And it came to pass at sunset.

In the square, there was a gathering of only 10 guests with Lu's blood family, which would affect 160 people.

Since the last farewell party for architects was 200 people in total, it should be much less than that, but before the vitality of the people on the edge of the forest, what difference is there? In addition, it was the blood of Luu, the largest clan in the forest that gathered here. The people of Luu's bloodline had the enthusiasm and vitality to be ashamed of their courageous name.

"Schmiral-Lillin's [Silver Pot] will leave Genos tomorrow morning!" The next visit to Genos is in about ten months! This night, I want you to bond without leaving me! "

Today, the heavy voice of Donda-Lou shook the square like the sound of the ground.

In addition, Radazid, the guest's representative, is also required to greet. Radazid, who came forward from the side of Donda-Lou, bowed with his fingertips in a complicated manner, and then greeted him with a low but frequent voice.

"I am very grateful to you for opening such a feast last time. And the compatriot Shmiral-Lilin, the family of the forest side, the joy of being able to be, once again, bite. In addition, Schmiral-Lilin, through us, the people around the forest, the bond, the bond, the great joy. Ten months later, I pray for a healthy figure, a reunion, the Eastern God, the Western God, the Forest of Morga."

As expected, this volume may not have reached every corner of the square - but it's Sims' custom to squeeze out loud. Since the people on the edge of the forest were coming with the attitude of respecting the customs of the past, no one looked dissatisfied.

"Now, let's begin the farewell feast!" Fire up the ritual! "

A pile of firewood piled in the center of the square lights up, and the fire around it burns like a chase.

It was a sight that I saw at the architect's farewell party just nine days ago, but it seemed that I would never get tired of seeing this mysterious moment.

"I wish the [Silver Pot] a safe journey and a safe reunion after ten months... to the Mother Forest and the Four Gods!"

An angry cheer blew across the quiet square.

The members of the Silver Pot are opposed to it with the usual quiet strokes. However, there will be a swirling sense of amazement that is no less than that of the architect.

That's how I'll step forward with Ei = Fa to Radajid. You've already seen Schmiral-Lillin with a gentle smile.

"Asta and Ei-Fa, they want to act together, Radajid. Do you understand?"

“Of course, with Schmiral-Lillin, you'll be twice as happy.”

“Thank you,” Radajid bows.

His eyes narrowed dazzlingly as he looked towards Ei = Fa.

"By the way... I was surprised by the ladies, the banquet costumes."

"Yeah, I guess we weren't supposed to wear banquet costumes at previous feasts." Even at Luu's house, I wonder if he's thinking about the ritual of feasting. "

Ai = Fa responds in this way, hiding her inner dissatisfaction with a ruthless face. Since I wore banquet costumes at the farewell party of the architect, I was persuaded that I should behave in the same way this time, and I decided to bring banquet costumes that I might wear today. Still, if Rimi-Lou and Grandmother Ziba hadn't wanted it so strongly, Ai-Fa might have pushed through her own style - but whatever it was, I would have appreciated it.

"I'm listening to the female crowd, the appearance, the praise, the habits of the forest. We follow the customs of the forestside.... I'm just impressed."

"... if so, wouldn't it be necessary to repeat the words like that?"

"I wanted to impress, to convey, to wish. I will teach you and obey you.”

Therefore, we first decided to go around the square and enjoy the banquet cuisine. Baran's maids had spoken for some time with the heads of the feast, but it was only an offer from the maids themselves, and the guests from the outside were allowed to act freely. And the travel-loving Radazids had a very active temper on the back of their quiet trigger.

Since the total number of [Silver Pots] excluding Shmiral = Lilin is nine, they are divided into three persons and assigned to serve as guides. Once again, the youngest and oldest members of the group accompanied Radazid.

Ah, yes, I'll give it to you before I forget.

And I pulled out a small note from my hip.

“I wrote down how to cook curry and then how to cook shasca. Please take it. … It's just a Western character, is that okay?”

"Yes, we are learning the western characters for business. In business, there are more important aspects than words."

"Well, that's good." Since I am immature in reading and writing, I asked Mikel of the Zeda family to help me write down the details as much as possible. However, the type of vegetables will be different between Sims and us, so please think about the ingredients. ”

“Thank you, Asta, for your generosity.”

Radajid and the two guards bow in the same way. It was agreed that Radajid, the responsible person, would keep the important documents.

"Now, let's go around Kamado." I haven't heard what kind of banquet dishes the Luu family prepared, so I'm just as excited as the Radazids are. ”

"Yes, my chest is jumping."

Me, Ei = Fa, Shmiral = Lillin, and the three [Silver Pots] are such happy faces. I wasn't the one who could suppress the throbbing in my chest.

From the beginning, the square has been extremely hot. For those of you who haven't attended the architect's farewell party, it's probably the first feast in months - and if not, it shouldn't be until after the Harvest Festival that the whole blood family is gathered. It was early, and more than three months had passed since the harvest festival was held immediately after the rainy season.

(As Lad-Rid said, after all, a feast by blood relatives is a joy.)

Well, Lad-Rid wanted a feast from the six nearby clans, not from blood - but no matter what, it would have been quite different from a feast where a small number of guests from different clans were invited.

Everyone in the bloodline is gathered here. Although only children under the age of five and the women who take care of them are indoors, the children over the age of five and the elderly who have several children in the bloodline of Lu enjoy the feast without any reason. Although the level of enthusiasm was too fierce for at-home, there was still a dense sense of unity that was not comparable to the feast where people of various identities entered.

So, I, Ei = Fa, and [Silver Pot] are among the few guests that I have, but it's a feast on the edge of the forest that doesn't give me a sense of alienation. Every time people walked around the square, they melted us into the heat with a warm smile and words.

Oh, Shmiral, you guided the people of Silver Pot .

The first simple kamado that eventually arrived was the main house of Lilin, Ul Rey = Lilin. Radajid and the others, who were often invited by the Lilyn family, bowed calmly.

"Hi, it's my first time." It feels so cracky to see Ul Rey-Lilyn working in a bamboo shoot. ”

"Yes, this is such a big feast, and you can take turns taking care of your toddlers." First of all, I took on the Kamado job. "

Speaking like that, Ul-Ray-Lillin smiled like some kind of fairy. As a forest folk, she is a very skinny woman with a fantastic beauty somewhere.

"Ei = Fa has also been invited to Lilyn's house since then." I saw the banquet costume in the crack, but it was a beautiful way to wake up. In the distance, it looked as if it was shining. ”

"... because I'm a hunter, I feel uncomfortable being praised for my appearance."

"Is that so?" So, from now on, I will only praise you in my heart. ”

Ul Rey = Lillin smiled and placed the contents of the iron pan on a wooden plate.

"Would you like to eat it?" As you can see, this is him. "

"Yes, the fragrance is fragrant."

Ul Rey = Lilin is in charge of the Shaska platter, and the ladies from the Lilin sub-family next to it are currying. Ull Rey-Lillin must have been in charge of Shasca's difficult handling because she was so good at her job.

“It has a curry, seafood aroma and a fragrant flavor. This is the seafood curry that was served to Lilin's dinner before, right?"

"Yes, I was offering it to Radajid, but he should be less familiar than the one on the stall, so Reina-Lou, the partitioner, arranged it."

"Thank you for taking care of Reina = Lew and for your efforts, Ul Rey = Lillin, etc. I wanted to taste it again before I went back to my hometown.”

It is a seafood curry on the edge of the forest that uses maroons that resemble ama shrimp, octopus and squid, and shellfish that resemble scallops. It is also made from smoked fish and sea grass. At the same time, it was the result of our efforts that we asked for harmony so as not to destroy the flavor by using even Giba meat.

Radajid and the others couldn't move their faces, but they were still eating seafood curry with eyes that seemed satisfied enough. Shmiral-Lilin, who had been released from the customs of the east, had his face dazzled.

“It's delicious, I think Schmiral-Lillin, everyday, this kind of dish, eating, heartfelt, envy.”

It was the younger members of the regiment who raised such a voice.

"Yes," replied Schmiral-Lillin, smiling.

"But, Gigi, the ingredients of the sea, while a little, they exist." I've learned how to cook curry, so please aim for your own curry. ”

"Huh. Is Gigi's meadow facing the ocean?"

When I caught my mouth unintentionally, Shmiral-Lillin shook her head lightly saying "No".

"Raolim, the capital of the king, the pedestrian, the result. It faces Laorim, the sea.”

“I see. Is there a lot of traffic with Laorim, not a territory called Dura?”

"Yes, Dura, it's a long way off, the itinerary is dangerous." And the people of Dura themselves are more courageous and known than the pedestrians and the men on their way. "

Speaking of which, Dura was once the descendant of a clan defeated with Gerd in a battle against Laorim and driven to the frontier. It may not be very compatible with the people of Gigi, who are known for their gentleness.

“However, they are travelling on the sea lanes of Laorim and Dura. Therefore, it is possible to buy Dura's products from Laorim. However, it is very expensive."

"Yes, that's why it's the first time I've had Dura's good fortune, Genos, in my mouth. Malomalo chits, fish soy sauce, and Persula oil are all delicious.”

Having said that, Radajid narrowed his eyes in joy.

“But the cook's arm, his influence, could be huge. The stalls on the edge of the forest, as well as the dining hall of [Xiong Pavilion], the food, were delicious, but the other stalls were unfortunate.”

“No, I think all of Dura's ingredients are fantastic. There are a lot of other stalls that can use those ingredients properly… I'm sure that by the time the Radajids come to Genos next time, they will be able to use those ingredients in every stall.”

"Yes, compared to other stalls, Astors, I think it's premature... I've seen a lot of growth in the last six months, and I'm looking forward to it in ten months."

If Radajid hadn't been an eastern citizen, he would have smiled loosely.

Then we said goodbye to Ull Rey-Lillin and the others and decided to head for the next Kamado.

"Ah, Asta to Ai-Fa!" You've been around the square from the beginning today! "

Then, an energetic voice chased from behind. It was Rimi-Lou, who raised an empty basin in a cute banquet costume.

Hmmm. Rimi-Lou was still in charge of the food distribution this evening.

Yeah! Because Rimi likes to move around more than he stays still!

Even before she could respond like that, Rimi-Lou was treading on her feet like a runner.

"Rimi's job is to serve sweets!" Then let Limi stay with you! Ah, and when I go to give the little ones the sweets, will the Radazids go with me? Vina said she wanted to say hi! "

"Yes, please do."

Alright! Now, let's hear it when we serve sweets!

Leaving such words behind, Rimi = Lu rushed away. The enthusiasm for the feast is as if it were energy. Radajid's gaze at the little back was very warm.

"Everyone in Lu's bloodline is full of strength, but the people in Lu's main house are exceptional. And the young Limi-Lou feels that its power is symbolic.”

Hmm. There's no other child as powerful as Rimi-Lew.

With a proud face, Ei = Fa turned to Shmiral = Lilin.

"By the way, Vina Ruu = Lilin was also here." If we don't use the wagon, will Lilyn leave Lu? "

"Yes. I came on foot, resting, scissors. It's still a different time to move and refrain."

I see. Well, if it were your only companion, there wouldn't be such a big feast.

Ai = Fa nodded naturally and arrived at the next Kamado.

It was the Zeda family that was waiting for us. Maim and Mikel stood in front of each other, Barsha replenishing the basin with dishes, and Zida, a young patriarch, watched the work of his family quietly.

"Ah, everyone in the [Silver Pot]!" If you don't mind, this dish is for you! ”

Mime, a one-piece dress that is a minority on the edge of the forest, also wears many ornaments. And it was the younger members of the group who came forward from here with their eyes shining in anticipation.

Is this a street food?

No! It's a big deal, so it will be a soup dish that is not served at the stall!

"I see. I haven't been able to talk about the food of the stalls and the mime for a while, so I'm not at all dissatisfied, but... whatever it is, the mime food, then, the expectations will increase."

Mime's cuisine was difficult to substitute with exotic ingredients, and it was eliminated from stalls while Dalai Lama's vegetables could not be handled. Therefore, after the commotion in Hida, the "Silver Pot" that returned to Genos only tasted Maim's food for a few days.

Such a mime prepared as a team leader was a soup dish based on caron milk. Although the texture is similar to that of a cream stew, it was a delicacy with its unique flavor from vanilla and seafood ingredients.

The young regiment member who spoke of it breathed in satisfaction. He was more alarmed than the rest of the guards, and his expression was about to collapse.

“It's delicious. I'd like to know how it's prepared, but... maybe it's hard to reproduce the ingredients of the gigi.”

"Oh, you've all learned how to make him." Any ingredient would be delicious for him. "

It seemed that Mime's words had inspired the memory nest, and Radazid bowed to Mikel.

"At that time, Mikel, I hear you've done your best." I want to say thank you, I want to say thank you. ”

"Hmm. I just wrote what Asta said." I don't mean to be treated like that. "

When Mikel responded in the same way at the top of the Buddha, Barsha laughed cheerfully, as if to make up for it.

"Nevertheless, it is a pleasure for the people of the east to learn how to handle vanilla and shaska from the people of the west." You've been cooking with vanilla and shaska for hundreds of years. "

“Yes, but even in Sims, the more delicious the curry, the rarer.”

"Hmm. It would be hard to build him in a place where Fuwano and Aria don't exist." At best, it bothers my head. "

"Aria, a small amount, unfortunately, exists.... but it must be a lot of hardships, a lot of facts. Still, I want to aim for a delicious curry.”

“Yes, we were going to be bothered when we couldn't use the vegetables from Dalaym. I'm sure your Sims will be able to create curries with a different flavor.”

The tour around Kamado has only just begun, but for now, there is a smooth narration going on in every place. By the invitation to the previous feast and many dinners, the faces of the Silver Pot seemed to be steadily deepening their ties with the bloodline of Lu.

And it seems that Radazid and the others have a great interest in the people of the Zeda family, who have become the family of the forest side from the outside world, just like Shmiral-Lilyn. Eventually, Yumi might be among them.

"Nevertheless, Ei-Fa's banquet costume is splendid!" It looks so dazzling, it hurts my eyes! "

"... I think you heard the same words nine days ago."

"No matter how many times I've seen it, a fine thing is a fine thing!" Hey, Asta thinks so, doesn't she? "

"Huh? Well, yes. As for that, there is a custom around the forest....."

"What is the custom around the forest?" Asta and Ai-Fa are from the same family, so don't be shy, right? ”

Huh? Well then, is it okay for me to praise Ai = Fa as much as I can?

When I responded like that, Ei = Fa kicked me in the leg with a blushed cheek.

Barsha, who filled the basin with wooden plates, spills white teeth on her face as she looks down at us.

"I've been thoroughly taught to be a fine forest folk, so that's for sure." Don't hesitate to admire the beauty and cutie of your family, Asta and Zeda. ”

"Hey, don't beat the shit out of me, just get the job done."

"Yes, yes, you're a rough parent." Then the people from [Silver Pot] will come back later! "

Barsha leaves with a leaf, lest he spill a soup dish full of soup in the basin. The rest of Zeda and Mime both had red faces, and they were smiling and smiling.

And Radajid looks at me with his little neck tilted.

"Asta, there's a part of the forest that you don't understand." I'm surprised. "

"That's right. Maybe someone was hiding it arbitrarily... if I knew."

Perhaps, from the point of view of Radajid and the others, I and Ei = Fa are also in a primitive range. Along with the pain in my calf, I became a modest shame.

I often enjoyed chatting with the mimes on the spot and then moved on again.

On the way, I discovered other members of the group relaxing on the rug. Somehow, there were several men present, and the most impactful person from among them called out.

"Oh, were you with the Pharaohs?" Ai = Fa looks a lot like her. "

He smiles bravely with a big old wound and his skin torn. It was Diggd-Lou, the young patriarch of the family division.

None of the others were gathered, like the huntsmen of the family, who didn't even know their names. The only thing I clearly recognized was the hunter in the subdivision who had joined Lilin from Rutim. Uniformly, he seemed to be younger.

"Here, I was asked to talk about the time when the Evil God Sect was eliminated." I gathered the men who had joined the expedition and settled down. Such a role would be appropriate for Ghazlan-Rutim... but he seems to be wandering around again and he can't see me. "

"Is that so?" After all, people in the east are very interested in the Evil God Church. ”

"Of course," replied the elderly member of the group.

"I think I feel closer to the gods than to the people of the east and the people of the west. Therefore, from the West, the Evil God sect, the people of the sanctuary, and Starless--no. I think it's very interesting."

Ei = Fa would have shaken his shoulder with a twitch because the words spoken by that person had made sense. This person was good at star reading, and it seemed that he was deeply forged with regard to the people without stars.

But I swallowed those words because I knew that only Ai = Fa would hate to associate me with a starless people. The elderly gathered together to apologize to Ai-Fa, who responded in the same way.

"Then, do you want to sit down too?" We don't want to repeat the same story. "

"No, I will hear from them later. Six people, staying in the same place is a pity."

Ok, then you can enjoy the feast as well.

As soon as I left the group, Radazid called out to me.

"That person, I feel very, very strong." But I don't remember seeing it at the last feast. "

"Oh, it seems that he had few opportunities to attend the feast because of his injuries, even though he was the head of the family division, Diggdo = Luu." We were just the first to say hello at the end of this year's rainy season. ”

"I see. I understand. After all, it is difficult to grasp everything because there are many Lu's bloodline and number of people."

Then, with a gentle smile, Shmiral-Lilin said, "That's right."

"After living for more than a year, even I still can't grasp all the blood relatives.... so I think there's a lot of fun left."

"Yes, Schmiral-Lillin, that's all I have, what I've got, what I think is difficult."

Radazid looked back at you with a gentle look that could not be beaten by Shmiral-Lilyn.

The two people in [Silver Pot] had the deepest exchanges. It would be the second time that I had separated for ten months, but I couldn't help but think that my chest was so full of emotions that I couldn't imagine.

"By the way... can you tell me one thing about the Starless People?"

And, because Ei = Fa threw such words at the elderly members of the guild, I was truly surprised.

When the elderly members of the delegation looked back with a quiet look, Ai = Fa repeated her words with a harsh look that was not in line with the banquet costume.

"As you know, I avoid being obsessed with a people without stars." Therefore, I am deeply grateful to you for taking care of me just now... but there is one thing that I really care about. "

“What is it? I will answer if I understand and speak for myself.”

"I'm sorry.... So far, Genos has been threatened by the Order of Evil Gods about twice." And every time, Asta had a bad dream. Other than that, Asta hasn't seen any signs of star reading... but is this a phenomenon related to the identity of a starless people? "

Ai = Fa had a serious look that was scary.

While silently looking back at it, the old regiment member often wondered - and said.

"I have nothing else to imagine or to state. So, is that okay?"

“I don't care, I can't even imagine it.”

"I understand." Probably... Asta, I don't have the stars, so I think they are easily disturbed and affected by the stars. "

I felt as if the enthusiastic square had calmed down for the time being, and I was shaking unexpectedly.

"In order to disturb the evil god cult, world rationality, and so on, the star map is also disturbed. Our planet, its swell, will get caught up in it... Asta, it won't get caught up in it because it doesn't have a star. But the stars, even without holding them, Asta, this world exists. In the star chart, Asta's presence is described as a black abyss.”

"The black abyss..."

"Our stars are swaying and flowing. But the black abyss is immobile. Therefore, the wave of destiny, fullness, and excitement. The stars, the river, in other words, the wave of destiny, the torrent. We are pebbles, Astas, the middle of the river, towering trees. It's just pebbles, torrents, runoff, but it's trees, it's there, it's folding, it's torrents, it's resisting. The torrent, the wave of destiny, the spirit of Asta, it's affecting me in some way... I imagine it that way."

Ei = Fa managed to understand his words by biting his lips.

The elderly members of the delegation were watching the figure of Ei = Fa with a very quiet look.

"But Asta, the wave of fate, without yielding, is a breathlessness." The fate of Genos is so shaky that it has wavered and endured so much, you don't have to worry. Asta's destiny, I can't read it, but I can feel Asta's body, soul, and strength.... don't you feel the same thing? "

"I feel it. I just can't bear to see Asta suffer..."

"Still, Asta, I won't give in."... is it permissible to read and interpret your planet? "

Ai = Fa nodded with a harsh expression, and the elderly group member said in a tone that enveloped everything.

"Asta, black abyss, various stars, surrounded. The one closest to you... is you. Red cats, heart stars, black abyss, the closer you get. It seems that red and black will one day melt together.... so don't worry."

Eifa closed her eyelids tightly and replied in a trembling voice.

"I still don't think I understand half of what you're saying. But still... I think I was right to confide in you."

“Yes, but if it's a bit of a pain or anguish for you, I'm glad.”

“Hmm. I sincerely appreciate your goodwill and honesty.”

Ai = Fa shook her head strongly and looked around at Shmiral = Lilin with her eyes full of strong shine.

"I'm sorry I took up your time in such a place." I hope you can enjoy the banquet because your stomach hasn't been filled for even a minute. "

"Yes, let's move on."

Shmiral-Lilin did not speak much, but responded with an incredibly gentle smile.

Even though he couldn't move his expression, Radazid had the same look. And the younger members of the regiment seemed to have no idea what was going on, but they still nodded to encourage us.

That way, we can resume the steps that were stopped, and in the middle of that, Ei = Fa clutches my fingertips.

"Suddenly I said something like that, and I was surprised at you." I was hoping for more than a chance to exchange words with someone who was good at reading stars, but... I couldn't help but feel that way. "

"You were worried about me, so you don't have to apologize for anything."... thank you, Ai = Fa "

"I can't thank you enough." We should share in any suffering. ”

While speaking like that, Ei = Fa stared at me with swirling eyes of various emotions.

How calming that gaze and the warmth that wrapped my fingertips made my heart feel--not to mention that kind of thing.

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