Isekai Ryouridou

Residence of Ray and Souti (1) ~ first day ~

Two days after the farewell ceremony for the [Silver Pot] in Luwu's settlement - the 25th of the white month.

From that day on, at last, in the house of Pharaoh, it was agreed that Ray and the people of Souti would be interned.

Rau-Ray is handled as a hunter, and Dalí-Sauthi and the others are handed to Yamil-Ray and the women of Sauthi's bloodline as their turn to establish a new way of hunting Giba - that is the reason for the appearance. In fact, what lay at the root of Ray and the people of Souti was the desire to "deepen ties with the people of Fa."

However, Fa also has only two family members. In other words, Rau-Ray and Dalí-Sauthi want to get along with me and Ai-Fa, but this is how they come to Fa's house. It was a great honor for the naive Rau-Ray to still be able to turn his thoughts to such a fine person as Dalí-Souti.

Of course, unlike Lau-Ray, who is only following his personal desires, Dalí-Sauthi has a proper and patriarchal belief. Souti's blood family, who were not involved in the business of stalls, were founded on the idea that they should deepen their ties more correctly with the Fa's house, which inspired them to change their lives around the forest.

"That said, I personally want to deepen my ties with Ei = Fa and Asta, so that's why I'm coming." For another five days, thank you very much. "

Dali-Sauthi, who appeared on the wagon first thing in the morning, greeted me with a smile full of integrity as usual.

On the left and right were the young parents of Vera, who were serious and hard-working, the eldest brother of Dawn, the youngest sister of the Souti family, who was very polite and polite, the eldest sister of Dada, who was young but firm and cute, the youngest sister of Dawn, who had the same face as before.

"This is it, thank you very much." If that's the case, I'd like to establish a new way of hunting gibbons during this stay. ”

With a tightened face, Ai Fa returned the greeting.

In order to celebrate today, I had to spend a leisurely time with Ai = Fa yesterday morning, which was a holiday, without any plans. In the afternoon, although I took action at the Giba hunting and study group, at night, the two of us enjoyed a leisurely dinner and fell asleep feeling the warmth of the greasy beside us-that's how I charged up for as long as I could. Now both Sweetheart Taru and Ei = Fa should have been able to entertain their guests carefree for five days.

"By the way, Ray's parents weren't there yet." It was closer to home, so I thought I was getting ahead of myself-- "

When Dalí-Saudi said so, the hunters on the spot flew their gaze towards the road. It wasn't until a few seconds later that I and the ladies found out why. Rau-Ray and Yamil-Ray, who were on Totos in pairs, rushed from the south.

"No, you're so late!" I'm going to take care of you today, Ay Fa Asta! "

Rau-Ray stepped out of Totos' sharp-eyed house and reached out to Yamil-Ray, sitting down with Totos. Yamil-Ray, who is not very good at motor nerves, took his hand with a rugged face and descended to the ground.

"Besides, the Patriarch Dali-Sauthi and his bloodline!" I've been looking forward to seeing how powerful you are as hunters! "

"It's the same for us." I'm delighted to be able to work with Rey's patriarch, who is one of the most powerful in Luu's bloodline. "

"Not only work, but also compare strength! After all, to show off your strength, you have to compare your fighting skills!"

Rau-Ray was such an innocent smile that his servant Dali-Sauthi was smiling bitterly.

"Well, as long as it doesn't interfere with my work." Well, Asta, do your job. Please take care of these women. "

"I understand." Ladies and gentlemen, please come here. "

I decided to take four women to the bamboo hut. Me and Ei = Fa had already finished collecting firewood and herbs, which was the limit that would help us get down to business at the stall.

"With this look on your face, you're going to spend the next five days." You may not be a stranger, but please introduce yourself first. "

Yamil-Ray also made several face-to-face appearances, because the women of Sautti's blood had accompanied him to the stall every time he stayed. However, I decided to ask for it to be revealed here because I should not have understood the detailed nature.

Yamil-Ley is a famous person by the forest, and he looks like he won't forget. The three Souti bloodline members seemed to feel the beauty of Yamil-Ray once again.

"I saw you at the farewell party of the architects, but I didn't get a chance to say hello properly. Thank you for your cooperation for the next five days."

When the younger sister of the Souti family smiled and greeted her like that, Yamil-Ray only responded "hello" to Cool.

Yamil-Ray is usually cool, but today he seems to be more cold and polished than usual. Dawn's youngest sister, who was only thirteen years old, seemed somewhat afraid, and the elder sister of the arrogant Dada turned her gaze to Yamil-Ray.

"Well then, how long do you want to stay?" The others are already starting to work on it. ”

When we step in the middle of nowhere, we get favourable gazes from everywhere. From today on, I was informed in advance to invite guests, and this is the fourth time that Souti's blood family has stayed here. Although a long time had elapsed due to the disturbances of the Order of Evil Gods, it was still only two months after the last stay.

Therefore, Yamil-Ray was the one who attracted the most people's interest here. If you participate in the stall's business, you will be completely familiar with it, but if you don't, you won't get a chance to meet it. It was almost the first time I had stayed at Fa's house in over a year, and it seemed that Fou and the ladies of Lan were no different from Dawn's youngest sister.

(Longer ago, Yamil and Ray also had a lot of trouble at Fa's house... but they must have changed their faces a lot.)

I remember the early days when I started cooking at Fa's house, as if there were a lot of elderly and well-positioned women. More recently, there were many young people, and the elderly crowd was more likely to accept the next day's payment during the stall business.

"Then I'll have four guests talk about someone one by one." They don't take the price, they take part in this job to improve their cooking skills, so they want to do the right job. ”

As a result, the person who takes care of them must be a skilled person. Yamil = Ray snorted in a low voice as she thought about how I was going to allocate it.

“I see. Since Tour-Din has his own candy stall, he's doing his job in his own house at this time.”

Yeah, I guess that's what you've been doing since last year, right? That's why ─

Well then, I'd like to ask Marfila = Naham for guidance.

As Yamil-Ray approached with a supple footsteps, Marfila-Naham said, "Huh?" What? "he said, his eyes swimming.

"Are you good enough to be awarded a medal at a tasting?" I've been worried about it because it seems to have received a lot of acclaim before that. ”

"Oh, oh, is that so?" Of course, as long as Asta forgives me, I don't mind.... "

"Well then, I'll ask Yamil-Ray to Marfila-Naham." I'll ask Yun-Sudra and Ray-Matua for the rest. "

Well, these three people will be entrusted with this task on a full-time basis. Therefore, there was absolutely no problem in entrusting Marfila = Naham with Yamil = Ray's care -- just that I felt uncomfortable from a small age.

(It's unusual for Yamil-Ray to reverse-appoint her opponent. This time, I wonder if there is any mood)

Well, it's a good thing you're motivated. I asked Yun-Sudra for Dada's eldest sister, and Ray-Matua for Dawn's youngest sister, who was close to her age, and I decided to take over Southey's youngest sister.

Three members of the Sweety family who had done the same work during their previous stays were able to participate in the work without delay. Yamil = Ray was supposed to be helping Luu with the stall, so I didn't see any more problems.

However, somehow, there is an uncomfortable air between Marfila-Naham and Yamil-Ray.

Sutty's youngest sister sneaks up on me when I think about it.

"Um, Asta... is Yamil-Ray mad about anything?"

"Why do you think that?"

"No, I don't know much about Yamil-Ray's temper, so I can't say for sure... but the atmosphere seems to be somewhat different from the one I've seen before."

Having said that, Sweety's youngest sister had a thoughtful face.

"It's just that... rather than being angry, you're closing your heart... and you're feeling something like an invisible wall... that's rejecting people's eyes and words."

Indeed, today's Yamil-Ray has a cooler atmosphere than usual. I didn't care much, but because Yamil-Ray has a unique power, even young women might feel intimidated.

(I don't know. Maybe Mida-Lou and Marfila-Naham are worried about getting along... maybe we should talk before we go down to the camp town.)

After all, the women of Yamil-Ray and Souti's blood will eat and sleep together for the next five days. In order to maintain a healthy relationship between Luu and Souti, I had to take care not to leave any confusion.

So, I tried to call Yamil = Ray at the same time as I was finishing the work of finishing my job, but Yamil = Ray quickly left for some time, as if he had perceived it.

(This is finally the unruly attitude of the usual Yamil = Ray)

I asked Yun-Sudra to load the baggage, and then I chased Yamil-Ray with my fast foot.

But when I went out in the middle of nowhere, I couldn't see Yamil = Ray anywhere. Yamil-Ray disappeared like smoke after only a few seconds.

From the main house, you can hear the buzzing voices of men. I was sure that I was interested in comparing my fighting skills with Lau-Ray's.

I wondered if Yamil-Ray was on his way to you, and as I tried to step out, I heard a voice from above my head saying, "Na."

Looking up, the scorpion is rounded above the entrance. And the golden eyes stared at a spot of mulberry trees surrounding the cabin.

I'm going to take a step toward that.

And it came to pass that the first bushes were scattered, and the limbs of the mighty crowd were hidden behind the trees.

"What are you doing here, Yamil = Ray?" There's still loading work to be done. "

”... I don't think I can do much for my powerlessness, can I?”

Yamil-Ray, who was leaning on the tree, forsook the words without any evil. I put my arms together under my big assertive chest and didn't even try to look at me with my side facing away.

"If Yamil-Ray doesn't have enough power, everyone else will make up for it." But just because it's a bad job doesn't mean you're not allowed to throw it away, right? "

“I got it. Well then, let's get back to it."

And, Yamil-Ray immediately tried to turn himself upside down, so I called out, "Please wait."

"After all, something seems to be wrong today." Could it be that you're not feeling well? "


"Or perhaps staying in Fa's house would be unwelcome?" In the first place, Yamil-Ray must have been forced into a position where she was pulled by Raul-Ray. But then we should talk to Lau-Ray, and it would be unreasonable to be cold to others. ”

"... you're always serious, aren't you?" But not everyone can behave like that. ”

Yamil-Ray turned around and said in an emotionless voice.

I accidentally rolled my eyes at that thing. [M]

"Maybe it was because you didn't want to be with me that I said you wanted to be with Malfira = Naham?" If there's anything in it for me, please be honest with me. If there's anything that doesn't reach me, I'll apologize... "

"That's why I'm so pissed off at all the rhetoric."

Yamil = Ray gazes at me with her eyes looking in a stubborn direction.

On the other side of the long black and brown hair that was crocheted in a mild way - Yamil = Ray's smooth cheeks seemed to be slightly red.

"If someone as serious as you pushes me like that, I won't be able to say anything back to me." You must feel good about being able to do it. "

"Eh... is it true that Yamil = Ray still cares about the day before yesterday?"

Two days ago, at the farewell party of "Silver Pot". As I was preparing the banquet meal, I sent out a rescue boat to Yamil-Ray, who seemed to be making a break for Lau-Ray's sisters. It seems that it seriously damaged Yamil-Ray's pride or something, and she became more intoxicated than ever at the feast.

But it was also because of Lau-Ray that it settled round, and I knew it that way - but Yamil-Ray had once again exposed a face I didn't know.

"What, what are you doing here?"

And from the other side of the tree of Yamil-Ray suddenly appeared the face of Lau-Ray. Suddenly Yamil-Ray scratched her head with both hands.

"Oh, my God! Why are you here?"

Hmm. Now that my power is at a standstill, I'm here to see how it goes.

Lau-Ray is laughing with a sweaty face. And behind me, Ai = Fa, wearing a long-sleeved jacket and slender leggings to compare strength, was still standing sweatily.

"I thought maybe, but after all, Yamil couldn't control his feelings of embarrassment." Asta, Yamil is just ashamed of what he's been saying to you in a drunken momentum, so you don't have to worry about anything. "

"Ugh, shut up! If you don't shut up, I'll sew that mouth to your thread!"

Yamil-Ray moved his hands toward Rau-Ray's head, and now he began to crush them.

"It hurts, it hurts!" Lau-Ray groaned.

So I was once again presented with the unusual appearance of Yamil = Ray -- in the midst of such a commotion, I invited six guests to start a five-day joint life.

After settling Yamil-Ray, he set off for the station town.

The Souti blood family travels in their own wagon, so Yamil-Ray accompanies them. Recently, Yamil-Ray was working once every five days, just like other women, so on days when she was not on duty, she had the status of helping the people of Souti to serve free of charge.

If you rendezvous with Reina = Luu and the others in Luu's settlement, you'll go straight to the camp town. Rimi-Lou, who was riding with my Gillette wagon, stepped up to the side of the podium with a smile on his face.

“Ray and Sutty are staying at Fa's house today! Someday, Rimi will stay too!"

Yeah. If it's Rimi-Lou, I and Ai-Fa would love to meet you.

Me and Ai = Fa decided to reveal the night at Luu's house during the feast the other day, but as Limi = Luu, I think I would like to sleep and eat with Ai = Fa every day. Speaking of which, although there were quite a few opportunities to invite Rimi-Lou to Fa's house, most of them came home after dinner.

"But first, you're going to stay at Tara's house, aren't you?" Have you decided on a date yet? "

"No! Today we're going to talk to Tara and the others!" I'm looking forward to it! Now let's go with Asta and Ei = Fa! ”

Yeah, I'm looking forward to talking to you too.

Rimi = Luu's small body makes her feel invigorated. Especially since Rimi-Lou's love for Ai-Fa was overflowing, it made me feel even happier.

When I finally arrived at the [Kimusu's Tail Pavilion], I would rendezvous with the Levites and head to the open area.

Along the way, he said, "Astor!" There was a cheerful call. Yumi works in the inn's stall village.

I entrusted Gilles' reins to Marfila-Naham, and when I turned to your stall, there was a crowd of Yumi and Lan women and a stranger waiting for me.

"Well, from today on, this guy is going to work in a stall." There may be times when you take care of me, so I'll introduce you all the time. ”

It was a daughter with a different atmosphere than Yumi's bad friend. A knee-length skirt with a round collar is a crushing fashion reminiscent of a terrier = mass. Her body was in a round shape, and her eyes were slightly frail. Is the age a little younger than the 18-year-old Yumi?

"This is my mother's distant daughter, Via." While Luia was gone, I decided to ask this guy to help me... "

It's Via, I'm Asta from the House of Fa, the people around the forest.

When I called out like that, Bia's daughter bowed her head and said, "Hi."

"This guy is younger than me, so talk cheaper to him!" Otherwise, you're going to get extra nervous, right? "

Yeah, I got it. So, Luia--

"Luia is in the castle town with that Sheila girl." I was wondering if you could introduce me to your work. "

Having said that, Yumi stroked her cheek with her palm, which began to turn red.

"So, this is your daughter's fifth day, right?" It seems that the work at the inn and the work at the stall is perfect, so I wanted to tell you about it... but Luia ended up missing the arrow. In the meantime, I'm trying to figure out whether or not Via and I can do business on the stall. "

“I see. If that's all right, then Yumi will finally be staying at Lan's house?”

"What the hell, too!" Would you stop making such a happy face? I can't stop sweating! "

"It's okay, I'm doing this with my family around the forest."

Along with those words, I sent you a smile full of frames.

"Then what should we do?" Should I stop by again on the way home? "

"Yes. I stopped Asta with my usual clichés, but you should talk to Yun-Sudra." By the time your business is done, we should be able to come to a conclusion. "

"Roger that.... but I'm a little worried about you two changing shop guards at the same time."

"That's right, this Via is definitely good at copper and cooking." You've been helping other hotels with stalls before, haven't you? "

"Yes, only during Easter... I was able to learn a little about the culinary delights at that time."

And Via falls down again. However, I've seen a lot of people who are somewhat weak and reliable, and I liked that kind of smugness.

"This guy Ranko also remembers his job at the inn in no time." Maybe my dads think it's even more useful than me. "

“No way,” Lan's youngest sister laughed happily. Even if her stay in the West Wind Pavilion extends to the fifth day, her mind seems to remain clear.

That's how I decided to aim for a given space while feeling satisfied.

In my stall, my partner Dagora's ladies and Yamil-Ray are getting ready. When I said "thank you", Yamil = Lay replied "You are welcome" with an open face and a voice. I'm sure you'll never see a mess in front of another human being.

Having taken over from Yamil-Ray, I quickly prepare the stall and intercept the first rush in the morning. After passing through it, I told the story earlier to Yun-Sudra, who worked at the stall next door.

"Lan's youngest sister was able to learn her job without delay." Then I'm sure you'll only be returned to Lan's house for one day, and then you and [Xifeng Pavilion] and your family will be together again. "

"Finally, Yumi is going to stay at Ran's house." If you're Yumi, you'll be fine, won't you? "

"Yes, of course, both Yumi and the Lan family may be confused... but since Yumi has a very straightforward temper, the Lan people won't be able to evade her."

Yun-Sudra, a native forest folk, told me that, and I felt even more secure.

After that, I went to work without any problems, and about a quarter of an hour before the deadline, the food at my stall was sold out. Luia, who came from the north side of the street at such a timing, came to me breathlessly.

"A-Asta! Um, can I have a moment?"

"Yeah, that's fine. Just wait a minute."

In the Blue Sky Cafeteria, members of the Yamil-Ray and Souti blood families work, so there is no gap for me to interrupt. I carried an empty iron pan on the loading platform and decided to face Luia on the spot.

"I heard you were invited to the castle today." Did you introduce me to your work? "

"Y-Yes, that was... really, unexpected!" Could you not make it rough for a while? "

"Yes, of course, but if you speak so loudly, you'll hear it down the street."

"Ah, yes, that's right! Actually... I was allowed to work as a maid for the Count Dalai Mu."

With a low voice, Luia's eyes were flooded with hope.

And I was surprised more than I expected.

"The countess' maid is amazing, isn't she?" Are you sure that's the plan? "

“Yes, of course, I was in the position of an apprentice at the beginning, and I was motivated by the idea of a salary, but I was wondering if you could decide whether you would hire me officially for the first time.”

Luia repeated her words in such a way, trying her best not to make her voice louder.

"All of a sudden, I was surprised, too, but I wonder what the countesses have said in the last few days. Shinpen... shinpen..."

Background check?

"Yes, a background check!" I looked into my house, my family, everything... so it's a bit scary... but it seems that he decided to hire me. "

I remember hearing that Luia is not a ghetto, she lives in a residential area that is only one step ahead. Besides, there were no real villains to Yumi's bad friends, and Luia and others had the impression that they were less than a bad girl with a slight stretch.

"Somehow, it looks like you didn't have enough manpower in your mansion." So, it seems that your second son pushed you to hire someone from the station town to learn about the situation in the station town..... "

"Oh, that's what Polarth would say." I wonder if Polarth was present for today's interview? "

"No, there was Merrim-sama, your companion." I just gave a little greeting at the tasting, and he remembered me. "

Having said that, Luia burst into tears with her glowing eyes.

"So, if you were a cooking assistant at [Xifeng Pavilion] who was serving that wonderful dish, you'd be able to do the cooking work... I kind of want to dream about it..."

"I see. Then it's thanks to all kinds of people that we can tie it together."

"Yes! How can I thank Yumi and Sams..."

"I think you should just tell them how you feel." Congratulations, Luia. "

"Thank you... of course, I'm grateful to Asta..."

At last, Luia began to cry like a child.

Originally, she was only one of Yumi's bad friends, and for a time she was a little gloomy because she was in love with Sin-Lou, but she was still the one who had been with you for more than two years, just like Levi and Ben. No wonder that it would work at the Count Dalaymu's house was a prank of the Western gods.

On the day Ray and Sutty greeted them, Ran's house was ready to welcome Yumi, and Luia was to work in the castle town.

There were only six days left in the white month, but the days were going to be busy until the end.

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