The night sky peaceful. The soft brustle of the leaves in the wind. The moon that appeared small and far. His companions that had survived yet again, "I need a break. Dungeon after dungeon, crazy ordeal after ordeal. I don't even know how we're still alive... I need a break. I want a holiday, a vacation! Where's my beach episode!?"

The large group had set up camp. Although awkwardly, there was one knight in black who had set up his own tent further away from the others. Naturally the RFC encircled their lord's tent with their own as their form of defence.

Rosemi and Christ seemed to be enjoying the gentle flickers of fire, around the camp fire. The little pigeons roasting slowly above the fire. Chris now helmetless, also became open to Asai's status.

[Rosemi De Lumix: Lvl 51]  [Christine Doltz: Lvl 53]  

Christine's hair was also a soft blonde, albeit a duller colour. Her eyes were also a deep blue. She sported a more up-tight appearance. A fierce and noble woman it would seem.


Returning his gaze to Robin, who was still asleep. Resting her head on his lap.

[Robin: Lvl 50->55]

[HP: 100 MP:200]

[Skills unlocked:]

[Winged Foot]

- Increases movement speed by 40%


- 70% chance of Vanishing


- Increase Divine Elemental damage by 20% and Elemental defence by 10%.

[All in One]

- Shoots 10 arrows at once. Each arrow deals 70% of normal attack.

[Copper Ring of strength]

Level Requirement: 5

Requirements: None


+3 Strength

+3 Vitality

"It seems, the system has been upgraded again. Is it because I've hit level 60?" 

[Asai Trichia: Lvl 59->65]

[HP: 115 MP:115]

[Title: Monster]

[Skills unlocked:]

[Mental Fortitude]

"Perfect, I was wondering why all that shitty phantom pain didn't feel as bad as before." Asai took the opportunity to test his new system on both the RFC and Rosemi. However, the information shown was hardly anything new. Or perhaps, limited.

[Clam: Lvl 47->51]  [Benny: Lvl 44->49]  [Gary: Lvl 45->50]

[HP: 140]                  [HP: 120]                      [HP: 120]     

"It seems they have no chance at learning any active skills huh? Literally zero mana. On the bright side, their unnaturally high base HP stat means they're suited for the tank role right?"

When he tried to check Rosemi and Christine's status. It only showed their levels like normal.

[Rosemi De Lumix: Lvl 51]  [Christine Doltz: Lvl 53] 

"Is it because they're not considered to be in my party or my people?"


"Rose sama, Baron Asai is looking your way again." Christine whispered. Rosemi's cheeks flushed a little upon hearing this.

"Why does he look over here so much, is he hungry? Do you think he wants to eat the pigeon? Or maybe, he wants to eat me!? KYAA*" Rosemi was flailing her hands around when suddenly her facial expression took a 180 degree turn. Suddenly becoming serious. "Chris, did you ask our hero why he pulled that silly stunt of his?"

"Yes Milady. When asked, he replied that Baron Asai Trichia is a monster. A fox in sheep's clothing."

"A monster?" She glanced back towards Asai who was still intently staring at her. Something about that gaze, like he was looking at her, but also wasn't. "Is he peering into my soul with those dreamy jet black eyes of his?" "But, all I see is a prince charming, a knight in shining armour. All he's missing is a white stallion to ride upon."

"EH? He's coming, he's coming!" Both Rosemi and Christine quickly fixed their clothing, sitting upright upon the log, ready to receive their visitor. Their hearts racing, "What would he ask? Will he really ask to eat me? KYAA!" 

Asai continued to walk past the two knights. Approaching the knight in black who abruptly stood and prepared his stance for a fight.

"Stop, I'm here to talk. I'm clearly human. I'm not a monster. In fact you've just witnessed me closing another dungeon that was on the verge of an outbreak. In fact, I thank you for saving my men. However, use your brain and understand that from my point of view. You have entered my lands, my barony and attacked the lord without justification. I should be sentencing you to death for your actions under the laws of the kingdom you dwell in." "The only reason I haven't assasinated you yet is because I still don't know the extent of your relationship with Rosemi. And I owe her one for sure."

The knight in black relaxed his posture and removed his helmet. Revealing his face for the first time. Rosemi and Christine were also witnessing his appearance for the first time.

Shocked to find out who he truly is.

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