Isekai Ryouridou

Accommodation Town Exchange (1) - New Attempts

Even after the feast of rapprochement at the Lou family, we were able to have peaceful days.

During this period, the nearest family members of Fa's house were in the period of rest. During the last period of rest, both men and women were supposed to rush through their days in order to drain blood and cook their way to their families living far away, but this time, it took them to cultivate the love they thought they would have with their families.

Especially at Sudra's house, I was able to ask Yun-Sudra how happy I am every day because of my twin babies.

Moreover, Chim-Sudra had just welcomed Ea Fou Sudra as his daughter-in-law, and furthermore, the Fou men and the Run women, who are exchanging wedding promises, went to Sudra's house, which was a full reputation of unprecedented glamour.

After all, although the house of Fa was swamped with an intruder named Tia of the Red People, by this time she had also been able to fully blend into the life of Fa's house.

It is a noisy but peaceful day, with the addition of Totos gills, Hound braves, Keeper dogs gilbe and six tiers.

When you finish your business in the lodging town and return to Fa's house, the Ai-Fas will greet you with a total outing. Only then could I feel unusual happiness.

With Ai-Fa remaining in the house, neither Tia nor the Lou family can keep it at this time of year, and she spends all her time at Fa's house. He's been looking forward to watching Ai-Fa encourage him to work out and to flirting with Brave and Zilbe. Sometimes it seems that Tia also tries to climb the tree with only her arms and left foot, so that her body doesn't get loose, but until the bones on her right foot are connected, resting is the best medicine after all. Compared to the hunter's workout that Ai-Fa was doing, it was really a small rehab story.

"But the Red People still seem to have tremendous power. From the point of view of the people of the town, they would not seem like the same people"

Ai-Fa, he said, as such.

Well, it was also the best story because it is a physical ability that allows one foot to jump to a height higher than his own.

Besides, Tia was also skillful with her bow arm.

With the forgiveness of Ai-Fa, Tia, who had a bow for herself, had made a target guess with it if only she had a hippo. And the power was mutual or more with Ai-Fa.

"I could have guessed a lot more today than I did i-fa. Tia is so proud to be able to beat a good bowman like I = Fa"

One day he was a tier who had made such remarks and oiled the struggling heart of Ai-Fa.

But well, I guess some parts of it have been a good stimulus for I-Fa. Although there are many occasions when it can be argued with, from my point of view, it was also a smiling sight.

By the way, Donda-Lou was also told the next day about the story Grandma Ziva was telling on the night of the feast.

Um, it's an astonishing thought that the ancestor of the people by the woods, the 'clan of white queens', is the blood of the red people.

But we were told that Donda-Lou was not disturbed at all.

"It's not a story that proves anything, and where it proved it, it's irrelevant to the people by the woods today"

Donda-Lou said so decisively, apparently.

Of course, me and Ai-Fa are in the same mood. Even if the roots of the people by the woods were identical to those of the red people, that was centuries ago. The path is already divided at a time when we accepted the Gaze clan flowing from Sim's territory and abandoned our faith in the Great God without name. The people by the woods today were the people of the clean western kingdom, with Morga Forest as their mother and Selva the western god as their father.

After that, Grandma Ziva's reflections were to be conveyed to Tia, but even then, there were no statements that would shake our resolve. After all, even for Tia the Red People, the people by the woods, not the Great God, but the Western God Selva as their father, were stories that could not be welcomed as compatriots.

"But maybe Ziba-Lou's thinking is right. From the beginning, Tia thought the people by the woods resembled the Red People."

Tia is what she was talking about.

"But after all, the people by the woods are the people of the outside world. He worships a great god and uses iron tools. Even if they were compatriots before, the chiefs of the Red People would never welcome the people of the woods today as compatriots."

Tia may have been fortunate enough to say that to me in a way.

Although I or Ai-Fa or Donda-Lu or Grandma Ziba could have believed that life was the right thing to do now, I don't know if all clan people would think that way. The weaker the interaction with the people of the town, the more appealing it should seem to be to the red people.

(If, more than a year ago, Ai-Fa or Donda-Lu or Grandma Ziba had met Tia... I wonder if they would have found that life enviable)

On top of that, if the Red People had rejected it, it would already be a tragedy.

Why should we treat the foolish aristocrats as monarchs and the people of the town who despise themselves as barbarians - once Zazz-Sung. Yet, it may have caught such thoughts, carrying endless boredom and grief. At any rate, it even seemed natural to think so because Cycleus represented the lord at the time and his relationship with the people of the town was in the worst possible condition.

But now the people by the woods are breaking off their bad relationship with Cycleus and building normal relationships with the nobles and the people of the town. That's how we believed that all families should come to the same thought, as long as it took some time, although only some families were still feeling it.

That is how time passes in peace - it is about the fourth day of the Blue Moon.

Three days had passed since the feast of rapprochement, and a little event was to be held that day.

Now the young people by the woods are invited to the lodging town.

Nevertheless, it's not that much of a big deal. However, only six people from the woodland who would participate in the event were designated as having the capacity of one luggage truck.

Is it worth noting that I am not included in it?

The event was to come from the dialogue between Joo-Run and Yumi on the night of the feast.

"... it's time for the Joo-Runs to come down to Inn Town."

Yun-Sudra, who had received 'Giva Meat and Nanar Carbonara' in the next stall, was so crushed by the sigh mix.

"Really, wouldn't it make a funny noise? I'm worried sick."

"Yeah, well, I don't know if it's okay. At Easter, because the people of the woods were able to have fun with the people of the town."

"But at that time, people from the Asta and Lew families would have taken the time between us, right? Just the Joo-Runs who don't interact with the people in town so much, can they stay safe... I guess I'm anxious"

"It's okay. I'm sure Yumi and the others will take it well there."

When I answered that, Yun-Sudra lowered her brow butt with an indescribable face.

"I like Yumi, too, and I trust him. But... does Yumi sometimes violate the laws of Genos? That's what Ben and the others said at the feast."

"Oh, you talk about how Yumi used to get picked up by guards all the time. But I'm sure that's what you're talking about, like, paying back outlaws. Yumi's working Westwind Pavilion was talking about a bunch of outlaws coming together."

At least, Yumi never sins for his own gain. That's all I could believe.

"If the hunters by the woods were around, then yes, the outlaws wouldn't even come close. Even if it gets closer, if it's the Joo-Runs, we can hold them off without causing a hand injury."

Of course I wasn't relieved to let go either, but more than that, I was delighted with what happened this time. The people of Moribe and the people of Cebu Town decided to hold such an exchange event without my presence. This was also supposed to be a major step for the people by the woods.

"Hey, Asta! Haven't the Joo-Runs come yet?

What a rumor, and Yumi appeared.

Yun-Sudra snaps her mouth in a panic and makes me laugh back "hey".

"Is it time for a moment downstairs? You should be here by the time you promise."

"Oh well. Well, then, let me wait here!

Behind Yumi stood a sloppy line of young people attending this event.

He was also at the feast, Ben, Levi and Cargo, helping Yumi stall at Easter, Louis. Besides, I don't know his name, but I know his face well, he's a girl of the same age. They were all Yumi's friends and, for us, regular guests of the stalls.

"There were a lot of other people who wanted to join us. I thought it would be annoying if we pushed too many people into the stall, and they decided to rendezvous later."

Ever since I mentioned it that way, Yumi has laughed more.

"We're all thrilled to hear you can get close to the people by the woods. At the next gathering, Asta's in, right?

"Yeah, sure. I'm looking forward to it, too."

Initially, I was solicited to this event.

But I'm still pretty busy with this. Until the second moment of descent, it is the business of the stall, after which the work of descending for the next day awaits. Even during this period, due to harvest festivals and study groups, he was temporarily closed or reduced in the number of dishes, so he wanted to do his job exactly for the five days of the quarter. Nor was the job of wholesale cooking to the inn a cycle that Fa's house would receive this semester, let alone rest the day before.

So, if it's the day before the holidays, it's also possible to make time after the stall business, but the next holiday was the 8th of the blue moon. Then the period was too empty, so it was decided that this event would be dared without me first.

If we can live this day safely, on the seventh day of the Blue Moon, a second exchange meeting is to be held. The rest period was only about half a month, so it seemed like that's the prospect of me playing as much as I could in the meantime.

"Um, Yumi, thank you so much for today. Joo-Run and the others shouldn't be too obsessed with what they call the inn town flush..."

When Yun-Sudra spoke as he could not see, Yumi said, "Hmm?" He was leaning his neck.

"You look a lot more worried. Why are you so worried about Yun-Sudra like that?

"That's because, um... today, the Yummies invited us all to be Sudra's blood..."

"Ah, shit! Run or Fou is Sudra's blood! It's okay, because I would never imitate being called a guard!

At that time, Ben, who was behind Yumi, raised his voice "Oh".

"Looks like we're here. I knew people by the woods would stand out from afar."

When I looked, too, a group of people by the woods was certainly approaching from the southern direction.

Leading the way is Jou-Run, rarely. Joo-Run was waving this way with an idyllic grin.

"Thank you for waiting. Have you been a little late?

"Fine, fine! Totos and his luggage were properly deposited."

"Yes. Asta taught me. I left it in the lodge."

It was, of course, about The Tail Pavilion of Kimmus. If you're going to leave your luggage with Totos in Inn Town, you're going to have to use an inn or a Totos shop.

"You could have kept it at our house, because every once in a while there are idiots trying to sneak into the warehouse. If it's Kimmus's Tail Pavilion on Main Street, you can rest assured!

"Yes, there was a Terrier-Mass in the lodging and he said hello to Yumi"

"Oh, at the next gathering, I'm going to call Terrier-Mass too! The others are waiting elsewhere, so say hello with this blush first!

In this way, it is your introduction. The Moribe faction was all consolidated in Fou's blood.

The names I know are Joo-Run and Chim-Sudra and EA Foo-Sudra. The other three were Fou's second brother in the main house, and the women of Fou's division, and the women of Lan's main house.

"You're talking about Joo-Run and Chim-Sudra being the only ones at this previous feast, right? They're all my people, so make friends."

Even to the first person I meet, Yumi laughs uncontrollably. The young women by the woods, who were opposed to it, were all bowing down to their knees.

"Well, let's start with your tummy! Guys, did you get the copper coins?

"Yes, I've kept it from Birdu-Fow"

The event was scheduled to begin with a snack at our stall and end with dinner at the Westwind Pavilion. It was an unprofessional practice for the people of Moribe to serve copper coins and eat in the boarding town, but it was to be recognized as a "social expense" by the head of the parent family, Burdu-Fou.

"Buying food with copper coins from Asta and Yun-Sudra is kind of a very odd comfort. … but it also feels fun"

Joo-Run laughed, stating so.

From next door, Chim-Sudra peeks into the stall looking interesting.

"But they all look delicious. Don't worry about what to buy."

"Then I guess I should just buy one street of food at a time. If we share that, we can enjoy all the food."

It is permissible to eat the same dishes even if you are not a family member, as long as you prepare the dishes for splitting. My proposal was quickly accepted and a dish of 12 people was to be bought from six stalls.

"It's also unusual to mouth such fine dishes from noon. You're going to eat too much."

"We have time before dinner, so you can eat as much as you want! At night, I'll sift my arms!

After all, it seemed to be Yumi who partitioned the members of the boarding town, and Jou-Run who partitioned the members by the woods. The two names, who have bonded intimacy at the feast, are grinning in a very unbreakable way.

Yun-Sudra sighed deeply again as such a lively group walked away to the Blue Sky Dining Room with lots of food.

"Is it really okay? I can't resist anxiety."

"Really? I'm not that worried... but I guess Yun-Sudra doesn't really trust you about Joo-Run?

Yun-Sudra is probably concerned about that because he is one of the only people beset by the woodland of Jou-Run who has done so.

I thought that way, but Yun-Sudra was shaking her head "no".

"I'm not thinking Joo-Run makes a useless noise...... I really do care"

"Huh? If it's me, I'll talk to you."

Yun-Sudra has been walking around a lot and then leaning in my ear.

"Now, please keep it a secret.... Ah, you won't be able to make a secret out of Ai-Fa, though that's fine"

"Thanks for noticing. So, what do you care so much about?

"As a matter of fact... so many Fou and Run women both seemed to have their hearts set on Joo-Run"

I was supposed to make my eyes squeeze.

"Joo-Run is popular with unmarried women, isn't he? But how does that make Yun-Sudra worried?

"That's because I care about their mood."

Still, I didn't know what Yun-Sudra was going to say.

Yun-Sudra bites his sigh to death, while he comes back to his mouth.

"Don't you see? I think they are concerned that love will sprout between Joo-Run and Yumi. So I guess I'm supposed to give this gathering a name."

"Yeah? Joo-Run and Yumi? 'Cause you two were having your first conversation at a feast before this. Which one are you two friends with?

"But Yumi said she wanted to marry you by the woods, right? So I think they're worried because Joo-Run is looking like he broke it down like that."

But they're not at the feast of rapprochement, so they shouldn't have seen Joo-Run and Yumi interacting or anything.

Let me tell you that, Yun-Sudra swung her sigh several times.

"Joo-Run said he was happy to talk at Run's house about how he was able to deepen ties with the Yummies at the feast of rapprochement. So I decided to even talk to Yumi about this kind of gathering, so I guess it's the only thing that worries them."

"But... I wonder if Joo-Run could ever have a crush on Yumi? They're people from Inn Town, aren't they?

"... It's hard for me to even imagine how Joo-Run would feel. Joo-Lan has too many sexual roots..."

That was the same thing with me.

But Joo-Lan still couldn't break his feelings for Ai-Fa, and he was worried about himself. By uncovering that concern, I would have decided to deepen my ties with Yumi - can there be times this time I'm in love with that Yumi, etc?

(... yeah, well sure, I can't imagine how Joo-Run would move his feelings either)

In the meantime, no matter how each person's feelings moved, please let them fit in round - as far as I'm concerned, I could only pray that way.

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