Isekai Ryouridou

Castle Banquet (1) -Subsequent Preparation

Then, after a twist and turn, the dinner party in the castle town was to be held on the 4th of the white month, and the study party inviting Roy and the others was to be held on the 6th.

Both were diagnosed on the second day of the white month, so it can be described as a fairly fast decision. After hearing about the situation from Lara = Lou, Mother Meir Ray ran the messenger to Zaza and Souti on the same day, and the next morning she had already received a reply from each chief.

"If you're going to let me take care of the day, I'm sure you won't have to leave early." Everyone, including Donda, was happy to accept. "

As a result, Mother Meir Ray has become much more familiar with the messenger during the day when Donda-Lou is absent. As much as it was comforting to have.

Therefore, it is first of all a castle town dinner party.

After finishing off the stall business as planned, we decided to rendezvous with the hunters of the guard who had finished their work after half a month and set out for the castle town.

There were five Kamadhos, and I, Reina = Luu, Yun = Sudra, Marfila = Naham, and Toor = Din. There were three bodyguards, Ai = Fa, Rud = Lou, and Zei = Din. The reins of the wagon were held by Ai Fa, and Rud-Lou and Zei Din were cavalry-style, spanning Totos. The escort was somewhat reinforced because the return would be in the middle of the night.

“Odifia would be delighted if Zay-Din were to sit down. I'm going to ask you for some delicious treats today."

When I called out to her like that on the way, Toole-Din nodded, "Yes" with great joy. I deliver sweets to Odifia every three days, but I haven't seen her in over half a month.

In addition, not only Tuul-Din, but also Reina-Lou and Yun-Sudra, who were happy, were in a good mood today. I'm sure everyone can't wait to see the crackling castle town. Recently, there were only events around the forest that seemed to invite guests, so everyone seemed to be looking forward to these opportunities.

If you finally get to the gate, you'll find a familiar southern maid and a martial artist waiting for you. Along with that, there was also the figure of the Genos martial artist who held the reins of the Totos car.

"We've been waiting for you, everyone from around the forest." We have prepared the pass for you, Mr. Porarth, so please move it to this car. ”

If your return is late at night, you'll need to open a special gate, so you'll need a pass for the aristocrats to prepare.

In any case, the elderly samurai who stood by as an ombudsman occasionally took care of him.

"Good work, Gardel, are you off?"

“Yes, Gardell has been resting for the past month or so because his old wounds have worsened.”

Huh! Could it be that you took on Hida in the station town?

"Oh, that was when I visited the stalls around the forest." "Left lord, it seems that he was rampaging in a frivolous way, which caused him to hurt his connected shoulder muscles again. It seems that he felt very painful for about five days without having to cure the fever."

Having said that, the junior samurai gave a bitter smile.

"Since I threw out my duties with a fake disease, and I acted like a fool and hurt my old wounds, it would have been a punishment if it hadn't been the case, but... there was also a martial arts memorial saying that he had defeated the great sinner Silel, and this time it was all forgiven. If your shoulder pain subsides, let's meet again.”

I see... please take care of it.

Then, as I got into the Totos car, Rudo = Lou called out to me.

"What's the matter? Asta doesn't look like she's floating."

"Yeah, yeah. Gardell came to the town with a fake illness because he was worried about us." Somehow, I feel sorry for you. "

"Asta doesn't need to worry because it's his fault for throwing out falsehoods."...... but he seems to get weirdly annoyed when Asta teases him. "

In response to Rudo-Ruu's words, Ai-Fa also nodded "Umu".

"While we evacuated Asta to the loading platform and protected her, she was in an unusual state." If Hida is going to harm Asta, she's going to kill us all. "

"Ahh, even though it's usually oozing, I've been scattering my temper." I thought Asta would be very grateful. "

No, because you got rid of Siluel, I'm just so proud of you.

But sure enough, Gardell sometimes caught a glimpse of his obsession with me. It was part of this that Hida went berserk.

"I don't really understand it." Unexpectedly, are you in love with Asta? "

I was reluctantly weakened, and Ei = Fa looked sincerely disgusted.

"It's Rudo-Lou. Gardell is so serious about Asta that I think you should refrain from saying anything to teach her that.”

"Didn't Vermes say that he was in love with Asta at first, or Camua's old man?" Outside the forest, it seems there's no such thing as a story. "

Having said that, Rudo-Lou laughed, "Nhihihi."

"Well, I made it clear on that day how much he cares about Asta." There's a place where you're just a little frizzy, but don't you want to work on it when you get face-to-face? "

"Yeah, I'm gonna do the same."

The reason why Gardell is so frivolous is probably because he doesn't know why he's obsessed with me. There were many occasions when I felt like he had nothing to grab on to myself.

(Speaking of which... when was it, did Claire-Sun have a hunch about Gardel? It was me who told you that you shouldn't talk about it unwittingly... but what was that all about?)

When I had that idea, the Totos stopped.

Arrived at the Swan Palace. A dinner party was to be held at this place today.

There are about two Jagal soldiers standing at the entrance to the palace. The soldier who was following you from the castle gate, after saluting you, hooked up with us inside the palace.

It is the surname of Genos who guides Omiya, but the maidservants of the south are still acting together. And his maid accompanied the women to purify herself in the bathing house.

"It looks like that Princess Dell Share is trying to get her servants to do their job as much as possible." After all, is it a manifestation of the sentiment that we will not let the nobility of Genos go to any trouble? "

When the men were cleansing themselves, Zei = Din said so.

Rudo = Lou, who was motivated by his supple body, said cheerfully, "Maybe so."

"Well, I guess there's a lot of squire after all." Three maids and ten martial artists remain in Genos with that Dell Share guy, right? "

"Yeah. For me, I thought there were only a few martial arts officers." But if we don't get out of the castle town, I wonder if there's anything else wrong with it. "

We've heard a lot about the security of the castle town. Besides, if Princess Dellshare had been present during her stay, she would have developed into an international problem, and the nobles of Genos would have done everything in their power to protect her.

If you leave the bathhouse, I'll be the only one ready to change into cooking clothes. It seems that today the guards were also exempted from changing their clothes for the battalion's waiter.

And for the women, the kamadh number shall be the cooking clothes or the maid's service; and Ai-fa shall be as usual. However, during dinnertime, the guards should be dressed in castle costumes, so Ai = Fa brings a set of decorations that I gave as gifts. For me, it was also a secret pleasure.

Well then, I'll show you to the chef.

With the guidance of the maid and niece, we move to the kitchen.

Not only Princess Dellshare smiled, but also Pratica, Nicolas, and Gemdo.

"Everyone around the forest, Hiccup!" It's been half a month, but have you been doing well? "

There were no other aristocrats, so Princess Dellshare was in everyday mode.

Eifa and the others were just returning the greetings, so I'm going to make a statement on my behalf.

"Yes. The hunting grounds around the forest have calmed down and seem to be almost back to normal." This is because His Highness Dakarmas helped to defeat the Order of the Evil God. "

"Yeah, yeah! I'm glad to hear that!" I'm going to give you a great sightseeing today, so thank you very much! "

Thank you very much.

When I gave her a smile, Princess Dell Share smiled even happier. Really, Dial's innocence and clarity is unbeatable.

Even at the farewell dinner half a month ago, Princess Dershare looked the same. And half a month before that, at a glorious feast, he was on the balcony at night, revealing his love for me.

However, they said that it was a confession to relentlessly get along with me in the future. That's why I'm behaving normally by twisting my feelings of apathy and backwardness in one corner of my heart -- to my attitude, Princess Dell Share is returning this innocent smile to me.

(I'm sure Princess Dershare has a childish part mixed with an adult part)

Chewing on my feelings like that, I looked around at the people who would hold back like Princess Dell Share.

"By the way, Pratica and Nicola were with you." Are they still not allowed to attend the dinner party? ”

"Yeah! I told you to keep it to a minimum, so for now, I won't do it!" Well, these two are always face-to-face in the Mansion of the Countess Dalaym! "

That's what I was looking for in Platica. When Pratica stayed in the castle town, he was apparently cared for by the Count D'Aleims, but in the past half month alone, he had several occasions to invite Princess Del Share.

"That's why today, it's just a sight for the chef!" If you like, can't you give these two a taste? I'll have dinner, so I'll need a taste! "

"I understand."...... and that gem of yours-- "

"All the while, you've been very helpful!" Well, as a diplomat in the capital, you probably need to keep an eye on the contact between me and the people around the forest! "

So it's a bit unusual for Vermes to turn himself in to Gemdo.

When I thought like that, the sensible Princess Dell Share laughed, "Ahaha."

"Didn't Asta-sama hear that?" Master Vermes is sick, so he's taking care of himself and resting! Since the real thing is the dinner party, isn't it a good idea to keep quiet here? "

"Huh? Was Vermes sick?"

When I turned toward Gemdo, you had a sedentary face waiting for me.

"Yes, Master Vermes has been thinking about the Evil God Order, and he has almost been sleeping all the time, so he got a fever." At the farewell party of His Highness Dakarmas, I brought it back... but then I did it again. "

"Huh. But since the Crusaders left Genos, there hasn't been much to worry about, has there?"

Ludo-Lou grabbed his mouth like that, and Gemdo responded "No" with a calm baritone voice.

"When the Crusaders were dispatched, they made various calculations to be able to cope with whatever happened." Hermes was very happy that things had converged without having to bring out those calculations. "

"Huh. So, when you got back to Genos, Vermes was a wanderer?" You've been worried a lot about him, too. "

Gemdo replied "Yes" without letting him peek into his emotions.

Nevertheless, it was a difficult story to lie on the floor not only to Gardel, but also to Vermes. This must have been the aftermath of the disturbance caused by the Order of Evil Gods.

"Well, that's what's going on here!" If you're satisfied, can you start work right away? "

While shining her eyes like a puppy, Princess Dell Share said so. You must have been so excited to see the first cook in half a month.

There were only two soldiers to protect Princess Dellshare's surroundings. One of them is Lode, the only young martial artist I know by name. What kind of feelings he had toward the presence of Pratica, the people of the east, he still had today his vigilance out of him.

By the way, Zei-Din remains outside the door, and Ei-Fa and Rud-Lou are holding back. Although the maiden name and maid were also outside the door, there were five Kamado and eight other people, and the population density was quite high.

In the past half month or so, Princess Dell Share has been studying in the castle town, right?

For the chatty Princess Dell Share, I tried to call her that while setting up the workshop. Chasing our hands, Princess Dell Share said, "Yes!" and his energetic voice exclaimed.

"People like me who ask for a tour can't handle Dalai Mu vegetables anymore!" Everyone seemed to be struggling with him! I wonder if Asta is the ones who do it best after all. "

“I see. That's an honor.”

"Yes! Genos is a place where ingredients from all over the world come together, but if you're a Genos cook, you deserve to be based on Genos ingredients!" Everyone seems to be doing their best to be able to cook fine dishes! "

Finally, in a joyous tone, Princess Dell Share repeated her words.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Vulcus-sama." Vulcus-sama used a vanilla blend from morning to evening, and when he spoke, he said it was distracting, so it was not worth the tour. Learning to cook from Vulcus seems a bit difficult. "

"That's right. I think there's something easier to understand than having a Vulcan apprentice in between."

"Ahh! Speaking of disciples, they'll be invited to the forest next time, right?" Ok! If it were true, I would have hooked up with you too! "

And Princess Dellshare, like a puppy, came to me.

Ai = Fa at the wall reacted with a twitch, but Princess Dershea's body was so close that she hadn't touched my outfit. Ashigaru respects the customs of the forestside.

"But if you go outside the castle town, you'll have to borrow a bodyguard from Genos." The people at Genos Castle seem to be still babbling, so I'd like to give you a little more respite. "

"I think you're splendid." This shouldn't be the only visit of your disciples, so please let us come with you. ”

Yeah! Thank you! Asta-sama is so sweet.

Princess Dell Share really seemed like she was going to rub her nose in my body.

However, this is proof that I am acting casually. Princess Dershare revealed her sincerity in tears that night - and I never doubted the words.

"By the way, did you invite Princess Refreire to Asta's house?" Thanks to that, the flow seems to have changed a bit! "

"Yes? It's called flow?"

"Yes. The nobles of Genos are solemnizing a grand feast, aren't they?" He even solicited donations to rebuild Dalai Mu's fields....... but even if Princess Refreia disturbs Fa's house, she won't pay you a bronze reward, right? "

"Yes, we don't want to talk about that either." But I gave you fruit wine as a gift. "

"I know the price of fruit wine!" That's how the aristocrats came up with the idea that they should enjoy copper coins without wasting them. If you had shrunk for months like that, even the aristocrats would be filled with anger! "

Having said that, Princess Dellshare smiled gently.

"That's why I planned this dinner party to catch up with you!" If it's a small dinner party, the copper coins for the gratuity are no big deal, right? From now on, the nobles of Genos will also try to keep the chef for everyone around the forest. "

Reina-Lou responded by saying, "Really?"

Princess Dell Share turned to you and said with the same smile, "Yes!” he nods.

"Listen to what the Count Satulas have to say today, then you too!" Seems like you're starting to think about it. However, I made an extra proposal there.... "

Extra suggestion?

"Yes. You used to pay more than usual when you invited a chef from the forest to the castle town, didn't you? I suggested that it might be okay to stop using it. If the honorarium becomes a lot of money, it will become a kind of unnecessary luxury."

Rudo = Ruu was the one who shouted, "Heh."

"Was the forestside kamado number that special?" I can't quite remember how many copper coins I've received for my castle town job. "

"At tea parties, at least 20 copper coins are rewarded, and I have received 50 copper coins. I've been struggling to pay so much in such a short amount of time....."

And, Tour-din also made a point.

In my sense, 20 white copper coins are worth 40,000 yen, and 50 copper coins are worth 100,000 yen, so it would be a pretty expensive reward.

"If you're a top-notch cook, 20 copper coins is just right for a tea party, but 50 copper coins is broken." But there's a reason why that happened, right? "

“Yes, I have heard that the nobility of Genos was set too high a price to be able to easily summon the people around the forest.”

When I answered like that, Princess Dell Share nodded in satisfaction.

"Lord Toole-Din is the best confectioner in Genos!" That's why I think you should set the amount of the reward to be worthy of your ability! If it gets expensive for any other reason, then you might suspect the power of Lord Toole-Din! "

"I don't care about my reputation... but did Dell Share propose that all rewards should be returned to normal?"

"Yeah. I shouldn't have said that to an outsider, but that's disgusting!" Isn't it strange that we specially intercede with the people around the forest to protect them? If you do such a favor, the people around the forest might buy some useless disgust from other people! "

Dell Share Princess remained an innocent smile, but it felt like her little body was drifting with a royal style.

"If the aristocrats are annoying to summon people from the forest, first the aristocrats should restrain themselves and give the people from the forest the right to refuse the request!" That way, you won't have to bear the pain of futility, right? Since the people around the forest are so solid, I don't think it's necessary to protect them with such a funny way to make the reward so expensive! "

“I'm sure that's because Dell Share hasn't seen the past.”

In a very quiet voice, Ai-Fa spoke like that.

With some vigilance toward Ei = Fa, Rode looked even more tense, but Princess Dershea's eyes glowed with interest.

That means this method was effective in the past?

"Hmm. It's been two years since we decided to form a solid bond with the nobility of Genos. Now, it was possible to have various relationships with different opponents in various places, but... two years ago, I only knew which opponent I counted, and I didn't know what kind of roots the nobility had. By then, I think it would have been necessary to keep the bond together with some special arrangement.”

“Hmm. If I hadn't set the reward high, the nobles might have thought of calling the cooks from the forest without any help, and the people from the forest wouldn't know what to do with it?”

"Exactly, I suppose." At that time, Giba meat was sold only in part of the station town, so there was no way to talk about it in the castle town. It was the first time that Asta had cooked Gibba in a castle town, and it was because of the admiration of Lord Malstein of Genos that she had a great reputation, wasn't it? "

"Yeah, it's a nostalgic story," I said, smiling at Eifa.

"After that, Toole-Din was introduced to Odifia, but she was only made aware of the young princess's selfless behavior." If you didn't do that, Eurifia would have been worried that the request would come to Kamado on the edge of the forest. "

"Hmm. In that way, the nobles of Genos, including Eurifia, broke our hearts to protect our lives." I believe that it was never the wrong thing to do. ”

So after all, my proposal was an unnecessary favor, right?

Asked by Princess Dershare, Ei = Fa shook her head sideways.

"I think both the people around the forest and the nobility of Genos have been able to understand a lot of the past two years of interaction. If we wish to further deepen our ties correctly, we should abolish the special arrangements one by one and seek a more correct path.”

"I think so, too," Reina-Lou said with a fervent voice.

"At that time, there were very few people who could keep the castle town kamado." Rather, tea party treats could not accommodate Toole-Din and Limi, but dinner prep could only summon Asta. Wouldn't the nobles have broken their hearts so as not to put Asta through a useless struggle? ”

"I see! Speaking of which, you were the one who took care of the Satulas' dinner party before, weren't you, Reina-Ru?" Nowadays, it seems that other people have finally become powerful enough to take care of the chef of the dinner party. "

“Yes, and Kamado on the edge of the forest was doing a lot of work in the station town. It was never a large honorarium, but an amount that matched the market price of the town. We were more familiar with the bunker town than the castle town, so we were able to get on the right path faster.”

Well then, did you know that my proposal was the right thing to do?

"Yes, I don't have a special arrangement, I want to pay a price that is commensurate with my abilities." To pay a price that is not worthy of your abilities... should hurt your pride. "

Reina-Lou was the face of seriousness, and the Princess Dell Share facing her was a full smile.

"After all, I like you guys." Maybe the root of the mindset is the same quality. "

"Yes, I felt that way too."

Reina-Lou's expression collapsed and she laughed at Princess Dell Share.

Princess Dershare nodded contentedly and turned towards Ei = Fa.

"I'm glad you and I got through to each other." I was sure you'd neglect me because I'm obsessed with Asta-sama! "

"No, it's not that I'm totally neglected..."

At the same time, Ai-Fa makes his mouth melt with a vague expression.

Seeing the figure, Princess Dell Share smiled even more amusedly.

Yun-Sudra and Malfira-Naham called out to me.

“Um, Asta, now that we're ready to cook, may we start working on it?”

"Huh? Oh, I'm sorry! I'm so obsessed with my story!"

"Ahahah. You have a comfortable cooking assistant, Asta-sama!" I'm increasingly looking forward to dinner! "

Princess Dershare laughs relentlessly.

So we agreed to get down to business.

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