Isekai Ryouridou

Dawn Day ① - Accommodation Town Morning

Dalaim's morning was as fast as the woodland.

By the time the sky starts to whiten, it's already up, and by the time the first sunlight plugs in through the window, it's starting to move fine. The people of Dalaim put themselves in such a diligent life that they could not beat the people of the woods.

"Then we'll go out to the field. Good luck with your work, Asta."

As I borrowed the water from the water bottle and washed my face, Dora's father called me that way.

"Because it's a holiday, because you can't just play like the people in town. We'll work until about five minutes, and then we'll all take a peek at the stall."

"Yes, I'll be waiting for you"

Of course we can't play either. Once I was in good hands, I politely conveyed my farewell words to all of your family and decided to leave Dareim early.

If you get out on the street, you can run Totos at full speed. Dan-Rutim and Limi-Luu spanned Mim Char, otherwise humans were Gilr's luggage trucks, each of which drove the stone streets, and ten minutes later they were already able to reach the boarding town.

When we get there, we'll start by renting a stall.

Even though it's not even half an hour since sunrise, Milan-Math welcomed us as usual.

"Even on holidays, as long as you have guests in the inn, you don't sleep like that. I'm guessing it's the merchants at the merchandise store who can play."

Still, it turns out, the early morning Inn Town was like a holiday and quiet.

In the streets, there are only enough people to count. All we know about the mess in Inn Town is that it's a fresh sight.

As we proceeded down the street with three stalls in that way, we could see how novel the sight was.

It is a raunchy sight in an open-air area where there are no stalls.

I was supposed to go down this street in the morning when I was heading to Doug, but even then some of the stalls were out and there was a crowd there. But now it's completely deserted.

The ground of the soil that has been felled to place the stalls is truly spacious.

And because there are no stalls, no houses, no lodgings, there are no passers-by. Few people usually travel early in the morning, but I guess few travelers try to leave Genos during this Easter period. It is a truly indifferent scene.

"Hey, isn't this what nobody notices that you baked Giva?

Lara-Lew asked as she pushed the stall, so I let her shake her head "no".

"Kimmus meat and fruit liquor will be sifted from Castle Genos at about the fifth hour, so the people in charge of baking it will leave the stall. And the wages for them were swept up, and the way Lord Genos behaved."

"Hmm, you're a lot generous. You've got three more of those left, haven't you?

"Right. After all, it's an annual festival, so as lords, I wonder if you want to show the people and travellers the power and richness of Genos. If more people come together in Genos, the town itself will be rich again."

"Soka," Lara-Rue shrugged her shoulder.

"I was hoping to just sift through the Gibba meat, but if the nobles think that, they won't lose."

"Yes, yes. When we gather our families in the settlement of Lou for a feast, the dishes will be prepared with the bronze coins of the Lou family, won't they? I think it's the same thing."

Within such an exchange of words, we arrived at a predetermined space.

It's the north end of the outdoor area.

Naturally, the place is also lazy, and the tent of "A Seat of Gamlay" is quiet.

"Well, let's get ready"

The first step is to prepare the giva meat.

Pull down three crates from the carrier to pull Giva's body, which was soaked in Pico leaves.

It is the giva of a child, who was only burned with fur hair.

He is about 4 or 50 cm long and weighs around 30 kg with blood and guts drained. That's three.

After he pulls out the leaves of Pico, which were also tightly packed in his belly, he takes the hunters' hand and sticks an iron skewer through his throat to his ass.

Once I dusted the salt in that way, I also decided to challenge the method of stuffing vegetables in my stomach today.

The chosen vegetables are Aria, Nennon, Tino, Chacchi, and Ma Pra and Ma Guigo.

Once the vegetables have been packed, the belly is stitched together in Fibach's cranberry, and finally it is installed on the scaffold.

It was forbidden to set fire to the ground, so this uses stalls.

Remove the top plate on which the pan is to be placed and place a giva on top of it.

Load the grey bricks purchased from the castle town via Jan to the left and right of the fire bowl and place both ends of the iron skewer on top of it. Height's about my chest.

After that, if the U-shaped iron pile is punched into the brick and secured so that the iron skewer does not deviate, it is ready. The iron skewers are bent at one end for easy turning, and the cloth is wrapped thick enough to be grabbed by hand.

"Okay. How are you getting ready for the fire?

"Yeah, I think it's okay."

In the fire bowl, the charcoal purchased from Michele was burning red.

Set it back inside the stall and start cooking.

"Now we're gonna turn the rest so the meat doesn't burn, right?

"Yeah, and charcoal replenishment so that the fire momentum doesn't weaken."

I decided to take on the role of overseeing the whole thing, leaving one giva at a time to three people: Limi-Luu, Lara-Luu and Tour-Din.

It would be a fairly surreal sight by the side, baking even Giva round in unpopular vacant land.

"Hmm. That's really idyllic."

And, Dan-Rutim yawns big.

"If no one seems to be here for a while, I'll let you sleep another night"

"Go ahead. Take your time until noon."

Still, it has already been proven on the journey to Doug that we can be more agile than anyone else when things happen. Dan-Rutim began to sleep again without waiting for a few seconds as he grazed the tree to which Mim Char was connected.

"Everybody rest if you like. You'd have had a rough day waking up early, wouldn't you?

"Hmm? Don't get sleepy once you wake up. I'm not tired of my body right now."

Speaking of which, Rudd-Lou was the type of man who woke up early.

Sin-Lu doesn't look like he's still sleeping, either, chatting with Lara-Lu.

"You had fun yesterday, didn't you? Was it three days before we went to Dora's next? I hope I'm chosen again."

"Uhm. But didn't Asta tell you that as different a person as possible should go out and connect with the person in Dalaim?

Sin-Lu turns his gaze on me and I say, "Right."

"But on the other hand, I feel that the same facial rash can deepen the rapport, and that's a hard part."

"That's right! Tara and I are best friends, so I guess we shouldn't take that off, huh?

After saying it that way, Lara-Luu looked back at Tour-Din in a hurried manner.

"Oh, nothing, 'cause I'm not saying I should take Tour-Din off, am I? Don't get me wrong, okay?

"Yes," Thur-din smiles calmly.

Back in time, it is both names on the fringe from the Conference of Parents. Hidden, I also felt that Tour-Din admired Lara-Lu.

"If Raina-Lou or Yun-Sudra wants it, I want to give in. I can help you with your work this morning without staying at Dora's.... If you still have three more opportunities, I'd like to join you again once or so..."

"Right! Besides, this isn't your last chance. It doesn't matter if it's a festival or something, if it's a rest period, you can always go play."

"Yeah? Isn't that up to how those... Dora and the others feel...?

"The Dora and the others were delighted! If we're just interrupting and evil, we can invite Tara and the others to the woods again."

"Yeah! Now I want to keep Tara at Lew's house."

Limi-Luu has also been added to make it so busy.

The monotonous work over the next few hours is going to be fun to get through.

When I was thinking about it, I was called "Asta" by Ai-Fa to make sure I added and subtracted my own fire.

Ai-Fa has her eyes on the street.

When I looked in the same direction, a small figure of black and pearl approached me in the white morning sun.

"Oh man, you're here a lot earlier today, everyone by the woods"

It's Pico, a light worker's girl.

The girl stood in front of us, flickering her pearly feathers.

"And is he baking a whole giva? What a fancy story."

"Yeah, I heard the whole Kimmus grill would be sifted on the holidays, so we decided to sift him around."

"That guy is superimposed. I'd love to have you hemmed."

Saying, Pinot bites off his yawn with an "ahhh".

She is the same strange little girl, a mixture of awkwardness and colour.

This would be the first face-to-face Sin-Lu was staring at Pinot with a bit of a decent face.

After scooping Sin-Luu like that, Lara-Luu turns back to Pinot.

"Hey, you're a lot faster there, too. You're forbidden to do business at noon today, aren't you?

"Speaking of which, there was such a lesson. If you want to earn copper coins, let's make them busy with whistles and drums."

That's how Pinot stared at me with black eyes.

"By the way, as planned today, will you come and see the art of the night?

"Right. This is my first time opening a stall at night, so I can't schedule it very well yet, but I'm probably fine with it"

"Thank you, Sun. Atashi and the others will buy dishes between jobs. Well, I'll be sorry to bother you again by the time it's cooked up."

Leaving those words behind, the girl walked away flirtatiously.

"Um, I guess I'm not a bad person. It's no stranger to frigidity."

While stating her direct thoughts, Lara-Luu also dazzles Sin-Luu.

"So? How long has Sin-Lu been a pussy? Are you gonna tell me you like those women?

"I'm not being anything pompous. I was just surprised that she was a lot of strange daughters.... and I don't feel the same way about people in town."

"Hmm, which way!," Lara-Luu mumbled.

For Lara-Luu, who looks like a generation with no major difference in appearance, will such a girl also become an overlooked being?

Either way, "Gibba's Round Grill" went up nicely.

The epidermis has just faded, and the fat on the fire bowl is making loud noises. It's too late to start smelling fragrant.

But there's not even one person who passes by for a while.

Quiet as a deserted town.

The tranquillity was broken approximately three hours later - around the time that the day clock I brought with me would be different from the five moments.

From the south, people approached pushing the stall around.

One of them was Yumi from Westwind Pavilion.

"Wow, wow, wow! You're really roasting Giva round!

Morning greetings are there too, and Yumi gives a lively voice.

"But you're a lot tiny, aren't you? Is this the giva of a child?

"Yeah. If it's too big, it'll take a while to cook it up."

Other people have approached us in a fascinating fashion since they installed stalls at equal intervals in their empty spaces. I wonder if they're some kind of people from the inn that contracted the job of roasting Kimus round. Naturally, everyone is a people of the west.

"Hmm, that smells good! Three heads, I'm sure it'll be gone soon, won't it?

"I'm sad if it's too much, so I'm glad to hear it. I was just getting a little worried because there were so many people out there."

"You don't have to worry about that. In Jomtien, where Kimmus roasts, hungry people finally follow!

Someone pulled Yumi's arm, laughing cheerfully, from behind.

He's a friend of Yumi's, who usually helps with "Westwind Pavilion" stalls. She's your daughter about the same age as Yumi, and I remember her name was only Luia.

"Yeah? What's going on?

The daughter, who seems to be more shy than Yumi, whispered something blushing and whispering as she fixed her gaze on us.

Yumi laughs, "Uh, I see," with all the fun.

"Yumi, what's wrong?

"No, nothing. Let me say hello to those guys over there, too."

Saying it that way, Yumi approached Lara-Luu's stall.

"Ya, Lara-Luu. Good morning."

"... yeah"

Lara-Luu was supposed to be as close to Yumi as he was to you, but you're still dragging on as much aftertaste as you just did, or I don't think you're in the mood.

I take my gaze off of such Lara-Luu early, and Yumi turns back to Sin-Luu.

"You know, you've been down to Inn Town a lot for a long time, too, right? I'm called Yumi, what's your name?

"... I'm Sin-Lu."

"Oh, I knew you were from the Lew family? Rud-Lew's brothers or something?

"Rudd-Lou is my father's brother's son."

"Oh, my God," Yumi laughed, pointing behind herself with her thumb.

"This co over here is called Luia. If you like, it's my pleasure to meet you."

"Uhm?" she said, tilting her little neck, while Sin-Lu stared at Yumi's friend with her sliced long eyes.

With a half hidden outfit on Yumi's back, Luia is blushing her cheeks.

Sin-Luu seemed to have no idea what was going on, but next to it Lara-Luu had his red hair upside down. Is it because it reflects the charcoal fire in the fire bowl that its eyes seem to be burning with a glimmer?

"Yumi, do you have a minute?

Taking an immediate look at this critical situation, I rushed to invite Yumi.

Let me try to explain the delicate relationship between Lara-Luu and Sin-Luu as accurately as possible while covering your daughter's ears.

"Hmm? Nothing. I don't think Louis thought about what would happen with the people by the woods, either, do you? You just wanted to be close because the Sin-Lu is a man."

"Even so, you see, there's a pretty clean side to people by the woods, so it can be a freaking spark of noise."

"Oh well. Well, I'll explain later so I can give up."

Even while I was whispering those words, your daughter named Luia was staring at Sin-Luu with a hot look there.

It may not have been conceivable until a few months ago for the people of Genos to think of the people of the woods, and it may have been a sign that the relationship between the two sides is leaning in a better direction - to see the example of Raina-Lou, who sleeves the Leeheim of the Earl of Saturas, could also be the cause of discord after all. Not to mention that Sin-Luu has Lara-Luu, which would be an unwelcome development for anyone.

(I wonder if it's easier for the people in town to stick around because Sin-Luu does have a calmer atmosphere than Rud-Luu or Rau-Ray)

Speaking of which, Ai-Fa had just been approached by a bard who had stumbled on the other day.

As far as I'm concerned, I have to take care of Lara-Lew's heart.

Within doing so, the streets are starting to get more bumpy and more people.

The other stalls are empty, so all those people were drawn in front of our stalls.

"Well, is this Gibba? You're smaller than I thought."

"No, this guy would be a kid's giva. Otherwise the people of the west fear so much."

It was the people of Jagal who were raising their voices in that way.

But even the people of the west should be rare human beings who have actually seen Gibba. Because Gibba hates human signs, it is only about attacking the field at night, but it does not come down to the people.

That's why all the people on the spot were a hunk of curiosity.

There are a few of them, but some people in the west run away from fear.

Even the giva of a child plucked out of his fangs and horns, something horrible must be horrible.

I didn't have the idea that I should fade those fears at all, nor was it in my head.

Gibba is a dangerous beast for humans. But never like a monster. The meat is delicious, and eating it does not cause horns to grow or darken skin. Just as the people of the woods were not the barbarians of reason, I wanted to tell the people of Genos how strongly Gibba was no more than a beast, not an incarnation of calamity.

Thus, when the clock finally turned five moments, a cheer arose from among the people.

From the north corner, several cars approached.

It was the soldiers of the Kingsguards dressed in white armor who were leading it.

It's not Mel Fried. He was also a samurai officer, a squadron captain or a platoon captain, whose helmet was a little more decorative.

"At last, the destruction and regeneration of the Sun God is approaching ten days later, people of the Accommodation Town, and guests who visited Genos!

The martial officer gives a good voice and makes people cheer so much.

"Celebrate that 'Dawn Day' today with food and liquor from Marquis Marquis Marstein! I want to dedicate the meat of Kimmus and the liquor of Mammalia to the Sun God and have that resurrection ritual greatly survived!

The doors of the baggage trucks that filled the streets were pulled open, from which a large number of crates and barrels were lowered.

The barrels of fruit wine are given to the people in line, and the crates filled with the flesh of Kimmus are given to the people in the stalls. The people gathered for fruit liquor seemed to be preparing their cups every day.

"To the Sun God!" The voices are chanted, and the cups are dispensed with one after the other.

With that in his ass, a group from Castel Genos began to solemnly go south.

Meat and liquor will sift through the inn area as well. It is difficult to cook the meat of Kimmus just in the stalls that people all over town mouth, so Kimmus is just as baked in the cook of the inn where they took the job.

"Hmm. That's a cool story about fruit liquor from noon."

And Dan-Rutim, who apparently woke up in this noise, came back to the stall with a chick.

"If you like, why don't you have Dan-Rutim, too? And that's not going to make the escort work any worse, is it?

That is also what is borne out by the Conference of Parents and the journey to Doug.

"Of course, I don't have any inconvenience with fruit liquor in my mouth, but I don't feel comfortable getting dusted without paying any copper coins."

"Is it? It's also free to sift Gibba's meat, so I don't think you have it yet."

To my words, Dan-Rutim sparkled his eyes, "Well."

"If you ask me, you're right! You sift three givahs, so no matter how much fruit liquor you get, you're not guilty!

That's how Dan-Rutim grabbed my offered wood dish and happily jumped out onto the street.

Forestside settlements are formally Genos territory. I have no problem with the people by the woods saying that fruit liquor that would sift from its lord would have been spoken of, and even for me, it seemed a lot harder to exist like Dan-Rutim, who would fill such a hedge.

The people who were a little at first in Dan-Rutim's assault will also eventually smile and receive fruit liquor. The people of the south, among other things, were not in the wind fearing the giants of Dan-Lutim, nor were they raising their arms and pounding their cups.

I'm sorry, I'm just gonna take my seat off.

After seeing the streets like that, I turned to Yumi's stall, where I was working a little further away.

Take a peek at what's going on over there, along with Ai-Fa, who has naturally followed you.

"That, what's up, Asta?

"No, I was a little interested in what a kimus roast would look like."

Kimmus, like this Gibba, had been stabbed and burned by an iron skewer.

But this one is about the size of a rabbit or hen at best. In Yumi's stalls, as many as three kimus had been seared and roasted lavishly.

He's a round-naked Kimmus with his head dropped and his feathers peeled off.

I also feel like I would be off the definition of a round roast without my head, but I guess I wasn't sifted that far because it was a story about Kimmus' head feathers being traded at a high price. Instead, those quimus had been left without skin peeling.

"I see. A skinned Kimmus is a treat."

"Right? Because poor people like us only get about the chance to eat skinned meat at times like this!

Kimmus' skin is made into a leather material just like Caron's.

So, this one called Kimmus has a pale taste like a scissor with no blemishes all over his body, so without the skin, he also has less fat and doesn't really taste good. A skinned whole roast would deserve a fine name for a treat.

By the way, there aren't many people in Inn Town who use charcoal, so there's already smoke coming from the stalls. Rather than grilling, it looks like it is no longer smoked. There was a mixture of sober aromas there, apparently because Leelo or some kind of vanilla was also burned together.

"I'll bake it up in Jomtien! Is Gibba going to make it?

"Yeah, I guess. I don't think we're going to be late."

"Looking forward to it! Why don't you give us a bite to eat, too?

As we had that conversation, a luggage truck approached us from the southern direction.

I wondered if as many groups had returned earlier, but it was not a box type, but a front type, a Lulu family luggage truck pulled by Lulu.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I was finally able to get rid of my house job."

It is a reinforcement to our stall.

The members are Raina-Lou and Sheila-Lou, as well as three inspectors, Sufila-Zaza.

but I was supposed to be amazed at how the hunters were accompanying it.

Only Rau-Ray was a familiar figure, but even Ziza-Lou and Gazran-Rutim were facing each other.

"Dj, this is the first time Giza-Lou has shown up in a place like this, isn't it?

"Oh, I'm here to see what's going on in Inn Town, on the life of my parents, Donda."

With an unreadable and soft face of emotion, Giza-Lou said so quietly.

"Even this evening, I'm supposed to accompany you. Wouldn't make a difference to Limi and Lara, would it?

"Yes, of course."

I've been very surprised, but I guess this is something to be happy about.

I just had to introduce you to Yumi - and when I looked around, she was smiling and greeting Gazran-Rutim.

"That's a hiccup, Gazran-Rutim! How have you been?

"Yes, you look fine too and most importantly, Yumi"

I was unwittingly pompous.

"Oh, um, did you two know each other?

Gazran-Rutim tried to answer something, but Yumi answered "yes" as soon as possible.

"When Asta was exposed to noble daughters and sons, all the people by the woods came to the lodging town, right? That's when I knew him!

"Yes, Yumi has guided us through the area behind the Inn Town"

It was amazing how close these two people were to me already.

Besides, they both look very happy with the crackling reunion.

"That's your first face. You seem like a fine man to see."

And, Yumi turns his eyes to Giza-Lou.

I panicked and decided to do my part.

"Yumi, this is the eldest brother of the Luu main house, Giza-Lu. Ziza-Lou, this is Yumi from an inn called the Westwind Pavilion, which has previously disturbed Luu's settlement."

Ziza-Lou nods to Yumi silently.

Yumi showed more white teeth, staring with thin eyes like that yarn.

"The main house of Lew means you're the brothers of Limi-Lew and Rud-Lew. You don't look anything like a brother."

After another nod in denial and affirmation, Giza-Lou took his family and proceeded to the waiting stall of his brothers.

While dropping it off, Yumi breathes furiously.

"Something's so powerful about you smiling. If I were your father, I probably would have deserved a son like that."

The fuzziness of the humi that fits that way was comforting to me.

I think it's not only the sociable men like Rudd-Lou and Gazran-Rutim, but also the hunters like Giza-Lou and Darum-Lou and Graf-Zaza and Dick-Dom who are accepted that for the first time I can tell you that the groove with Genos has been filled.

With that in mind, I also decided to go back to my place with Ai-Fa.

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