Isekai Ryouridou

Lew's Night Party ① - Unexpected Guests

It is the seventh day of the month of silver.

About that time, the Inn Town was also starting to regain a lot of calm.

Nevertheless, it has not yet been completely liberated from the aftermath of Easter. The streets are filled with a large number of travellers trying to leave Genos and are very busy with their pulling totototosses and luggage. And we were quite busy that day because so many customers stopped by to enjoy our last giva dish.

The dishes that reached 1410 meals on the "Day of Doom" have also been suppressed to as much as 1,000 now. Until about today, the momentum is likely to judge this number without any problems.

The number of personnel had been reduced by only two since yesterday, shredding the cafeteria personnel, who were doing so for five people, to three. The key members remained intact, in the form of a reduction of seven of the temporary employment to five, with a change of face with rotation every day.

Still, the total number of Kamadoku numbers is thirteen, and the number of hunters escorting it is seven. That's how many people were required to manage five stalls and 84 seats.

If the town regains complete calm, the escort will be gone. but bringing tables, chairs, etc. back to the settlement doesn't seem to be much use, so it was a policy for the Blue Sky Dining Room to continue on this scale as well, as long as the guests' feet didn't fall so much.

Of course, the space just roofed is going to be released at the next update. In normal times, 84 seats would suffice. Even at the moment, there were not many customers overflowing the flat spaces.

Still, the food sells over 1,000 meals. It is more than double the sales compared to the initial opening of the Blue Sky Dining Room. Well, I was slamming out 860 meal sales at the time I scaled up the dining room to coincide with Easter, so I had made a prediction that my feet would settle between 500 and 800 meals in the future.

"Bye. We'll be stopping by Genos in about six months."

"Don't open the store while we're gone, okay?

Unnamed customers say goodbye with a smile.

Is it true that the day of reunion will come, and no one can foresee such a future? That's why I returned the phrase "I look forward to seeing you again" with all my sincerity.

In the meantime, that group came at a time when it was time to go around a moment of descent.

It is a group of the people of the east who concealed their faces with a cloak of leather hoods. When the slightly smaller Sims, who were at the head of it, took off their hood, it was Arishna, the astrologer for the Castle of Genos.

"Oh, Alishna. Since the tasting in Castle Town."

"Yes. It's a hiccup, Asta"

Haven't seen you face to face in ten days, haven't you visited the stall in over half a month? It was Alishna who could hardly leave the castle during Easter.

"Is that finally a paragraph too? Good luck with that."

I haven't heard much in depth, but I'm sure she was often asked to do a star reading job by the VIPs visiting Genos, and was busy with that. I could hardly see the colour of exhaustion from the missing side of that expression, but I can guess that was quite a strenuous task.

"It was also 'Giva Curry' day, so I was going to entrust it to Jan later, what would you do? Will you eat it here?

"Yes. Because of that, I did, I think"

"So what about the dishes you keep? If future delivery is not required, should I return it within the moment?

To this word, Alishna has softly given herself with no expression.

"I, every day, leave Castle Town, I can't. If possible, I would like you to continue cooking, delivering...... Asta, is that annoying?

"No, as I've told you before, I'm not going to have any difficulty because I'm just going to get cooked by someone at Tanto's Grace Pavilion. It's the Yans who are struggling to bring it to Arishna."

"There, thank you, I'm delivering. If necessary, the price, the willingness to pay. Please continue to do so."

"Yes, sir, I understand."

So I decided to glance back at Arishna's sly shoulder.

"So, who are you? Are you with Alishna?

"Yes. I was guided, asked. They're Sims' merchants."

In response to that word, a single long-sleeved figure advances in the place of Alishna.

"It's the first time I've seen you. My name is Kukuruel-Gi-Adumftan and I am the leader of the Black Wind Cut Feather."

While stating so, remove the leather hood from the back. It was on the face of the magnificent Sims that emerged from under it.

Age would be over forty. Long as a Sim, his eyes are thin, his nose is high and his lips are thin. He doesn't grow mustaches or anything like a Selva or Jagal man, with long dark hair tied to one behind him. He was a person with a rather sharp atmosphere, expressionless but with strong eye light.

"Well, is that the head of the club you mentioned that you didn't even clap?

and Rudd-Lou, who was guarding the stall a short distance away, approached with a light foothold. The hunter as an escort had more faces he didn't know, but either Rudd-Loo or Dalm-Loo were bound to go down to town as their bundlers.

"I'm Ruh-Ruh, the youngest brother of the Ruh main house, the chieftaincy muscle by the woods. What the hell are you doing here?

"I'm here to cook. I heard from this Arishna that great food is for sale in the lodging town. … and I also heard that it was the people by the woods who would sell it, so I wanted to say hello."

"Hmm. I don't care, you're a master of words. I've never seen a Sim speak so much West."

"Yes, because I've been going west for over thirty years since I was a child."

Kukuruel prays quietly.

He was also a person who could be inspired by the imagination that the atmosphere was a bit similar to that of Lyada-Lu, and that Schmiral might mature this way when he gets older, etc.

I mean, he's a very attractive person to me.

"I was just sent a messenger by the Marquis of Genos. We wanted to thank you for considering our proposal positively."

"As for that, I'm not at a stage where you're thankful. I bet you just delivered a reply saying you can't disagree with the headless, huh?

"Yes. Still, it would have been a bitter decision for the people by the woods, so I wanted to say thank you. It's unlikely to be a pleasant story for anyone, such as being paved by their own land."

No matter how fluent the language is, it is still an eastern people who cannot feel the ups and downs of their emotions. but its low and calm voice felt the power of a very strong will, as did the light of the eye.

"It is convenient for us and the people in town to want to continue doing business in the same way in the future. Let's talk about a less beneficial story for the people by the hunter's woods. I was so heartbroken to wish for such an imposition."

"Even so, we are the people of Genos. You can't go against the lord of Genos... and if you don't get your stuff from Sims, you won't be able to make it with him, will you? Then it's not irrelevant to us."

Rud-Lew shrugged his shoulders safely before grinning at Kukuruel.

"If you're the kind of person who's still bringing up stories that don't have that kind of clap, you can feel a little relieved. If I didn't have a lot of trust, my dads would have bothered me."

"I'm afraid so," Kukuruel said, turning his gaze toward the next stall. Rudd-Lou's "Gibba Curry" was sold at one of Tour-Din's managed stalls.

"It can be inferred that the aroma alone is a great dish. Can you sell it to us, too?

"Of course it is. There are seats over there, so take your time."

Kukuruel had as many as five members with him, so one of them was to place an order with Tour-Din.

Sim's Chamber of Commerce with these organizations reminds me of the existence of Schmiral without denial. There should still have been a month or so left for The Silver Pot to return to Genos.

"... Sims is also a big country, but do they get along with each other in the Chamber of Commerce?

So I heard that because I wanted to follow Schmiral's shadow at all.

Kukuruel stares back at me quietly.

"If you are a prestigious business association, sometimes it comes into your ears. Because in order to facilitate commerce, it is also necessary to know the movements of such business associations"

"Really? I'm particularly close to the people in the business called Silver Kettle."

"" Silver Pot "...... I know it if its name is. However, there were ten people of Ji who headed the group, and which one of them was it?"

"The people of Ji, are you?

"Yes, it is mostly the people of the meadows who leave Sims to do business. The meadows are inhabited by the clans of Dj and Gi."

Speaking of which, Sims had seven tribes, and that was the story of ruling their respective territories under the system of "clans".

"Oh, speaking of which, I think the captain's name contained the word" j ". Schmiral-Dj, what can I say… So you mean the people of Gi"

"Yes, Ji and Gi rule the meadows together, so they are particularly deep in the shim. There are seven men of Di in my regiment."

"I see. You were talking about your business association being very large."

"The total number of Black Windcut Feathers is 32."

Then it's more than three times the size of the Silver Pot. If that's not about it, it's hard to carry as many as ten gammas, I guess.

"Speaking of which, which was Arishna born?

Alishna, who has been quietly watching our questioning for so long, falls unreliable.

"... my name, Alishna-Ji-Maharauda. When we first met, I named him, I think."

"Shh, excuse me. I don't like remembering long names. … So Alishna was in the same place as the one I was pleading with."

But Alishna was chased home because her grandfather had angered the lord of Ji. It makes me a little worried that something will become certain when Schmiral returns.

"... I hear this is the descendant of an astrologer who once exiled Ji's territory. The bloodline is not yet allowed to tread on the land of Sims, but it will not be scolded outside Sims."

And the words came as if Kukuruel had instantly spotted my mood.

He still seems to be a hard man to insult.

"The Silver Kettle must have gone from Genos to Abouf, then also visited Mahdra, for Alglad, the king's capital in the west. We're going straight to Algrad, so we may be different from them somewhere."

"Oh, do you know that much about the Silver Kettle?"

"Yes. Visiting Genos and Algrad at the same time will get in the way of your business. … it will take forty days in Totos from Alglad to Genos, so is it time for them to get together when they leave too"

So in forty days' time, the Schmirals will visit Genos with what they could have bought from the king's capital, and the Kukuruels will visit the king's capital with what they brought from Sims and what they bought in Genos.

That's how they're running around the world, so we can't move and get a variety of products.

"We visited Genos through the south side of Morga, but it's not much of a story to go out of our way to the north. The company" The Pot of Silver "seems to have lighter wings and greed than we do."

Saying so, Kukuruel narrowed his eyes slightly.

It was, after all, the same trick that Schmiral did when he narrowed his eyes happily.

"I'm not getting along with them, but it's a very preferred life. It is the nature of the people of the meadows who love to travel."

"Yeah, you feel a little bit like the Schmiral I know"

"It's an honor. … and if you pave the way for Morga Forest, they will have a good star to explore"

With that said, Kukuruel twinkled the cleaver's eyes strong and bright.

"It was not until three months earlier that we returned from Alglad. If the story comes together well, will it fit just when the job of paving the way is in a paragraph? I would also like to continue my journey in prayer so that this story will bring you good stars."

Thus Kukuruel and Arishna and the seven others walked away to the dining room with the vessels of the curry in their hands.

Rudd-Lou watching over that back, rubbing his nose "hmm".

"After all, there are a lot of people who feel like they're Sims. I don't feel strong at all, but there's something resembling a forest folk."

"Yeah, I think so too."

"That Sanjula guy was a big liar instead of standing on his arm. I wonder if the Sims will be like that when the blood in the west goes around."

"Hey, I think that's too discriminatory a statement, Rudd-Lou? I wonder if Sanjula's complicated origins have given her such a temper."

"Ma, anything is there. If he was a Schmiral, he could do well with the people by the woods."

Fortunately, my duty today was Sheila-Lou and Limi-Lou, and I'm not in a place where I can reach this voice either way.

Was Schmiral able to possess new knowledge, skills, etc. for hunting Giva? Can that be accepted by the people by the woods? Can you live up to your desire to be Vina-Lou's son-in-law for being accepted - it was also supposed to be shaken up in a month's time at last?

That's where "Asta" and Fay-Baim call me.

When I noticed, a travel-bound guest stood in front of a stall that was deserted.

"Oh, there you are. Want this product?

It seemed unusual, but a female traveler. He wore a neat leather hood like the Sims, besides hiding his mouth with something like a shawl, so I don't know who he looks like, but he's about Sheila-Lou tall and his physique is idle.

"... where is that girl opening the stall?

"What is it?

"I'm asking you where is that little girl named Mime?"

Light eyes glimmer me from the shadow of the hood.

So it turns out. It was Siri-Low, the disciple of Varcus, who had just broken up two days earlier.

"Oh, this is... what are they doing here?

"So you're telling me you're here looking for a daughter named that mime. How many times do I have to make you say the same word?

Really, the eye-fa that was pulling backwards comes in without sound. He is a woodland hunter who is more sensitive to men's malice and hostility than anyone else.

"Did you ask for Mim's cooking? That was a shame. She's full of purple moons and stopped working at the stall."

To my words, Siri-Low opened his eyes full of tears in his eyelids.

"Why? I thought you said that girl was encouraging street work in Inn Town too!

"You also said you ran out of time to study because of that stall job, right? Until they come up with a new dish, they're closed and they're going to focus on studying."

Moreover, Yumi and Naudis have also stopped working on the stalls by the third day of the silver moon. They were all planning to stall only on Easter, which was expected to be a big paycheck.

There were a lot of humans thinking that way, so the number of stalls is decreasing to about the same number as before Easter. Each time, our stalls and cafeterias slipped south to fill the void, and there was plenty of deserted space on the north side.

So there's no mime.

Siri-Low nodded disappointedly with his hands on his lap.

"Oh no... he said he'd crushed precious time and put his foot up to a place like this..."

"I'm sorry to hear that. If you like, why don't you even eat in my dishes?

"Your power is already known. I wanted to reaffirm the power of my daughter, Mime."

Remaining nagging, Siri-Low turns a puffy face.

It is also a gut to look up to you that you have lost so much power and yet you do not abandon your aversion to me.

"Siri-Low cares a lot about Mim, doesn't he? Is it because you're still younger than yourself?

"... Michele is one of the few cooks that Varcus has acknowledged. It's only natural that you should be concerned about the fate of her daughter."

"Really? So you don't want to worry about me being an immigrant because my methods are evil?"

Siri-Low is following me around to give it away from the bottom.

"No, this is how you get to Inn Town if you're for Mim, and you think about it, you feel a little sorry for it. I was just wondering if I didn't get along very well with you, the disciple of Varcus."

"... if it was enough to make you regret it, it might have been worth it to have gone all the way out to a place like this"

Siri-Low cursorily woke himself up, saying something much less mean.

"I'm leaving. If you see that girl, please say hello."

"Oh, I think if you were a mime, you'd come within less than a moment. I'm going to invite her to a settlement by the woods today."

"In a settlement by the woods? Why?"

"I don't care why they say it, but it's kind of like a rapport."

Yes, we had a better plan today, a sleepover in the settlement of Lou.

There are six members. Just like last time, it was Dora's father, Tara, Yumi, Terrier-Mass, Michelle, and Mime.

"... If you like, will Siri-Low join us?

Siri-Low opened his eyes again in a stunned manner.

"Why should I participate in such things? It's so painful to just come out to a dusty place like this!

"No, I've been thinking about getting people from Castle Town to join me for a long time. Michelle will be here for today's gathering as well as Mime."

Siri-Low became a tremendously confused eye-catcher, messing with the cloak and doing his hand around the temples, and then squeezing out the phrase "... you can't join a club you're not good at that".

"Besides, I'm going to have to go right back to my manipulation job. I rushed out on my lunch break."

"Really? That's a shame.... So, what do you say in three days? Actually, this meeting can be real."

During the course of business, it is difficult to entertain guests well. Therefore, on the tenth day of the Silver Moon, the day before the holidays, we had once again planned to host a welcome feast.

"Why do you insist on inviting me like that? Me and you shouldn't be in such a casual relationship, should we?

"Isn't that just how you hate me unilaterally? I want to spin as friendly an edge as possible with the disciples of Varcus."

Siri-Low kept the same length of silence again, and then he said, "Hmm!" I returned the calluses.

"I will never be flattered by you and others. You confound Varcus, you are my enemy."

Throw it away like that, and then take the streets for a small run.

"You'll never be flattered!

Is this the so-called flag? That's how Siri-Low quickly disappeared beyond the crowd.

"... that girl won't be happy that Varcus is obsessed with you. From what I can tell, that obsession seems off track."

And that's what Ey-Fa said in a somewhat grumpy voice.

"And, Asta, the imitation of increasing the number of guests at will without the permission of the Lew family should follow. It's only the Lew family that invites guests out of town, isn't it?

"Oh, shit, I'm sorry, that was careless."

"... and you're rotten trying to spin the edge with your young daughter again."

"Huh? No, that was just trying to get the edge right with someone who hates me...... hey, listen to me!

But Ai-Fa doesn't have ears to listen to when this happens.

As a result, I lost my opponent to the words of illustration, and I could stare at him from the straw Fay-Baim.

"... is Asta just trying to spin the edge with her young daughter?

"That's not true! It just so happens!

"It's a joke. If you disturb your feelings too much, you won't get an understanding, will you?

If Fay-Beim, who is always leaning back, is in enough mood to slap a joke at me, then that would be fortunate.

If you don't think so, it was the afternoon of Inn Town.

Thus the time moves, and it is two moments down.

We successfully sold out 1,000 meals today, and we took care of cleaning up later.

I think it's time for the mimes to come, and another person just shows up. It is the pinot of "A Seat of Gamleys".

"Thanks, you're tired. Thank you very much for coming after this, everyone by the forest."

The story of allowing them to accompany the Giva hunt was also delivered this morning. So today, a few of us were supposed to visit Luu's settlement in order to make a covert arrangement.

More than that, the rapprochement and sunshine with the people of the town were worn, but when they were false, the number of gibberishes increased, making it difficult to invite a single person into the forest. They just said a short greeting, and since the guests are mostly familiar with each other, there won't be any major problems.

"I'll let you chase after me in my luggage, too. Please don't be mean and leave me, eh?

I hide my mouth under shakers and laugh when I dull. After the "Day of Doom," she had come to reveal her emotions more honestly than before.

"Um, there's only one of your cars, right? Who the hell is coming to say hello?

"Hmm? There's only four of us today: Atashi, the sitter, Shantu, and then Lolo. What's wrong with that?

"No, actually, I have other guests today, so I hope it doesn't get any worse with you."

Pinot remained with the same expression and tilted his neck like a small animal.

"Ah, if that's the case, you don't have to worry about Nah. I can't believe everyone in town scares the shit out of Sun, because Zan, Doga and Zetta at best. As you know, the sitter is quiet while the sun is out."

"I'm sorry, I asked you rude things. It's not like you guys are going to do anything wrong."

However, Terrier-Mass was just a little scared of "A Seat of Gamleys," so I wanted to check it out again. Zan, a little man in a mask, or Doga, an uninterrupted big man, seems to induce Terrier-Mass fear just because of his appearance.

"If you're a person in town, it's not natural to hate Atashi and the others. The festivities have completely subsided, and Atashi and the others are losing their place."

The tent remained stretched, but they had already stopped doing business. When three days of the silver moon pass and Easter is completely over, they say, people's purse strings get really stiff.

"This time of year, it's like a trick to move to a town. If I catch Gibbs at the end of the day, I'm going to take it easy and head south this time."

"Really? I thought you were going to say goodbye soon, and you're going to miss me."

"It's the flowers that make you think that way. If you look at me like I'm bored, I'll be so depressed, I can't wait."

After saying it that way, Pinot hung his lips up to go.

That's how we took a rather unusual number of guests back to the woodland settlement.

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