Isekai Ryouridou

Your Lady's Sweet Gathering ③ - Face to Face

The seventh day of the purple moon.

We were supposed to close the stall business temporarily and head to Castle Town.

The members were me, Limi-Luu and Tour-Din, and the two escorts, Ai-Fa and Sin-Luu.

There are two reasons why Sin-Luu was elected here.

One is because both Dan-Rutim and Dim-Rutim finally made their return as hunters.

It seems that Dim-Rutim and others were returning at the same time as returning from their journey from Dubbag, but Dan-Rutim was forced to return on the condition that blood had become noisy in one of the Lord of the Woods cases, to the extent that it was impossible.

When this happens, there will be no more empty hunters in Luu's family either.

Donda-Lou and Dalm-Lou, on the contrary, are too seriously injured and the role of escort itself is unbearable. Giva hunting is impossible, but as long as the pain is revealed, people in town can be kicked, at least about Ai-Fa and Dan-Rutim were the only line as escorts.

However, it was not a major problem because the decision was made that the hunter could be given a day off from work at the Lew family.

Then why Sin-Luu was once again elected from one of the hunters, to respond to a request from the castle town.

"This is your lady's tea party, so if you want to accompany the escort, I want you to elect as soft a crowd as possible"

That is how they were told to messengers from the city of Castle.

Rude when it comes to rudeness, but still, well, I guess for people in castle towns who have also met with Donda-Lou, Graf-Zaza, etc., I had to take that into account. If you accompany Gibba's fur, skull-worn northern settlement hunters, etc., the nagging ladies may fall.

Anyway, it was Sin-Lu who was elected under those circumstances.

I guess there are circumstances such as Rudd-Lew, who has to support parental surrogate Giza-Lew, or Ray's parental Lough Ray, where suspending the hunter from work would not be a major obstacle. And yet the softness of sight has not beaten the Rudd-Loux.

"I wouldn't be happy to be chosen for that reason, but if I could still help Asta, I'd be proud"

In the box-shaped Totos car that I switched at the castle gate, Sin-Luu was saying to me that way.

But that look doesn't even look a little more worrying than usual. I heard from Rudd-Lou that I was about to regret not being elected in the Lord of the Woods crusade, so as far as I was concerned, I did not hesitate to worry, but I knew immediately that it was worrying.

"Just be loud when Lara-Lu is sloppy. I don't really know what I think or how I feel about why I want to go to Castle Town."

"I'm sure that's because all Rayna-Luu and Limi-Luu are supposed to accompany us on Kamado's turn. Lara-Lew seems twice as curious."

"Hmm... I'm sure it would be an honor to be chosen to help Asta as Kamado's number. But isn't it making sense to hit me when I'm sloppy accompanying you as an escort?

"There must be something more important in the world than reason."

Convinced or not, Sin-Lew thought, "Hmm..."

Instead, Rimi-Lou, still in the mood today, is dealing with Tour-Din. Tour-Din surprisingly tends to open his mind to strong faceted women like Yamil-Ray and Rem Dom, but if Rimi-Lou, the righteousness of sociability and innocence, is his opponent, he can still relax accordingly. He had a pretty tense face in the morning, but now he's smiling back at Rimi-Lou, even though he's hissing.

And it is the last member, Ai-Fa.

Since entering Castle Town, the road has been flat and this Totos car has had a better suspension than our luggage car, but I'm sure the journey to this point is sounding pretty good. He has been silent on the top of the Buddha since about a moment ago while subtly holding it under the hunter's clothes.

Totos cars didn't quite try to stop that move.

Looks like we're heading deeper than Count Turan's mansion, to which we're invited every time. I haven't heard the exact location and I can't grasp the geography if I hear it, but it brands it "Swan Palace" and so on, so maybe it exists on the grounds of Castle Genos.

I hear there are eight ladies. I guess inviting people from the woods to prepare for the noble women's tea party is just as elegant a story as letting the cook of an important welcome feast.

Whatever Eurifia is active and fearless to see, is the fact that there are seven other ladies who are not afraid of the people by the woods a matter for us to live by?

With that thought in his chest, the rear door was finally pulled open after several stops as he was swayed by the Totos car for all four or fifty minutes.

"Thank you for waiting. Step down carefully at your feet."

He is the first white-coated martial officer to greet him at the castle gate.

Because of his mind, the martial artist also feels young and brilliant in appearance.

That's how I got off the car, and there was a really unexpected landscape there.

It is in the middle of a vast, white stoned garden. The front still stands a stone white palace, strewn with white stone walls on the left, right and rear sides. Wherever you turn your eyes, the colors are white, a space built of slippery stones like marble, not gray bricks.

(You're becoming more and more worthy of the name of the Stone Capital.)

Anyway, cutting out so many stones wouldn't be a lot of effort. Besides, this isn't Castle Genos itself, it's just a small house for your lady to have a tea party. It was like being reminded once again of how rich a town Genos was.

(Turan is only the Count, is this the difference in power from the Candidate?)

The building was probably a bungalow but a lot taller, a lot more splendid. We have a large roof over our heads, which is supported by thick stone columns. It reminds me of an archaeological site in Greece or somewhere, beautiful and old.

"This way, please. We'll show you to the bathroom first."

Guided by a martial artist, he knocks through a huge door with both openings.

No carpet was laid, as in Count Turan's mansion, and it was a stone corridor.

Large, bright windows are cleared in the high position, with plenty of strong sunlight incorporated. So much so that the white stone blinds me.

Now without being walked, the corridor hits the wall.

There were two doors on the wall, and the corridor continued endlessly to the left and right.

"Your Highness, please use the right door, and your ladies the left door."

"Oh, is the bathroom divided between men and women? I used the same bathroom in order at Count Turan's residence."

"Yes, we are divided in this Swan Palace"

As a matter of course, Ai-Fa looked unwilling, but it wouldn't make a big difference because either way, when cleansing herself, she would separate her actions. Me and Sin-Lu go to the right door, Ai-Fa, Limi-Lu and Tour-Din go to the left door, each walking forward. At that time, all the ingredients and cookware prepared here were to be entrusted to the small family names and brought into the kitchen.

Waiting on the other side of the door is still a boy with a small surname who's not even old enough. I'm sure there's a samurai waiting for you at the Ai-Fa's.

"Servings will be kept here"

"Oh, thank you."

I don't need to feel comfortable because it's all same-sex. I took off what I was wearing and threw it in the cage where my last name came in.

So, I ended up being born, but the boy with the lowest surname didn't try to move with his hands together behaving.

So, I start to praise Sin-Lu more squeamishly.

"If your guest will accompany you, please bathe."

"During Kama, another human being accompanies him. I'll keep an eye on the door, so I won't have to clean myself up."

Having gone through the conversation beforehand, Sin-Luu was to answer as such.

but the boy with the lowest surname greets him again with his eyes down.

"In this Swan Palace, we ask all our guests to bathe. Outside the door means outside the palace?"

"It's not. It means," How long have you been out there? "

"Now, please bathe"

Sin-Lu showed a wandering bare gesture only for a moment, but still began to take off his clothes silently. I guess I didn't care about the bath itself and just hesitated to let go of the knife.

But having set foot so far, there is no other way to solidify which readiness there is. No matter how many hunters by the woods are attacked by 100 or 200 soldiers, there is no reason to be thankful, so the escort is also half nominal.

Still, if the people of Castle Town were to trample this trust, one of the hunters would at any rate escape from the stone walls and serve to inform the forest side of the danger. Escorts in Castle Town are such a serious task.

Having thus become naked, Sin-Lu and I were to knock over the next door with a guide to the lowest surname.

It's a familiar steam bath that smells like yomogi.

Hand-tufted received from the boy, carefully muddles the steamed body. Though not as refreshing as the water bath in Rant's river, after so many times, I felt like I had come to understand something called the comfort of a steam bath as well.

Shin-Lu explores the signs around him, while plumbing his body with all kinds of tricky hands.

I was supposed to say "heh" in the steam I had already soaked.

"Sin-Luu looks thin too, but you're still an unbeatable muscle to Rud-Luu. I'm a hunter, so it's obvious."

"Asta looks stubborn for her number, too. He's like a freshly thirteen-year-old man who starts training as a hunter."

"Yeah, I've had the same feeling about Ai-Fa before.... Oh, I didn't always show myself naked!

"Isn't nobody talking like that?"

Is this what naked clinging is all about? I haven't had much of a chance to exchange words with Sin-Lu lately, so it kind of makes me feel a lot more fun.

That's how we finished the dirt rubbing, flushing the hair to the body with the water in the container in the back and completing the job of cleansing ourselves safely.

"Okay, here you go"

A boy with a small surname who sees it returns acne on his right hand side.

"Wait," Sin-Lu called out to you.

"It's the other door we came in. Where are you going to lead us?

"It's only between summonses. This way please."

I don't care what your last name is. Open the door.

Sin-Lu ran over me and took the initiative and knocked over the door.

What awaits us is a room of stone that is no different from the one you just had.

Except I don't see a cage packed with our clothes. Instead, a large table was placed in the center of the room with unrecognizable clothing spread over it.

"I will help you with your summons."

"... you mean if you change into this, you won't let me through first?

To Sin-Lu's inquiry, the boy bowed deeply.

Sin-Lu leaves his hands on the table with a harsh look on his face.

And it was the sword of a wave, which was arranged with the garment, which he had taken.

It would be just about the size of a barbarian knife commonly used around the woods. As he pulled through the one tucked away in the white leather sheath, a polished silver body appeared from inside.

It is about 80 cm long, slightly narrower and about 7 or 8 cm wide, and a straight knife that seems to be about 1 cm thick. After running one gaze and fingertip through the belly of that knife, Sin-Lu bashed and slashed the void all the way through.

If it were Gibba, she would have been slapped in the head. It is a slaughter that is likely to burn in the air.

Sin-Lu nodded one before storing the white blade in his sheath.

"Nice knife. I'm guessing the sawdust value is tense."

"… we will only help you summon"

The blood seemed to have dropped a lot, but still the boy did not disturb his expression or behavior. It is something that I have looked up to, whether younger than us.

So, a few minutes later. We only did the summons, but Sin-Lu's appearance was quite impressive. Prepared for him was a beautiful white outfit wrapped up by Genos' martial officers.

Not the kind of armor a soldier would wear. It is a timeless outfit with silver bands hanging across the chest and spicy embroidered loose collars and cuffs.

At the foot are white leather boots, so that the knife can be lowered at the waist band. Amber-like stone clasps were used in the combined eyes of the torso, and the outfits themselves were of superior textiles.

I think Sin-Lu, too, has better eyebrows in one way or another. While not releasing as intense a personality as Rudd-Lou or Lau-Rais, or Dalm-Lou, in the eyes of an oriental cleavage, the high nose beam and neat detail add to the long-lasting, black-brown hair with a pitiful and calming atmosphere.

Besides, he is a hunter by the woods, so he has the power and power to combine in the quiet and unlike the people in town.

When such a Sin-Lu wrapped up in such an outfit, he looked like a noble blood-minded young man.

I look no different than the cooking clothes I was made to wear at Count Turan's residence. This one was also a white knob, prepared even for the front and hat, and although it was designed to only expose the tip of the hand and the face, it is quite relaxed and comfortable, nothing hot and painful at all.

"... Asta is very natural. Don't I look like some kind of idiot?

"That's not true at all. You look more noble than a lousy martial artist, don't you think?

"It's a bad joke....... I'm glad Lara-Lew isn't with me"

For the people of the woodland, I guess the expression nobility is not a compliment either.

But if Lara-Lew had seen this look, it wouldn't have seemed to me that it would spill away sooner than laugh or shudder, after all.

"Okay, here you go"

A boy with a small surname opens the door to something different from coming in again.

I wondered how many doors I would have to knock until I reached the cook, etc., and proceeded to walk, where the ladies were already waiting.

In a moment, I lose my word.

Ai-Fa also wore the white clothes of martial arts officers, just like Sin-Lu.

"... what are those eyes? If you have something to say, keep your mouth shut."

In a heartfelt mood, Ai-Fa said so.

Still, I say, "Hey..."

What a prickly appearance.

Great contrast between golden brown hair, brown skin and white outfit. That was the look of a young martial artist who was unbeatable even by Sin-Lu.

I was made to dress like a princess before when rescuing me, but as much as that, I was to be amazed. The phrase "beauty in men's clothes" would have been most appropriate. Ey-Fa's supple limbs and long hands and feet looked remarkably good without being forced to wear such a male outfit to sharpen the appeal at all.

"Dear Ai-Fa, you look great"

When I looked back because such a voice was raised, there stood Shayla with her eyes inadvertently narrowed. Apparently, at the women's side, she helped them dress.

"Hey, isn't that cool? I'd like to show it to everyone by the woods."

Rimi-Lou, who spoke as such, is also in a groovy manner with Tour-din. The western-style skirt that came all the way around the middle of the shin on the collared torso, with a white front on it, was like a tiny maid.

He is not wearing a hat on his head either, and is made to wear a hair fastening like kachusha. I'm sure cooking clothes for young humans like this weren't even prepared for this palace. One way or another, he looks close to Shayla, the samurai.

"Before this, I will guide you. First, I'd like to greet your ladies."

Shayla, who so declared, opens a new door again.

Cock, maid and young martial arts forced us to change the form, and we were to follow it all the way.

A wider corridor than Count Turan's mansion is taken to the right and to the left.

Eventually he arrived in front of a very large and splendid door.

Two martial arts officers, dressed in the same way as the Ai-Fas, stand side by side at that door. When Shayla approximated our arrival, one of the martial officers opened the door silently.

Really, brighter than ever enveloped us.

It was also an outdoor garden.

It is also covered with grass like blue grass, not cobblestones, with thin stone passages slammed towards the centre.

In its centre, there was still a huge circular roof supported by stone columns, under which eight ladies seemed to enjoy their tea as early as possible.

"Dear Eurifia, I have brought you guests from the woods."

"Oh, thank you. You were Shayla from Count Dalaim's house, weren't you?

It will be Eurifia's first reunion in roughly a month.

He is also gracefully inclined to a ceramic cup in a dress that tied his hair high today. A young lady in her mid-twenties with bright, well-lit eyes.

But first, I was to be surprised by other faces.

That's not once or twice either. Of the eight people assembled there, half were my discerning people, except for Eurifia.

"When the story spread about inviting Asta to a tea party, it turned out to be such a big crowd. You seem to be on edge in a lot of places, Asta."

With a strange smile, Eurifia points to its guests at their fingertips like white fish.

"It's not another tough meeting, so please say hello to the reunion I think? Let me introduce the other guests afterwards."

After thanking Eurifia, I turn to the women once again.

but I can't really think about who called me out. Within doing so, the person with the most active temper laughed.

"Asta, you're hissing. Since you have been kind enough to hear from Lord Polearth, I am here to accompany you."

The word is in Castle Town Mode, but it was nothing short of Deal, daughter of a large Jagal merchant with dark, still brown hair.

He wraps his blue dress around his small body and raises his forehead with silver hair embellishments. She is usually intentionally dressed as a boy, but she always looks like this at meetings in Castle Town.

"I, too, Polearth, talked, listened. Asta, confectionery, looking forward to it."

Opposite it is Arishna, the astrologer of Sims, the guest of Castle Genos.

This one looks like a cloak as usual, but is more of an over-decorated eunuch that is not originally for travel, so it's not too uncomfortable to be amongst the ladies in dresses.

However, while the encounter with Schmiral should have somewhat eased the hostility towards the people of the east, it is quite surprising nevertheless that the people of Sim and Jagal are on the same table.

So, the person who sat next to that Arishna has been pointing a hostile glance at me since the beginning.

Only this person took a little while to recognise, but that was none other than one of Varcus' disciples, Siri-Low.

When cooking, the brown hair, which was neatly put together, is now fluffy to the back. Though they were a lot less qualitative than the other ladies, they were still in a milky white dress with lots of frills and ornaments, and their hair was knitted with decorative strings and beautiful stones, and no wonder they introduced them as noble daughters.

"The truth is that Varcus himself wanted to come to the occasion, but he couldn't seem to get out of it this morning because of his planting job. So I asked her to be represented."

Saying so, Eurifia smiles at Siri-Low.

"She really wanted me to go into the kitchen because it was a story among Varcus' disciples that she was particularly good at making sweets, but that got me complimented. Well, her arms will be entertained another time."

Siri-Low thanked me, but his gaze remained fixed on me in the meantime.

In the meantime, I shall write down a clause in my mind's notebook that Siri-Low's specialty is to make confectionery.

And it's the last person.

Speaking of surprises, this person was the most unexpected.

It was like an exquisite French doll, wearing a dress full of frills and ribbons, the winning reflair of Count Turan's house.

Refraia takes my gaze with the same steady look.

"It was too early to invite her to such a place, though there was no voice. If you were stuck inside the mansion forever, you'd feel rough, wouldn't you? That's why I decided to invite you specifically."

To Eurifia's words I return a very well-behaved salute.

Then Refraia called my name "Asta" in her voice.

"That mansion where I was born and raised was once again to be offered to the Candidate Genos. As planned, they're going to use it as a guest house."

"Oh, really... Oh, no, you do"

"Hmm. That's not why I wanted to tell you from my own mouth. You and I don't even know how many times we're going to be able to face each other in this life."

After saying so, Lifreia turned her gaze to my place.

"By the way, do you guys have any business with Sanjula? Then I'll call you here.

I followed Leflaia's gaze, and it was breathtaking.

As a beautiful martial artist, Ai-Fa and Sin-Lu were burning the fierce hunter's fire into their eyes.

Unknown ladies purposefully, Eurifia watches the eyes of the Ey-fa with interest.

Refraia slightly frowned and then raised her voice "Sanjula".

Really, a long figure advances from the shadow of a stone column across the street.

I was made to dress the same as the i-fa's, it's Sanjula.

"It's a hiccup, Asta.... and everyone by the woods."

"... I didn't expect to meet you in a place like this"

Ai-Fa abandoned him in a low voice.

I guess I didn't stick with hostility, I just raised the level of vigilance. Even then, it is the people of the woods who become so powerful when it comes to wild beasts.

But Sin-Lu was still shining those eyes harder than Ai-Fa.

Since Lefreia and the others have been charged, Ai-Fa has been face-to-face with Sanjula on several occasions. but this will be the first time the escort in Castle Town will be reunited for Sin-Lu.

"I, as a Refraia escort, am here. Don't worry, there's no reason to be disrespectful to guests by the woods."

"... I have heard that you have already been judged by the laws of Genos. There is no lesson by the woods in capturing the punished man."

Sin-Luu said so in a voice lower than that of Ai-Fa.

"Except I'll never forget the sin you bruised Asta for. with this disgrace of himself who could not protect it."

Sanjula finally thanked her.

I guess I don't mean to be provocative, but I get the whimper that the Sim faceless expression will produce extremely bad effects when this happens.

"Is that enough to say hello to the reunion? Let me introduce you to the other ladies."

That's what Eurifia said in a voice that included laughter, as if nothing had happened.

"First of all, this is my first son, Odifia."

Even smaller than Refraia, and a girl of different sizes, like a French doll, is turning a flimsy, carefree gaze towards us.

The son of Euriphia means the son of Melfried. He did have pale brown hair and gray eyes from his father's concession, but the look on his face that seemed to suck doesn't resemble him at all. Age would be about five years old at best.

"This is Princess Vesta of the Viscount Tarfawn family, and this is Princess Serange of the Viscount Mardell family. I couldn't attend the last welcome feast, so this time I gave you my best voice."

I don't know, I'm not a sister, but there's just a lady with a very similar vibe and face. Your age is as good as mine, and your current interest is directed toward Ai-Fa and Sin-Lu.

"In the kitchen, Count Dalaim's chef Jan is already getting ready. I'm going to do a flavor comparison with three cooks by the woods today and their Jan, so I'm going to do that."

"What, was this story a taste comparison?

I don't know one outline of that right now, but it should have been just a noble game of scoring the dishes and deciding whether to win or lose.

Comparing flavors and competing arms is cool, but scoring and winning and losing doesn't really suit my doctrine.

"There's nothing hard to think about. For we do not have a tongue as certain as yours. … but the number of winning stars will change the reward for the job, so let's just keep that up."

"Is that a reward? The prize was 20 white copper coins per person and the chief told me..."

"That's the least starry cook's reward. Thirty white copper coins for the third, forty for the second, fifty for the first."

You're saying that in just one tea party, 140 white copper coins are ready?

That was the amount that went up above what summed up the earnings of the stalls of Fa and Lu.

"Of course I don't usually prepare that many rewards, but I called you busy people, so I wanted to show you my gratitude too. … and I look forward to the Jomtien bell ringing."

Please spare me the taste comparison, I can't even throw up the word, etc., and we were to be led by the cook.

In the meantime, I could hear Ai-Fa and Sin-Lu exchanging words in vain.

"If you believe the words of Candidate Genos, you are no longer left with the power to harm the people by the woods to that daughter named Refraia. I guess I don't even have to be wary of that guy named Sanjula... but I still feel bad about confronting that guy with a wounded hand"

"Do I - Fa - have better eyes than I do? How much is the power of that man, if any, a hunter by the woods?

"Well...... I just don't think it's inferior to Rud-Lew"

"Rudd-Lou? If that's the case, I have to acquire more power than Rudd-Lou."

Exactly, I got worried and decided to split it between the two.

but sooner than I uttered the word, Sin-Lu abandoned "it doesn't matter".

"If I don't get a chance to exchange a knife with that man in the future, I need to brush my arms, that's all. Otherwise, you'll be tormented by your weakness for the rest of your life."

"Oh well."

They put me in front of them, and Sin-Lu was in a better position to blame himself than anyone else.

That's how disturbing and delightful this deposited boy was to me when I finally came back safe... I still get chest pains when I remember.

"... don't remind me of anything unnecessary, Asta"

And Sin-Lu is blushing about me with a lot of red cheeks.

"Wow, that's amazing. It's my guess."

"What is that? You have too many thoughts and feelings on your face, Asta."

I felt so sorry for myself that I knocked over the kitchen door with Shayla's guide.

It's not much wider than I thought, but it still has a sweet fragrance in the space that seems to be about 16 tatami.

From the other side of that sweet scent, "Oh Lord Asta," Jan lowered his head.

"Thank you for today. Use all of your half-sides for the workbench."

"Thank you.... Well, I've never heard of a taste comparison before..."

"Neither do I. However, given Eurifia's temper, we could have predicted in advance."

With that said, Jan smiled calmly on her meaty, thin face.

"I am also at the mercy of God Asta and Asta, so I do not think that even if I spoil myself to the fourth person, I will be ashamed.... but I heard that there will come a man with no less arms than Lord Asta, who is a lot younger."

"I'm Limi-Lu, the forest folk, the youngest sister of the Lu family! Thank you for today!

"Ah, I am Thur-din, the family of the Din family... Best wishes for today"

Two girls dressed like maids say hello, one full of energy and the other a snack.

Towards you, Jan lowered her head to "Regards," he said.

"As you can see, they're two younger people than me, but they may be better than me when it comes to making confectionery. I want to do everything I can to make sure it doesn't end in embarrassment."

"I hear Lord Asta is regarded as poor at making confectionery. I am the best at making sweets. Will this finally be a reciprocal condition for a taste comparison?"

Saying so, Jan smiled so graciously.

No feelings, no pride, it was a surprisingly clear smile.

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