Isekai Ryouridou

Twenty-third day of the blue moon ② - seventh stall

That's how we're headed to Inn Town.

Meet the people of the Lou family as well and push on with three luggage cars. Malfira-Naham was bowing his head again when several Kamadoku numbers of Luu's blood were to be on board.

Upon arrival in Accommodation Town, head to Kimmus's Tail Pavilion. The task of delivering food to other inns was decided to ask Yun-Sudra.

(Anyway, today is the first contract for Tul-din's stall. I need to see it through.)

Besides, you should also introduce Malfira-Naham, a newcomer.

When we went to the Kimmus Tail Pavilion, it was Terrier-Mass sitting at the reception desk.

"Good morning. Dad and Levi are in the warehouse, so pick up the stall from there."

"Yes, I understand.... And since we're going to have this Malfira-Naham help with the stalls from today, I'm going to introduce you to this one. I think we'll be going down to Inn Town every day for a while, thank you."

Malfira-Naham is bowing his head again. Terrier-Mass smiled at me as I opened my eyes to that tall height.

"I am the daughter of this inn, and my name is Terrier-Mass. Thank you for your patience with the folks by the woods outside of business."

"Ha, yes. Nice to meet you."

Compared to this Murphyra-Naham, Terrier-Mass seemed many times more prestigious.

With such thoughts in his chest, he turned to the back of the inn and Milan-Math and Levi were in the middle of repairing the warehouse door.

"Hey, everyone by the woods, good morning"

"Morning, Levi. Door repair?

"Oh, it looks like the earthquake just left me a little bit of a bad builder."

Levi, who would state so, was looking completely fine back. There is also flesh on the cheeks that were sprinkled, and they are exactly as they were before.

Milan-Math greets are there too, scraping the edge of the door removed with a small knife. Introducing Malfira-Naham just returned a blurry voice called "Oh".

In the meantime, with the way he decides to, Tour-Din moves forward in front of Milan-Math.

"Oh, you know, Milan-Math. As I told you the other day, I'd like to rent a new stall from today..."

"Yeah? Oh, it's you. Well, then, you could have created a candy to sell at the stall."

"Yes. Can I borrow your stall......?

"Hmm. It's business to rent a stall over here. No reason to say no to anything."

Ever since I mentioned it that way, Milan-Math has looked around at us.

"Except this is the last stall we're dealing with. When you add more stalls, ask another inn."

"Yes, the people by the woods are going to rent all the stalls."

"Hmm. It's the first time that every stall pays even though it's not Easter. As much as I appreciate it."

Saying on the top of the Buddha, Milan-Math pointed his gaze at Levi.

Levi nods and walks into a warehouse with his mouth open. Pulled out of there was a stall that felt a lot older.

"This guy kept his wheels off. I fixed it yesterday because Tour-Din said he wanted to come in."

"Oh, did you? Sorry for the inconvenience..."

"There's nothing to be sorry about. If you leave it broken, you're just going to eat the place for nothing."

Milan-Math put the knife in his sheath before offering his hand to Tour-Din.

"Two white copper coins for ten days each for the rent and location of the stall."

"Yes. Please, this way."

Tour-Din offers you the same copper coin as he told you from his lumbar compartment.

Receiving it, Milan-Math nodded loudly.

"Okay. It's an old stall, but it's like never breaking it. Encourage business."

"Yes. Thank you."

Tour-Din smiled as if to haunt him.

It is a smile mixed with anxiety and pride.

I was feeling like I was watching a chick nest.

"All right, then let's go"

Seven stalls and two luggage cars are taken and set off for the outdoor area.

The fact that this many stalls move at the top is not a story that is also true in the Inn Town. We walked wide down the stone streets, gathering the interest of the whole town as usual.

About eight days have passed since the earthquake, and the Inn Town seems to have regained a lot of calm.

I'm sure the house is still being repaired or something on the back street, but this apparent street is lined up with all the buildings that originally looked fine and sturdy, so it looks like they're recovering from the pain, at least on the surface. The expression of the people coming and going was also bright, and, you know, it felt like the damned heat had eased.

I also greeted Dora's fathers along the way and when I arrived in the prescribed space, there were already four or fifty guests waiting for me there.

Though it was more difficult than when I was distributing it for free, it feels more numerous than before. As we approached, people were cheering.

"I've been waiting for you! From today on, you usually do business, don't you?

"Yes, the gesture of the Marquis de Genos ended yesterday"

"Oh. I just wanted to thank you for the giva food. Before I left Genos, I wanted to eat something more splendid. Just get ready!

The concern of Zwei-Rutim that customers will also be reluctant to serve copper coins in the future if they distribute Giva dishes free of charge, etc., seems to have been a concern so far. Zwei-Rutim shrugs his narrow shoulders while silently preparing the stall.

(Thur-din, I wonder if it's ok......)

My consciousness was drawn to Malfila-Naham as he handed me how to install a stall.

At the end of the consultation, the Tour-Din stalls were to be installed at the southern end. Mime's, which has been the southern tip, is further south, and it was difficult to find out from me, located in the middle of seven stalls.

(Well, the stall business itself is handy, so you don't have to worry about anything... hmm, I'm kind of restless)

But I, too, can't just worry about Tour-Din. This is a new system of new members from today on. Tool-din's loss had to be backed up by us.

Of course Malfira-Naham is still on his first day, so he hasn't put it in the head count. The stalls of "Gibba's Pot Meat" were the preserve of me and the three women of Malfira-Naham and Matua working together.

"Well, first of all, I'll give Malfira-Naham a hands-on tour of customer service, so it's better to cook."

"Yes, I'll take care of it"

Though the Matua women, the next younger of the Tour-din, she was the most powerful of the daily personnel. Besides, he has a bright personality and excellence in customer service, so he let us incorporate him into today's members to serve as a good example.

In the left and right stalls, Yun-Sudra and Yamir-Ray are partitioning the stalls with their respective assistants. Yun-Sudra and others who entrusted the new menu "Pasta with Meat Sauce" had a clearer face than usual.

"Is that it? Looks like the food over here is different than usual. You used to use caron's milk and kimmus' eggs, didn't you?

Yun-Sudra nodded "yes" with a smile when a customer who was waiting for the pasta to boil up said so.

"It has been a dish called Boona, and today it is a dish called Mi and Tosu. I think they're both equally delicious."

"Yeah. Is this Tarapa's broth? In the meantime, one plate, please."

"Yes, please wait a moment"

The food is finishing in stalls everywhere, and there's so much hustle and bustle and aroma all around. Malfira-Naham, who was waiting next to me, was breathing along with a strange voice, "Ha-ha-ha".

"And, and before I did my job, I was going to be blinded. You're as hot as a feast."

"Right. This is the busiest time around Jomtien."

We haven't finished cooking yet, so neither will our work.

Then a Jagal customer, who was in the front row, turned to Malfira-Naham with a candle of glance.

"Don't look at my daughter there the first time. Maybe you're new here?

"Ah, yes. I'm going to need you to help me with the stall today."

"Yeah.... you're a little tall daughter, like the people of the east"

Malfira-Naham was beginning to swim his eyes with tremendous momentum.

While I stretch my back, I say, "I'll be fine."

"There are a lot of people in the south who talk all the time. It may sound a little rough, but you don't have to worry about anything."

"Oh, yeah, is that right? Something sounded abominable..."

"I'm sure you've got feelings for the people of the east. South and east are hostile."

Whispering at each other like that, Jagal customers twitched.

"What, did I make you feel bad about something?

"No, it's never like that -"

"I'm sorry. I'm hungry and I'm worried. I'm not complaining about anything, so let me cook quickly."

Then the Matua women, who were sifting through the tree bell in the iron pan, raised their faces.

"Thank you for waiting. We've finished ten meals."

The contents of the iron pan are transferred to a large plate and the Matua women immediately begin to bake new ingredients. It was our job to divide this into small plates, accompanied by a wooden spoon and baked potatoes, and to receive even copper coins.

"Yes, thank you for waiting. Two red copper coins."

"Three servings this way, please!

"Yes, that's six red copper coins. Four red copper coins in return."

At its peak first thing in the morning, it runs out of ten meals of food and so on instantly. So when he returned to waiting time again, Malfira-Naham was swimming his eyes again.

"Ko, Ko, this is pretty lame. Yes, come on. I'm losing confidence."

"Anyway, it's important not to panic. Next time you finish cooking, try the job of accepting copper coins. For one serving, the price is two red copper coins, and the change is in this bag."

"Ha, yes. Roger, sir."

The contents of this work have been communicated on the way to Cebu Town today. Still, Malfira-Naham had a tense face and was waiting for the ingredients to bake up.

When the dish was finally finished, a slightly stronger man said, "Give me a lid plate" and abandoned it.

"Ha, yes. It's a lid plate, red copper coin, four."

Murphyra-Naham smiled.

Only the corner of my mouth lifts and I'm not laughing at all at the sight. While offering copper coins, strong customers were pulling themselves aside like a little.

"Hey, what the hell, you're so thin. Are you complaining about something?

"Yes, yes, no, not at all"

Malfira-Naham received the copper coin, laughing at it.

Afterwards, customers shook their bodies all the time, echoed back, reacted poorly, but their feelings seemed to be one. Visitors with parents and children, for example, were frightened children who had taken care of their mothers.

"... wah, am I creepy...?

When the dish ran out for ten, Malfira-Naham erased his strange grin and looked back at me. Somewhere, quietly.

"Oh, no, that's not true. But you don't have to laugh."

"Oh, well... well, I've often been told I have no affection, so I tried to be a little bit more affectionate..."

"Yeah, I see. I think that's a fine mind."

That was what I meant. To the best of my knowledge, humans with a loving laugh just because they're in business have never existed in forestside settlements before.

(I guess as a woodland lady, she's a pretty distinctive type)

But that would never be a bad thing. I could feel Malfira-Naham being an honest man.

"Hey, Asta! Good luck today!

And such a voice echoed in the pretense.

Looking back, the facades of the architect stood in the front row of the pasta stall. It was Aldas who spoke to me.

"Good morning. You came early today."

"Oh. I'm stuck at work after Jomtien, so I thought I'd keep my stomach shut right now! But this time of year, it's crowded."

In the shadow of Aldas, he also firmly refrained from Balan's eulogies. And then there's another young man hired locally, telling Yun-Sudra to place an order.

"It's crowded, so we split it up and lined up in the stall. I'm sure the Maytons will be turning around soon."

"Was I? I hope you like your pasta because it's the first time I've served it in a stall."

"Oh, this guy looks delicious!... By the way, I think I had a daughter by the woods who was selling dishes that weren't gibberish at that end of the line, but what was that?

"That's selling sweets. Try it later, if you like."

"Oh, sweets! Maybe that Lew was served at home, a strange treat?

Steamed pudding was served as an after-dinner dessert on the day that three architects were invited to the Lou family.

Let Aldas shine his eyes in anticipation, and I shook my head "no".

"But I think it's an unbeatable treat. I had a taste of it yesterday, but it was fantastic."

"I'm looking forward to that! We'll have fun after you taste Giva's dishes!

The origin of sugar and Panem honey is Jagal. Therefore, I heard that sweet sweets are preferred to Genos in Jagal.

The old man and others are softening their bodies as soon as possible. Once Rimi-Lou's steamed pudding was very popular with three guests.

"Um, what does that stall look like?

"Like what? Well, that was pretty crowded. Not as good as our stall."

If it is still an accomodation town where the presence of sweet treats has not yet penetrated, it may still force some struggle. For a different reason than your old man, I was supposed to twitch.

"By the way, how are you feeling about living in your new home? You wouldn't be doing anything wrong, would you?

And I nodded, "Of course I did," because the old man asked me that.

"My parents and I are very satisfied. Thank you for a wonderful home."

"Hmm. I just did a job worth the price"

So the pasta boiled up, so the ladies grabbed a wood plate in both hands and pulled it over to the Blue Sky Dining Room.

In the meantime, I finished this dish, so I'll ask Malfira-Naham to pick up the copper coins again. Marfila-Naham, who had stopped laughing lovingly, was diligently encouraging her to work as she drew her mouth to perfection.

(Yeah, you don't seem to remember things badly)

In the meantime, I don't misaccount for copper coins, nor is it that rushing wind. Better than the impression of appearance, I thought the gallbladder was also seated.

Mayton finally arrives in the next turn, so I'll exchange words with you, and I'll take the dish. That's how the first peak of the morning subsided as the waves pulled away.

"Okay. I think this will take a breather. Guests' feet will slow down for a while, so let's have a look at my serving carefully."

"Ha, yes. Um, caution, how do I...?

"You first learn how much I serve, by appearance. If I remember, I'll actually have it served this time."

"Oh, well... I mean, I've been watching it with caution..."

"Oh, yeah? Then let's practice a little."

The large plate still contained about three pieces of ingredients.

Malfira-Naham grabs the ladle and divides it into wooden dishes for one name.

I felt like I had seen it, the portions seemed appropriate, and the form of the serving was beautiful.

"Yeah, that sounds good. Why don't you split the rest of it up?

"I understand, sir."

Malfira-Naham nicely split the rest into two equal portions.

I haven't spilled the sauce, and it would be a finish that I can serve to the customer as it is. The Matua women, who were removing the dirt stuck in the iron pan with a wooden slab, were circling their eyes "heh".

"Malfira-Naham, you're a lot clever. Were you handling similar dishes to this at home?

"Yes, yes, no, at Naham's house, I only buy about Aria and Poitan... let it be, when baking meat or aria at best, about using fruit liquor"

"Then you're really clever. I could not serve that beautifully from the very first day."

Malfira-Naham was bowing his head in a frightened manner as the Matua women smiled in a frantic manner.

A new customer arrives there and buys a dish served by Malfira-Naham. The Matua ladies began to cook a new portion as the three-meal dish soon sold.

"Malfira-Naham swallows fast. I think we'll be alone soon."

"And, that's outrageous. I'm desperate to make sure Asta doesn't bother you."

When Malfira-Naham thus began to bow his head again, the round-trip was a little more bothered.

A Totos car approached from the north corner of the castle. What emerged from it was the envoy of the Marquis of Genos, who always received confectionery from Tour-Din.

"I beg your pardon during your work.... Oh, is Lord Tour-Din absent?

The magnificent emissary, who brought in the martial officer and his squire, looked around the stall face a lot more anxiously. From here on out, I guess I couldn't discover what Tour-Din looked like.

"Tour-Din is on the far side of the street. Don't worry, I was well prepared for the confectionery today."

"Oh, did I? I was worried that this one misheard the sunshine."

If Tul-din's confectionery could not be delivered on the scheduled day, Odifia would be a little discouraged. The apostle's man was breathing in a manner of heartfelt relief.

"But you're working a long way off today. In fact, I have also been offered a message to Lord Asta of Fa's house and to the Lew family..."

"Then why don't we talk to Tour-Din?"

This was a one-of-a-kind opportunity to see how Tour-Din was doing. When I turn my gaze, Yamil-Ray, who worked in the next stall, shrugs his shoulder.

"This one's still busy, so I've got my hands full. When a customer comes to your stall, can we just help them not to fail?

"Yes, please. Murphyra-Naham can do the same thing now, so just look at him for any deficiencies."

Thus, from the stalls of the Lew family, Limi-Lew ascended. That's what Raina-Lou told me, apparently because we're talking about tea parties.

So when we went out to the south end of the street, there was a huge crowd there.

Just after eating in the Blue Sky Cafeteria, the architects' faces flocked to the stalls in a general outing. Twenty southerners stormed them, and Tour-Din and the others looked rough.

"Oh, Asta! This is delicious! Giva's cooking was supposed to make me bloated, but I ate four of them!

Aldas, who noticed me, said that out loud.

Instead, the old ladies and the maitons quietly cling to the confectionery. Apparently, Tour-Din's confectionery succeeded in shooting through the facade mind of the architect.

Tul-din's prepared stall treats are steamed buns.

The method of making it is little different from that of 'Giba-Man'. It is a confection steamed with fuwano dough in a steam cage.

Of course its dough is made of sugar, caron milk and kimus eggs, tailored to taste like sweets.

And wrapped inside that dough was a spring of chocolate cream stuffed with guinea leaves.

Gigi leaves are more of a luxury ingredient. If you use it in large quantities, the cost will jump, so it can't be a product in the lodging town.

However, only one teaspoon and which spring was used for this bun, so the cost ratio was about the same. A small dough about six or seven centimeters in diameter is enclosed with a teaspoon of spring, and the price is four per red copper coin. Of course, it's okay to buy two pieces for one split.

Originally, Tour-Din intended to sell biscuit-like confectionery. Mass production is also easy with stone kilns, and here too, chocolate can be used to expand the novel delicacies to accomodation towns. With that in mind, I suggested something called a chocolate chip biscuit.

but there is no such thing as a stone kiln in Accommodation Town. Then no matter how much the confectionery calls for reputation, it won't be a reference for other sellers, so we talked about getting out of the way of purpose.

Our aim is only to soak up the delicious taste of confectionery in the Inn Town and encourage the consumption of sugar and honey. If people who know how delicious confectionery tastes don't order confectionery from other stalls and cafeterias, their purpose will not be achieved.

So it was the bun made of this gigigi, "Gigi-man".

If it is a steam cage, through previous study groups, many inns already have it. Gigi leaves are also ingredients that can be purchased as long as copper coins are served. This should have made it possible for the people of the Inn Town to follow up and sell similar treats.

"... Gigi leaves used for this confection are the ingredients of Sims, I hear. Totally abominable."

While stating so, the old man is throwing 'Gigi Man' into his big mouth. I don't know how many I bought, but there were still other "Gigi Mans" on my hands.

"Hey Tour-din. That's a lot of noise."

Tour-din laughed back at me when I called him that way.

"Until just now, it wasn't. However, I think these people liked it..."

But I'm sure if so many people were making a scene, that would be the calling water. The people who were about to line up in the Giva food stalls were also watching over this noise by stopping for something.

After bypassing such people, finally the men of the messenger also appeared beside the stall.

"Thank you for waiting.... Perhaps Lord Tour-Din is selling sweets?

"Oh, thank you very much. It's a treat for Odifia, isn't it? I'll take it with me now."

Tour-Din handed over the store number to the Lid ladies and brought a fold box wrapper from the luggage.

The messenger who receives it compares the wrapping to the steam cage of the stall.

"... Is this confection separate from what is sold in the street?

"Oh yes... because street treats can't be very luxurious to keep the price down..."

After stating so, Tour-Din raised his face as he thought.

"So, but I hope Odifia can try the street treats too... is it possible for you to deliver this one with me...?

"Of course it is. Princess Odifia will want that, too. Here, can you pack that sweet?

When the messenger had stated so, the squire who had refrained behind him had finally offered a new folding box. This is how they hand over empty boxes every time to receive new treats three days later.

"Is Lord Tour-Din planning on selling this sweet again tomorrow?

"Yes. I'm going to keep selling this sweet for a while."

"Then I'm sure Princess Odifia will want that every day, too. The new vessel will be given to you tomorrow when you are home."

There was no way to take care of it, and the messenger was smiling calmly. I guess he's someone who understands Odifia's behavior.

"How much is the price of this sweet?

"Oh, here, this one will be four for one red copper coin"

"Really? Well, I'd like about twenty, please."

"Huh? And as many as twenty?

"Yes, I'm wondering if anyone else would like to be spoken of... when rewarming, you can use a steam cage, right?

"Yes. If you eat within today, I don't think it will hurt you."

As such, the new folder was to be packed exactly with other 'gigi-mans'.

"Thank you. So here's a message from Lady Eurifia, the First Son of the Marquis of Genos -"

That was, after all, a request to Tour-Din and Limi-Luu to make confectionery at the Tea Party. During the Blue Moon, I was told that I wanted to ask for it.

"The earthquake that struck Genos is likely to make it necessary to repair the house in the woodland settlements… is it possible for you to take it on?

"Yes. I have forgiveness from the chief. However, I would like to ask you to wait until the commercial holidays of the stalls…"

"Of course it is. Were you sure the next holiday was on the 28th of the Blue Moon?

This messenger had visited the boarding town three days earlier, so he also knew about the stall schedule.

"Well, thank you very much. … and in doing so, is it possible to come again to Lord Asta?

"Yes, I was hoping I could accompany you again in the form of a cooking assistant, if possible"

"That's above all. … the owner of Count Turan's house had also been invited to the tea party, and he wanted to meet with Lord Asta."

Refraia is face to face even four days ago.

But of course, it couldn't have existed to me.

"So, the 28th of the Blue Moon. Say hello to the chief of the forest."

When the messengers finally walked away, Rimi-Lou said, "Wow!" He raised his voice.

"Tea party, you're hissing! Before this, it was only about the end of the rainy season... eh, it's been a huge hiccup anyway!

"Right. I'm looking forward to it too."

As we spoke that way, the faces of the architects who were still wandering by the stalls called.

"Hey, I didn't mean to interrogate you, but the Astas were invited to Castle Town?

"Besides me, these are the two people I've been invited to. Let's serve sweets to the ladies of Castle Town."

"Hey, you don't have those little daughters! You should be able to make some delicious confectionery with a whiskey!

With a lot of gaze pointed at him, Tour-Din is getting smaller. Next to that, Rimi-Lou was laughing "eheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh".

"I don't know about the Genos, but the people of the south would be very happy with this treat. I'm sure we'll be talking about it in our inn, so I think we should get more sweets ready tomorrow."

"Oh, thank you. It's very comforting to hear you say that."

In response, Tour-Din looked up at me.

When I smile, Tour-Din can shy off his mouth, too.

Since the confectionery stalls were attracting quite a few customers, it seemed likely that Tour-Din's new business could also bear fruit safely.

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