Isekai Ryouridou

Count Dalaim's Ball (2) - The Beginning of the Feast

After being waited for a few dozen more minutes during the refrain, we were finally forced to go to the ballroom.

Since the venue was on the ground floor, they will take you down the stone stairs and lead you to the back of the mansion. There was more depth than the impression of appearance, so maybe that was an annex connected in the aisle.

The only difference is the lowest surname and the samurai, who all seem to be in a hurry. I guess we all have different jobs to pick up our guests and get ready for the ball to go on.

In front of the door that appeared at its end, there was still the figure of a guard with a long sword lowered.

What's more, there was something like a reception desk, where a modest but beautifully dressed woman stood up.

When Shayla ears, the woman comes closer to us with the grass cage by her side.

"Excuse me. Please put this flower ornament on."

"Flower decoration, is it?

"Yes, this red flower is a testament to your companionship, and the blue flower is a testament to your companionship."

An example is a procedure for avoiding pornography.

Dari-Sutty and Mil Fay-Sutty had red flower ornaments, and we had blue flower ornaments to add to our chests, respectively.

but the woman pulls into her original position without giving anything to the sister and brother of the Zaza family.

When I was suspicious, he noticed it. Sphyla-Zaza had turned a cold glance at me.

"In my sister's relationship with my brother, they're not going to be protected by something called castle town manipulation. So there's nothing for me and Georg."

"Huh? So you can't complain about being brought up with stories of sex?

"Still, stories of unacceptable sex floating around the forest's people should be conveyed to the nobles of Genos."

At that point, Sphyla-Zaza stuck his mouth.

George-Zaza is biting down the yawn, seemingly uninterested for the time being.

Could Graf-Zaza have dared to elect these two names to test the ethics of the nobles? If I didn't think so, I wouldn't have thought of any reason to go out of my way to make this combination after learning how to work in Castle Town.

(Of course that was one thing about Leeheim, so Pol Earth told me to make it thorough there too... are you sure it's okay?

Regardless of Georg-Zaza, who is dissipating his power as a hunter even when wrapped around a banquet costume, Sphyla-Zaza and others have quite a righteous face. Though it's a little too sharp to look at, even that seems to make a pitiful impression on some people. So she seemed attractive enough because she was having such a fine banquet costume.

Sheila-Lou, wearing blue flower decorations, is also full of different charms. She is not very flashy, but the atmosphere changes when wearing a banquet costume is a testament during the Rutim wedding.

Even if she wore a castle town banquet costume, she was still wretched like a little flower blooming under the moon. Even if I exclude Ai-Fa because it's already too special for me, it seems so attractive that it's not inferior to Spira-Zaza. All I could think of was the feeling that I looked good alongside my male second brother.

No, rather, wouldn't a man as fierce as Dalm-Lou deserve a woman as secretive and firm in the core as Sheila-Lou?

Coupled with a hopeful observation, it never seemed that way to me.

By the way, Mill Fay-Sauti with the red flower ornament also shows quite a piercing. A resolute bunch of women with a little similarity to Sphilla-Zaza, about how much younger they look than their age, but I guess it's still the difference in age. More than ten years older than Sfira-Zaza, and yet the mother of three children, she behaved with dignity in the first castle town she visited.

I don't even feel back at Tori, I can't feel any whimsy in the men or the women.

In a way, I guess I'm the least normal person in my mind.

While I was thinking about that, the door was wide open.

First, one of the lowest surnames enters the room and sounds a clear boy soprano voice.

"Dear Dali-Souti, Sheikh Mir Faye-Souti, Sheikh of the Forest, you are admitted."

That's how Shayla guides you, and Dari-Sauti and the others take the walk.

Apparently, the attendees of the ball have to enter after being given a name like this.

Next was Zaza's sister and brother, then the two of you from the Lou family, and finally me and Ai-Fa.

Perhaps the order was determined by the sequence at the woodland side. It is in the order of the chief himself, the heir of the chief, the second son of the chief, and the family without the chief muscle.

Anyway, we were supposed to knock on the door one last time.

What awaited us there were all aristocrats of men and women dressed in beautiful feast costumes.

The number would have been about four or fifty. We talked about a very inner circle meeting, but this is how many people came to be.

And the venue was so spacious that there was no infirmity when all those people gathered. If you pack it in, it looks like it could accommodate about 200 people.

Also, it was just gorgeously freshly decorated because it is a banquet venue.

The ceiling is lit by chandelier-like lighting, and candlesticks are also placed on round tables set all over the place, almost as bright as day. Still, a lot of windows were cut above the walls so as not to be out of acid.

Those lights are illuminated by the beautiful ornaments of Castle Town.

A carpet with long hairy feet is laid here on one side, and a tapestry of velvet is hung on the wall. On the wall in the front of the door was a huge crest of the Earl of Dalaim's house, and on its left and right were giant statues of white stone.

Men on the right and women on the left. Both are wrapped in long clothes, and men wear wheel-like discs, and women wear even the likes of the Holy Grail. Is it the gods that appear in the mythology of this continent? It is as if it is still moving, full of dynamism.

And indoors, there was a pleasant instrument tone in his ears.

Towards the wall on the right, all six musicians were gathered to make strange performances.

One of them played an instrument similar to Niya's seven-string guitar.

And then there's all sorts of banging percussion instruments like bongos, clawing strings like Indian sitars, whistling sideways. So woven was soft music with an oriental feel.

In the meantime, it was like people were enjoying playing and talking, while subtly watching us.

Most humans will see the people by the woods for the first time. Even if there was no great difference in what was wrapped around me, there was still no other human being with the stature of Dari-Sauti or Georg-Zaza, and it was also true that brown skin.

"Ladies and gentlemen by the woods, this way please."

With Shayla's guidance, we were led to the table behind our left hand.

Nevertheless, I don't see any kind of chair. Today, the format of the catering party has been taken. On the table were lots of bottles and glasses of vitreous and ceramic.

"I've been waiting for you. Looks like a breath disaster. Above all, Dari-Sautti."

and the person who was arrayed at the table next door comes close without sound.

It was melfried, wrapped around a western-like feast costume based on white.

"Oh, I could finally see the face I saw. Looks like you're breathing too, Mel Fried."

"Uhm.... that's your wife?

Melfried's cold gray eyes capture the look of Mill Fay-Sauti.

Mill Fay-Sauti bowed his head small with a resolute face.

"My name is Mill Fay-Sauti, wife of Dari-Sauti. I'm sorry if I've been rude."

"At the ball, you don't have to worry so much about etiquette.... you were the son and daughter of the Zazas."

I guess Georg-Zaza, who matched at the martial arts club, as well as Sphilla-Zaza, face each other at the feast of the celebration. Once defeated by this Goren, George-Zaza had glimpsed Melfrid with a grumpy, extreme glance.

So, what remains are the faces of Fa and Lu.

Only Darum-Lou was almost the first to meet, but the other three were in quite a subtle relationship.

"I'm out of time, Mel Fried. Uh, it feels strange to say hello in advance..."

"Asta at Fa's house. Sure, it seems like this is the first time I've greeted you in this way, even though you look at me every once in a while."

I was often invited to Castle Town as my number, and Melfried, a mediator with the people of the woods, was more or less in the same position.

But we've known each other for a long time.

Anyway, the first time I looked at him was at Kimmus's Tail Pavilion in Inn Town. He hid his face with a thin dirty bandage, named it Hahn the Doubag, and it was there with Camua-Josh.

Even then, he and I were in the same spot when we brought Zazz-Sung captured in the woods, when Tay-Sung raided us, and - besides - when we confronted Cycleus and Silel directly. It was the bizarre relationship between Mel Fried and me that I only counted the words I had personally exchanged while sharing such an outrageous event.

"Oh, isn't it a good idea to slip out? Why don't you introduce us to all of you by the woods?

and a new person approaches from behind Melfrid.

And his companion Eurifia, and their son Odifia.

This is the pattern of frequent exchanges of words at dinner parties, tea parties, etc.

"Well, you... are you the one who was made to dress as a martial artist during the tea party?

To Eurifia's words, Ai-Fa nodded "um".

"It's Ai-Fa, the people by the woods, the head of Fa's house. I can't talk like that, but I want you to forgive me."

"Well, you look like a lady, but when you open your mouth, you look like a lord. It's kind of fun."

Eurifia is smiling with real pleasure, and Ai-Fa keeps a well-behaved, faceless look.

"So, you... I'm sorry, you've been face-to-face a few times, haven't you? However, of the Lew family…"

"My name is Sheila-Lou, and I am the sister of my parents Sin-Lou, a branch of Lou. This is Luu's home, my second brother, Darum-Lu."

Sheila-Lou prayed with elegant manners, and Dalm-Lou only saluted at the top of the Buddha.

To that appearance, Eurifia gives another "well" voice.

"Really, the people by the woods all have a good look at you and your ladies. If I hadn't worn that blue flower ornament, it would have been a big mess."


"The main house of Luu means the son of Donda-Lu, who looked like that. My first son, Giza-Lou, had such a big body that he couldn't beat your father, but you... you know, those blue fire eyes might look just like your father."

Darum-Lou listens to Eurifia in silence.

Is the light crease around that brow a sign of distress as to what words to return?

Sheila-Lou, who was sneaking a sneak peek at the side of Dalm-Lou like that, spoke with his head down again.

"Darm-Luu was originally an oligarchy temper, and this will be almost the first time he has exchanged words with the aristocrats. Can you forgive me for making my mouth a lot heavier?"

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that. My companion will always be as silent as a stone if he doesn't feel comfortable."

Eurifia laughed by the way, then pointed to her son at her feet.

"Now let me introduce you to our beloved daughter. My first daughter, Odifia. … Odifia, say hello"

Odifia also remained silent and did the trick of pinching a skirt full of frills with its little fingertips.

As always, she is your daughter who is as loving as a French doll and yet has no shards of love.

Having seen the little princess, Darum-Lou glanced back at Melfried with a face that even a hard stone swallowed.

"... you're the one with the same eyes as your father and daughter."

"Oh, I knew you'd think so. The hard-working part is like my father, and the runaway part is like me."

Eurifia laughs with pleasure, and Darum-Lou puts his head on disappointment.

Is it the result of his attempts to communicate with me? The father and daughter are just glowing gray eyes without expression, but, well, they can't even feel smiling.

"By the way, Dari-Sauti, it may be too rude to talk in such a setting, but I just want to tell you one thing"

And, once his partner closed his mouth, Melfried spoke.

"An example of an incident of theft in Turan territory. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any sign that the killer who attacked someone named Michel or the guards deliberately overlooked it"

Melfried's eyes finally swoop cold as he says in an emotional voice.

"From my eyes, however, I did not believe that the discipline of the guards in charge of Turan territory was maintained. Instead of questioning the location of the responsibility, he was unable to obscure which squad members were patrolling the area that night. Even if they suspect that the guard was in charge of one of the sinners' bars, I can't explain it. I intend to create a venue for talks with the leader of the Militia Corps and thoroughly solidify my discipline."

"The head of the militia must have been the one entrusted to that great sinner named Silhouel after he lost his leg."

"Hmm. The man is a man worthy of trust, but I doubt he would have rebuilt a militia that has been corrupt for only ten years. From now on, I would also like to work on rebuilding the Militia."

I don't know the reality of decadence, but the guards have a terrible reputation even in Inn Town. Some guards are as honest as Mars, but more than that, the impression of nobility is distracted.

Well, a villain like Silhouel had reigned at the top for ten years, so I guess that's just the same thing. If Mel Fried's cold eyes get there too, can he get a bright end to it?

"Because I'm already rapping when I'm talking about your job. It's really rude, isn't it, Mel Fried?

And when Eurifia beckoned him with a voice containing laughter, and the voice of his last name echoed from behind.

"Dear Count Dalaim, Lord Powd and Countess Rittier, you are hereby admitted."

Finally, it is the appearance of your lord.

We turned around and waited for the invitee to come in.

Quite a penetrating, magnificent man reveals himself, along with a small, round woman.

Will they both be in their mid-forties? The owner has a disappointing physique, really loose and wrapped his moustache, and the lady has tied her hair over her head that begins to wrap around the white one. They both wore loose silk long coats, weaving purple clear shoulder straps.

"Dear Count Dalaim, First Son Addis, Second Son Polearth, Second Son Lady Merrim, you are admitted"

And even their sons are coming.

Polearths felt less unusual. However, there is a slight increase in the number of ornaments and they are just weaving the same shoulder straps as your parents.

The first time I met him, you had a rather harsh appearance of a beard and beard from your father. Physical fitness, as a people in the west, feels like a bone marrow. They all wear white long clothes and purple shoulders, as I said.

And it is the depths of Polearth.

This one, I'm going to be a little surprised.

He looked a lot younger than Pole Earth, and yet he was a cool beauty.

He has impressive chestnut twirled curly hair and has big eyes like a rabbit. The light peach dress suited well, somewhat small, but the footsteps felt light and full of life.

Thus the clan of the Earl of Dalaim stood in front of the wall on the back, pushing straight through the great hall.

Under the crest of the Count's house, the Lord lifts up his thick voice.

"We are deeply grateful to you for having responded to our invitation today. Nothing is a tough gathering, so please enjoy it."

People put the liquor cup on the table and smacked their hands like a creek spiral.

"We are also inviting special guests from outside the castle town tonight....... Polearths"

"Yes, Lord Dari-Sauti, may I ask for your help here?

Dari-Sautti approached you in an unparalleled foothold.

People are watching over it by hiding their twirls.

"This is Lord Dari-Sauti, chief of the people by the woods. We have invited seven other guests from the forestside settlement, so we hope you will deepen your rapport as the same people of Genos"

Polearth was grinning, but this would be the first face to face father or brother you were looking up at the Dali-Souti giant in a rather tense face.

"Por Earth, may I also state my greetings on this occasion?

"Yeah, sure. That's okay, isn't it, Father?

"Ugh, um. … Now let's give a word of greeting from Lord Dari-Sauti, the chief of the forest."

"Thank you. I'm not a nobleman. I'm a hunter by the woods, so forgive my awkwardness."

That's how Dari-Sauti slowly looked around at the people in the venue.

"We, the people of the woods, were once unable to make the right connection with the former lord of Count Turan's house, thus also causing great annoyance and disaster to the people of Genos. I hope to spin the right edge so as not to invite such unfortunate events in the future. Sometimes you may have feelings and thoughts because of the difference between what you value in a town and a forest, but I hope you still strive to respect your presence."

Speaking that way in a very calm voice, Dari-Sauti looked back at the father of Polearth.

"I am also grateful to you today for creating opportunities to get closer to the people in town. Don't hesitate to entertain us if we violate the fashion of Castle Town.... from me, that's all."

"Uhm. I just wanted to say hello again, so I'll see you then"


Dari-Sautti thanked us and returned to us with all due respect.

I'm supposed to be only 26 years old with him, but it's a really grand standing behavior. It was also unique, then, to Dari-Sauti that it would not give him an unnecessary sense of intimidation.

"Well, first of all, I want you to enjoy the musicians playing and eating more"

The door opened wide, along with the words of our Lord Powd.

From there, the maidens and maids with the dishes on the table enter one after the other. It wasn't supposed to be enough engraving for the sun to set yet, but they can start eating early.

"You just have to enjoy the meal lightly first and then sift as everyone likes. Freedom to dance, freedom to talk. You don't have to think hard about anything."

With a constant smile, Eurifia explained it to me that way.

In the meantime, different dishes are arranged on the table.

One large plate was loaded with one type of dish like a mountain, and eating it the way you like in a Viking format seemed to be the way to go.

"It's supposed to be impeccable to use plates, so they're all made into these little shapes. When it's not in your mouth, throw it in your empty kettle."

As for that, I had already heard from Raina-Lou, who would also take Kamado's turn. So he decided to give me Advice on how to finish the dish.

"Thank you kindly. Wow, this looks delicious."

I said it from the bottom of my heart, nagging, but I heard dissatisfied voices from the rear.

"All this is all the food in town. What's Kamadoku doing by the woods?

Naturally, it was George-Zaza.

When did he get the glass, and the area around his eyes is stained slightly red.

"This Kamadoku number arrived late, so I think it's still cooking. You'll also be served Gibba's food in it."

"Hmm. There's no way in the mouth of a hunter, like noble food."

Georg-Zaza was still a disgruntled face, but he was nonetheless whispering, exercising a lack of self-control.

The Ai-Fa and Dalm-Lu were not there to raise their discontent, either, but they look at the mountain of cooking with a completely indifferent look. Do you think that if Giva dishes are to be served any time soon, there is no need to force them here?

"Sheila-Lou, should we get ahead of ourselves here after all?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

So we first picked up a plate arranged on a nearby table.

As Eurifia had just mentioned, they are all dishes divided into mouth-sized sizes. The most popular seemed to be the round, flat fuwano dough with 6 or 7 cm diameter topped with different ingredients.

Others can also see dishes stabbed on skewers. However, they are mostly mouth sized and easy to eat. Besides, sweet treats seemed to be served at the same time as the dishes.

"Um, that's Jan and the disciples of Varcus. It's hard to imagine the flavor in appearance."

"Right. For example, meat seems to dominate."

While stating so, Sheila-Lou pinched one of the dishes.

Indeed, there are slices of lightly reddish carons and meat on them. Between Fuwano and me, thinly chopped cheese was caught and hung with green sauce on top.

Sheila-Lou, who mouthed it, opened his eyes to surprise after just one chew.

"This is... amazingly soft. And what the hell is this flavor?"

I was greatly curious and decided to mouth the same dish.

So, surprise me.

"Oh, this is probably like 'Roast Giva' I make. It's steaming caron meat. But this softness..."

Even carons are softer than giva meat, if it is breast or back meat. but the meat used in this dish had a texture that was as thick as seven or eight millimeters but melted and collapsed.

"Asta, isn't this a bit like that dish? Long ago, I spoke in Castle Town..."

"Yes. That's the meat dish served to Timaro, isn't it? I remember that, too."

Rudd-Lou, who tasted, said, "That's a chunk of fat!" And it was that meat dish that was crooked.

That was just making countless holes in the meat before cooking with thin needles and injecting fat into it, creating incredible softness. The texture in the same row can be felt from this dish.

But I didn't feel unprecedented greasy, like I felt then.

Of course, fat is probably used in large quantities, but the flavor of meat is worse than that. It tasted like a steak of frosted meat even though it was steamed, and the texture was smooth as tofu.

"It tastes delicious or strange. But nothing offensive at all."

"I agree. Plus, the sauce hanging on top is excellent again. I think it's a blend of some kinds of vanilla and melted it with white mammalian vinegar, but I'm not sure which vanilla you're using for a bit."

After that conversation, I looked back at my compatriots.

All six of my compatriots watched over us with a rather frightening eye.

"I just ate a mouthful, is that true? By the time you say all the dishes, it's gonna be dawn."

Representing the same sentiment, Ey-Fa said it that way.

"Yeah, well, but when it comes to the usual, it's always the same, right?

"For the Astas, is that what it always is? Don't let that enthusiasm impress you at all."

Saying, Dari-Sauti pinched up the same dish.

Soon as I stop, I can throw the whole dish in my big mouth.

"Oh, this is incredible. You might want to keep your mouth shut, George-Zaza."

"Hmm. I don't want to talk from the start."

"Well, let's see what we can find in your mouth."

Furthermore, Dari-Sauti also threw the unidentified dish, which was on the plate next door, into his mouth.

"Um, this is a face demon too. I'm not sure if it's meat or vegetables."

"Da, dari-souti, don't push me too hard, okay? We'll take that role."

"But this is also the heart and soul of the nobles of Dareim. As a chief, you can't complain without eating."

That being said, Dari-Sauti smiled delightfully.

"Besides, I've already been fed something called Castle Town cooking. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised."

This kind of part is perhaps the best of the three chiefs, Dali-Souti. While being conservative and solid, he also has the flexibility to get through to Gazran-Rutim somewhere.

That's how we braved Operation Roller for three of us.

The aim is to have a good taste of the dishes of Castle Town. And to find out from it that which is likely to be in the mouth of the people by the woods.

Different dishes were actually served on the spot. The fuwano dough on which it is based also varies from baked or fried in conjunction with dishes, to kiln-roasted or steamed.

Some of the dishes were not quite clapping.

A dip of dried kiki, like tomato tarrapa and plum, soothed with mammalian vinegar, and what it was wrapped in the fragrant skin of Kimmus, or caron meat marinated in a jam of lumpy sugar aloof, would not have been in the mouth of a very woodland people. Me and the others, too, were supposed to swallow them with tears sometimes.

The people of Castle Town have a strong temperament for superior cuisine that can be complex or bizarre.

Even Timaro's dishes, which we couldn't accept, were accepted by the Polearths without any dissatisfaction. Even at this time, I was able to fully understand such gaps in food culture.

But after all, even if it is called universal, it seems to exist in the world as well.

If universality is a major concern, we can call it the maximum common denominator. There is also a flavor that I, the people of the woods and all the people of Castle Town, who have grown up in a completely different food culture, think is "delicious".

We were able to discover several dishes with that flavour from a few of the dishes.

"Ai-fa, this is delicious. Why don't you try it if you like?


"It was Jan and Siri-Low who made these. Wouldn't it be a little bit of a waste to not taste a mouthful of that?

"... Speaking of which, even at the dinner party of the Earl of Saturas, it was those daughters named Siri-Low who were cooking"

Ai-Fa gave up his expression a little and took the dish I pointed out.

The content is that the finely chopped caron meat is soaked in tau oil or vanilla and perhaps broiled. The appearance of finely chopped meat cooked reddish brown wrapped around a whirlpool was somewhat odd, but the taste was superb.

"Hmm. Don't feel better than what I ate in a dough bag"

"Don't you? I highly recommend this one too."

It was a dish that scissored the loosely roasted fish itself with slices of raw gigo and hung with a sauce of vanilla, sugar and red mammalian vinegar.

The texture of the gigo and baked fish reminiscent of the yapotatoes is exquisite, and the flavoring is also wonderfully in harmony with the spiciness, sweetness and sourness. The fish itself was also flavored with smoke, which was very laborious.

Moreover, the fuwano at the base is fried caratly with the oil of Leten. I guess that oil content is part of the calculation. It was a triumph that convinced us that this would be absolutely at the hands of the disciples of Varcus.

"That tastes strange. Sure, I think it's delicious."

None of the people besides I-Fa looked dissatisfied at all.

In addition, to Dari-Sauti's first remarks, he did not try to reject the dishes that Sufila-Zaza could also recommend, even feeding his brother without question. Neither did the dissatisfied face George-Zaza curse those dishes as "unsavory".

"How about it, Dalm-Lou?

In response to Sheila-Lou's call, the rugged second brother of the Lou family is also responding to the "oh."

"I guess this is what Giza and Rudd were saying about cooking. I don't think Giva's unused dishes taste good from the bottom of my heart... but I'm sure people in town think this stuff tastes good, and I don't think it's sticky either"

"Yeah. I'm sure this is a dish at the hands of the Siri-Laws"

To Sheila-Lou's words, Dalm-Lou said, "Siri-Lou?" and look a lot more haughty.

"... Oh, the daughter of Castle Town who was heading out to the feast of Luu's settlement. Speaking of which, he was involved in today's feast."

"Yeah. Darum-Lou was a little tied to her, too, wasn't he?"

That word says, "No?" The reply was to be brought.

"I was in the same place, but I don't remember exchanging words. You don't have to run errands on me."

"No, just for a few moments, but you would have given Darum-Lou her figure, wouldn't you? I was picking up" Gibba's Whole Grill "for her, back then."

Still, Darum-Lou was just leaning his neck against the urchin.

Sheila-Lou gets a laugh like she can't see.

"You don't remember. Dalm-Lou had a little too much alcohol back then."

"Say what. I did fall asleep on the way, but I never lost my memory because of alcohol"

"You must be forgetting the very fact that you lost your memory. Take care today."

"So you're telling me you've never been exposed to anything like that."

The look of Darum-Lou insisting like a child made me smile even from my eyes.

Besides, Sheila-Lou seems very happy. As I had expected, Darum-Lou looked so lightly open to the feast costume of Ai-Fa that he did not seem to have had any special interest since.

(Instead, it looks like it's exactly the same against Sheila-Lou... but I knew I was just making it normal and it would look good on me)

Unexpectedly, the people by the woods were natural even in such a place.

Guys, I guess the liver is sitting still. It seems that the people of the woodland are working well at this time that it doesn't matter how the others see it.

However, since I left the Melfrid family, I haven't had any interaction with anyone else at all. Since this is a feast of rapprochement, mere solidification in the body should not have served.

and so on, and when I thought so, there was a bunch of people approaching me as if the word had been conveyed.

"Hey, you're late to say hello. I hope you're enjoying yourselves, folks by the woods."

Looking back, there stood a smiling pore earth.

Behind it, moreover, even his parents, his brother and his partner refrain.

We finally gave Count Dalaim a chance to get to know each other.

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