Isekai Ryouridou

Madual Blessing (Medium)

It is the night.

When Rico and Bertone finished presenting "Kamadokan Asta by the Forest," the people of the village gathered in the square cheered and applauded.

This is a small village even though it is a free reclaimed land, but it is probably still home to about 100 people.Wrapped in those applause and cheers, Rico bowed deeply as his cheeks burned red.

"No, that was a great play."I know all of your plays are fine, but I think this is one of them. ”

A magnificent man who was advancing with a smile on his face said so.He is the village chief of this settlement.Rico and the others had been touring the area for a long time, so they were completely familiar with the village chief.

"So, about the spectacle fee... but I recently welcomed a few new people, and there's nothing extra to harvest in the field."I'm sorry, but can you spare me today's dinner and Zebra's dried meat? "

Since barely any copper coins are in circulation in poor open lands, the sightseeing fees are often covered by food.Rico laughed loudly and nodded, “Of course.”

"These newcomers are the southern people who live at the edge of the settlement, right?"Actually, before dinner, I talked to some of them... if you don't mind, could you introduce me to another family member? "

Huh? What kind of business is it with those guys?

"Actually, it seems that you know the unusual southern fairy tale that your old man told you."I came to talk to you earlier, but I was turned down because I couldn't imitate myself when there were no people in the house..... "

"Oh, I see. Those guys were coming out of here, too..."

And when the village chief tried to turn his gaze to the square, his son, a young man, came forward.

"They got stuck in their own house."I'm still looking after us, so I wonder if my shoulder feels bad. "

"Oh, I see. I don't think I can do that kind of hunting in the morning or the evening, so I wish I could be more attentive."

The people of this village are mothers of the woods, starving with your grace.I suppose that's enough to make up for the shortfall by harvesting the fields.

However, because the deer and wild birds of Zebra live in this forest, they do not shred life and encourage hunting like hunters on the edge of the forest.All the men, including the village chief, had a mild appearance and temperament.

(But if you were a mother of the river, you'd be hungry for fish... so you can't be satisfied with your hunting job all of a sudden.)

Suddenly losing your home and having to learn a new job is going to be a terrible ordeal.It was no longer difficult to imagine Rico and the others as if they were not puppeteers.

"Well then, let's transport the dinner to your house."Hey, you take me home. "

"I got it." Follow me. "

The people gathered in the square have already begun to return to their homes.With that in mind, Rico and the others put the tools of the play in the wagon and led the village chief's son to visit the people of the south again.

"Nevertheless, the play just now was brilliant."Is that all true? "

“Yes, there are leggings everywhere to make it interesting as a play, but… basically, it's all really happened.”

"Hmm. I've only heard of Genos's territory by name, but is it far from here?"

"I see... if I go up north and go out on the main street, it won't take five days, I think"

"Five days! Then we won't go out for the rest of our lives."I wanted to taste that gibbous cuisine because it's good enough. "

Unless you're an artist or a pedestrian, there are very few people who try to leave their hometown.However, when I tried Rico, I wondered how long it would take to get back to Genos in just five days, and my chest was bouncing.

(We left Genos only halfway through the Silver Moon... almost half a year has passed?Maybe we should head back to Genos when we get out of this village.)

While Rico was thinking like that, he arrived at the dwellings of the people of the South.

Then, the toddler jumps out of the house he visited during the day.

"Hey! That play was amazing!"It's like a doll is alive-- "

Then the young child noticed the figure of the young man and grabbed his mouth in a daze.

The young man smiles bitterly and scratches his dull hair every time.

"Don't be so vigilant." Travellers will misunderstand you.... even though I heard that the people of the South are so brave, this is how they are all here. "

"After all... isn't that because the sadness of losing my home hasn't healed?"

In response, Rico turned to the young child.

"You've seen our play, too.Did you enjoy it? "

"Yeah, amazing," he laughed, and then the toddler took Rico seriously.

"If it's such a great play, I think my grandmother will be fine."...... [Madual Blessing], will you make it into a play? "

“Yeah, if you can tell me what it is.Which house would you like to interrupt and hear about Madual's Blessing? "

"Well, it looks like my grandmother knows about 'Madual Blessing' as well as my grandmother."

The young child's chunky fingers point to one of the houses in the darkness.

So, can I ask you to come to my house?

"I got it."... hey, can you come out for a second? "

When the young man called to the door of the front door, the men with the appearance of the people of the south lowered their brows and raised their faces.

"Son of a village chief... is there something in my house?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry, but I need to talk to the travelers."At the same time, could you let me have dinner in this house too? "

"Eh... but I don't have any extra food in my house..."

"That one will be carried by my son afterwards."You guys just need to give me a place. "

The men in the south looked terribly uneasy and looked around at Rico and the others.Originally, travelers are not the kind of people who go home.If this had been the territory of a more splendid kingdom, we would not have been able to afford to be disgusted.

"What, you guys enjoyed the puppet show, right?"If you can't pay the sightseeing fee, it'll be cheap enough to lend you a place. "

When the young man said so, the men of the south immediately dropped their shoulders.

"... I understand. I will do as you say.”

No, if that's the case, then I'm like evil, right?

The young man had a confused face and was stirring his head again.

Rico and these young men have spoken to each other several times.Although there is a rude side to freedom-seeking people, they are by no means rough people.Therefore it seemed that the confusion that suddenly brought the foreign people to their countrymen had not been overcome.

"I'm sorry." We just want to ask you about the blessing of Madual.After dinner, we will rest in our luggage carts. Thank you very much. "

"Oh, yeah, okay. I'm going to explain it to the people in the house right now...."

And the men of the south retreated into the house with a damp face.

Meanwhile, as Totos rested on the loading platform, the women, holding large pots and wooden plates, came.This was both a full smile.

"Please wait! I'm sorry for the crude price of such a fine play, but I've prepared enough for you!"

"Look, this is Zebra's dried meat."Don't let the Guise bite you. "

Approximate humans were able to give Rico and his play a pleasant mood.Proud of that, Belton whispered as Rico cleared out the packet of dried meat on the luggage carrier.

"Hey, I won't take care of my paranoid grandmother yelling at me again."Fuck your own ass. "

"Enough! Don't use dirty words!"...... even though you can listen to fairy tales you don't know, doesn't Belton bounce his chest? "

Hmm. My main job is sword throwing.

Belton turns his back on it.

Seeing the figure, Rico smiled.

"However, Belton did his best to hone his puppet skills."I really, really appreciate it. "

"Hey, what is it?" Today, you're feeling too different, aren't you? "

"Yeah, I was just reminded how important Belton is."

Rico and Belton have been attacked by bandits and have lost all their families and fellow citizens.However, thanks to Van-Deilo, the two of them could not live forever - thus preserving their way of life as travelers.Looking at the people in the south who had lost their homes and were in mourning, Rico's chest was shaken by how hard it was to get what it was.

"Don't worry, I'll take the role of listening."But if you ever need a new puppet costume, Belton will need your help again. "

"What, are you really going to use people?"

While deeply grating his hat, Bertone abandoned it.

Then, when the two of them returned to the outside, the young man was waiting with a smile.

"I brought the dinner inside."I think it's okay, but don't start a struggle. "

"Yes, thank you for your kindness."Please also say hello to the village chief. "

"It's okay." I'll see you then. "

While watching the young men return to the dark road, Rico and the others decided to interrupt the house.

Behind the door, it looks like the house we saw during the day.The family consisted of six men, who were about the same age, their companions, elderly women, men and women who were still young, infants and children of about five years old, and nursing old women.

"I apologize for making such an impossible request.I'll be right back if you need to talk to me. ”

"Ah, no... I just don't have any extra chairs..."

"Ah, that's right!" There is a wooden box on the luggage carrier, I will bring it! "

So I hurried back to the wagon and prepared the wooden box instead of the chair.

Rico, Belton, and Van-Deiro sat down in a row, and the owner of the house and the men of the south looked at him without strength.

"I hear you visited us at noon."At that time, I only had a grandmother, so it seemed like I had to push her back..... "

"Yes, I'm sorry I rushed your husband away."There's no way I could have given such an artist to my house, but I got stuck with it. ”

"So... what do you mean by talking to my grandmother...?"

"More than that, please enjoy your dinner first."I'm sorry if the food gets cold. ”

Rico smiled sharply to unravel his family's feelings.

But his master, his companion, and his son and his wife, both names, remain dark.With that in mind, the infant, who still had a shameful face, peered into the soup dish poured into the large pot.

"This looks delicious. I want to eat it."

"Hey, come on. Don't be ridiculous."This is the traveller's dinner. "

The young men, who seem to be the fathers of the young child, rushed to their knees.Seeing that, Rico smiled even more lucidly.

"If you like, please enjoy it."I'm sorry if I left you too much. "

"No, if I put my hand on your dinner, what will you say to the village chief later..."

"I think it's much more unjust to throw away food because you can't eat it."Please don't hesitate. "

Of course, the people in this house were preparing their own dinner, but you were doing so poorly.It seemed that the soup dish only contained some kind of meat, Nenon leaves, and even gigos.

Aria, Ma Pura, and mushrooms are also thrown into the soup dishes prepared by the mushrooms.The meat of the zebra was cut into large pieces, and it seemed like it could be eaten.

Rico shared the soup dish, and the child's eyes shined with "delicious".

While mouthing the same thing, Rico smiled and said, "It's delicious."The seasoning was only salt and some vanilla, but there was enough stock from meat and vegetables.

"The kid from the next house just came to talk to you... you want to know about the [Blessing of Madual]..."

And the old woman who was sitting like a figurine opened her mouth with a wipe.

She is old enough to be no different from the old woman in the house next door, but she does not seem to make bones as well as they are there, and she looks like a withered branch.However, there was a green light like the people of the south blinking between the sleepy narrow eyelids.

"Yes, I'd like to make it into a puppet show, if possible."If you don't mind, could you tell me the details of the fairy tale? ”

"Yeah... but I'm also completely out of my mind... can I remember properly..."

Then the old woman began to speak frankly.

The beginning is the story of a peasant who suffers in the sun.The fields are dried up because it doesn't rain, and the peasants in the village suffer from hunger.So I was going to ask Madual, the god of abundance, for salvation, but when I told her that, the old woman's words were broken.

"So, I think the Toyotomi God is going to tell the village chief something... now, what are you going to tell me..."

"Hey, don't forget that important part!"

Belton, who had been quiet for a long time, shouted out loud.

"Hey, why don't you suddenly shout out loud?"The little one will be surprised.... after all, Belton is also concerned about the continuation of the conversation. "

"That's right, if you ask me that at the beginning, you'll be worried about it."

Belton opened his mouth, and Rico giggled and sneered.

"But I'm also curious."What did Madual say to the peasants? ”

"I don't know what it was... I think it was a very difficult story..."

The old woman stops eating and stops moving like a real figurine.

Then, the men of the master who was rinsing the soup dish with a sunken face suddenly raised their faces.

"... it's the way."

Eh, what is it?

"If you want the help of God, you can build a path through God... that's how Madual told you."

The old woman smiled, "Ahh..." as her husband repeated her words like that.

"That's right... that's right... but how do you know that...?"

"Why, my mother told me."I'm a little younger than this kid. "

And the weak-looking master smiled, narrowing his eyes as if he was nostalgic for that time.

"Until now, I've forgotten too."That's how she always told me fairy tales when she put me to bed.I should have loved that story too... but I completely forgot about it. "

"That's how fairy tales are passed down from parents to children."It's the puppeteer's job to spread it to many more people and make them happy. ”

Rico also smiled and spoke up like that.

“So, what path will we build for Madual?I've never heard of God's path. ”

"Yeah, I'm kind of blurry over there, too..."

"Dig the ground..." the old woman said in a quiet voice.

"From the side of the field to the south, we dig the ground... deeper than the back of a human, so wide that even a human can't reach it... we dig the ground straight south..."

"Oh, yes, it was.It was so wasteland that it could not be turned into a field, so the ground was also very hard. "

"Yes, and I hit the big rock on the way--"

"Oh, a strange child appeared there - no, that was a lot later, wasn't it?Rather, look, the strange old lady ate the black fruit-- "

"No, that's not true... but before that, your daughter with silver hair--"

The old woman and her son's master began to tell the story of the fairy tale as they contested it.

Not only Rico, but also the young children and young couples are listening to the story with their eyes shining.And Belton, who was eating without even knowing his face, secretly listened.

"... so in the end, Suigami Nada will bring grace to the field..."

When the old woman finished the story like that, Rico looked impressed and said, "I see!”He shouted loudly.

"It's such a lovely story!"And I've never heard a story like this!After all, is it a fairy tale that has been told only in the South, or only by liberal pioneers? ”

"Well, I don't know... we never left our hometown one step at a time... so I don't know what else to do..."

"Yeah, I'm not going back to my hometown anymore."

The old woman and her husband, who had caught a glimpse of their full expression, fell into great grief again.

Rico lowered his eyebrows pathetically, but still spoke out in an energetic voice.

"But it was a really nice story!I will do my best to make a fine play with our hands, so please look forward to it! "

"Are you sure you want to make this story into a puppet show?"I don't think the people in the west look very nice... "

"Huh? Why?"

"Because, as I said, it's like you're cheating the Sun God."Since Sun God is the son of Fire God Selva, the west is more important than the south, right? "

Rico put his fingertips on his slim chin and thought cutely, "Hmm."

"However, as far as I know, I don't think the customs in the west and south will change so much... oh, what do you think of Van-Deiro?"Isn't Van Dylo as familiar with the situation on the continent as he is with me? ”

"Hmm. The customs surrounding the little gods are different everywhere, so I don't think the division of the kingdom alone can be cleared up."For example, because Suigami Nada is the son of the Northern God, it is often evaded in the lands to the north even in the west... Similarly, in the lands to the east near Jagal and close to Sims, Miza and Gili-Gu, the children of the Eastern Gods, feel evaded. "

"I see. In places where there is a territorial conflict, there is a tendency for small gods associated with hostiles to be avoided."So what about the Sun God? ”

"As far as I know, there is no land that despises the sun god.In the west, in the south, and in the east, I have never seen a land that does not hold the resurrection festival of the sun god.Even if the Suigami Festival and the Underworld Festival are completely abolished, the Easter Festival of the Sun God is still so deeply rooted... I wonder if it has anything to do with the ease of understanding that is the milestone of the year? "

Having said that, Van-Deiro looked at Rico with a soft look.

"Therefore, is it not equal to the people of any kingdom to say that they will not evade the sun gods, or that they will not respect only the sun gods?"

"I don't want to preach with a puppet play, but that's true!"I think this is a story where many people can learn about the importance of small gods without distinguishing between the west and the south! ”

It was sunny as the sun, but as it was getting more flattering, Rico said so.

Then, Belton, who was listening in silence, sighed deeply.

"Hey, hey, are you serious? How many new puppet costumes do you think you'll need if you try to make this into a puppet show?Besides, it's just a costume that can't be used in other acts. "

"That's why, if we keep adding more and more new performances, there will be plenty of use!"

Rico grinned at Bertone in the same manner.

"Let's do our best to prepare the costume and practice the play!"I'm counting on you for Belton! "

Belton responded to the call with a sigh, not a word.

Rico and Belton did their best to complete a new project called "Blessing of Madual".

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