Asai laid down on the ground. Exhausted, every muscle known to man was sore and aching. The lactic acid in his main hand had built up so much that he was forced to use his left. Surrounded by green gunk, and piles and piles of sunflowers. He watched the stars above.

[Asai: Lvl 47]

"Damnit, if those knights didn't arrive, I would probably be 49 by now." He turned to check his companions. Although he didn't order them to do so, they recklessly followed him into the massacre.

[Mel: Lvl 29]  [Clam: Lvl 28]  [Benny: Lvl 24]  [Gary: Lvl 22] 

Mel being the adventurer that she is has good growth. She must've killed quite the amount. Clam, has potential. Benny and Gary still seem to be stuck within Clam's shadow.

"I'm proud of you guys. Braving the dangers, challenging the unknown." Asai grinned. Mel snuggled closer, laying her head on his shoulder. 

"You're crazy, you know that?" As much as Mel wanted to question his sanity. As an adventurer, she was well aware of the strength gained from killing monsters. "Why are you so desperate to get stronger? From what I can see, you're strong enough to join the paladin corps probably."

"The Paladin corps sounds nice but, I desire more. More than the army, more than the knights. Stronger than the Royal Paladins." Asai desired more strength, after his meeting with a level 99 dragon, he couldn't help but feel forever weak.

Unknown to him, his small declaration was taken by the MFC as his declaration to become a ruler. Perhaps a king of sorts. They then imagined themselves to be the loyal knights that would protect the realm, beloved by all the beauties of the realm. A dream, that would unfortunately for them remain a dream.

[Wings of Solemn Death - Crest] (Inactive)

Level Requirement: 50

Requirements: Kill score [423/1000]


+35 Strength

+35 Dexterity

+25 Agility

+50 Melee Attack

Sneak attack +200% DMG

"I'm close." "Fortune definitely does favour the bold." Internal dialogue. Enjoying his successful hunt, the group enjoyed the gentle night breeze until they were interrupted by hooves.

"You there. They say you were the one responsible of ending the taint?" A knight clad in full armour approached the group. Asai begrudgingly sat up. This was a knight, they're basically borderline nobility. He had to show respect or fear the backlash of the governing lord.

"Yes sir knight. I was defending the village, until I noticed a monster larger than most. So I, slayed it."

"Very well, as gratitude for your efforts. Baron Bralcom has invited you to his keep. Come." It was at this moment that the knight took his helmet off to get a breath of fresh air. Asai's eyes widened in shock.

[Istvan: Lvl 52]

"Come, Baron Bralcom won't appreciate being made to wait. And- don't mind the etiquette. You're most likely an adventurer correct? The lord is understanding, as long as you show respect where due you'll be fine.

Asai's fingers itched, terribly so. Istvan now had his back posed to him. Leading his horse back by the ropes.

"Oh, and bring your party if you'd like. I'm sure they contributed to your success." He continued on.

"It's best not to be rude." Mel whispered close into Asai's ears. Ensuring only he heard. He nodded in return.

"Clam, Benny and Gary, go join the knights by the village and help the villagers. And take this, give it out to the people." He handed Clam a pouch full of coins. "Their farmlands have been destroyed. Winter will be upon us soon. Help them alright?"

Clam, with eyes filled with admiration and tears of joy.

"Yes boss! It shall be done!" Benny and Gary quickly got up and the three pounded their chests in salute before leaving.

Istvan watched this unfold and nodded in approval. For now, Only Mel would join Asai, as they followed Istvan back towards a different destination. 


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