Isekai Ryouridou

Black Moon Soul Suppressing Festival (7) - Secret Sharing

Even after the dishes were bought by all sides of Gamley's Seat , the business at the stall was in full swing.

The town is getting busier and busier with the arrival of compatriots from the forest, the Dora family, Ben and Cargo, etc. Granny Jiba, while being protected by four escorts, was said to be deepening her interaction with the customers of the Blue Sky Cafeteria.

Asta, thank you again for today.

Dalí-Sauthy turned to the back of the stall on his own. And then I whispered, so that only I and Ei = Fa could hear me.

"I saw a beast named Rock Lizard across the street, so I thought it might be better." I've been saying hello to Pinot....... I'm glad that Chill has been accepted safely. "

"Hmm. Thanks to Dia and Camua-Josh for everything they've done." After Asta finishes her business, she's thinking about going around the post town with Chill and the others. I accepted it on my own, but was there any problem? "

"Hmm. This was a measure for Chill to live without looking anyone in the eye." Let's deepen our ties with each other. "

In the disturbance over Chil-Rim, Dali-Sauthi, who was to wield his sword in the same place, said so in a gentle voice.

"It's just... if the story is settled safely, I'll finally have to reveal my secrets to the other chiefs." I feel like I'm going to be scrubbed from now on by how hard I can turn my eyes. "

"Hmm? Did Dalí-Sauthi cover up one of Chill's cases so as not to put an extra burden on his compatriots?" It can't be Donda = Luu and Graf = Zaza who blame it. "

"Still, it's true that I had a secret. If I had been in the same position, I would have been angry at you for imitating the stink of water.... even Ai Fa, I don't mind telling you a secret about my compatriots around the forest who know Chill and Dia. If we were to travel around the bunker town together, we would probably need the power of other hunters as well."

"Understood. If you buy the wrath of Donda = Luu and the others, I will be responsible along with Dali = Souti." Is there anything else I should be vigilant about? ”

"Hmm. Camua-Josh said that we don't have to be careful with Tikatras... I wonder if there's any fear that Devias will come to the town this evening?"

"Oh, he knew what Chill looked like, too." If the guards have been driven out this far, he may be serving as a commander too... but he may be in danger of coming to the bunker town for some reason. Let's be very careful. "

Hmm. If you're single, you might still be able to guess when you're seen with Dia.

Having said that, Dalí-Sauthi spilled a smile.

"Well, if we persuade him with all our senses, Devias will keep a secret, too, and if he does... I can't bear to let him take any unnecessary trouble." We should keep an eye out for him. "

Ei = Fa was in a heavy tone and responded with "umu".

We accepted Camus-Josh's ingenuity as a matter of course, but the truth is that it is a great sin to mock kings and nobles. The executors were Camua-Josh and Diah, but great responsibility was due to the people of the forest, who knew their secrets and kept their mouths shut.

But we thought it was the right thing to do.

To convince the magic-loving king to expel Chill-Rim to his Sim, we weren't convinced.

And Vermes said that Chill-Rim must never be allowed to despair. If Chil-Lim were to despair in this world, she could be left to herself in the evil god sect and exploit the power of Hoshimi. That's why we were going to take the right approach to the bigger picture.

(Well, even if I reported the situation to the King of Selva, I might be able to talk about executing such a daughter. That's why Camouflage insisted that it was an absolute secret...... I'll definitely make you do such an irrational imitation)

With that in mind, I continued to encourage business.

After a while, a cheer reverberates from the traffic. After finishing the meal, [Gamley's Seat] began to show his skills again. At the same time, Camua-Josh came to the back of the stall and said, "Hey, hey, hey."

"Can I interrupt you too?" After all, it's the first time we've been together in six months. "

"Sticky, that doesn't matter... you haven't even shown your face at [Kimusu's Tail Pavilion] yet, have you?" Besides, aren't there many people who have been with us for a long time? "

"I'm going to stay in Genos, so I don't need to rush anything." Even this night, we still have a long way to go. "

I couldn't join the conversation because I was having trouble dividing the baked food into plates. Instead, Ei = Fa raised the same suspicions as I did.

"You're breaking up with [Gamley's Seat] here." Are you sure you don't want to worry about Chill anymore? "

"Yeah. Don't worry, Chill is cute to all the sailors." Dia, you're just lonely to break up with Chill, so you're coming with me. "

I see. Has that Niya made the right bond with Chill?

"Niya, the new chill is pulling her head against Pinot, trying to push her through a tedious job." Even when you welcomed Arun and Amin, he looked like that. "

“Damn, it's a tough one,” Ai-Fa noticed a bitter smile.

And in that voice, something somewhat pressurized mixed in.

Camua-Josh, it looks like Tikatras and the others are here.

"Oh, which one?...... ahh, when this happens, Degion's tall is a good landmark."

Having placed all the dishes on a plate, I began to circulate while spreading out the new ingredients on the iron plate.

Indeed, Degion's white dyed head was peeking at the other side of the wall. There were many people from the east who came and went, but they were not as tall as him.

"Hey, hey! Looks like it's a big day, too!" It seems that some wonderful artists have also arrived, and they are getting more and more excited! "

Tikatras, who eventually came to my stall, said so in a floating tone. Today, it is also a clown or demonic costume with black and white reversed on the left and right. The whitewashed Degion and the banquet costumes of Vichezzo were the same.

"However, it seems that those traveling artists are a lot of strange people!" From what I've seen, that 's-- "

“Lord Tikatras, isn't it too innocent to explore the origins of an artist who has abandoned his hometown?”

As Camua-Josh calls from behind the stall, Tikatras opens his eyes to the dye and says, "Oh!" He let out a joyful voice.

"You're the [Northern Whirlwind]!" No, no, no, no! What are you doing here? "

"Genos is my ancient nest." I heard that the Soul Suppression Festival was going to be held in Genos, and I came back in a hurry. ”

Camua-Josh replied with a faint smile.

Tikatras said, "I see!” -Vichezo laughed, his eyes dazzled.

"Hey, it's really Hisakatsu, Camua = Josh." Was this Genos your old nest? ”

"Yeah. Well, I don't have a hometown, so it's one of my base of operations."... no, Vichezzo is more beautiful than I ever imagined. This is not a rustle, it's a poison to the eyes. "

“Please, don't make fun of me.”

And Vichezzo dyed her cheeks in shame, even if it was rare. His expression remained ruthless, but that was the lovely way to go to Ei-Fa and Platica.

"I'm glad that Degion looks well, too. Thank you for taking care of Durham's Mansion. It seems that you guys have visited the harvest festival around the forest, but isn't it exciting?"

"Yeah... but I guess there weren't many swordsmen like you."

Degion is expressionless, and now it's a white makeup, so I can't see it in my heart. Looking back at Degion's skeleton, Camouflage-Josh laughed happily.

"They're not swordsmen, they're hunters." If they train in the sword, I'm sure they won't even reach my feet. "

"That's too light-hearted... you and Lord Van-Deilo should be the power of reflection in the Western Kingdom."

The conversation went so far that the food burned.

As Degion pays the copper, Tikatras laughs at Camua-Josh.

"It's a crack reunion, so let's give a toast over there!" Tell us more about how you've been around here lately! ”

"Yes, yes, of course." Well then, Ei = Fa and Asta will be back later. "

So Camua-Josh also walked away from the back of the stall towards the Blue Sky Cafeteria.

While watching his back off, Ei = Fa gets a snuff.

Apparently, Camua-Josh stayed here to wait for Tikatras.

"Is that so?" What was it about Tikatras? "

"Rather than running errands... maybe I didn't want the people in [Gamley's Seat] to talk about their background."

Ei = Fa's words convinced me. Camua-Josh said, "Gamley's Seat" is like Chil-Rim, a collection of sticky things. In particular, the astrologer Lilanos said that he was treating the traveller because the situation was exactly the same as that of Chil-Rim.

(But if Tikatras can't find out who Chill = Rim is, so can Lilanos. Lilanos didn't show up for the exchange in the first place... the rest of the crew wouldn't know who he was.)

Thinking like that, I threw away my extra thoughts. As Camua-Josh said, the faces of "Gamley Seat" chose to abandon the past and hometown and live as a traveler, so it was supposed to be an innocent blessing to explore it. If it is a heavy secret comparable to Chill-Rim, it is even more so.

(I'm sure the Pinots accepted the presence of Chill-Rim as an opponent with the same pain. Then I just want to thank you.)

That made me carefree and inspire business.

More than last night, a large number of people from the forestside are coming today. Yamil-Rey, Gazran-Rutim, Dan-Rutim, Mida-Ru and Sin-Ru's brothers who also met in the day, the patriarchs of Ratz, who were as busy as Rau-Ru, and Naham, who had a strict temper - and from the blood of Zaza, the familiar faces of Georgian, Zaza, Sufira-Zaza, Dick-Dom, Moln-Rutim-Dom, Diga, Dodd, and the patriarchs of Havira and Dana seemed to be gathering together without a trace.

And of course, more than that, the people of the six clans who are in the period of rest are coming in large numbers. Also, today, [Xifeng Pavilion] also reinforced the staff of the stall, and Yumi and Joe-Lan also ate at our stall.

Various people, such as people dressed as residents of the underworld, people from the east who were twice as many as usual, and a small group of people from the south who were energetic and noisy, gathered around the forest and swirled in the incredible enthusiasm of the traffic. The underworld was such a noisy place that I wanted to express my doubts.

In such a frenzy, there were fewer and fewer leftover dishes -- today, by the time about two seconds passed, the dishes were sold out one after another.

After clearing out the equipment, the stall man who sold out the food went to help out at the Blue Sky Cafeteria. However, there were enough people prepared for you from the beginning, and the number of people in charge of the stall was only 16, so it was immediately available.

Grandmother Jibba said that she had taken a holiday and now she can't see herself. Moreover, the Pinos had also changed the riverbank along the way, and there were only seven wagons and a small tent for the astrologer Lilanos in the space opposite.

"It seems that the cafeteria hasn't been crowded for a while. Isn't it okay for half the people to move on to the sight of the festival?"

Reina = Lou, who was just as shabby as me, told me like that. Today, we are mobilizing veterans Rimi-Ruu and Zwei-Rutim, among others, to serve as partitioners Reina-Ruu and Lara-Ruu.

Well, that's how I'll arrange it.

I summoned three full-time staff members and Toole Dinh to think about the combination.

"Half of the people are going to start withdrawing from the stall, and the rest are going to move freely." The role of the other half is to wait for the dining room guests to pull in, clean up after themselves, and then transport the wagon to the inn. As far as Din's stall and wagon are concerned, I would like to ask Tour-Din to think about it. I would like these four people to split up and serve as a divider. How about that? "

"In the cafeteria, we'll finish eating in a quarter of an hour." I don't care what my role is. ”

"Yes, I think I'll be in charge of the residual as the person in charge." That's why I was wondering if I could have only one person out of the three. "

When I suggested it, Ray-Matua laughed at Malfira-Naham.

"Then I'd like the same as Marfila = Naham!" After this, we will make an appointment to travel around the station town together! ”

I see. Then, could you stay with Yun-Sudra?

“Yes, it would be a pleasure if I could help Asta,” Yun-Sudra says, smiling relentlessly. Even in front of Ei = Fa, it was a testament to the absence of evil and clutter within Yun = Sudra. Eifa also listened to this exchange calmly.

It seems that Tour-Din was also accompanied by three Kamado numbers today, so it was decided to split them into two. So, it was said that two members of Rid had been appointed to retreat the stall.

Ray-Matua and Malfira-Naham took half of the hunters and escorted them to retreat four stalls. After seeing the figure swallowed by the human wave, I turned to Yun-Sudra.

"I managed to get the job done safely even today." How was Yun-Sudra? "

“Yes, I didn't have any particular problems with it, even though I had to have a customer arrive just in time....... I can't wait for Easter."

Ahaha, but before we do that, we need to decide what kind of soul-suppression festival is going to be.

When we exchanged those words, two small figures approached each other. She was a little girl like a toddler who hid her face with a hooded cloak and a collar wrap.

“Hey, Dia. You're here.”

"Hmm. I thought it was about time the stall was over." Pinos show their skills as they wander the streets. ”

Not only Dia speaks like that, but this time Chill-Rim also covers her mouth with a wrap around her collar. So, wearing a hood and hanging a ball of insect-coloured veil, Chill-Rim looked completely barefaced.

"Those people greeted you before the business." Are you Asta's friend? "

In response to Yun-Sudra's casual question, I said "erm".

Then Ei = Fa came forward with a sharp face.

"Let me introduce these two names to Yun-Sudra as well." But before I do that, could you call Lyerfam-Sudra? "

"Are you the head of the family? I understand." The head of the family is supposed to be guarding the cafeteria, so please be patient. ”

Yun-Sudra had a strange look on her face, but she ran towards the Blue Sky Cafeteria.

Meanwhile, Ei = Fa turned to Dia and the others.

"Even around the forest, I only knew how to treat Chill when we had our last dinner together. I will disclose the situation to those who are going to visit the post town together, so I hope you will do so."

"Hmm? That's a lot of talk." Since it was Dia and Camua-Josh who brought Chill to [Gamley's Seat], are the people near the forest responsible? "

"I have kept secrets from the king and the nobles, so please don't say that I'm not responsible." Well, there's no one to complain about your deeds, so there's nothing to worry about. "

Eifa said so, but Chil-Rim quietly dropped her shoulder.

"I knew it... I shouldn't have come back to Genos." It's causing trouble to the people around the forest again..... "

So, let's just say there's nothing to worry about?

Eifa broke her knees on the spot and stared seriously into the eyes of Chil-Rim, who was covered in Veil.

"I wonder if you've stepped into [Gamley's Seat] to live freely?" We are truly glad that we have been rewarded for that thought. So you don't have to worry about getting sick. "

"Yes, it seems persistent, but it's not bad for Chill."

As I bent over and helped Ei = Fa, Chil = Rim moistened her eyes on the other side of the Vale again.

Yun-Sudra and Lyerfam-Sudra approached. And when she saw Chill-Rim and the others, Lyerpham-Sudra said, "Hmm?" He frowned.

"You're Dia, aren't you?" Camuas-Josh's return means that you've done your part... but why would he be with his daughter? "

"Hmm. Even though Dia and Chill are dressed like this in a hot outfit, I can see it at a glance."

"You're different from the signs." Your daughter is dressed as a backpack and she's just figured it out. "

Lyerfam-Sudra is the owner of the capture of Dia, who tried to sneak into Fa's house after Chil-Rim. And before that, I was watching Chil-Rim's figure at Fa's house.

"From now on, I will explain the situation." It will probably be communicated to all parents in the near future, but I would like Lyerfam-Sudra to listen to it first. "

When Eifa explained the situation in a calm tone, Lyerfam-Sudra nodded, “I see.”

"Camua-Josh was ordered to deliver your daughter to your Sim, but you disobeyed him and deposited her in the [Gamley's Seat]."

"Hmm. [Gamley's Seat] was in the Sims, so Camua-Josh would have disobeyed his orders."

"But we must not let the kings and nobles of Selva hear of it, is it a secret?"...... So Dalí-Sauthi was talking to Luu's people with a serious face. "

"Hmm. Ziza = Luu and the others have seen Chill and Dia." Before he could see it, he would have revealed it. "

Ei = Fa was sharp-faced, and her body turned towards Lyerfam = Sudra.

"Neither I nor Dalí-Sauthi wanted to put extra effort into our compatriots, so we have been talking until today." If that didn't work out with Lyerfam-Sudra, I'd like to apologize. "

"You don't have to apologize for anything. I would have behaved the same way from Ei = Fa's standpoint."

In response, Lyerfam-Sudra looked towards Yun-Sudra.

But Yun is probably more surprised than I am.

"Yes. I also knew the figure of Chill-Rim. No, I didn't think this daughter was Chill."

Having said that, Yun-Sudra smiled like her.

"But it feels like you've got something on your chest." I've always wondered if Chill could live in peace with his exotic Sims... and even if it were to hide him, it would be much more fun to travel around as a traveling artist. ”

Chil-Rim looked up at Yun-Sudra's smile with anxiety.

"Do I, do I see you?" I'm really sorry... but I don't remember. "

"It was the first day I saw you. I'm sure you don't remember because you were obsessed with fever. Not only did you suffer from a fever, but you looked very sad... so I'm truly glad you're feeling better.”

"Hmm. I've seen you stand up to the Evil Gods since then." However, it seems to have gained more strength than it did then. If you're spending a lot of time under Gamley's Seat , then that's the best thing to do. "

Lyerfam-Sudra never loosens her expression, but her small eyes are illuminated by the light of compassion. Chill-Rim had to spill tears again.

"So why did Eifa tell us about it?" In the near future, will the Three Patriarchs notify us of the situation? "

"Hmm. I'd like to ask Lyerfam-Sudra and the others to accompany me." If it's just a crowd, would we need three guards? "

"Oh, is that so?" I would be grateful if I could spend this evening with the Ai = Fa. "

Having said that, Lyerfam-Sudra smiled for the first time. She smiled like a little monkey.

So we shared our secrets and the six of us spent the last night of the Soul Festival.

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