Isekai Ryouridou

Unveiling feast (2) ~ Opening ~

A large group of attendees had already gathered in the great hall, which served as the venue for the feast.

As a group of people stepped into the woodside, exclamation was heard from all over the place. If the people on the edge of the forest who wore banquet costumes increased their vibrancy appeared in this number, it would be a matter of course.

"Hmm... as I was told in advance, I can see many people in the south and east."

Ziza = Luu was walking beside me, crushing like that.

Certainly, there were a lot of people from Jagal and Sims there. These are the pedestrians who recently got acquainted with Tikatras. In addition, some of them, like Kukluel, might have included people from the past.

There should still be a respite at the beginning of the feast, but the venue is already filled with graceful music. A musical orchestra bordering a wall plays each instrument in a special volume. This was also a deep Tikatra-like performance related to art.

"Ah, here it is!" Everyone around the forest, this way! "

Yumi's voice was heard from the corner of the Great Hall. Led by Jo-Ran, who runs like a puppy, we're going for it.

There are already a lot of people by Yumi's side. Dial and Lavis, who seemed to have rendezvoused with Levi and Terrier-Mass, who had originally acted together, and even Rico, Belton, and Van-Deiro had their faces covered.

Huh? It's unusual for Rico and the others to be here from this hour.

"Yes, yes. Normally, entertainers who do spare time are waiting for their turn among the stands... but at this feast, we received word that they can behave in the same way as other attendees."

Rico, speaking like that, was also dressed in a cute dress that was as cute as a semi-dress. Belton did the same, and the old swordsman Van-Deiro was dressed in white, reminiscent of a knight's manners.

"Moreover, I and Belton are wandering people of uncertain origin... but if Yumi and the others hadn't come, I wouldn't have been able to stay on my shoulders."

"When I say that, I'm a slum dweller!" For that nobleman, it doesn't matter where he came from! "

Yumi laughs cheerfully, loosening Rico's shoulders from behind.

And from here, Ei-Fa stepped forward in front of Shizushi and Van-Deiro.

"It's a shame, Van-Deiro." It's like a breathless disaster, and I'm glad to hear it. "

When Rico and the others visited Fa's house a few days ago, Ei-Fa was still at work. Van Deiro looked back at Ai-Fa with a quiet face.

"I'm glad you're breathless, too." Nevertheless...... Ai = Fa looks a lot like you. "

Hmmm. In a place like this, it has become common for people around the forest to wear banquet costumes in the castle town.

Even when Rico and the others performed their plays at these feasts, Van-Deilo waited for a long time, so it was the first time to see such a figure of the people on the edge of the forest. Van Dylo, who was more pigmented than anyone else, did not move one eyebrow muscle, but his eyes were lit with the most natural exclamation.

"Honestly, you can see Ai = Fa!" Today is a more fancy banquet outfit than usual! I don't think anyone would be surprised to be introduced to a princess! ”

and the dial interrupts from the side. She was also in a light blue banquet costume, and her hair had grown a lot, so she doubled her girlishness. When I pulled off the hair that was normally cramped behind me, the ends of my hair already touched my shoulders.

"Wow, Yamil = Ray is so splendid that you can't beat Ei = Fa!"

Yumi, who is friendly with Dial, also comes out with her eyes shining. Yamil-Ray was cool and silent, but his partner, Lau-Ray, said, "I know, I know!" He turned his chest proudly.

"I have to protect you from the strange nobles!" Yamil, whatever happens, don't you leave me? "

"Ahh, please do as you please."...... I really want you to leave this noise alone. "

Thus was Yamil-Ray blurred, but with Lau-Ray his figure was full of princes and ladies. After measuring the figure with a look of admiration, Dial turned towards me.

"Nevertheless, this is an incredible feast!" I know they've all experienced a feast of praise, but I've never seen so many pedestrians and aristocrats enter! ”

“Yes, I think there are more people from the south and east than there are from the feast of praise.”

"Huh? This is unique to Genos!" Besides, it seems that there are a lot of pedestrians in the west! It looks like someone who got mixed up in an inn was invited from one end! "

That is quite an elegant story. If you're a cautious aristocrat, your hips might buckle.

"So, since the nobility is an aristocrat and a crack feast, it looks like it's hard to say hello!" Once that's done, Asta can chat with Refreire! Even though it's completely shabby these days, I'm also shaking my reflair! "

“Yes, I've only recently had the chance to see the Marquis of Genesis, except for Polaris.”

Moreover, at the last dinner party, the table was separate from you, so we were not able to interact satisfactorily. The same was true of Vermes and Aug. As for me, I wanted to deepen my interaction with various opponents at this feast.

Although the feast has not yet begun, the hall is filled with a lot of noise. Due to the large number of pedestrians, it seems that the atmosphere is more cluttered than usual. Apparently, the people with noble identities gathered in the back, and for now, they seemed to be distancing themselves from the civilians.

(I feel like more than half of them are civilians. This is definitely not the standard for a castle town feast.)

However, only those related to the inn should be invited from the station town. Even if it is a pedestrian, it will be limited to people who are taking lodgings in the castle town. I don't know if it was Tikatras' intentions or Genos's request, but it seemed to be the minimum line for crime prevention.

A group of people from the forestside gathered in a picture of the hall and came to ask for a sparkling greeting. However, since the nobility remained in the space on the far side, Ei = Fa was not yet surrounded by the young lady.

And there comes a familiar old man. It was the person who managed the area south of Dalaym, which was damaged by Hida.

"Dalí = Souti, it's my first time." Thank you very much for your help the other day. ”

"Oh, you were invited, too?"

When Dali-Saudi returned a gentle smile, the old man nodded, “Yes” as he moistened his eyes.

"We are not in a position to float at a feast, but... sometimes it is necessary to stretch out our wings, and we can say thank you like that."

"I agree with those words." I can't stand it anymore. "

“Yes, but it's not discouraging to see your own good eyes like this.”

"If so, we'll have to do our best from tomorrow until that minute." However, I don't think you need to feel anything backwards, because you're probably struggling a lot as a partitioner. "

The two names who were once to be reunited at a glorious feast seemed to be steadily bonding.

As I and Ei = Fa greeted the person, a small surname wrapped in a clear service dress approached.

Ai = Fa-sama is here, isn't she? As the feast is about to begin, could you please wait for Tikatra-sama? ”

Hmm? I didn't hear that kind of story.

“When we reveal the portrait, I'd like you to stand next to me. Dear Tikatras, please accept my compliments."

The boy with the nickname looked really stubborn, but if Ai = Fa had stubbornly declined here, he would have been in a panic. And because Ai = Fa shut up with a thick face, the boy's eyes flickered with the color of the upset that was heralded.

"If you don't make such an inhuman request, you can't refuse it." If you're worried, we'll take you with us. ”

And it was Georg = Zaza who delivered the aid ship.

"After all, it's not you that you're worried about, but Asta?" We'll keep you safe, so you can take care of your troublesome work. "

"... I understand. I want to be guided."

Ai = Fa reluctantly accepted, so the boy with the maiden name was relieved and breathed a sigh of relief.

Georg = Zaza called me, and Zei = Din stopped by. The same goes for their partners, Sfira-Zaza and Tour-Din. That's how six of us stormed the space in the back of the nobles' palace.

"Oh, Ai = Fa!" After all, the blue banquet outfit looks good on you again! I've been expecting something so beautiful for days! ”

The Tikatras you've been waiting for make a scream of joy. Since he was usually in the shape of a banquet costume, there were only a few more ornaments, and they hardly changed.

And the faces of the Marquis of Genos, who was beside Tikatras, greet me. In anticipation of this, did Georg-Zaza nominate herself as an escort? Odifia, who had already been able to reunite with Toole-Din, had gleaming gray eyes, and Toole-Din was smiling happily again.

Additionally, Count Satulas' Laylis approaches to greet Zaza's siblings. There seemed to be no more confusion between him and Sphila-Zaza, who had reunited with the crack at the feast of praise, with a gentle smile.

From a distance, reflair and polar earth greet you with gaze and expression. Naturally, the people of the Earls' House have been invited to the innocent. If the total number of nobles was less than 100, the people who were the Lord who were invited to the usual feast should have been gathered together.

So I was caught in an unexpected uncomfortable feeling, and I drew my gaze to my hand.

Suddenly the identity of the discomfort was revealed, and I unexpectedly shouted "Ah".

"Vi, Vichezo and Degion are also here." I'm sorry I'm late. ”

"... we're leaving Tikatras-sama's side?"

With a gloomy voice, Degion said so. He wore a Jaguar-style banquet costume just like Mulstein and the others, so his existence was completely destroyed.

And more surprisingly, it was Vichezzo.

As a matter of course, she wore a banquet costume for women.

Vichezzo is as tall as Ai-Fa. And just like Ei = Fa, she had supple muscles and a feminine curve.

She has black skin as much as the people of the east. Even darker than the people around the forest, they have dark skin like ink.

The skin is boldly revealed. It was a banquet costume designed to snugly adhere to the shiny limb, and the chest was deep enough to reach the abdomen, with a cut in the V-shape, and the skirt up to the ankle also had a slit up to the thigh.

Somehow it looks like a Hollywood star party dress, with silver-unified ornaments shining through the stripped arms and chest. And the banquet costume itself was black, but because it was also a material that reflected light, it seemed like she was glowing.

The black hair that is usually well put together is tied to the shape of a ponytail today. The silver ornaments were hanging down in her knots and ears ─ ─ coupled with her large eyes in the shape of Anzu and her fair face, she was so demonic and beautiful that she could not be beaten by Yamil-Ray.

"What do you say, Vichezzo? Isn't it beautiful? She was able to inherit both her beautiful appearance and her brave soul from her mother, the people of the Kuroshin Dragon!”

Tikatras said proudly, pulling Vichezo's smooth shoulders. Vichezzo gazes sideways at his father, slightly grudging, as he begins to shame his eyes.

"Degion has grown into a martial arts figure for a long time, but this must be my maternal bloodline!" My mother was born of a Musketeer nobleman, so she inherited a privileged physique and a sense of talent as a swordsman! The beauty of the sword technique is not inferior to that of Vichezzo! "

Tikatras laughed loudly and clapped Degion's chest with the back of his hand. Degion did not feel anything on his skeletal face, but bowed silently.

"They are both proud children to me!" During the feast, you will have half the role of an escort, so you will be able to deepen your exchanges as you wish! "

Half that doesn't mean you've completely forgotten your role as an escort, right?

Asked by Georg-Zaza, Tikatras smiled gently.

"I want to rest completely, but they won't convince me!" Well, because they're a power that can't even be found with their bare hands, it's yours to keep the drunken drunkard on the level! "

"I suppose," Georg = Zaza laughed mockingly. Zei = Din looked like he was sampling the figure of Vichezzo and the others with a quiet face.

"Well then, it's time to start the feast!" I want Ai = Fa to come up to the stage, so please come with us! "

I'm going to go up to the stage as my attendant at the praise feast. Ei = Fa gazed at me and Georg = Zaza, then headed towards the staircase leading to you with Tikatras.

After a while, a loud metallic sound echoes like a bronze thread.

Then, the music that had been graceful until now was changed to something like a brave march, and the guests in the hall cheered.

In the rhythm of the song, Tikatras stepped over the stairs to the podium. Vichezo, Ai-Fa, and Degion followed, and as the four of them stood on the podium, more cheers and applause began to emerge.

"Thank you for coming today!" First of all, let me introduce you to Ei = Fa, who inspired my feelings as a painter even more! "

Without the castle-like manners, Tikatras made such a fuss.

Ai Fa seemed to have no choice but to bow down on the podium. There was a new cheer everywhere for its beauty.

"The beauty of Ai-Fa has stirred up my soul!" It is almost the first time in years that I have run a paintbrush with such passion! I want many people to see the crystallization of that emotion! "

There are three portraits hiding in cloth on the podium walls. When the maidens removed those cloths on the signal of Tikatras, the faces of the aristocrats stood close to the altar opened their exclamations.

It is three portraits in which the beauty of Ai = Fa is painted.

It's been a few days since I've seen that beauty, and I'm going to make my chest cheer up again.

"I'll decorate these portraits until the end of the feast!" Please burn the beauty of Ei = Fa into your heart overnight! "

Every time Tikatras stirred up, a cheer arose from the venue. This also bears witness that the majority are not nobles. Instead of the usual elegance being compromised, a fervor was being generated in the arena.

“And this evening, the cooks of Genos' castle town prepared meals for me! I want you to be intoxicated by gastronomy and fine wine, and enjoy today's day! Now, let the feast begin!"

The door to the entrance of the hall was opened, and the maidservants and maidservants who pushed the wagon became like horseback riders.

This is also the result of Tikatras' invention. The performance of the orchestra was still as energetic as a march, which seemed to make people more excited.

Hmmm, this is kind of a buzz reminiscent of the wedding in the station town.

And then Georg = Zaza whispered in her ear with a voice that contained a laugh.

Indeed, as far as we know, the wedding feast of Levi and Terrier-Mass in the square of the bivouac town may have been the closest to it. It seemed that people with noble identities were watching the frenzy blowing in the hall while concealing their inner hearts.

Then Tikatras, who finished the opening address, danced back under the podium with great enthusiasm. All four of them descended the stairs and immediately the dressed martial arts officers stood in front of them. To protect the important portrait, it would be forbidden to stand on the stage.

"Hey, hey, thanks for waiting!" I'm just preparing the puppet show and masquerade time, so everyone is free to spend time! We'll do the same! "

When Ei = Fa was brought to us, Tikatras took only Vichezo and Degion and charged into the middle of the hall.

After seeing off the figure behind her, Georg = Zaza snorted, "Fufu."

"I wonder if I'm stuck with Ei = Fa, but I don't seem to have such a gesture." As he himself said, he abandoned his obsession with Ei = Fa by drawing a portrait. "

"Yes, I thought you might be familiar with the obsession that could be abandoned in just three days... but that portrait certainly seems to have deep emotions etched in it."

Sphila-Zaza responded in a calm voice.

Ei = Fa, who played a big role, sneaks in a deep breath.

“Whatever it is, I seem to have finished my role. Well then, after this--"

When Ai-Fa said so, a butterfly swarm came in. It was a group of young ladies who were aiming for opportunities to greet Ai = Fa. That's how I got separated from Ei = Fa while I was at it.

"It seems that Ei = Fa's role was not over." This is also the custom of the castle town feast. ”

Having said that, Sphila-Zaza gave me a faint smile.

"I will help you so that Ai = Fa's struggle will be reduced." Why don't Asta finish greeting the other nobles in the meantime? ”

"Eh, but... is Sphila = Zaza all right?"

I got some experience at the last feast, too.

Leaving such words behind, Sphila-Zaza had a glamorous colour.

This time, Reillys, who was still here, laughed.

"At the feast of praise, Sphila-Zaza was seen in the same way." If you want to say hello, I'll show you around. ”

Hmm. If you let me come with you, Ei = Fa won't be bothered.

Georgian-Zaza laughed furiously and gazed at Din's father and son, who were close to the people of the Marquis of Genos.

"That's why we're greeting the other aristocrats." You should behave as you please, too. "

“Thank you,” Toole-Din replies with a smile. Along the way, Odifia followed closely, waving her clear tail.

So I was caught between Laylis and Georg = Zaza, and I decided to go around and say hello.

The hall was filled with mountainous dishes, making a lot of noise, but about half of the nobility remained in the back space. Moreover, it seemed that the more highly-identified the aristocrats, the easier it seemed to be to move, so it seemed that the people I was familiar with were still there.

Ah, Asta, you finally made it to say hello.

And then, a refreire wrapped in a yellow banquet costume came to thank the Lady with a sophisticated face. Her hair had completely fallen off, and she was back about the same length as when we met.

"It's my first time, Refreire." And Tolsto and Chiffon-Cher....... Ah, the others were with you today, right? "

The others are Musul and Sanjura. It was not uncommon for a knight class, Musul, to encounter him at a feast, just like Laylis, but it was probably the first time that Sanjura had been involved.

"Yes, I was wondering if it would be acceptable to have a squire here today because I was told that a large number of people without noble identities would be invited." Tikatra-sama agreed to two things. "

"That was the best part." It's been a long time since you've all been here. ”

In fact, Sanjura goes shopping to the stalls the most face-to-face opportunities. However, because he was dressed in such fine clothes as a semi-dresser, he was utterly mistaken.

"Today was the first time I actually met Lord Tikatras." She praised Chiffon-Cher and Sanjura as beautiful. Chiffon = Chel was about to be taken away by the Derm. "

"Yes... but I can't leave Master Refreire's side"

When Chiffon-Cher answered with a gentle smile, Refreire looked sweet in a calm manner. It is also crackling to see them, but it is as good as ever as goodwill.

"Yumi and Terrier-Mass were all eager to meet Refreire. It's going to take a while to make this noise, though."

"Really. Even if the number of people is smaller than the praise feast, it's a fuss that can't be beaten." But, well, it's much more fun than a feast just for the nobility. ”

At that time, there were two figures approaching me flutteringly.

He was the master of Vermes and Gemdo. As an aristocrat, Vermes was as elegant as a lady, with long hair tied up and decorative objects.

"Ah, Vermes, I couldn't say hello at the last dinner party, so I'm sorry." I've always wanted to thank you for the report you delivered to the capital. "

“I just wrote down what Genos looked like in a very fair way, and I don't want to thank you.”

Having said that, Vermes came even closer.

"By the way, Asta has a confidential story to tell... could you give me a moment?"

"Oh, I just exchanged greetings, will you take Asta with you?"

Refreire moaned, and Vermes turned to you with a smile.

“It's only a short time. We'll get back to you shortly.”

But I can't leave Asta alone.

As Georg = Zaza progressed, Vermes gave you a gracious smile.

“Of course, Asta doesn't keep secrets from her brothers and sisters, so there's no reason to refuse to be with the rest of the forest.”

I was taken with Georg = Zaza to a deep space in the hall.

It's impossible to be unattended wherever you go, but if you make so much noise, you won't be afraid to steal our secret talks and be heard. But Vermes began to speak, almost whispering.

"Lord Tikatras has been staying in Camp Town for some time, right?" In the meantime, Asta's stalls were frequented, right? Is something unexpected happening? ”

"Is it an unexpected situation... for me, that person's very existence is unexpected."

So, were there any words or deeds that might have sparked Asta's alarm?

It is also a difficult question to answer. Rather, it seemed to me that Vermes' question was too abstract.

"Specifically, what kind of behavior?" For me, one of the most bewildering events was the portrait of Eifa. "

“I see. I'm sorry I can't tell you that because I don't have any specific concerns myself.”

While saying that, Vermes stared at me from a distance with his mysteriously glowing hazel eyes.

"I just have a vague anxiety." Would you mind listening to that? "

“Of course, what kind of anxiety does Vermes have?”

"It's... anxiety stemming from the extremely peculiar personality of Lord Tikatras, who lacks intelligence and reason while possessing vast knowledge and keen forensic eyes."

Vermes clutched my hand with his whitefish-like hand, saying something so relentless.

"It's only natural that such a person should have a strong interest in the people around the forest." It's just... that Asta doesn't seem to have a distinguished interest in her personality. ”

"What? Are you worried that you're not interested in me?"

“Yes, it's impossible to hold such a forensic eye without distinguishing Asta.”

Speaking like that, Vermes slightly lowered his beautifully shaped eyebrows.

"Maybe I'm a person who thinks ahead of everything, so I'm vulnerable to things that I don't understand. I don't think you need to worry about anything... but don't just be vigilant. If Asta and the rest of the woods are as vigilant as possible, I'll be able to ease this puzzling anxiety.”

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