Isekai Ryouridou

Return and Recurrence ② ~ Unexpected Offer ~

A trader from Jagal brought a hound to Genos.

This was the third time that Schmiral-Lillin had bought a hound.

The first time was last year's Zhu Yue, about a year and three months ago. At that time, Fa's house invited his first hound, Brave. This was accompanied by an event that revealed to my family the love that Morne Rutim-Dom had and began to stay in the northern village, so I was left with a clear impression.

The second time was last year's blue month, so it was exactly a year ago. The pedestrians came back a while after the house of Fa was rebuilt after it was destroyed by the "Turning of Amsukhorn". So Durumua, the second hound, was greeted at Pharaoh's house.

After that, I've been free for a year -- after all, a hound is not something that can be raised overnight. Last time, I bought more than 30 hounds, so I was told that the pedestrian would gather all the hounds from the ranch that had the hand.

"I don't think anyone has ever tried to buy so many hounds before. The pedestrians were delighted, but at the same time, they seemed a lot dazed.”

That's what the envoy from the Marquis of Genos told us, but we also heard that story from Shmiral-Lilyn in real time.

Whatever it is, I am glad that a new hound has been delivered. There have been many voices around the forest that wanted to welcome more hounds to their families.

"It seems that the pedestrian completely trusted the people around the forest, so he said that it was not difficult to go to the forest on his own this time... It's no big deal, but the time is bad right now, right?" With all due respect, may the Marquis family come to pick up the castle this time, as we have always done... "

It seems that the emissary man also said so.

It is a pity that I can't invite the hound peddler to the forest, but this is the only way I can do it. Although Mundt's methods of defeat are well established, it would be a question of Genos' credibility in the unlikely event that anything happens.

As a result, the day after Schmiral-Lilin returned to Genos, she was forced to leave her hunter job and head for the castle town. The hounds you pick up have to be re-trained to hunt gibbons, so you're going to spend a lot of time on them.

"However, this time, Ryada = Luu and Barsha also accompanied me." Since before, we've been talking about letting Ryada-Lew take over the identification and training roles. Barsha became a member of the Luu family, and I was going to ask for his help. "

In the village of Luu, who stopped in front of the stall business, I was told such words by Mother Meir Ray. Such talks were going on in preparation for the arrival of the hounds while Schmiral-Lilin was away from Genos.

Unfortunately, Shmiral-Lilin and the others had already left the castle town.

"At the end of the day, Rimi also took me with her." It seems that the pedestrian person was worried about the cuisine on the forest side. "

It was originally started with the creation of Por-Earth. Initially, pedestrians were suspicious of the people around the forest, so it was suggested that you try Gibba cuisine to deepen the interaction.

Previously, Vina Ruu-Lilin would have accompanied her to cook, but of course, now she refrains from going far away, so Rimi-Ruu went there alone.

That's why I decided to work on my work for the day with great excitement.

That said, I wasn't looking forward to the arrival of the hound. Of course, it is a pleasure to have more hounds, but the Fa family already welcomed two of them as family members, so there was no need to increase the number of hounds.

Therefore, my frustration was about Shmiral = Lilin.

After returning to Lilin's house, Shmiral-Lilin received a greeting from Vina Lulu-Lilin, and how happy she felt - I didn't want to confirm it with my own eyes.

Wouldn't you have liked to have accompanied Schmiral-Lillin to his house yesterday?

Rey-Matua, my partner of the day, said so, so I answered, "No, no, no."

"Whatever you do, you can't imitate it so vulgarly." I think you should spend that important time with your family alone. ”

“I see. Asta really cares about Schmiral-Lillin.”

And I was the one who would be seen through my heart every day.

Unfortunately, Schmiral-Lilin could not be greeted while the stalls were trading. Shmiral-Lilyn and the others returned from the castle town just in the middle of the peaks in Jomtien, so they passed by without hesitation.

(It can't be helped. I'm not looking forward to it until I get back to the village.)

I switched my mind and decided to focus on my work.

Ray-Matua is working hard to make "Giba's Balls". Since she had not seen a single failure since the start of the business, she also seemed to have no problem considering that she had completely mastered it.

"This dish is interesting and delicious!" I'll talk to my parents about whether I'm allowed to buy this equipment at Matua's house! ”

"I see. Now, after the business, I think you should bring this equipment back to everyone's house." Would parents be more convinced if they actually ate the food? ”

"Thank you! I'll finish it deliciously and convince the parents!"

After such a peaceful exchange, the business of the day was also successfully closed.

Before I go back to the woods, I'll gather my number and explain.

"I'm sorry, but can I stop by Luu's village for a moment on the way back?" I need to talk to Schmiral-Lillin. "

“Of course! We want to see the new hounds too!”

Everyone was happy with Rey = Matua.

Incidentally, such circulars were issued because the study group was allowed to resume around the forest, and it was a date held at Fa's house today. Thanks to the efforts of the Porters, I was able to live without any problems with the ingredients I could buy from outside the territory, so I was told that I could treat them as I pleased.

"Now you're finally allowed to hold a feast." Those who were planning to have a wedding will be very happy. ”

That's what the Lats said. The calamity brought about by the Order of the Evil God, even in that part of the world, was causing trouble to the people.

Incidentally, it was said that the feast was still solemn in the castle town, but it was not a lack of ingredients, but a financial matter. The damage done to Dalai Mu's fields has disrupted the balance of the economy. All we had to do was buy ingredients delivered from outside, but the first to move big assets and distribute ingredients was noble people and the wholesalers controlled by them.

(Besides, the support to the south end of Dalai Lama is a very heavy burden, isn't it?)

Riko the Puppeteer was dispatched to the southern end of Dalai Lama after negotiations between Ghazlan and Rutim. Rico's puppetry plays to comfort those who are working to rebuild the fields. I'm sure the Marquis of Genos will be ready to reward you.

In the first place, the people at the southern end of Dalaym have lost all of their fields, so they have lost the means to earn copper coins. The living expenses of these people, the expenses necessary for the reconstruction of the fields, the expenses for the repair of houses for 10 days, the expenses for the expedition of the crusading troops, etc., were all covered by Genos's property.

(Besides, even after sending out the hunters from the forest, I was told that they gave me a great reward. Of course, Ghazlan-Rutim and the others did their duty without being soldiers, so it's only natural, but... the nobles are in trouble.)

With that in mind, I laughed at Pratica, who had come to crack.

"That's why I hope you'll forgive Platica." I just want to talk to you for a second, so I don't think it'll take more than a quarter of a second. ”

Gerd's culinary turn, Platica, was trapped in the castle town until the frenzy surrounding the Evil God Order subsided. Pratica himself worried about the forestside settlement, but he was told not to get in the way.

Well, it was probably because we thought Pratica was safe. After all, she is the kind of person who is promised to return as the culinary turn of the lord of Gerd, so for Genos, she is equal to a guest. If it were to fall into the unexpected with the frenzy surrounding the Order of the Evil Gods, the Alvachs would be disgraced.

That's why Pratica, who had been coming to the post town for more than half a month, nodded "Yes" with the same sharp gaze.

"I am a spectator, so I will obey Asta's intentions. Moreover, I would also like to say hello to Schmiral-Lillin.”

Oh, you knew about Shmiral-Lilin, too, didn't you?

"Yes, Master Alvach, we are seated at the wedding feast, so I wanted to talk to you." Sims move from the woodside to Shmiral-Lilin and get curious. ”

Pratica herself had never met Shmiral-Lilyn, as she had visited the [Silver Pot] since she left Genos.

"Besides, I'm looking forward to the puppet show." Puppeteer, are you still Dalai Mu? "

"Yes, I hear you'll be spending a few days there." In his spare time, he's working on a new costume for the puppet. ”

"Oh, I see. I'm looking forward to your visit," Pratica said curtly. She was a girl from Gerd who had a more courageous atmosphere than the people in the meadow, but she was really adorable when she spilled her emotions without any expression.

"Well then, let's go." Pratica, this wagon, please. "

That's why we're aiming for a settlement near the forest.

On the loading platform, Jilbe and Sachi are loved by Yun-Sudra and the others. Regardless of the unpleasant Sachi, this must be a pleasant moment for Jilbe. Jilbe was supposed to be much happier than being alone in the house because of his sweetness.

“Jilbe, there must be a lot of hounds in Luu's village, but we need to get along.”

When I called out to him from the stand, Jilbe answered "Wahuu" with a bouncing voice.

At last, I arrived at Luu's settlement.

We got out of the wagon at the entrance of the village and decided to interrupt on foot because we knew the buzz of the square was overwhelming. Almost everyone wanted to accompany them to see the new hounds.

The square was filled with scenes as imagined.

Shmiral-Lilin, who teaches the hounds how to hunt gibbons, Ryada-Ru, Barsha, and the sightings of women and infants.

"Sister Reina, welcome home!" "Asta, thank you for your hard work!"

Rimi = Luu, who was caught in the wall, ran cheerfully as she leaned out.

"Ah! Platica, it's been a long time!" You can finally come to the forest! "

“Yes, I would like to ask you to teach me again in the future.”

And after bowing to the bowels, Platica turned his sharp purple eyes toward the center of the square.

“Still, it's spectacular. I've never seen so many hounds.”

"Yeah, that's amazing!" This time, there are as many as 50 of them! "

It took me exactly a year, so the pedestrians prepared that many hounds for me. Even so, Donda = Luu and the others told me that it could be twice as many as the previous one, so even this one hadn't reached our limit yet.

And while we were making a lot of noise, Shmiral-Lilin, who entrusted the care of the hounds to Ryada-Ru et al., approached us with a run.

"Ah, Schmiral = Lilin, thank you for taking the time to--"

Asta, I've been expecting you.

Schmiral-Lillin interrupts me all the time.

In addition, Schmiral-Lillin clung to the tip of my hand with both hands, keeping up the momentum of the run.

"Asta, you know, Vina Luu, the baby." I... I can't say a word. "

“Yes, that's why I'm here to celebrate.”

When I grabbed back Schmiral = Lilin's hand, it gave me back even more strength.

"Asta, you knew, but you didn't dare to tell me." Vina Luu, I was very grateful. ”

"Yes, I swore in my heart that I would never slip my mouth." It's absolutely unacceptable for an outsider to report you. ”

"Asta, outsiders, no. However, I am grateful for your kindness."

Shmiral-Lilin, who had not been a child of the Western Gods for a long time, was not very good at moving his expression. However, his sharp face was filled with more joy than ever.

In particular, it is the black eyes that instantly appear in its long, slit eyes. Those eyes, which always gave a calm glow of sediment, now gave a glow of joy as open as a child.

"Schmiral = Lilin can spend about a year around the forest, so it can be used for childbirth. I'm happy to do that.”

"Yes, [Silver Pot], I need to be ready for childbirth... but the first child has the greatest joy of standing up." Mother Forest, Father God of the West, thank you. "

Although Schmiral-Lillin should have heard this story in the afternoon yesterday, it seems that the exhilaration has not yet subsided.

I laughed at Schmiral-Lillin with a heartfelt joy.

"Once again, congratulations, Schmiral = Lilin." I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of baby will be born between you two. ”

"Yes, a few months after I was born, but please, Asta, hold me."

Having said that, Schmiral-Lillin finally withdrew.

Then Pratica opens her mouth, quietly looking at the sight.

"Schmiral-Lillin, enthusiastic. I had a different impression.”

"Yes.... who are you?"

"I am Gerd's cook, Plattika-Gel-Armaya. I'm Gerd's lord, his first son, Alvach, his squire."

"Ahh... I'm getting word from my family." You're staying here to cook and train, Genos? I'm Lilin's family, Schmiral-Lilin. "

Shmiral-Lillin couldn't hide her happiness, her eyes shining and smiling. Alichna seemed to be putting strength around her eyebrows without moving her expression.

"You, the people around the forest, a worthy, sophisticated crowd, were listening." But it seems softer and softer than I imagined. ”

“Yes. Did you let me down?”.

"No, but you, your appearance, are the people of the East... so I remember your expressions, your movements, your discomfort." But of course, God has transferred it, so I have no objection. "

While talking like that, Pratica turned to the side. It's a bit unusual for her these days.

Then, a new person approached from the wall. I greeted you in the morning, Mother Meir Ray.

"Hi Asta, thank you again for today."...... Schmiral = Lilin, have you already talked about the example? "

"No. Asta, do you need an explanation?"

No, I don't need to just talk to Asta-

And Mom dropped her gaze on me.

There, Jilbe sat down and watched the hounds with his glittering eyes. And the scorpion was rounded with his back, and he spilled a great yawn.

"--But that's right. Shall I ask you one more time? In any case, tomorrow, all the clans will be informed."

“Yes, what are you talking about?”

"First of all, let's have a look with those eyes." That way, we'll be able to talk sooner. "

So I went around the square and was invited to Luu's main house. Only Shmiral-Lilin and Pratica and the rest of the Pharaoh's family will follow.

Mother Meer Ray passed through the main house and took a step up to the sideways space. There sat the lorry of the Ruu family, who would have brought the hounds.

"I don't need to be a hound for these kids, so I'm asking them to be quiet."

"These guys? Is there anyone on the loading platform?"

Mother Meer Ray rolled up the luggage compartment with a vague smile.

There were only ten dogs waiting for us.

“I see. What do you mean, you don't need a clairvoyant?”

"Yeah. The hounds are all males, aren't they? So they're all bitch dogs. That's why you're not trained as a hound, even in a ranch place."

Then why were these bitch dogs brought here?

The answer was beyond my imagination.

"The pedestrian said that he would buy these dogs as a companion for the hounds..." Even though the noise from Hida has just subsided, the chiefs will have to bother their heads again. "

On that night.

At the dinner where Platica was invited to the crack, I was heartfelt surprised when I conveyed the words of Mother Meir Ray.

"You're the companion of the hounds... I didn't even think about it at all... but that's from the pedestrian side, isn't it?"

"Yes. This time, the people around the forest have already bought nearly 100 hounds, right?" The hounds said they couldn't bear to rot without children... and that's what the pedestrian said. "

By the way, the exact number is 96. Moreover, the first six brought by Shmiral-Lilin from the Western King's City together, there were already 102 hounds around the forest.

"It seems that the female dog is originally sold for watchdogs and breeding, and the price is half the price of a hound." However, the people near the forest bought a huge number of hounds in a short period of time, so it seems that it is okay to give them away even more cheaply. "

"... why are only males raised as hounds when they are dogs in the first place?" Is a female dog better for hunting than a male? "

Ei = Fa asked me seriously, so I laughed "no".

"I asked Schmiral-Lillin about this, but it seems that even a female can work as a hound if she is trained." After all, it seems that males are bigger and stronger, but females are more likely to be clever than females. "

Then why are you here?

"Yes. It seems that it is bad to let him work with a male." Because dogs have that breeding season... if we're together at that time, we might be neglecting our work. "

Ay = Fa leaned her neck, and Platica, who was eating with all her heart, raised her head.


"... what? What are you talking about?"

“That's why I'm so sorry about my job. Beasts, breeding periods, mating, inevitability.”

Ei = Fa gazed at me as she blushed.

"Well, well, that seems to be the case." That's just my instinct as a beast, so no matter how hard I hold on to it, it doesn't matter. "

"... so all the females will be kept away from their hunting jobs?"

"Yeah. There are other ways that females are prone to disease." So it seems that the habit of turning only a male into a hound was born. "

"I see," said Ei = Fa, nodding her head as if she had regained her mind.

Then Platica comes after me unwanted.

“Humans are always, always, the breeding season. Ai = Fa, it's beautiful, so if you work with men, you may be distracted.”

"Well, don't be ridiculous!" I did my job the other day with Sudra and the hunters of the die, but there was no such rude man alone! "

Pratica's expressionless, purple eyes twitched.

"... I'm sorry. It was light. Ai = Fa, I didn't even think about disturbing my mind that much....."

"That's funny!" said Ai-Fa, stretching her arms and gently tapping Platica's head.

Pratica feels like she's holding her mouth shut, so she leaves the place where she was struck. Because it looked like Ei = Fa, I was able to give Hiyakatsu a smiley mood.

"Well, that's not true." This time, ten of them would like to be deposited around the forest as a trial. If you decide you don't need it, you can contact me to pick it up. "

"Even if I were to take it back, would the merchant be a people of the South?" Are you willing to take on such a struggle on your own? "

"Yeah. As I said at the beginning, that guy is worried about the end of the hound he sold to the forest." I mean, if you think about it as a business, why don't you sell a bitch dog? If you were a forest folk, you might be able to raise your own puppy as a hound... if that happens, you'd lose such a big mouth. "


"But more than that, I can't stand the fact that nearly a hundred hounds are decaying into loneliness in a foreign country." I'm sure that person also treats the hound like a human. "

"Of course, it's impossible that the hound's life is lighter than that of a human being."

Ai-Fa, who doted on a family that was not human, stood there in a majestic tone.

I'm going to repeat my words with a warm heart.

"In the meantime, it seems that the chiefs will discuss whether to accept these ten." They plan to gather at the Luu's house first thing in the morning and pass on the results of the meeting when they hand over the hounds to each clan. "

“I see. Why was Asta told?”

"Oh, that's because... even among the people around the forest, the Pharaoh's house feels like the most skilled at dealing with beasts." After all, there are not only hounds and tots at home, but also Jilbe and Sachi. "

Moreover, when I once invited Dali-Sauthi and the others to Fa's house, I was shy about how Ai-Fa was compassionate about the hounds. Fa's house seems to have established a close relationship with the hounds because of the small number of family members.

"So, this is Meer Rey = Luu's personal opinion, but if she decides to accept ten bitch, she wants me to take one at Fa's house."

"What? But... there are three dogs in Fa's house, including Zilbe." Wouldn't it be nice to have a bitch in there? "

"With this replenishment, the approximate clan will be awarded more than two hounds, so there is no difference in the conditions around that." Besides, if the hounds and hounds have a solid bond, they won't be able to keep company. ”

Eifa lowered her eyebrows slightly and turned her gaze toward the dirt.

Giluru is round as soon as possible, but the three dogs suck on Gibba's femur, the remnant of the dinner. And when I noticed Ei = Fa's gaze, everyone looked back with their clever eyes shining brightly.

"By the way, Ei = Fa didn't mean to talk like this." Did you feel like welcoming Brave and the others? "

”Well... Pino told me something like that”

"Pinot? Pinot what?"

“When Pinot pushed Sachi into Fa's house, he said he was going to bring a male cat from Sim. They say it's unwise for a sachi to die alone."

After the Easter Festival with Pinot, we are leaving Genos, so it is more than half a year old. Ai = Fa's memory was nothing but fantastic.

(Well, more than that, I guess it's a strong feeling that Brave and the others are going to the end.)

Pratica raised her head again as I bit such a stingy sentiment.

"I think it's wonderful to have a caring Ai-Fa in a family that can't be human. But before that, my partner--"

Ei = Fa reached out again, and this time he struck Pratica's head twice.

"What the hell, you!" If you can only slap lightly, shut up and eat your dinner! "

"... I'm sorry. Fa's house was cracked, so it may be a little floating.”

In response, Pratica's eyes shrugged again. It was like a modest sister, Genka, as long as she was smiling.

Anyway -- how are the ten bitch going to be treated? I was looking forward to the decision of the chiefs.

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