, prompting him into action, perhaps he would've stayed a little longer in prayer and remembrance.


When the three were entirely gone, and the passage closed, the entities returned already seated upon the benches in devout prayer. A single new face had joined their ranks, and whilst he still retained his mental-capacity and humanity, a deep and insatiable hunger assaulted him. Finding himself glued to his position, he could only continue to recite scripture, to pray fervently, in hope for redemption or salvation from the crazed-desire to consume.


Emerging through the tight pathway, catching up to the two who had advanced without him, the templar was left dumbfounded as the trio now found themselves located in what appeared to be an underground prison. A singular spacious path led them deeper as cages adorned both sides of the path. Within them, were nuns, priests, scholars and knights, and whilst their faces were hidden behind hoods, veils and masquerade masks that hid their identities, their large breasts, perky pink tits, flowers, honey pots, ass and cocks were all on display as they engaged in open debauchery, depravity and degeneracy.

Duos, trios, orgies and gang-bangs were occurring all within the cages that were filled with pillows, wine, fruits and dildos. 

Whilst Robin Sol ignored everything, focusing on only finding Asai or the prince, marching through the mid-section without even glancing over. The same couldn't be said about the two men who had been entirely loyal towards their order, having spent near every waking moment upholding their dignity, training and fighting for humanity, they were weaker to temptation and seduction as the couldn't help themselves from observing and watching the lust, pleasure and euphoria that filled the prisoner's faces.

Starting from a couple nuns, who wore revealing outfits unfit for their occupation, beautifully smooth arms and tender fingers stretched out from the cages, yearning for the two templars as they marched on through, catching little strokes, gropes, touches of their legs.

Whilst the other templar couldn't stop his lower half from reacting, he continued to march on, following the saintess as a sword or shield if required. Having no appetite to indulge in his desires to fuck, to be pleasured by a dozen busty women, as the raw memory of yet another dead templar was still fresh within his mind.


The same could nearly be said for Istvan, as he did his utmost to remember his obligation to Prince Victor Del Lagos, but he faltered and kept pausing as the tender touches kept groping and pulling upon his cock through his trousers. And whilst his legs continued to march onwards, they paused entirely when he caught sight of one cage and its dwellers who were lusting over him, tugging and stroking their own tits and curves.

Even if they wore masquerade masks that hid only their eyes, he could tell that the woman before him was: Victoria Del Lagos, Rosemi de Lumix alongside her knights of the rose, Robin Sol, Chloe Bedevere, Violet and even Daisy Tonis.

To be served by the most powerful, influential and most beautiful women he had seen, who were all enticing him into entering their cage with playful teases, Istvan's innate desire to impregnate and dominate them made him trip upon his two left feet, falling facedown.

Hearing the sudden fall, Robin and the templar turned to catch sight of Istvan upon the floor, his hips already grinding and humping the ground as his cheeks flushed red from the caresses of many women touching him. Albeit, from their perspective, they were just ordinary nuns with breasts insanely large.

Seeing the man slowly drag himself across the ground, humping the stone as he crawled on over, towards the latch that would open up the gate, the templar was first to arrive, yanking the man by his ankles in an attempt to save him. Like a man-child, the templar kicked up a storm as he fought off his knight's grip in desperation to taste the honey before his very eyes.

Forced into returning from the vanguard, Robin booted the man across the cheeks, sending him into a rollercoaster of pain and confusion as his mind relinquished itself from seduction.

"L-Lady Saintess!?" Clutching his cheek in great pain, his priorities returned as he felt deeply embarrassed as his penis had escaped his trousers and were now exposed entirely, wagging around like a dog's tail.

"Are you a templar?" 

Istvan nodded fervently, as he quickly pulled his trousers back up.

"Then do me a favour and act like one!"

Robin spared no further second upon the man, turning and marching onwards as she began to question her misfortune in being stuck with such a man.

The templar helped his captain off the ground, before watching him strangely salute the orgy within the cage. Afraid the man would fall once more into vice, he urged Istvan onwards, literally shoving him and ignoring protocol and hierarchy.

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