Isekai Rohan

552 Einhoren

Kingdom of humanity: Outskirts of Einhoren


"I'm telling you brother, whatever crap the nobles are telling us, it's all a load of bull. There's no such thing as a blue calamity, a sea of blue monsters that are out to eat us. It's all propaganda, to justify their luxurious lifestyles that comes out of the pockets of hard working men like you and I!"

A labourer, haven't yet washed from his daily occupation that left his appearance as dirty as a coal-miner's occupation would, was happily sipping upon a free mug of beer, sponsored by the tavern for his hard work.

"I hear you." 

"I agree, it's disgusting how they can tell us about wars and conflicts they most likely instigated and caused, absolutely ridiculous."

Whilst he was only preaching his opinions to a select few who shared his table, dozens more were listening and nodding in agreement, feeling resentment and frustration rise as weapons, armour, medicine, food, water, wood and stone were sent by the thousands up north towards the countryside and away from the capital. All the while, dozens of elves clad in full armour and weapons were brazenly marching through the kingdom of humanity as if they owned the place, leaving the land dead in the wake of their footsteps as merchant caravans and wagons continued to crush the grass and fields below.

Whilst their sentiments and hearts were close in alignment, one particular individual finally broke out of the fear of capital punishment and asked the question they had all been itching to hear.

"W-what do you suggest we do? Surely, it's not what I think it is... Is it?"

The original preacher finished his drink before mightily slamming the mug upon the wooden table, a declaration of sorts, a signal to listen. 

"We remove the corrupt elite, rally every man and woman possible, arm ourselves. Chefs with their knives, farmers with their forks and scythes, Miners with their pick axes. Butchers with their cleavers. I say we take back this kingdom, and show the pointed eared folk just how mighty we humans can be!


Silence prevailed for a few seconds, their hearts pounded in excitement, for revolution and for humanity. With a single man standing, shouting and committing himself to the cause, others quickly rose in sequence. Satisfied with rallying the entire tavern, changing even the barmaid's heart, the man wickedly grinned in delight.

"My fellow brothers and sisters! Go, rally your friends, your families! Your neighbours! Rally them! GO!"

Swarming out the double-doored entrance to the tavern, the mob ignored the guards and patrols who looked at them in confusion, and whilst they were tempted to stop and interrogate, in case there had been a murder or a bar-fight or such, the capital city's bells began to ring and toil. The soldiers froze, dumbfounded by the signal they hadn't heard not even once, during their short and long lifetimes.

"T-the capital is under attack!?" A younger soldier questioned, as his mind was still fresh enough to recall the training manuals he had to study.

"TO THE WALLS! NOW YOU BLOODY CUNTS! GO!" The seniors ushered the men as messengers were quickly rallying the noble houses that lived within Einhoren rather than their own territories, as they preferred enjoying the high-fashion and prosperity over their own countryside baronies and counties.


Platoon captain Anton was at the vanguard of his men, rushing down the streets of Einhoren as the citizens were equally rushing back to their homes. Which honestly made him quite glad, as they appeared to be cordially obeying the orders that were sporadically shouted at them to return to their families.

With a fast march through the multiple sets of stonewalls that naturally formed with the royal palace at the very heart, which segregated the people via their ranks as the land close to the royal palace naturally costed more to purchase than the houses located further, Anton finally approached the outer wall that separated the city itself from the farmlands that weren't so lucky to be protected by walls.

The local militia that would protect the farmers and the fields were no where to be seen, which wasn't a surprise as their numbers were miniscule due to how safe Einhoren naturally was, or was expected to be.

Having barged through security with his rank and climbed the flight of stairs, he peered over the walls to see humanoids that walked upon two rear legs, maws biting and chomping down upon the domesticated farm animals, a long lizard like tail that also sported spikes upon its tip like a morning-star. Their colours coming in a wide range as he failed to understand their nuances.

"Prepare for battle! Man the ballistae! Crossbowmen, knock your bolts! Soldiers! This is what you've been training for! This is your moment! THIS IS OUR SINGLE PURPOSE! DEFEND THE CITY!"

The commander roared atop his lungs, instructions and orders repeatedly as the inexperienced soldiers who had only begun their training after the war with Via Marea shot into motion. Even with clear cut instructions, they still required multiple hounding and instructions repeated into their ears to recall their training enough to work the cogs and wheels.

Dozens of captains similarly like-minded surged up the long stone walls as they held their positions with sword and shield. As seniors who had survived more battles than they would've liked, their hearts pounded in fright, but remained tough like iron. Endeavouring and forcing themselves to remain the role models, the leaders who would allow the lesser-experienced soldiers to follow through, as many were evidently shaking within their boots and greatly tempted to turn and flee. Having been trained to fight off vargs, imps, goblins and possible even other humans, none of them ever thought about fighting humanoid dragons, especially not with Einhoren at stake.

Encroaching closer to the stone walls, the dekans launched and threw the carcasses of cows, sheeps and chickens at the human atop. Splattering blood, intestines and laughter upon them as their largest was slowly marching  towards the gate, the dragonkin's forefoot glowing as devastatingly sharp mana gathered upon it.

"FIRE!"  The commander screamed, ensuring his voice travelled as far as it could, as the enemies were approaching multiple gates upon the wall.

""FIRE!!"" As trained, the men repeated the orders they had received in unison and close sequeance, ensuring the orders would be transmitted to even those out of ear shot. Volleys, flights of arrows and bolts flew out and towards the hostile targets.

However, the dekan's naturally protected scales successfully deflected all critical shots, allowing only the weaker and non-consequential darts to land. With little spots of blood dripping from the vanguard, the dekans roared in excitement and bloodlust, like sharks who became excited upon seeing blood, their march transformed into a sprint as they almost suicidally charged forth.

Racing one and another to be the first to cast [Forefoot Swing] regardless of the costs to their HP, to destroy the great wooden gates that denied them of their supper.

Anton grit his teeth, ignoring his instincts that ordered him to flee if he wished to gaze upon his children once more. Watching his men throw rocks, balls of iron and repeatedly fire their crossbows, his attention was suddenly snatched from the rear. Turning, he couldn't believe his eyes.

The citizens of Einhoren had rushed home, gathered their friends and neighbours, and were now marching towards the walls with whatever weapons they could muster. If ever he could feel proud to be human, it was at this moment. That was... Until the humans started attacking the soldiers who were trying to stop them from approaching the gates, as it was dangerous.

"W-what the fuck!?" The platoon captain muttered, as his obligations were now torn in two.


"Stop lying! Stop with the fake news!"

"Stop lying! Down with the evil nobles!"

The people singled out soldiers, dragging them away like a pack of rats, swarming them with kitchen knifes and tools meant for blacksmiths. In great confusion and chaos, the soldiers of the walls now found themselves fighting against an extremely hostile enemy on one front, and citizens who they were obligated to deliver capital punishment upon, but failed to, as their hearts weren't strong enough to kill the people they had sworn to protect.

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