Isekai Ryouridou

Days of Reconstruction ④ ~ Expectations and Anxiety ~

For the next three days, I was left in a very restless state.

The words of the envoys sent by the Crusaders were promptly declared to all of Genos, and it was announced that the Crusade of the Evil God Order had been completed. However, the safety of the Crusaders remained completely unknown after that.

"The main unit of the crusade stepped deep into the peripheral zone, but the nearest post town was waiting to protect the Totos and cars used to move. So on the 8th of the blue month, the mission was completed, and the messenger was sent out from the remaining troops."

The Musketeer who came to tell Moribe the details told me so.

Since it was considered to be two days on foot from the station town to the home of the Evil God Order, the emissary who came to Genos himself had not confirmed that the main unit was safe. Still, it was necessary to tell Genos as soon as possible that the Crusade of the Evil God Order had been completed, so he flew Totos alone.

"In other words, the main unit of the crusade is still in the peripheral area, or today, when it finally arrives at your station town." I'm worried about the safety of the people along the edge of the forest... please wait for them to return in three days. "

Leaving such words, the emissary departed.

"Well, if it's Gazran = Rutim, then you don't have to worry about it." You might get hand injuries a little, but that's not how you get behind. "

At that night's supper, Rud-Lou said so, smiling with a sleepy face.

Others don't seem to worry too much. By the time the hunters on the edge of the forest decided to go out, they'd already be ready. As Ghazlan-Rutim said on the day of the expedition, no matter how worried the people around the forest were, they were a family that could only believe and wait.

(That's why I'm still not ready for the new arrivals.)

Thinking like that, I spent my days struggling with my inner anxiety.

So, I was able to see all the emotions in Ai = Fa.

"I know how you feel about Gazlan-Rutim and Lyerfam-Sudra." However, the Crusaders defeated the Order of the Evil Gods. If that's the case, you should calm down a little, because it means that the public budget has increased so that you can return safely. "

"Yeah. I'm sorry I made you worry about Ei = Fa." I'm not prepared to be a forest folk, so I'm too shy. "

"... you've only been in the forest for two years, so you just have to grow up."

And Ai-Fa smiled at me with a very gentle face.

In any case, I have no choice but to pray for the safety of my brothers and sisters in the Mother Forest and get to work every day. For the three days before the Crusaders returned, the unstoppable impatience was trapped deep in the abdomen, and I was about to do my job.

The food stalls are doing well, and the new menu, Giba's Grilled Egg, is also popular.

Moreover, with the completion of the Crusade of the Evil God Order, the station town was visibly enlivened. Perhaps the people who had taken refuge in the nearby territory have returned. Sometimes it was rumored that it had been very busy in the past few days, such as Dabag, which was half a day away by wagon, and the station town of Behette in the north.

Moreover, steady progress was being made in the elimination of Hida from the forestside.

By the tenth day of the blue month, it was reported that the eradication had been completed in all areas that could be returned in half a day from the settlement.

The only area deeper than that was farther than the original hunting ground. Moreover, there was already a prospect that the damage would not be so serious.

"After all, they have too much appetite, and it seems that they can't help but wander the grass leaves close to them." It's much easier to prey on than Gibba, who moves around and devours grace as he pleases. ”

Ei = Fa said so.

Whatever it was, half of the hunters were able to get Gibba hunting back on track.

Also, by that time, it was declared that even Dalaim could exterminate all Hida. When they fled to the tall trees, the soldiers had no hands and no legs, so Dalaym was focused on guarding the fields, and the extermination of Hida in the bush was put off.

Still, after only 10 days, the soldiers managed to finish the extermination. If so, it seems that there was a calculation to ask the hunters around the forest for help, but before that, they did their job.

With the proclamation of such stories, there was finally no one in the post town to hide with a coat, and it was considered unnecessary to wear rain gear even in the forest.

Since it was almost the same time as the Crusade of the Evil God Order was completed, the people of the town would feel that the dark clouds were even clearer.

There was still the problem of Mundt's ferocity around the forest, and the burden on the hunters was not reduced at all - but the bustle of the bunker town encouraged our hearts to work there.

That's probably why Rimi and the others should encourage the hunters!

With such an order from Rimi-Ruu, the Ruu family twisted their heads every day to devote themselves to the feast. If I give out a little extra copper coin, I can buy the vegetables from the castle town, but this situation will last for several months, so until my family said that they miss Aria and Tarapa, it was basically a policy to do something with the ingredients that are readily available.

The only exception was a chatch. Ludo-Lou made Chatch his favorite, so he ordered it from the castle town as a matter of priority.

On the eve of the 13th of the Blue Moon, the scheduled date for the return of the crusading troops, we held the Hasselblad backchatch against the crack and made Rud-Lou look sleepy.

"After all, this is also delicious." Well, it's not as good as it used to be. "

"Arias were also needed back then, and a lot more ingredients are needed to make it so-so." If Rudo can't stand it anymore, let's share the vegetables in the castle! "

That was the tone of an older sister who calmed her younger brother, and Rimi-Lou encouraged her like that.

By the way, tonight's Hasselblad backchatch uses Giba bacon instead of Persula oil to suit the tastes of the people around the forest. Plenty of gibba bacon and gamma cheese in a chopped chatch, and as a side dish, it was a voluminous dish.

Ai-Fa and Donda-Roux are silently eating, but their curious appetite shows their satisfaction. On the contrary, the huntsmen's maneuvering appetite, no matter how exhausted we were, was reassuring to us.

That evening's dinner was coming to an end - the sachi that had rounded around me sounded "Na" and told me of the presence of visitors. However, since Jilbe on the earthen side remains quiet, this means that our compatriots from the forest side have come.

"Excuse me at night. This is Dom's patriarch, Dick Dom, and his three family members."

Before the exhausted men moved, Lara-Lou quickly raised her hips and headed for the doorway.

And Dick-dom, and Rem-dom, and Diga, and Dod, appeared from thence.

"Was it still the middle of the dinner?" It's not a long story, so I want to convey my words from here. "

Hmmm. Is there a change in the Sauti settlement?

Donda-Lou sat back and said "no" to Dick-Dom.

"I'm here to tell you that the transformation is over. The southern part of the forest has also been cleared of Hida, so I think we should move to a place where we don't have enough hands tomorrow."

"Hey, are you done with that too?" Rudo = Lou looked back at Donda = Lou as he rubbed his eyelid down against his eyes.

"Huh? But now that I've finished my work, don't you think I should help Sweety tomorrow?"

Yeah. The other clansmen were reunited with Sutti's bloodline from today.

"Hmm. With so many clans joined, we were able to get the job done quickly." There are no more traces of Hida from the hunting grounds of Souti's bloodline, from the narrow streets and backs of the hunting grounds, and from the area along the southern thoroughfare. Even Luu has finished his work... is the rest of the area held by the Die's blood family? "

Ei = Fa was also in charge of the area.

Ai = Fa, who had been sent gazes from various people, answered vividly as she returned the clean soup dish to the rug.

“The report is late, but we are finishing up our work this evening. I was thinking of asking Donda-Lou where we should go after dinner.”

Well then, you said that the job was done in every place!

With such a high voice, Rudo-Lou, with his arms outstretched, flipped backwards.

"Ahh, it's finally over! Tomorrow I'm going to sleep to Jomtien!"

Hmmm. Still, Mundt's been a pain in the ass for a while, so don't forget we have to hunt down Gibba for the rest of the day.

Donda = Ruu said in a solemn voice, Rudo = Ruu said, "I don't care!” He responded cheerfully.

"You don't have to go into the forest in the morning, that's enough!" Whether it's Gibba or Mundt, I'll hunt as many as I can! "

"Hmm.... I'll give you as much rest as I can tomorrow." Tomorrow is just the day when the people who have done the tricky work will come back. "

Then Rimi-Lou said, "Wow!" I jumped up and bit Donda-Lou's stiff neck.

"Everyone, good work!" Let's play together tomorrow! "

"It's not a game, it's a day of rest."

"Anything is fine!" Anyway, thank you for your hard work! "

I'm sure that Rimi-Lew is also trying not to show his parents that he is sweet in front of his guests. But now it was turning into a mass of joy, and there was a cheek stroke on the top of the Donda-Luw Buddha.

And the rest of the women shall be silent, and shall be glad with their faces and their glances. Kota = Luu and the others were sitting on Ziza = Luu's lap with their eyes sparkling.

Ziza-Lou looks back at Dick-Dom and the others as they cling to the soil with their palms on their small heads.

"By the way, did Dick-Dom, the patriarch of Dom's main house, come to deliver such words himself?" Besides, there seems to be a lot more to offer. "

Hmmm. I was hoping to spend the night at Rutim's house anyway.

Dick-Dom answered in short words, and Rem-Dom said, "Yes."

“We've been staying in Sautti's family's house all this time, and we haven't had a chance to exchange words with the people of Ruthim. Morne Rutim is probably worried too, so I have to tell him how well they are.... and I'm sure there are other people who want to say hello."

Rem-Dom, who spoke like that, and Digga and Dodd, who laughed like that, all looked sleepy.

But more than that, they reveal their joy. The joy that Hida's extermination had finally been completed was perhaps aroused.

"The day before the return of those who left Genos, I was lucky enough to finish off all of Hida..." We'd like to take a break from work and wait for our brothers and sisters to come home tomorrow. "

Leaving such words, Dick-Dom and the others walked away.

Lara-Lou, who closed the door and hung her clothes, looked back at her family with a full smile.

"Father Donda, Brother Ziza, Rudo, Ei = Fa, good day to everyone!" You don't have to do anything tomorrow, so get some rest. "

"Ah, I'm going to do it from the beginning," replied Rudo-Ruu, with his arm on his pillow.

Granny Ziba looked around at her family with a clear gaze.

"You've been waiting for Diggdo-Lou and the others to come back safely... Mother Forest, good luck to your brothers and sisters who have done a great job..."

"Don't worry, Diggdo-Lou, no matter how many times I've had to die, he's still alive and well."

The hall is filled with warm air.

In the meantime, Ei = Fa turned her attention to me, and I whispered, "It's okay."

"Of course, I can't be relieved until I see everyone in good health... but I also believe in the strength of the hunters around the forest."

“Hmm. Ghazlan-Rutim and the others would have done their work with such exceptional strength.”

"Besides, Ai-Fa and the others." Thank you so much for your hard work to this day.... let's have a good rest at Fa's house from tomorrow. "

Ei = Fa pretended to shake her head and prevented the gaze from the others, while showing me a smiling face of "umu".

And the next day--

While saying something majestic in my mouth, I finally decided to head to the station town with a feeling of being cut off.

The completion of the extermination of Hida was spun by the contact network from the morning, so the other kamados are very surprised. As Dick-Dom said, it was a great joy for everyone to have their brothers and sisters back in Genos the day after Hida was finished.

And since Hida was the first one in the morning, Ryada-Ru told us to go to the castle town, by the time we went down to the station town, we were touched and it was very busy. This completely ended the disaster related to the Evil God Order, and it was as if the Easter Festival had returned.

"When the expeditionary army returns, they will serve fruit wine to the people of the town." It was delivered to my lodge, too. "

Levi smiled as he went to the [Kimusu's Tail Pavilion] to borrow the stall.

Additionally, as they headed to the open area, the guards were waiting in the space in front of the Blue Sky Cafeteria. Stacked there is still a barrel of fruit sake. This was indeed a behavior reminiscent of the Easter festival.

(If you ask Malstein and the others, it's time for Genos to make a strong appeal, even if it's already safe.)

Of course, I'm also truly happy with this commotion. However, since there was an uneasy feeling left in the depths of my chest, it seemed like I was standing up in a double sense.

I'm sure the families of the Away Force soldiers will understand my feelings. Or are these people prepared like forest dwellers?

I had no way of knowing that, so I had no choice but to dispose of myself and wait for the Crusaders to return.

"Hey Asta! This is the day when everyone is finally coming back!" I want you to worship Ghazlan-Rutim and the others in a safe manner! "

It was Maiton, one of the architects who had visited the stalls early.

"From the station town to the south to Genos, it's a half-day relaxed drive in a wagon. That's why I guess it's only about Jomtien that we'll arrive."

"Yeah, that's how you guys always get to Genos."...... I really can't wait. "

The people visiting the stalls were so excited that they couldn't beat me. Even people who have little connection with Genos, I wonder if more than 600 soldiers will come up the street at any one time, and the fruit wine will be served. As if the city itself were boiling.

Among them, there was only one person who was more anxious than I was.

It is Tuul-Dinh.

When I went to the loading platform to replenish the ingredients, Toole-Din stood next to the wagon and prayed with his hands together.

"...... Are you all right, Tour-din?"

Looking back at me in a hurry, Toul-din immediately clouded his eyes with tears - as if he couldn't hold it back, he pulled it towards my chest.

"I'm sorry... I'm so worried about Klua-Sun..."

"Yeah, I know how you feel." I'm also worried about everyone. "

Klua-Sun is accompanying the crusaders in the presence of a crowd of women. It didn't seem strange that Tour-Din, who had been in love since he was a child, was about to be crushed by anxiety.

"But it's okay." I'm sure everyone will come back in good shape. There are 36 hunters around the forest, and there are 600 soldiers together. "

"Yes..." she said, shaking her shoulders tinyly, and then Toole-Din let herself go and wiped away her tears. Then, I dyed my cheeks red, which is easy to feel, and looked up at my face.

"Oh, I'm really sorry."... and if possible, I would be grateful if you could keep quiet about it with Ai = Fa... "

"Yeah, I don't want to get kicked in the foot, either."

And when I answered with a voice that I had tried to brighten up - cheers echoed in my movements.

Me and Toole-Din forget to carry the ingredients and return to the stall.

All the people turned south.

On that day of calamity, many people were looking up at the southern sky filled with Hida - everyone today is looking straight at the end of the street, and their faces are shining. Then, while facing the same direction, I began to break up on the left and right side of the street.

There were people in front of the stall, so I didn't know what was going on.

I decided, greeted Toole-Din, and then ran back to the wagon.

It was further away from the road, but I could earn a height and see how it went.

At the end of the south, you can see the shadow of the army.

I've never seen so many soldiers. The soldiers who pulled Totos were at the forefront, followed by a procession of Totos vehicles.

Even if there were injured, it would have been carried by car, so all the visible soldiers were in good shape. Thanks to a long journey of more than ten days, the coat and armor were covered in dust, but the footsteps were powerful, and the cheeklifted face had a courageous expression.

Even the soldiers who held Totos' reins alone had no idea how many dozen cars there were. The 600 soldiers had to be prepared for the expedition.

There are a large number of cars in a row to avoid blocking the road. It took me a lot of time just to see it off.

And finally, all those cars went too far, and after a few cavalrymen followed, I saw a hunter on the edge of the forest.

The number of people is about ten.

At the beginning of it was Ghazlan-Rutim.

There is no sign of injury anywhere. As I know, it was Ghazran-Rutim's reliable form.

When I saw that figure, and I was about to cry - there were meters to travel, but Ghazlan-Rutim looked back at me.

With Totos' reins pulled, Gazlan-Rutim delivered the words with his free hand in his mouth.

No one has returned their soul!

Even though there was a tremendous amount of cheering going on and on, those words pierced straight into my chest.

So Gazlan-Rutim waved lightly at me, then turned back and passed.

I'm sure Ghazlan-Rutim sent me those words, seeing the anxiety swirling inside me.

It took me more than 10 days to return from an expedition, and he noticed me. Ghazlan-Rutim is that kind of person.

Such a gentleness of Ghazlan = Rutim softly enveloped my heart - and I could not help but spill my tears.

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