Isekai Ryouridou

The end of Lou, my sister's birthday.

Seven days after Grandmother Jiba's birth - the sixth day of the yellow moon.

That morning, I woke up with dazzling morning sunlight plugging into the notebook gap.

"Ah... it looks like you can finally worship the sun from dawn, Ey-Fa"

When I called out like that, Ey-Fa was loudly familiar with "yeah" in the blanket.

Shamefully, we were still sleeping together.While holding my right arm with both arms and my right leg with both feet, Ey-Fa rubbed a warm forehead on my right shoulder.

"Here, take a look. Now that the rainy season has finally begun.It's quite curious that the rainy season will start on Limi Lou's birthday. "

"Hmm... the cold in the morning seems to be getting a lot better... and you're sweating a little bit..."

"No, isn't that because Ai Fa is caught like that?"

"Hmm... you're finally starting to feel uncomfortable with that..."

"No, no, no offense at all."

I tried to cheek on the golden brown hair in front of me, and I tried to attack you once in a while.

Ey-Fa snorts her nose as she hugs me harder on the right half.

"Hmm... because I'm sweating, I can feel your scent stronger than usual this morning..."

"Here we go. Sorry."

"What are you apologizing for...?When I met you, I wondered what the smell was like... "

Saying something sweet, Ey-Fa traced my right shoulder to the tip of my nose.

"Your scent is so pleasant... it feels like I want to bite even one of your ears..."

"I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!"

After such a scene, we started to wake ourselves up with a blanket on.

When I woke up, Ey-Fa said, "Yeah!". I've already taken it off from the relaxed happiness in the morning, and my supple limbs and brown skin sparkle, and I'm so tired.

"Indeed, the air is dry.It must have stopped raining by night.I feel happy for the end of the rainy season. "

"Oh, yeah, that's great."

"I don't need any more rainy season outfits or bedding.Let's wash it thoroughly and dry it thoroughly.I'm gonna be busy this morning. "

Ey-Fa looked back at me and smiled like you.

I don't hide my feelings, but it's rare for me to smile like this.I felt comfortable being ejected through my heart in the morning and ascending to heaven.

After that, after we've cleaned up our dinner laundry, we head to the Runt River at the edge of the forest with our rainy season outfits and bedding.Washing your bedding in the rocky fresh water in the water field is difficult, so it was routine to wash your bedding in the river at the end of the rainy season.

After this, I wash the clothes that I wear, so I use them in the river and wash the bedding with both of them.Combined with the mood of Ai Fa, I feel like I'm kind of playing in the water.

Carefully narrow down the washed bedding and wrap it in a cloth that you bring with you.Having finished the work, Ey-Fa sat down on the river with her feet in the water and sighed.

"Take a break before you wash your clothes.... it's getting warmer and warmer as the sun rises. "

"Oh, the water looks good today."

"Fufu, it's like you've already been halfway through the water."

And Ey-Fa also spilled his bright white teeth.

My chest and hips are all wet and more beautiful than usual.The brown skin was lit with water droplets, and Ai Fa herself smiled as if it were shining - its appearance illuminated by the leaking day of the forest was kind of a complete beauty like a painting.

"Something... looks like I'm having so much fun with Ai Fa today."

When I unexpectedly raised my voice like that, Ey-Fa scratched up her wet forehair and said, "Hmm?"and leaned her head.

"If you ask me, I feel like my heart is bouncing.But there's nothing strange about it. "

"After all, is it because of the rainy season?Ai Fa likes to go to the water. "

"Yes, and today is the birthday of Limi Lou, and the memory of celebrating Grandma Ziba's birthday is still new.Saty Ray-Lou had a new baby and was invited to the Lou Harvest Festival... and before that, he would have waited for the wedding of Morn-Rutim and Dick Dom. "

"Oh, it's a celebration streak."

"Mmm. And I have you."

Eye-Fa's blue eyes stared at me like a star.

"Whatever celebrations you celebrate, your heart won't bounce until you're gone.All happiness for me is your presence. "

"... yeah, I feel the same way."

After all, the sun suits Ey-Fa.

I wondered if Ai Fa laughing in the sun had been so attractive. I had lived with Ai Fa for nearly two years, and now I have such emotions and surprises.

Well then, let's wash our clothes and clean ourselves up.

"Yeah, well, I'll be waiting behind the rocks."

"Once in a while, do you cleanse yourself together?"

As I was about to slip up into the river, Ey-Fa smiled at me as I narrowed my eyes.

"I'm kidding, asshole. No matter how happy you feel, you have to take your wings off."

"Wow, I don't think it's going to be Ei Fa today."

So I chewed my heartfelt happiness and made a declaration of defeat.

If you come back from the river of Lant, it will be the business of the stall.

The women gathered to help him were also dressed in Norinami's usual clothes.I don't think it was this extreme last year, but this year the temperatures rose as soon as the rainy season dawned.

"It's finally rainy season!It feels kind of refreshing! "

Ray-Matua, one of the nearby crowds, had an innocent smile that could not be beaten by Ai-Fa.

If the extra people arrive, I will regain a dazzling appearance.From the grass between the branches, drying the washed bedding, it still seemed like an aura in a mood.

If Ai-Fa looks so happy, I'll feel even happier and happier.

With 50% more energy than usual, I was able to work on that morning's work.

"Well then, I'll go.Gill and the wagon will be delivered to the Yun-Sudra again, so I'll meet you at Lou's house.I wish you a safe journey home. "

"Mm-hmm. Don't be alarmed."

I left Fa's house behind when I was escorted by Ey-Fa, who sparkled his eyes with kindness in his brilliant face.

The roads around the forest are also dried out, and the cool wind blows over your face.The forest, the air, the sand on the ground, everything seems to be shining.

Lou's settlement was more vibrant than it was yesterday.

The toddlers were chasing him with a loud voice, and the women were working on the morning job of splitting firewood and drying pico leaves.It's a rare sight to see during the rainy season.

"Good morning, Aster. Let's get going."

The Lou family's partitioner today was Reina Lou.

Of course, Raina Lou smiles brightly in her usual outfit.However, compared to the women in this faction, it had a slightly cool atmosphere.

"Good morning, Reina Lou. How's Saty Ray-Lou?"

"Saty Ray is as good as ever. The rainy season is gone, so I thought it would be a little easier."

It had already been more than ten days since Rudy Lou had been born, but Saty Ray-Lou had not recovered from her poor prognosis.

Meer Ray's mother said that there was nothing dangerous, but the cold rainy season might have delayed her recovery.It seems that the baby Rudy Lou is fine, and she can't see the shadow of the sick.

While sincerely praying for the recovery of Sati Ray-Lou, we are aiming for the town of the stadium.

Just because it wasn't raining after all, the town looked very busy.

And I'm sure from tomorrow, more and more people will visit Genos every day. We were hoping that after ten days, street sales would return to normal.

As far as the busiest part of the morning is concerned, it is almost normal to return.This is because customers who came after the stalls opened during the rainy season gathered in advance.

With the rainy season gone, everyone has a bright look.There is no major water damage during the rainy season in this area, and I think that if there is less rain than usual, there will be some kind of harm - still, it is rare for people to be happy with the rain.Perhaps this time of the Easter season was more than the time of the Easter season, and the gratitude for the sun god might have bounced.

So Dora's father and daughter came after Jomtien.

But the two names who met with a smile turned straight to Lou's stall.After a while, "Thank you!" I heard Limi Lou's energetic voice.

Originally, Tara would have gone to the Lou house today.

However, the Dora family, who heard of Saty Ray-Lou's condition, offered to decline.This is because I'm sorry to ask you to stay at such a difficult time.

As a matter of fact, I talked to Meer Ray's mother about whether I and Ey-Fa should decline, but you could smile and lick them.

"Asters can go back to their homes whenever they want, right?If Saty Ray's feeling any worse, I'll ask him to.Until then, please make Rimi happy, as agreed in the first arrangement. "

That's what Meer Ray's mother used to say.

That would make Tara feel sorry for herself - she was in an unexpected good mood and laughed "I can't help it".

"We talked about inviting you to the Harvest Festival, so Tara is fine!Asta, why don't you celebrate Limi Lou until Tara's birthday? "

A few days ago, Tara said that with a smile that was never a creation.

She's still a little Tara, but she's already ten. Tara, aged 8 to 10, must have grown much bigger than me, aged 17 to 19.

And so is Limi Lou.Limi Lou was filled with apologies for Tara, but she never felt sad that Tara could not be invited to her birthday.Saty Ray-Lou was in such a tough spot that she seemed so selfish.

To Limi Lou, Tara was delivering flowers for the celebration today.

I couldn't bear it anymore, and when I went to take a peek at you, Limi Lou decorated her red brown hair with white flowers and smiled happily from the bottom of her heart.Tara stared at the stall and laughed as happy as she did.Even if a fun event was ruined, the innocent hearts of the little girls could never be shadowed.

(We're all really growing up.)

Recently, such a natural thing resonates in my chest.The growth of close people will make you realize how many years have passed.I was set for my birthday in the same month as Limi Lou, and I was going to be 19 in half a month.

And the night of that day.

Limi Lou was the star of the day, so I decided to cook dinner with three people: Reina Lou and Lara-Lou.From before and after Saty Ray-Lou's birth, Meer Ray's mother and Tito Minh's mother were prepared to spend as much time as possible in their mother's house.

With the help of Ai-Fa, who came later, I took the cooked dinner to the hall, and there were a lot less people there.The men were assembled, but the women were alone with Grandma Jiba and Grandma Tito Minh.

"Saty Ray seems to be in a bit of a bad mood, so I'm putting her to bed.Meer Ray and Limi will be here soon. "

"Yeah, I see. You're getting so warm, you're not feeling well."

When Lara-Lou responded worriedly, Tito Min smiled, "Don't worry."

"It's suddenly getting warm, so I guess my body won't follow me.There's no sign of the devil anywhere, so I'll be patient for another ten days.Now, the women of the branch are watching. "

"Hmm? So what are Limi and Meer Ray's moms doing?"

"Well, that's the one who prepares for the celebration."

Regardless, we arranged the food we brought in in the hall.

Then, when everything is ready, Mama Mea Ray comes from the passage on the left.Behind it was a glittering red brown hair peeking.

"Dinner's ready. Why don't you just sit down?"

When Lara-Lou nodded like that, Limi Lou said, "Bye!"appeared. With that, Lara-Lou and I will round our eyes.

"Ah, I see! You're ten years old!"

After nodding "Yes!", Limi Lou turned with a smile.

Instead of wearing a one-shoulder dress, it is a costume of women divided up and down.

My 10-year-old daughter in the woods had a habit of changing clothes from a toddler outfit to a crowd outfit.

Alright ~? Now Limi is also a decoy!

Limi Lou opened her hands to her slender hips and, uh, stared at her body.The navel peeking from the gap between your chest and waist is very cute.And the white flower that Tara gave me shined brightly on her hair.

"Then Limi will grow her hair from today, too.Wow, what would it look like if that funny hair grows? "

"Shut up. Ah! I have to show it to Saty Ray!"

"If Saty Ray wakes up, the ladies who accompany him will know.Sit the fuck down. "

Due to the heavy voice of Donda-Lou, Limi -Lou was finally seated.It's a birthday seat for parents and elders.

Like seven days ago, flowers are dedicated with the words of celebration.Because Saty Ray-Lou is absent, there are eleven of them, including the guests.Decorated with lots of flowers in freshly grated outfits, Limi Lou looked even happier.

But after all, the hall feels a little lonely without Sati Ray-Lou.Originally, I wasn't so used to dinner places without Vina Lou Lillin and Darm Lou, so I wonder if that's how I feel.

(No, if not, I miss things that I miss.Saty Ray-Lou is not a very busy person in a large group of people... but she can follow people who have collapsed from the conversation circle subtly, or add words to the feeling that the conversation is about to get jammed... because she is a very considerate person)

Maybe Meer Ray's mom invited me and Ey-Fa to bustle the venue.

I didn't think that I or I-Fa would take Sati Ray-Lou's place, but I still wanted to celebrate Limi Lou's birthday with all my heart.

Well, let's get dinner started.

The pronouncement of Donda-Lou executed the ritual of the meal and promptly started the celebratory dinner.

It's different from Grandma Jiba's day, and today it's organized in a Western-style offering.Tripe cream stew with omelette made with stuffed meat and ketchup shaska, minced gibba burger with a small dice of gibba tan, sautéed meat and vegetables in white sauce, and soup dishes that may be ready to eat.

"Omurasu, yummy!I also loved Saty Ray's pee chair, so I hope you can eat it soon. "

And Limi Lou chews at the happiness of the day, thinking of Sati Ray-Lou.

And Ziza Lou was the only one who said, "Don't worry."

"Saty Ray's eyes have the same brightness as before.Soon your body will be able to regain strength and eat whatever you like. "

"But you shouldn't eat too much carrot milk, cream, cheese, mummy and kelp root, not just vanilla, right?It's hard to breastfeed a baby. "

"... I believe that Limi can please Sati Ray without using those ingredients."

With a very calm voice, Ziza Lou answered like that.

Then he glanced at me with his thin eyes like a thread.

"In the first place, I didn't have a chance to talk about such things two years ago.At best, what I was talking about at the Lou house was about Mummu.... if you think so, you know the unhappiness you can't enjoy because you've seen a stranger's happiness. "

"Eh? Um, um..."

When I suddenly panicked, Meer Ray's mother raised her voice and laughed.

"This is a jiza joke, so I won't be so warm.Everyone must be thankful to Asta for teaching me strange happiness. "

Well, thank you very much.

It would be a pleasant story if Ziza Lou slapped me cheerfully.However, I couldn't be reassured because it was difficult to read from the inside.

"But it's almost the Harvest Festival, right? I'm sorry I can't eat so many festive dishes in a row."

And now Lara-Lou says so.Among the sisters, she seems to be very friendly with Sati Ray-Lou.

It was Tito Minh, who was helping Grandma Jiba eat.

"I don't know about Saty Ray, but when I suffered from my childbirth, I couldn't think about food.My body was in pain and I didn't feel like eating anything, but I was forced to breastfeed my precious baby. "

"Hmm! That baby is about Donda, right?I can't imagine that Donda was a baby. "

Limi Lou smiled innocently and peered into her father's face.

Donda doesn't even want to look at you, he just scratches her head with a big hand.At that time, it was his arm that avoided the flowers on his hair properly.

"Anyway, Saty Ray will live a long time.It's just a moment of breastfeeding, so there's no such thing as a little inconvenience. "

"That's right. Compared to the joy of a baby being born safely, it's tiny."

Meer Ray's mother was so loud.

This is probably the only word you can say because you are a mother who actually gave birth to a child.Meer Ray has seven mothers and Tito Minh has three children as far as I know.The old adage that my mother was strong came to mind.

"But that's not what my brother Ziza said earlier, but when I was a Tito Minh mother and a Meer Ray mother, I didn't have a good meal.I wonder if Saty Ray will suffer as much as he thinks he can't eat. "

And Reina Lou said that with a neat face.

And looking back at Ziza-Lou with the same face.

"So when Saty Ray gets better, I hope he eats a lot of delicious food.We will do our best to please Sati Ray without using vanilla or currant milk. "

"Hmm..." Jiza-Lou slightly tilted his neck.

"Thankfully... why are you saying that?"

"Hmm? I mean... it was my brother Ziza who told me to behave politely in front of the rest of the family, right?"

Ziza Lou remained silent for a while, then took a small breath.

"Ah... I see you had Eye-Fahs today.This was my accident. "

"Ahahah, it's unusual for my brother Ziza to be so blurry!"

"In the first place, Raina's sister is the only one who keeps her word.Don't you have to go crazy in front of Asta and Ai-Fa right now? "

The combination of my naughty youngest sister and youngest brother seems pleasant.Apparently, Reina Lou was polite to Ziza Lou and Donda Lou only when there was a stranger in the family.

Anyway, there was no need for me to be nervous at all, and a warm and mild air was formed on the spot.

It's a quiet dinner for the Lou family, but everyone must be heartbroken trying to celebrate the special day of Limi Lou as they worry about Sati Ray-Lou.

Ai Fa hasn't spoken at all since before, but he's watching the Lou family with a very satisfying look.

They must be chewing on the same happiness as me.

We have deepened our ties with various clans, but it is the Lou people who have spent the longest time.Although it's been a long time lately, I've been interrupting Lutim's wedding and my kidnapping, so it shouldn't have been ten or twenty dinners together.

And because it was so close to disturbing you, the difference from those days has come to light.The differences and the root parts, which have not changed at all, were equally pleasant to me.

(I want you to share this happiness with Saty Ray-Lou next time.)

Thinking like that, I chewed the warm air that night.

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