In a room, where the bookshelves were broken. The papers were shredded, the pillows had been sliced apart by sword and a maid laid on the floor unconscious. Baron Bralcom Fowl stood towering above her. His anger had erupted, he lost control and beat his staff. Years of preparation and hard work lost. The viscounts that were supporting him rise had abandoned him, at the mere mention of a duke's gaze.

"MAXIMUS." He summoned.

A Knight clad in half-plate armour and chainmail entered.


"Spread rumours. The new baron Asai Trichia used to be a bandit who pillaged the villages across Einhoren. And that he has falsely taken the credits and achievements belonging to another! There's simply no way in hell he could fight against three hundred bandits alone! It was all a ploy, it was fake! And that monster horde, I say with great certainty that he had found a dungeon spawn and hid it, carefully biding his time and intentionally causing it! Spread it, spread the word!"

"As you command milord." Maximus, was a loyal knight through and through. He cared not whether the words of his lord were true or not. He had orders, and he would see to it. As far as he was concerned, he was paid well and his family back home had three meals a day. 

Once Maximus had left, Bralcom gazed down upon the unconscious woman. He kneeled down and lifted her skirt, taking her underwear for himself, before leaving the room for someone else to clean up.

Rumours had it, that there was a powerful adventurer, one who only cared for neutralizing the bandit menace across Del Lagos. If he could just steer that person's direction correctly, he would soon once again be in possession of Trichia territory.


After learning the basics from Annie. Asai quickly delved back into levelling mode. He summoned the MFC, and immediately marched out the back gates of the orphanage.

The old deceased baron's manor was in utter ruins, appearing like a haunted house. He had already paid great coinage to repair the place. However, it would take at least a month or two, according to the business that specialized in repairs.

With no manor, Asai continued to live in the orphanage. Thus, when he summoned his three knights. The little orphans ran circles around them. Since the four were originally occupants of the place, the little ones knew no fear towards them. 

So, whilst Asai spoke his next plans of actions. He had two little girls climbing all over him and clambering over his head.

The MFC had to endure, utilizing their best poker face, they resisted the urges to laugh and point at their lord and master.

"Prepare yourself men, you are now no longer backwater adventurers. You three are my personal knights, and in the future, there will be many more of you. Thus, you three shall become stronger. So strong, that I could lea- MMhmhmp Stop little lady!" He plucked one girl off his head. "So strong, that I could leave my backs to you. Understood?"

"Yes milord!" The three said in unison.

One boy, who's face was filled with freckles was punching Asai's crotch like a punching bag. Asai couldn't feel a thing though, he had his mana coursing through his body.

"The boss really has balls of steel huh? Crazy enough to fight a dungeon boss solo, to fight an entire bandit camp and now he's taking hits like it's nothing..." The MFC thoughts were all somewhat the same.

"Can I come with? Mr-" Frowning for a second. "-Milord?"

[Robin: Lvl 10]

Asai had no reason to turn her away. He had promised didn't he? To train her, or well. In this case, to power level and boost her.

He glanced back towards the three to check their reactions.

[Clam: Lvl 32]  [Benny: Lvl 30]  [Gary: Lvl 31]

It seemed, the three would trust entirely in his judgment.

"Good, the four of you, prepare yourself. And someone inform Annie I'll be heading out."

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