Isekai Ryouridou

Black Moon Soul Suppressing Festival (2) - Omen

For a few days before the Soul Festival arrived, Tikatras ran freely through Genos again.

Beginning from the day I saw Fa's house, I started to work there again, using the deserted village near the forest as a base.

Tikatras, who finished sampling Fa's house on the first day, spent the next three days looking around at the remaining five clans. Then he goes north and goes around the house of Sun and Ravitz's blood family, who stayed behind. Although the pace was somewhat faster, there was still no change in the policy to look around the settlements of all the clans.

During the day, it is also a business meeting in the castle town and the station town. Dalaym and Turan didn't have much to see, and they were satisfied with the scores before they came to Fa's house. Even so, I had never seen the southern part of Dalai Mu and the recent appearance of Turan, so I didn't feel down on Tikatras' ability to act or curiosity.

And behind it, Tikatras was steadily preparing for the Soul Festival.

I explained to Lord Mulstein of Genos that the Soul Suppression Festival was to be carried out according to the procedure, and I had him announce it throughout Genos.

As a result, official requests for cooperation were finally communicated to the forestside villages.

At night in the station town, the stalls were put out, and on the second day, Giba's whole roast was prepared, which was what they wanted.

"... well, fortunately, we had a rest period." We have to put in enough guards to make sure nothing is in danger. "

When the Three Patriarchs were told that they accepted the request from Malstein, Ai-Fa said so at the top of the Buddha.

In the meantime, we've agreed to execute a long overdue project.

Dora's house in the Dalai Mu region has been bothered.

It was an event that was postponed due to the visit of Tikatras, but if the schedule was skewed until this point, the plan was being pursued to interrupt the rest period.

The schedule is the fifth day of the black month, which is the day before the street holiday.

The Luu family had already completed the event last month, so this time it was led by six clans during the rest period. The faces were those of me and Ai Fa, Lyerfam-Sudra and Yun-Sudra, Toor-Din and Zei-Din, the young ladies of Rad-Rid and Rid, the young men and women of Fow-, and Jo-Ran and Yumi.

Well, it's always been the case that Yumi joins us in this conversation, but it's kind of emotional to be greeted as a wife by the people of the forest.

At dinner, Dora's father smiled and said so, and Yumi said, "Ugh, it's so loud!" He was reddening his face. During this time, Yumi stayed at Ran's house again, so she came in the wagon with Joe Ran and the others.

Approximately man was acquainted with the Easter festival, and therefore the place of supper was the ultimate. It seemed that Lyerfam-Sudra and Zei-Din had a sedentary combination with their father's mother and uncle, who were a little uncomfortable, and that they were deepening their interaction accordingly.

"Nevertheless, Tikatras is very generous." I didn't think we'd get caught up in the commotion. "

In response to your father's remark, Lad-Rid, who was sipping fruit wine, said, "Hmm!” he reacted.

"Speaking of which, it seems that he even checked the state of Dalai Mu!" Did Dora come to face you too? "

"Yeah. I ran into them in the cafeteria before that." I was surprised because I went out to this field. "

Hmmm! So the commotion is still a soul-suppressing festival?

"Yes. Until now, the festive person has been turned around." Well, most people are going to go out to camp town.... that's why we're looking forward to cooking for Asta. "

Dora's father turned on me with a cheerful smile, and I said yes.

"In short, it's like an Easter holiday." For this reason, it seems that the nobles of Genos have bought a lot of ingredients that are lacking, such as Aria, so I think we should do our best. ”

"I'm looking forward to it. Speaking of which, the father of my favorite cloth shop has told me to prepare lots of black cloths, and he's very busy."

Having said that, Dad laughed more happily.

"But if you can sell it out, you'll make a lot of money." I don't think it's going to hurt anybody. "

Yeah. And it's also important to think of dead people.

When your father's companion shouted in a tense tone, your uncle from the next table snorted, "Hmph."

"Whatever foolishness you make, it doesn't mean dead people come back." I have no idea what such a fuss means. "

Your uncle has lost all his companions and children to illness, and he is therefore in the house of Dora.

My mother's face is tougher than your uncle's. [M] You, too, had already lost your mate.

"But isn't it nice to have a special day to celebrate a person who has died at the top of every year?" I can't take it easy, because I'm usually busy at work. "

Your father's companion repeats his words in the same tone. Speaking of which, I don't remember having your parents introduced to you at the harvest festival where relatives gather, so maybe they were both deceased already.

"We are trying to determine correctly whether the soul-suppression festival is appropriate for us." I wonder if the Dalai Lama should do the same. "

Lyerpham-Sudra spoke up like that, and the younger second son of the Dora family followed him.

"I haven't lost anyone close to me yet, such as Tara, so I'm not going to make it." If this is a festival that's firmly rooted in another land, it's not that bad. Let's make sure it matches our style. "

"That's right. If you don't mind, we'll just take it out this time." There's nothing harder to think about. ”

Having said that, your father raised the wine glass.

Tikatras' unsettled disturbances were causing small ripples throughout Genos.

So the solemn day passed - finally, on the day of the Soul Suppression Festival, the ninth day of the Black Month.

And every one of them that was gathered together that morning for the remembrance of the day was made strong in their desire. Anyway, the fact that we took on a big job doesn't change. In response to the work assigned to him, he was a forest people who worked more sincerely than anyone else.

“Good work everyone, it's usually open until noon today, but after that it will be in an irregular form until tomorrow night, so thank you for coming to the end.”

After I said hello, I started working.

The other battalions began to move furiously as instructed by the squad leader. Ray = Matua was the one who called out with an exhilarated face.

"But in the last few days, the station town is clearly getting busier!" I'm so excited to see how many customers are coming! ”

Yes, it was not until eight days ago that the Soul Suppression Festival was announced in the name of Lord Genos Malstein, but it seems that there have been many more people visiting the bunker town in the last few days. I'm sure that the tradition of the Nokinomi Soul Festival was obsolete in this neighborhood, so it seemed that people who were interested in what kind of festival it was were gathered in Genos.

With the increase in the number of guest legs, I decided to settle the abdominal plan that I had planned rather than settle.

We decided to increase the number of stalls managed by Fa's house from three to four.

The reason I made that decision was because the "Giba's Balls" that I started selling about three months ago was too popular. This dish, which mimics takoyaki, was too popular to be removed from the stall's culinary lineup -- as a result, other offerings were suspended on a daily basis.

The cooking utensils that I proposed to name the balls are already popular in both the castle town and the station town. Dial took orders from all over the place, and it did just that. Therefore, it is not uncommon to find egg roast dishes nowadays, and they are handled in stalls and cafeterias everywhere. As a result, a boom in balls roasting was born this time, and it became even more popular.

I was very grateful because Genos was still suffering from a serious shortage of ingredients when I got the ball cooker. Since only the ingredients bought from the margins would reduce the breadth of the sacrifice, we were able to help a lot with the new product, "Giba's Grilled Balls".

However, now that ordinary households also deal with exotic ingredients, vegetables from Dalaym are roughly available. There are still only four varieties: Poitin, Aria, Tarapa, and Pepe. That's why I also tried to revive various initiatives, but I couldn't grasp the timing of removing [Giba's Ball Grill] from the lineup.

That's why I decided to increase the number of stalls.

After the Soul Suppression Festival ended and the guests' feet settled down, it was my intention to suppress the quantity of each item and deal with it. As a result, even if the sales themselves remain the same, it will only cost the stall rental fee and the location fee, but Fa's house is using the parent meeting as an opportunity to reduce the labor cost related to business by half. Therefore, since my income is significantly higher than before, I wanted to disclose various dishes even if I lost a little.

(Our aim is to convey the delicious taste of Giba cuisine. Then this should be the right decision.)

That's why I chose "Giba noodles", "Deep-fried pickled meat", "Giba curry with Japanese-style stock", "Giba mann" and "Kel" for today's offer. The [Giba Man], which takes a lot of time to prepare, suppressed the quantity and switched to [Keluyaki] when it was sold out, according to the procedure from the old days.

In addition to the increase of one contribution, today, in order to prepare the conventional 20% increase in quantity, the work of finishing will be added as much as possible. However, the Kamado Hut was gathered to full capacity, and the Kamado Hut was doing their job very smoothly.

"Good. You've finished chopping the ingredients and the balls." This will get in the way of the next work, so why don't we load this on the luggage carrier first? "

I walked out of the crate with some of the ladies.

Then, Ai = Fa, who had finished the work of firewood cutting, leaned against the wall and had a harsh face. The sharp gaze was directed at the four dogs, who looked like they were having fun.

"Ei = Fa, thank you for your hard work." Are you still worried about the state of the rum? "

Hmm. I know what I'm worried about.

The newest member of the family, the bitch's lamb, has always been the innocent face of the street. So Ei = Fa had such a harsh look because it was said that the fever would come on this black moon.

If a period of estrus arrived, who would Rum choose as her companion? Eifa cared about it. Well, I'm sure that's kind of kind of kind of kind of thing. As for me, I didn't care who I went with, so I just wished I could have a safe birth.

After that, about an hour and a half passed, the finishing job was completed.

By that time, a group of nearby men had gathered at Pharaoh's house. Even though the festival would start at night, it was still decided that many escorts would be assigned from this time.

"Now, let's go!" I can't wait to see how busy the city is! ”

At Rad-Rid's command, five luggage cars left Fa's house. Today, Lu was also supposed to deliver his own wagon, but Fa and Din's affiliates were the only ones responsible for this number.

Nevertheless, we planned to go down to the station town together, so we will aim for Luu's village first. There, two wagons and a Totos unconnected to the wagon were waiting. Rudo = Lou was holding Totos' reins.

Huh? The guards at this time were supposed to be in charge here, right?

"Ah. I'm on a health check." My dad told me to keep an eye on the town. "

Ludo-Lou, who was so fond of activities in the station town, told it like that with a fun face.

"Tomorrow is a day of rest, so I have to go back to Jomtien today." I asked you to do the escort role, Ei = Fa? "

Hmm. Let's protect all our fellow citizens.

Then Rudo-Ru, who straddled Totos, headed the way, and the seven wagons set off for the station town.

Giluru's reins were deposited by Ei = Fa, so I am shaken on the loading platform with the others. The women who were riding together seemed to be more uplifted than usual.

"Somehow, it really feels like Easter." Your chest is screaming. "

Yun-Sudra, who had become more calm as she grew older, was smiling innocently like a child today. Because I felt the same way, I smiled back and said, "That's right."

(But in fact, I wonder what kind of fuss it will be. It reminds me of Obon when it comes to killing the deceased, but it seems to have a different taste......)

Of course, we have also checked the outline of the Soul Suppression Festival proclaimed in the bivouac town, but at this stage we were still unable to consolidate our image. I think my heart will be cheerful when I think of the Easter Festival, which is a festival in a nearby town. In addition, it seemed that the situation in which a large number of hunters accompanied them would cause a further spurt in order to maintain a higher than usual mass.

Then, the seven wagons arrived at the station town without delay - Rud-Lou, who had stepped off from Totos, exclaimed, "Heh."

"Sure enough, this guy doesn't just seem to have a lot of people." It's so crazy, isn't it? "

Driven by curiosity, I decided to look at the look of the station town from the side of the garden platform.

The streets are definitely upside down. And there were already a number of figures wearing black cloth.

However, most of them are young children. The toddlers in the station town rush around in black cloths like hooded cloaks.

And there were black and white flags all over the street. Since the red flag was hoisted on the Easter Festival, it is a plain color scheme compared to that, but it would be enough to show that this is not the usual time. In addition, many of the lined buildings had white flowers on their entrances.

The number of people coming and going is crowded by 30%. Those people also raised their expectations for the Soul Suppression Festival, which began this evening, and the enthusiasm seemed to fill the town.

"... it looks like there are more humans than there were yesterday."

Ei = Fa, who draws the reins of Giluru, shouted so, and I answered "Yes" from the side of the stand.

"At yesterday's stage, it seems that it increased by 20%, but it has increased by about 10%. I'm sure that even after we finished the stall, the number of visitors continued to grow. Also, I wonder if the residents of the station town are coming out more than usual."

Hmm. At least, the number of young children seems to be growing tremendously.

When I arrived at the Kimusu's Tail Pavilion , the white flowers were also decorated on your doorstep.

We've been told this lesson beforehand. The front door of the house is decorated with white flowers from the number of families who have lost their lives in recent years. The definition of the term in recent years was ambiguous, but for now, the entrance of the [Kimusu's Tail Pavilion] was decorated with three-wheeled flowers.

“Excuse me, I'm here to rent the stall.”

When I stepped inside the front door with Ei = Fa, Milan = Mas on the front of the Buddha was waiting for me at the reception desk.

“The Levites should be waiting in front of the warehouse. I don't hear that the number of outlaws has increased, but don't be discouraged."

"Thank you, and please take care of Milan-Mass."

Then Ei = Fa, who had a somewhat confused expression, opened her mouth.

"Milan = Mas, I'd like to ask you one question... who handled the flower on the door?"

"... my parents and my partner." I didn't know if Lars' parents were alive or dead. "

“I see. Milan-Mass must have lost her partner about ten years ago.”

"It's been a long time since my parents got killed. I didn't know how to add or subtract in recent years, so I just prepared for the family I lived with in this inn."

"I see. I wish the families of Milan-Mass the rest of their souls."

Ai-Fa bowed solemnly and walked out of the doorway of the inn.

Then, as I headed for the back warehouse with Lara = Luu and the others, I spoke to Ei = Fa.

"Well then, let's decorate two flowers in Fa's house." It was within 10 years that Eifa lost her parents. "

"... whether it's you or me who lost my mother?"

"Huh? But my mother didn't live in Fa's house... she died more than 10 years ago."

When I answered like that, Ei = Fa stared at me with a pompous eye.

"Still, it doesn't change that you were a dear family member." Or... am I not allowed to mourn the death of your mother? "

"I didn't mean to say that. I'm sorry if I upset you."

Ei = Fa caught hold of my lips and hit me on the head.

In front of the warehouse, Levi and Lars speak. When Levi noticed our approach, he said, "Hello."

"The front was quite a crowd, wasn't it? My inn is full, too, and I've had to turn down a number of guests. It looks like you're gathering more people than I thought.

Yeah. It's only been eight days since the announcement, so it's going to have an impact.

"Well, it's a bit of a busy town." However, since we have never lost anyone close to us, we have nowhere to put ourselves. "

In Levi's words, Lars grinned shyly, "Hehe."

"I don't have a parent, and my wife doesn't deserve to run away." Have a good year and be pathetic. "

“What does it mean to have no parents? Born in this world, who has a parent?"

"When I was a baby, I was dumped in the cathedral." A hooker or something who was bad at it would have thrown away a baby that he couldn't raise. It's not unusual to talk about it in a slum. "

Ai = Fa nodded, “I see.”

"That's not something Lars would be ashamed of." Even so, I brought up my children in a wonderful way, so even more so. "

"Come on, I'll ask you to talk like that without me."

And now Levi laughs shyly. Although they are not very similar in appearance, they are still fathers and sons with similar inner appearance.

"Anyway, you're out." We also prepared a lot of food, so I'm looking forward to seeing how much we can sell out. "

We pulled the stall out of the warehouse, and we rolled back down the street.

Since there are no more stalls in the [Kimusu no Tail Pavilion], the stalls that will be added from today will be rented in the [Southern Daiki Pavilion]. Originally, the Luu family rented a stall from [Southern Great Tree Pavilion], so I decided to do the same.

While aiming for the open-air area, I called Ei = Fa again.

"It's a bit unusual for Ai-Fa to speak out to people in town from such a distance." After all, is it the influence of the Soul Quenching Festival? "

“Hmm. You should know exactly how the townspeople feel about working on these deeds.”

Ei = Fa said that with a grim, tight face.

As you continue down the street, the number of people is increasing. The inn's stall village was already in full swing, and beyond the crowds there was a glimpse of Via and Lan's youngest sister, who worked hard.

"Hmm, it feels like there are a lot of people in the east."

Rudo-Lou, who was still acting with us, snorted like that.

I see? Because there are many young children wearing black cloths, you might feel it like that.

"Do you mistake those chicks for the people of the East?" Asta doesn't think so? "

"No, I don't know. It's just that Sims are far away. If it's only an eight-day grace period, then I think it makes sense that only the people of the east will increase."

I replied that way, but it was Rudo-Ruu who was right. The person who taught me about it was Kukuruel, the leader of the [Black Wind Cutting Feather], who waited in the prescribed space in the open-air area.

"Oh, Kukluel. Did you come to the station town today?"

“Yeah, I'm free to do business. It looks like the station town is quite busy, too.”

And the people of the east spoke in a very fluent tone, and so did Kukuel. His eyes are sharp, but his waist is soft; he is a people of the east, of magnificent age.

“We had only a few days left to stay, but I didn't expect to be able to host the Soul Quencher in Genos before that. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Tikatras for his help".

Oh, did you have a Soul Suppressing Festival in Kukluel's hometown?

“Of course, there won't be a second place for Sims to do the Soul Suppression Festival. Because Dark God Gili Gu, along with Fate God Miza, is a deeply connected god with Sims.”

Ah, so that's why there are so many people in the east?

In response to Rud-Lou's question, Kukruel nods, "Yes."

"Perhaps there are people from the east who were doing business in this neighborhood." Moreover, since the festival starts tonight, I think we will continue to rush forward. I don't think there is any other place in this neighborhood that holds soul-suppression festivals. ”

"Hey, isn't that what I said?"

Rudo = Ruu turned his chest and hit me on the head. It seems that today is a day of small crashes.

Many people gather in front of the stalls while they talk like that. Thanks to this, it was almost impossible to keep up with the more than 20% of usual food.

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