Isekai Ryouridou

Joint Moribe Study Group (3) - Discrepancy

It is a change of maker after finishing the tasting of four types of cuisine. Next, on the edge of the forest, there was a team of me and Tour-Din, and on the side of the castle, there was Sirie-Rowe and Tartumai.

Platica and Nicola are the same team as me, so they will help me cook for them. Instead of a chatch, we decided to unveil croquettes and salads made with Noghigo.

When Platica and the others start working on my orders, the spectator Roy yells "hmm".

"As usual, you two are like Asta's cooking assistants." Have you been around the forest a lot? "

"Yes, I've been disturbing you since the middle of the blue moon..."

"I have been visiting royalty for nearly three months now. Recently, the mansion was in a hurry... and before that, I stopped disturbing the forest side for the same reason as everyone in [Ginxingdo]."

"Yeah. I hope the royals won't follow me." For now, it seems like such consideration was in vain. "

“That's right, no matter how you behave, I think the royalty has behaved the way they want.”

That's how I showed my mouth. [M]

"Besides, back then, there was a tasting party, so we didn't have time to invite everyone." I was able to have a meaningful time at the tasting... and as a result, I didn't lose anything at all, did I? "

"If you ask me, you're right." If it wasn't for the fuss of the Evil God Order, I'd feel like it was all in good shape. "

"That's true.... Princess Dershare also said that she was very envious of today's study group, so let me join her in the end."

"It's a study group with the royal princess." Well, that princess is like that without the eyes of an aristocrat, so I won't be distracted either... but it seems like she's going to be too careful and rude to imitate herself, oh I guess. "

In this way, our team was able to move forward with a pleasant conversation.

The team of Toole-Din, Yun-Sudra, and Bozur have a mild atmosphere that can't be beaten here, and Ray-Matua and Malfira-Naham also seem to be calling out to Sirie-Rowe to stay out of the way. Among them, it seemed that the three members of the Ruw family, Vulcus and Tartumai were the most secretive.

Vulcus not only doesn't talk, he also leaves the preparation of food to Tartumai. It didn't seem to make much sense for me to be on the same team as Vulcus, considering Reina-Lou's feelings. Moreover, since Tartumai was also working on cooking in a tense atmosphere, it seemed that Rimi-Lou and Mime, who were clear-cut, could not even speak up.

(Even though I prepared such heavy equipment, I wonder if Vulcus can enjoy it.)

After all, Vulcus is hiding his face, so I can't see his heart any more than usual. Besides, she didn't seem to have much interest in cooking for the other teams.

(Speaking of which, I've never heard Vulcus say he wants to see our cooking. Are you interested in the finished food, but not in the cooking process?)

At the very least, I want you to be satisfied with the taste of the food.

With that feeling, as I was preparing the food, Jilbe and the lamb on the front made a happy unison sound. This is a sign that a loved one has returned home.

"Huh? It looks like Eifa is already back." I need to tell you a little bit about the Vulcans, so can you hold on for a moment? ”

"Yes, I will prepare and proceed."

Tartumai spoke in a frivolous tone as I asked Pratica to take care of me.

“If so, we would also like to say hello. Ladies and gentlemen, could you please wait a moment?"

Yeah! I've met Rimi, too!

Therefore, the three members of the Luu family and Vulcus and Tartumai will be accompanied.

Then, as we left the hut, Ei = Fa appeared from the side of the hut. Tartumai whispered, "Oh..."

”Are you Gibba... this is the most majestic beast I've ever heard from the bozu.”

Eifa had a 100-kilometer Giba. It was the extreme masculinity of Ei = Fa, who alone was responsible for such things.

Brave and Durumua, who stayed at the foot of Ei = Fa, were also somewhat proud. And as Jilbe and Ram greeted them, they shook their tails with joy.

"... the man in that strange figure is Vulcus."

And while holding the weight of Gibba, Ai = Fa lowered her voice.

“I want you to wait a long time until we get rid of Gibba, Asta.”

"Yes," I said. When I opened the door of the demolition room, Ai Fa, who had stepped over there, laid a giant gibberish on the workbench. This Gibba was already washed in river water, so I guess I couldn't bear to drop it on the ground.

"You've managed to win big today." Is that why you decided to cut off your work? "

"No, I succeeded in draining the blood from the two gibbs, so I decided to carry it on high days." By the time you've finished dismantling one more head, the sun will have set. "

Ei = Fa hunted two gibbs in one day again.

Ei = Fa wiped the sweat off her forehead and repeated her words so that nothing would happen.

"The hunting ground of Fa's house has been ravaged by Hida in a few moments, but the number of Giba seems to have increased." This is probably because the southern hunting ground was badly desolated and the blessings of the forest were diminished, and your gibberish was flowing out. "

I see. I appreciate the increase in harvest, but be careful.

"Don't worry, I'll be sure to come back to you."

Ai-Fa whispered these words too much in the street to be heard by the Vulcans.

When I left the dismantling room, I met the guests again. Limi-Lou, who was part of the Kamado job, laughed even harder as she endured the desire to jump on Ai-Fa.

"Ei = Fa, thank you for your hard work!" Today is your first dinner together! "

Ei = Fa turned to the Vulcans with a gentle glance.

"So... you two weren't among the guests tonight, were you?"

"Yeah. It's all of a sudden, but I was wondering if you could forgive me for inviting Vulcus and Tartumai?"

Then I explained everything, and Rimi-Lou added some additional information to me.

"So, if you're going to send Vulcus and the others to the quarters, then Mother Meer Ray said that House Lu would take care of it!" Luu's house is closer to the station town than Fa's house! ”

I see. Then perhaps the two of them will have less difficulty preparing many dinners than the Pharaoh's house.

In response, Ai-Fa looked at the Vulcans with a stern gaze.

"However, the people near the forest should make promises in advance whenever possible when they want to enjoy the rest of the house. Since you are important friends to Asta, I would also like to treat you politely... but I also hope that you can properly bond with us without disrespecting the customs of the forestside."

"Yes, I have absolutely no words to return." Vulcus is in a difficult situation because he can't handle the vegetables of Dalai Mu, so he's unexpectedly disturbed... so I hope you'll forgive me. "

When Tartumai bowed stubbornly, Vulcus lowered his head. Vulcus may not be compatible with Ai-Fa because he doesn't feel sincere at this time. As expected, Ei = Fa frowned.

"If I had not heard a word from you yesterday, I would not have had you bow your heads. So Vulcus suddenly said he wanted to go to Fa's house today. Is there any reason or circumstance there?”

"Huh... As you can see, Vulcus doesn't like dust, so he refrained from hanging around the forest." That's why I managed to crush my feelings this time around... but I couldn't proceed with my cooking research in the morning today, so I ran out of patience. "

"As the master of a house, it would be a difficult act to say."

"It may be a different way of doing things around the forest and in the castle town." We think it's our job to work hard for our master. ”

Tartumai was determined, but Ai-Fa was not very convinced.

Reina-Lou, who looked a little worried, spoke.

"Um, it's hard for me to speak out as a person in the other house... but for a person in a hurry, Vulcus is a very pleasant visit." I know how frustrating the patriarch Ai = Fa feels, but... can you please do something about it? "

"With me, I want to honor the feelings of Kamado. I just want to build a proper bond with the people of the castle town. Vulcus can't even see how he's behaving."

"The current Vulcus is in a state of being more headless than usual because it is causing some breathing problems. I hope you'll forgive me for being irresponsibly dull.”

In response to Tartumai's words, Ai-Fa sighed smallly.

"... you can take off that strange device and open your mouth at dinner, can't you?"

“Yes, I'm going to take care of it that way.”

"Now, let's talk about it with him." As the patriarch of Pharaoh, I accept Vulcus and Tartumai as guests for dinner. "

That said, Ai = Fa retreated to the dismantling room.

I will return the Vulcans to Ei = Fa on my own.

"Ei = Fa, I'm sorry. I should have told you a little more thoroughly beforehand."

"Whatever you tell Vulcus in that state, it's nothing." You don't have to worry about it. "

Having said that, Ei = Fa looked at me with solemn eyes.

"However, if Vulcus doesn't see the color of reflection at the dinner party, I would like to refrain from inviting him as a guest in the future." Vulcus and that Tartumai guy. "

"Are you mad at Tartumi, too?"

"I'm not angry, but I'm not satisfied with his behavior." That's because he's corrupt only for Vulcus, and he doesn't seem to have the time to take care of his surroundings. "

Speaking like that, Ei = Fa suddenly softened her eyes.

"It's not forbidden to interact with anyone, so don't look anxious like that. It's just that Ayatollahs may not be worthy of a guest on the edge of the forest. In that case, we should deepen our ties outside the forest."

”Yeah... but it's the first time I've had such harsh treatment from Ei = Fa.”

"I decided to identify everything at the dinner, so I haven't done anything yet."... do you think I'm a paranoid person? "

"Ah, no, it's never like that..."

"As the head of Fa, I have been able to identify a number of guests. In the end, I welcomed every human being as a guest. I don't want to refuse Vermes or Dell Share.... and I don't feel sorry for welcoming people who don't deserve their guests."

Having said that, Ei = Fa pounded gently around my heart.

"I promise to correctly judge Vulcus and Tartumai." So don't look anxious like that. "

"... yeah, I got it. I'm sorry I said something that made you doubt Ei = Fa's judgment."

I'm sure that you'll feel that way because you've been showing off my weak parts.

Saying so, Ei = Fa shed a light of compassion in his eyes.

"But I'm not going to show you a false image." I have exposed all my feelings, and I want to earn your trust. "

“I trust you. I'm going to have to change my shallow thoughts."

"Like Reina-Lou, you would not have felt too happy to come to Vulcus, nor would you have felt that your deeds were untrue."... your joy is my joy, so I hope you can welcome Vulcus as my guest. "

Ai = Fa gently pushed my chest with her palm, not her fist.

"After that, you should tell them at the supper. You should go back to your work, too."

"Yeah, and be careful with Ei = Fa."

I decided to go back to the bamboo shack with a lot of different thoughts.

You're starting to taste the food. A simple cream stew was completed by Tuur-Din and Yun-Sudra.

"Hey, you're finally back." This one's a lot better than that, isn't it? "

First, Roy bumps into me like that.

"I thought Aria was the one who needed to cook this kind of cuisine." I'm surprised you can build so much ground without an aria. ”

"Yes, you're building on Tinfa, right?"

It was only a simple cream stew, simmered gibberish and timpha with béchamel sauce and kimusu bone marinade.

However, even without throwing other ingredients, only Giba meat and Tinfa produce rich flavors. Is this the synergy between inosine and glutamic acid? Whether Giba meat and Timpha really contained such ingredients was known only by God, but this was so good that it could not be beaten by the main house's pork and white cabbage.

"In addition to being cheap, Aria is rich in nutrients and tastes good, so it was an indispensable ingredient in the forest. It is a pleasure to be reminded of the gratitude of different ingredients by not being able to use it anymore. Tinfa is really good with Giba meat, so I think if it was cheaper, it would have become a mainstream dish on the forest side."

"Tinfa is a bald vegetable, it's a bit more expensive than Tino." I've been trying to deal with this... but I don't think I can bring out this much depth. "

"After all, it might be compatible with Giba meat." Of course, I don't think there's anything that doesn't suit Karon or Kimus. "

It was Bozu who joined the conversation with "I see".

"In that sense, perhaps the power of Giba meat is still great." Giba meat has a flavor and presence that can't be beaten by Karon even just by grilling it, but it may surpass Karon and Kimus in terms of the flavor that comes from other ingredients. ”

“Yes, I'm good at pulling it out, though this is Marfila-Naham.”

"And, and, that's ridiculous." I-I 'm just relying on the deliciousness of Giba meat..... "

Across from Marfila-Naham, who laughed a lot, Cirie-Rowe had a very harsh look on her face.

"But I really think this broth is delicious. At a time when we can't handle Dalai Lama's vegetables, have we finished selecting new ingredients?”

"That's right. There may still be room for trial and error, but we already serve it as a product at the Luu family stall." Hey, Rimi = Lou? "

"Yep! Now, besides Tin Fa, I'm using Fana, Noghi Gigo, and the white mushroom!" There were other ingredients that I could use, but I was told by Zwei = Rutim that I couldn't because the copper coins were too bulky! "

However, it was carefully selected and decided on those ingredients. There was nothing wrong with Chang, Meles, Chamchum, etc., but it was withheld for commercial use.

“I see. In that way, the sharpening technique is also deeply rooted around the forest.”

Rimi = Lou wrote in Bozul's memoirs, "How's it going?".

“Yes, there is no need to worry about the cost of ingredients in the castle town, so we have an established practice of adding ingredients. But if you're trying to finish a dish with the minimum ingredients you need, there's a side to it where the flavor of the dish is refined.”

"Oh, it was hard to see that at a tasting party, I would feel as lavish as possible." I've heard stories that people in the station town are corrupt about that kind of thing. I guess that creates a different taste than castle towns. "

And Roy added words with a convincing face.

Not only have I been satisfied with the flavor of this dish, but my thoughts have also been stimulated. That is why it was worthwhile to choose this dish.

“So how was Vulcus and Tartumai?”

"I also thought it was very delicious. I'm curious about what it would be like to use Aria and Tinfa together.”

After answering like that, Tartumai listened to Vulcus.

"... Vulcus also said that he feels the possibility of not losing to the old kuri-mushu." Also, because this dish needs to be handled with caron milk, cream, and fuwano, he wondered if it was unique to Tour-Din, who is a good confectioner. ”

"Oh, I don't think that has anything to do with it." This is made by Yun-Sudra and her husband...... If it's Kurimushu, the Luu family are better at it...... "

"However, in the Luws, Limi is also the partitioner of Kuri-mushi-chu, and Limi is also good at making sweets." If Vulcus had said that, it might have something to do with it. ”

Reina = Lou closed with those words, and Siri = Lou moved forward quickly.

“Now that we've finished this dish, please taste it. This is the basis for the soup dish that replaced Bona with Meermoo.”

"To Bona, Mia Moo?" That's interesting. ”

"Yes, of course, in Bona, it can't be a substitute for Meer Moo." Therefore, we used Bona instead of Meer Moo and adjusted it to find a different flavor. ”

There, a Malol fillet resembling an ama shrimp came out of the broth. In addition, it smells like seafood.

The palate was intensely spicy with horseradish-like Bona, folded with the complex flavors and aromas of Sims' vanilla. It seems that Malol, seaweed and shellfish stock underpin the foundation.

If I had used garlic meyermoor on this, it might have tasted like the royal road of ethnic cuisine. However, by replacing it with Bona, a strange feeling of coolness was created. The spiciness is intense, but it doesn't pull back, and above all, the flavor of the seafood is preferable. The direct flavor preceded the complexity of the vanilla.

“I think it's a great taste. But this is only the basis of the soup dish, right?"

“Yes, unless you use arrows, lambs or sticky fruit juices. Only the vinegar of Minmi, Watch and White Mamaria will break the taste, so this time it will be withheld. Initially, I spent a long time wondering if Amantha and Ricketts would be able to assemble a new flavor... so far, nothing has been achieved.”

Hmm. I think I can make a delicious soup dish with this.

Rimi-Lew leaned his head, and Mime said with a smile, “That's right.”

“If I were given this foundation, I would be driven to try different seasonings. But I'm sure Vulcus already has an ideal taste? I think Vulcus is looking for a way to get there, and he's not looking for anything else.”

"Yes," answered Tartumai, who was whispered to Vulcus.

“By using Bona instead of Meer Moo, I was able to imagine a new flavor. I don't feel the need to stop by any other way.”

"It's also a difference between us and Vulcus." I find it very interesting. ”

Mime looked adult somewhere while maintaining her original clarity. Somehow, I seemed to be largely convinced by the differences between the ways of Mikel, the father, and Vulcus.

After a while, I'll resume my work and finish No 'Gigo's croquettes and salads. The salad is a potato salad with a chatch salad made of sweet potatoes.

Having tasted it, Vulcus whispers a longer word to Tartumai than ever before. I somehow remembered Alvach asking Vermes for an interpreter.

“… I think this vegetable dish is the right way to take advantage of the sweetness of Noghigo. While adjusting the heat to avoid too much sweetness, you can treat the subtle sweetness you get from it as a hidden flavor without falling short. It is extremely delicious because it does not collide with the acidity and flavor of Mayonnaise, and it is in harmony with the texture of the refreshing pellets.... but I can't hide the lack of ingredients."

“That's right, the Aria and Nenon shortages we used in the chatch salad must not have been filled. I thought it would be enough as a side dish to eat at home, so I settled down in this way.”

"... this time around, the true value of Asta-sama, who specializes in deep-fried dishes, is being demonstrated." Also, the suppressed sweetness of Noghigo is an important hidden flavor in this dish. It goes perfectly with finely ground gibberish and tinfa. And I can feel Asta's strong desire for a seasoning solution that will be hung after the maroons are pickled in chit. "

“Oh, I was also worried about replacing Worcester sauce and ketchup. So I opened it up a bit and tried the spicy condiment.”

The maroons are pickled in a similar ingredient to bean paste soy sauce. They added miso, fish soy sauce, and hobo oil, and eventually used cocoons that resembled pepper. It was quite spicy, but it matched the slightly sweet Noghigo croquettes surprisingly well.

By the way, tinfa, which resembles Chinese cabbage, is minced and used instead of aria. Even if you don't want the same flavor as Aria, you can still show off the unique flavor of Tinfa. The texture of Tinfa, which was somewhat hot and mild, also brought me a different comfort similar to that of Aria.

"... I've been talking too long, so I'm a little exhausted. The rest of the words will be spoken at the dinner table. Vulcus says."

“Yes, I'm looking forward to it.”

The last dish completed was Tartumai.

This is a stewed Giba meat dish based on vanilla. It seemed that it was not a substitute for Karon meat, but a product that had been continuously researched as a Giba dish from the beginning, and Reina-Lou, who was a tourist in your team, looked extremely enthusiastic.

So the flavor - perfect, Vulcan cuisine.

Different flavors are intricately intertwined. Various fruits are mixed with sweetness and acidity, maroons pickled with chit, spicy and fragrant, and the taste and aroma of vanilla and Panamanian honey, which is not similar to any dish. It's a Vulcan dish.

"I don't see any deficiencies in Vulcas' cooking anymore." What ingredients did you replace? ”

When I asked like that, Tartumai said, "It's Pepe."

“We can't get Pepe, so we fine-tuned all the ingredients and added two new vanilla varieties. It took me a long time to finish the taste harmony... but if it does, I'll be allowed to serve it as a product.”

Pepe is an ingredient similar to nira.

It was also a blessing that would be harvested in Dalaym, and it was a fact that I could not buy it now - but it was beyond my understanding to put up so much effort to bridge the shortage of Pepe.

(But I guess that's the Vulcan way.)

Even though I was half dazed, I had no choice but to convince myself by thinking like that.

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