Isekai Rohan

97 Baron Bralcom Fowl

Marching into the Trichia territory was

10 knights clad in full plate armour, riding upon their mounts. Behind them,

10 knight-trainees clad in half plate. Marching forward each with a longsword attached to their belt.

60 Levies forcefully conscripted from the villages en-route to Trichia barony. All armed with simple wooden spears with metal tips.

Baron Bralcom Fowl proudly rode at the front. Excitement brimming through his eyes. He hadn't forgotten how Asai had stolen these lands from him. And that lowly maid Annie, who was so happy and eager to leave his services.

"These fucking dirty peasants who never worshipped me, are now all licking this upstart's ass!" There can only be death for such a crime, he believed. Although, he would decide to allow the women and children to live. If not, who would keep his bed warm at night once he had gotten bored of his current selection of maids?


The attack began in the afternoon. The first village located at the outskirts of Trichia Barony was immediately ransacked. Baron Bralcom allowed the levies in his army to raid and rape the local populace. Stealing the peasants measly amount of coins and coppers.

It was incredibly easy to break through their wooden defences. The baron simply approached first and announced himself. The villagers not knowing any better, believing this baron to be just another one of many who desired to meet their new lord Baron Asai gave him entry.

And it was then that the levies charged in, shouting their individual war cries.

The first village fell in no time. The population was devastated, the men beheaded and impaled. The women raped. The more beautiful maidens were taken as rewards for the men. A war trophy to warm their beds when they returned home as victors.

The second village, had the grace of receiving the news of the attack early. Completely enclosing themselves within the confines of the wooden walls.

Here, Baron could decide. If he really wanted to kill everyone, he could simply set fire to the place. Starting from the wooden fences, thus trapping everyone within. However, he thought to himself. "What if there are exceptionally beautiful women here as well?"

Unwilling to take the loss of flowers. He ordered the men to fire volleys of arrows into the village. Killing and reaping many of the people. The majority of the people were now forced to stay indoors. Hiding from the occasional volleys.

Bored of attacking a settlement that had no desire to fight back. He decided to move on towards Asai's residence. Trichia village. He was actually racing against the clock. He had to conquer Trichia village, the head settlement of Trichia barony to truly claim the lands as his according to the kingdom's rules of war.

The viscount that was supporting Baron Bralcom's endeavours could only buy him so much time, before another baron or viscount interfered. Reaping and snatching a slice of his rewards.


Now approaching Trichia village, the knights and the levies were filled with vigor. They had encountered hardly any resistance. The promises of riches and women from Baron Bralcom came closer and closer to becoming reality.

Annie, Mary and Paul, the one guard who decided to stick around Trichia upon the change of hands. Stood by the entrance. Behind them stood the older kids from the orphanage, and the other young men from the village who had already begun their training for the future knighthood Asai had in the works.

In their hands, they wielded wooden spears, wooden swords and wooden shields. All clearly tools for training and practice.

Baron Bralcom jeered in great joy.

"THAT FOOL. PWHAHA, THAT IDIOT. PWHAHAH! LOOK MEN, LOOK AT THEIR TRASH WEAPONS!" Bralcom was laughing so graciously, he nearly fell of his mount.


"Stand down and surrender or die!" Bralcom was eying up Mary's voluptuous body, her curves although clothed weren't hidden enough. And Annie, the young beauty who defied him. His left hand reached down and scratched the itch that was on his cock.

Clearly, the militia at Trichia village had no intention to back down. They would do their part in honour of their lord. Fear was evident within their faces, as these were people who had lived in peace and had never experienced war. If varg attacks didn't count. However, although inexperienced. They would stand strong.

"Tch! Levies forward! Keep the women alive! Kill the men!"

The 60 Levies began to charge forward. Their cocks already itching to get in on the action after the blood bath.

One boy stood forward, ready to meet the vanguard.

The little boy who punched the baron and lived to tell the tale! 

"I'm brave enough to fight the baron, I'm brave enough to fight these scumbags!" His legs wobbling. His hands shaking. The wooden sword and shield heavy. He roared in defiance!



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